Deborah's pov
I walked down the school hallways, thinking about what happened yesterday. Isn't it like really weird? I faint on the road and wake up on a bed. I just wanted to thank that person whoever it was that caught me. The creepy feeling never left me, but my insides were coiling with the urge to know who my saviour was. I knew he was at the cemetery, probably stalking me and then maybe following me when I was returning back home. But I knew that the man meant no harm, else he could have done bad to me if he wanted. But the question is, " who was he? And why was he stalking me?" I was lost in my thoughts when the bell rang and I had to hurry my way to art class which was the last for the day.
I entered into the class and saw Mrs. Peterson arranging the stools, two for a single canvas. Perhaps she had something special planned for the day. I could even see a some sort of ballot box on the teacher's table. Students started pouring in and we took our seats. A girl named Monika sat beside me. She was a loner and quiet and so was l and I didn't mean to make friends or anything so I decided to keep quiet. And fortunately, she didn't make any move which was okay.
" Attention class! Today we will be having a special activity. As for every year, I see some lazy heads hardly paying any attention and whiling away their time in art classes, so I decided to make it a bit interesting", she said. I could see many students eyeing curiously at her. Then she started again, " This time it will be a bit exceptional. Two of you will share a single canvas and do something creative. This is basically about teamwork. And I won't be assigning your partners to you."
A girl behind me squealed loudly, " Yes!! That means we get to choose our partners ourselves!!"
Mrs. Peterson glared at her saying, " Neither will you be choosing." There were murmurs all around. The excited girl frowned about her bubble being popped. I wanted to laugh badly but I stopped. " I have a lottery box ready. I'll call your names and you come pick up a paper and see who your partner will be. So let's start now, shall we?" She seemed pretty excited about it while I was mentally cursing myself. I felt being watched again. That creepy feeling from the cemetery overpowered my senses. I felt two holes burning at the back of my head. I looked back to see a pair of emerald eyes staring darkly at me. This day was definitely going horrible. First this pairing up thing. I was never good while teaming up. I preferred isolation. But pity me,I had to be stuck up with a random girl or worse, a guy for the rest of the year. And my encounter with Vlad made it worse.
" Derek McQueen!!", she shouted. Derek looked at his girlfriend nervously and walked to the box. I mentally rolled my eyes. Like come on dude. This is just pairing up for the art class. But things started getting really weird when people started ending up with their girlfriends or boyfriends. Every single one of them. Everyone was too happy to notice, or the ones who were noticed were speaking in whispers with a confused expression on their faces. One can say it was a coincidence, but every time it happens, it can't be said it was a coincidence. The people who didn't have their relationship partners in their class, ended up with a partner of the same gender. Now, things went really weird when Ethan Donalds ended up with Zack Fury and they were a gay couple. There was an unusual tension in the air and everyone sensed it. This seemed really weird. I looked back to see Vlad's reaction and what I saw kind of creeped and freaked me out.
His eyebrows were scrunched, his hands were clasped with each other so tight that his veins were popping, so hard that a bit of more pressure and they would tear through his skin. His was looking threatening enough...his Jaws were clenched and on tracing his line of gaze and vision, I found that his dark dangerous gaze was fixed on the head of the person who was picking up the lottery piece of paper. I knew something was up. I was sweating profusely. My heart was racing. I definitely knew that I was freaking out and was trying to hide it desperately. Soon, the people left were Tiffany Anderson, the queen bee of the school who was desperate and all fangirling over Vlad. Then there were the triplets, Hanna, Morgan, and Eric. And me and Vlad. " Vlad! ", Mrs. Peterson called. He stood up and made his way to the box. I could hear Tiffany fixing herself as if she already knew that she was about to be picked by Vlad. Truth to be told, I was mentally praying I didn't end up with him. Everybody was eyeing Vlad with curiosity. I was avoiding his gaze when what he said accelerated my heart to it's maximum. " Deborah" , he said in a deep, husky voice. Ugh!! This had to happen. I finally met his gaze when he passed by me back to his seat. I got many jealous stares thrown at me. Especially from Tiffany. All I knew was a single thing....I was definitely dead.