You are Mine
I gasp, inhaling a deep almost vicious breath as reality crashes back in on me, shuddering my brain around my head and I am startled awake back where I began in the infirmary, gripping onto Colton’s leg for dear life and so disoriented as my vision returns to normal. I can hardly breathe for a moment and have to drag air into my lungs while I get my bearings and shake my head to clear my blurry vision.
“What the hell?” It’s an automatic response, tartly said as I try to catch my breathe and Colton’s arm around my waist loosens as he let’s me go a little. He was holding me up I guess and I flop as I am released, using my hands on my knees to bend forward and finally pull myself together. It all starts to fade and the noises and smells of reality fully bring me back to clarity.
“That was a memory… I saw it too.” Colton’s voice is gravelly, as though he is just as shaken as me and I untangle myself from him and push to standing. My body spiking with unwanted tingles and feelings I cannot contain as so many things rush through my head. I guess we somehow mind linked while all three were connected and he got my memory too and could see what I did. My emotions are all over the place as though I just experienced something traumatic and he gets up to follow me around the bed, sensing I am not emotionally calm.
“Are you okay?” he can sense my weirdness in mood and I wrap my arms around myself to shut out the cold clawing feelings rising up to strangle me. I’m knocked sideways mentally, just needing a moment to claw my mind back together and figure out why my heart is pounding through my chest and I feel sickly and agitated. It’s more than the memory invading my brain, it’s what Sierra’s words told me.
“All I remembered before that was being asleep in that room and then waking up in a new place with other kids in the orphanage. There was nothing in between and now I know why. He must have taken me there and when I slept, I forgot it all. They told me the Munro family were gone but I never really understood what they meant by that. I was just a kid, and then they told me my family was dead and I never stopped to question anything beyond that.” My voice cracks, my throat aching with the effort as it drives home that now I understand fully that they were killed because of my mother and my gifts. All of them – my mother, my family, the Munroe’s, my whole pack died because of us and what we are…. The vampires were never the monsters in our midst. We were, the wolves and those of us who would slaughter women and children in the name of power. We created wars to cover our sins and let a hatred rage for centuries without learning from the mistakes. It makes my skin crawl to know the vampires were the innocents in all of this, they are just avenging their lost loves. They were fighting the Juan’s of the world for what he had done and now I am on the side that they are, in trying to find reason in the death of everyone I cared about.
“She really is a witch…. I mean I know I saw what the Doc said, and all of this, but seeing it. It’s a whole other thing.” Colton pulls me back to him with his voice, he sounds distant, his voice low as he turns his head to her and that spike of emotion hits my heard in the stomach once more. Tears threatening and the sudden rage shooting up through my stomach and chest, a pang of anger aimed his way. Remembering her words and what she said and first not the first time, I feel an anger so intense for Colton I could hate him.
“Why didn’t you just do it when you were meant to? …. This could all have been avoided. It would have been done and we would have remembered. Our gifts restored and taken another path! Why didn’t you just mark me when you had the chance?! You’re an asshole!” It’s a sob, the damn breaking and my hurt showing, set loose amid fury as tears hit my cheeks and I spin away from him, aware the medic in the far corner is trying to pretend she isn’t here and I am going to wake doc up. I don’t want people watching us or hearing us fight. I want all of them to lave me alone while I go somewhere and cry this all out.
“Hey?… Lorey? …what the? …” Colton seems surprised at my reaction, blanching at me as I walk off and as I stalk out of the room away from him, he doesn’t hesitate and follows me. Close on my heel as I get out of the doors into the middle corridor where he catches my wrist and tries to tug me back but I shrug him off, pull my hand away and keep going. My head is bubbling with the facts staring me in the face, my heart panging with the reminder he destroyed everything between us.
“Leave me alone. You ruined it all!” I’m crying brokenly, tears sodden with the outpour, wracking pain in my chest that makes it difficult to breathe as though an elephant is sat on my ribs but he does not relent and sticks to my ass trying to catch my hands.
“Baby, come on. Can we at least talk about this…about that? I know I fucked up, but this isn’t ruined! Just give me the opportunity to do something about it.” There’s panic in his tone, an attempt at gentle and soothing with a lot of confusion as to my turn in mood.
I storm down the corridor back to the room I was meant to sleep in and push the door open with a palm slam to the wood, swinging it open at speed so it crashes against the foot of the bed and exposes the room. I am in no mood for him anymore and I want to lay down and let this all wash away on a sea of heartbroken tears.
Colton doesn’t give up, he’s hot on my heel, relentless in his pursuit and almost suffocating me with his proximity. This time he catches my upper arm, grasps tight, yanking me to a halt as I proceed inside and spins me to him so I have no choice but to face him down. I tense, body turning stiff in defence mode and my eyes glow red in readiness to battle myself free.
“Talk to me!” He snaps the order at me but it only riles that inner fierce that hates when he tries to command me to do anything.
“Stop it. Let me go. I don’t want to talk to you. It’s pointless and it’s done. You were an idiot and you broke me, broke us and now my memory tells me all you had to do was mark me and it would have changed everything! Why did you have to screw it up? Why did you have to choose her over me?” I slap at his fingers on my arm and shove at his chest, making every effort to have him release me but Colton is as stubborn as I am and only tightens that grip and stands steady, turning around halfway to push the door closed behind us and conceal us in here. His face is showing hints of peeking anger in that furrowed brow and one dimple is prominent as a scowl slowly appears. His eyes amber to match my own fierce glow.
“Okay first – my marking you would have changed everything yes, and I regret it, I fucking do, Lorey, more than you will ever know, but we would never have found her. You had to run, I see that now, to be led to her and maybe any other way we wouldn’t have. My mother would still be hidden because of that choice. Secondly……… how can I fix the damage if you won’t give me a chance to try? I love you and we’re here together … I am not the one fighting this and I am not the one refusing to try. You were never second choice for me….. the problem was I didn’t want anyone else and didn’t have ANY fucking choice.” His tone is both tinged with anger yet also not. He’s mad that I am resisting and making this physical, pissed at me for what he thinks is my being over dramatic but he’s trying to get through to me and communicate with that subtle hint of control and softness he is trying to insert and it just makes me break all the more. Sagging as tears pour down my face and I keep tugging at his fingers like a spoiled child to be set free. Unable to really do much more as energy drains from me. I’m exhausted and this isn’t helping.
“How can you fix it? You marked her…. You betrayed the bond and you’re linked to another forever. I won’t be your whore, and the memory said marking….not screwing. Let. Me. Go!” I tug one last time, glaring his way through watery eyes and he finally let’s go, with a weird sharp inhale and looks at me like I have two heads as I jump back out of his reach. My entire body wracked with the hurt I have been carrying all this time, my throat aching with finally saying it out loud and how much agony those words inflicted on my soul.
“I did what now?” Colton on the other hand seems a tiny bit shocked, a lot dumbfounded and his tone drops a level or two, his eyes on me honed in hard. His pulsating temper subdues to a low thrum and genuine confusions takes over his face with a deepening of his brows as he narrows his eyes on me and that dimple disappears again as his mouth straightens out.
“I felt it… don’t try and deny it.” I snap at him, consumed with grief and turn away, unwilling to let him manipulate me with fast words and untruths. Wiping my face with the back of my hand and pull myself together, trying so hard to find my inner rage again, over this damn stupid weakness at what he has done to us.
“We are linked – you and I. Meaning you feel things like my marking someone else. Which you couldn’t have because it didn’t happen! Is this why you are so fucking mad at me? You have this crazy notion in your head I marked Carmen?” The bitter way he says it, the tinge of anger and the less than friendly deliverance only fuel the tornado in me I was trying to reach and I spin back on him, eyes glowing painfully as my inner wolf jumps out to battle for me.
“Don’t you dare! I did feel it…the pain and betrayal about four days after I left, so don’t stand there and fucking lie to me about what you did! I’m not stupid.” I yell it at him, temper hitching and equally riled as I stand up to him, but he doesn’t back own. Colton can be scary a shell when riled and he seems to stand taller and bristle at my verbal attack. His eyes much like mine increase in glow of an equally pissed wolf and he reaches down to the hem of his t-shirt and yanks it up over his head in one swift hasty motion and throws it on the bed, exposing that tanned muscular physique. He spreads his arms out wide, looks me dead in the eye before turning slowly and giving me a full three sixty of naked upper torso.
“Show me…. Because marking, is a two-way thing and something I wouldn’t be able to hide! Look real hard because on my life, Lorey…I didn’t fucking mark anyone.” He bites it at me as he comes back to face me and the blood drains from my body leaving me cold inside as I take in his tanned skin free of mark. It’s hard to stay on this idea about marking when there is nothing at all on the flawless physique except inky tattoos on one shoulder and a lot of carved toned muscle. My anger simmers but she isn’t about to back down because I know what I felt!
In the woods that kind of pain and betrayal it doesn’t come from nothing and he had to have done something.
“Fine…. Okay, so maybe it wasn’t that, but what I felt was real. You obviously just screwed her then. Either way… this will never happen; the bond is marred and damaged and you did this to us.” I cross my arms across my chest, my fight dying because I was so sure and yet I am wrong. My heart pounding like a war drum within and my body is beginning to tremble with the excessive amount of pain and energy coursing through me. Colton looks like he might explode, standing menacingly close, a new rage ignited in that angular face as he tenses his jaw and grits his teeth.
“I DID NOT fuck her!! What is wrong with you? All this cryptic bullshit since I came for you…. The refusal to let me touch you, all this? You think I cheated on you? That’s what all of this was about? Because….you felt it? No Lorey, what you felt around four days after the mess hall conversation was me finding you gone. Was me coming back from four days recon with Matteo to find, not only the girl I had decided to fight for was gone and it utterly destroyed me, but my Beta, my best friend, kept it from me! Stopping me from being able to find you and betrayed my trust in the worst way, Meadow broke my heart with a betrayal... I came back for you, and to tell my father I would leave and take you with me if he stood in my way. She knew you leaving would break me and it did. I wasn’t going to mark Carmen; YOU are my mate, and have been since the second we imprinted no matter what I said or how I seemed, I always wanted you. I am devoted to you, crazy about you and I won’t ever be happy until I am marked to you! You’re my soul mate and I need you. Why in the hell would I fuck that up any more than I did?”
I stand in stunned silence, Colton breathy with the deliverance of an angry, then almost soothing to calm splurge of words, his whole demeanour softening as he reached the end and his eyes returned to chocolate brown as he let go of the rage and just tried to drive the point him that I was wrong. He stands now just looking at me with a slightly furrowed brow over that cute boy expression of forgive me and I can’t move. My stomach twisted in pain and caught in a world of confusion as his words reverberate through my mind and heart and I see saw a bunch of emotions all at once. Elation that in one rant he just wiped away all doubt and confusion about why he has been trying to hard to get us to connect romantically , the sweep of mad at myself that I left when I did and could have bene with him all along, but he is right about Sierra…I wouldn’t have found her otherwise and maybe the fates always intended this.
I feel so stupid, so guilty and ashamed and I regret that it took until now to know this. I look down at the floor unable to look him in the eye while shame washes through me and my own stupid pride takes a dent.
He didn’t break the bond, he didn’t betray me, and in fact he came home willing to fight for me, only to find me gone and it was too late. I am mad at myself for the weeks of shutting him out when one link and he would have told me to come home to him. Weeks of heartbreak and loneliness when he was always there waiting for me, looking for me, and not about to give up on us. He meant it…he really didn’t and I have held him at arm’s length because I believed his pain and betrayal was something else.
“Why didn’t you just ask me when I came for you? This could have been over then.” Colton steps towards me, his voice now low and level with regret seeping in. A soft little movement closer towards me to tighten the gap and surround me with his smell and presence and I stay still, eyes dropping to my feet in both apology and mental fatigue. Finally, able to let go of some of this anger and pain and it leaves a gaping heaviness within me because I have been carrying it for weeks. It was all so unnecessary.
“I didn’t think I needed to. I felt something…… we’re linked. I figured you knew that I knew.” I sound feeble, small, tears tinging my voice. Colton’s slides is hands up my arms from my wrists until one rests on each shoulder and he exhales heavily as he pulls me towards him so we are only inches apart. His touch and warmth soothing me with his gentleness.
“I had no idea you even thought it or I would have told you, Lorey. I had no idea this was in your head and assumed you would have known I didn’t mark her. I figured you were mad about how it ended and that I made you feel like leaving was the only option. I’m sorry baby, for everything but I swear on my pack, on my life, on us, that I haven’t done anything to betray the bond, I have stayed true to you. I’ll project every memory you don’t have of our time apart and prove it.” His soft voice falls over me like a warming balm and I break down into stupid little sobs and thrust myself at him to be held. I’m the one who needs a little forgiveness sin this moment, so easy to break when I know he never did anything to make me hate him.
Colton doesn’t hesitate and wraps me up in his arms tight and presses me to his chest, a full body hug, safe and secure as all the pain and heartbreak ebbs away and I cry for everything I have gone through these past weeks. Hating him, needing him, being broken hearted over him. It all seems so foolish and nothing now I am wrapped up tight against him with his breath on top of my hair sweeping away all of it. The boy who was my rock and my words of wisdom, right back here where I need him and he does what Colton does best. He holds me up and soothes away my anxiety and tears.
“I’m sorry…” It’s a muffled pathetic noise I make against his solid smooth chest, his skin on mine is like coming home to the best place in the world and being enveloped in warm cosy safety.
“No baby. I am, for everything. This is my fault; I failed to do what I was meant to. I failed to nurture and protect my mate and didn’t even figure out how much pain you were in over a stupid misunderstanding. Forgive me, princessa…. Give me another chance to prove I can be what you need. What you deserve.” Colton leans back, sliding his hand between us to separate us a little, guides his fingers under my chin and tilts my face up to him so he can look me in the eye. The watery mess of a girl having an emotional break and he wipes my jawline with his thumb as he does so to catch some drips waiting to let go. Taking care of me, how he always does and it just makes it hurt with more intensity. I’ve been so stupid.
“For someone so strong, you sure like to cry a lot.” It’s a smile with humour, that shines back in his eyes and those dimples make a worthy appearance, melting me a little more. It makes me snort a small chuckle through my tears and I wipe my nose on the back of my hand, lightening my mood with a smile.
“That’s because my mate’s an asshole and he inflicts it.” I point out sarcastically, still trying to dry my face as he begins to help by lifting his shirt and using it to dab my skin dry for me. Colton leans in and head bops me on the forehead with his softly, and sighs at me, his dimples back on show hinting at a subtle smile.
“Mate huh? Thought that was never happening again?” a naughty gleam, a cheeky knowing grin spreading across his face and despite how much I love him, I have the urge to knee him in the balls for joking at a time like this.
“Don’t push your luck. I have plenty to still be mad about.” I shove him back by placing two hands on his chest, finding a little of that strength he goes on about and pulling myself together once more, swallowing the sobs and sniffing away the mess. Colton lets go of my face and catches me by the hips instead, with fast reflexes and hauls me back so we bump groins and nestles me against him.
“Yeah but…. I know how to fix it. I have a tried and tested method that seems to always work on you.” That sly gleam, and before I can open my mouth to question that response with a ‘what?’, he swoops in faster than the speed of light and kisses me hard on the lips, locking his mouth to mine and fastening us together passionately. I am too stunned to react at first, as his warm soft lips fit perfectly to the curves and grooves of mine, warming my skin and silencing my upset fully, but almost like he hit a button, the fire inside of me ignites and I open my lips a little to let him in.
Colton kisses me softly at first, teasing my lips with this tip of his tongue as I respond and find a rhythm in the deliciousness of kissing him again, so many feelings brimming to the surface and sweet pains at knowing his touch like this once more. We always worked this way and as I let it develop into French kissing, with tongues smoothing one another and lips pressed tight, our faces almost connected , I slide my arms around his neck and pull him as close to me as I can. Absorbed in him with no more mental voice trying to drag me away anymore. I wanted him always. I loved him even when he broke me and this is what I have longed for.
Colton slides one hand over my ass, cups it smoothly and lifts me to him with that aggression of a horny wolf, while his other arm snakes across my upper back and his hand finds the base of my neck, holding me tight as he slides it under my hair and cocoons me within his hold. He presses us hard together so my curves fit his hard angles and I am left feeling small and fragile within his muscular arms. Wrapped up tight like he will protect from all the dangers in the world. MY feet free of floor and I left my feet behind me and let him hold me fully.
Nothing is going to stop it this time, as fire builds between us and this pulsing need almost winds me with the ferocity it consumes me. My body throbbing with need and desire and I turn up the heat on his kiss, nibbling his bottom lip ravenously and revelling in the way he matches the desire. Colton subdues my fierce with his own special way of sticking his tongue between my teeth before pulling out and sucking my button lip in such a way it almost makes my panties self-combust. Lust spreading through my loins so that I am wrapping myself around him all the more in any way humanly possible. My fingers in his hair and gripping tight pulling my knees up so He slides me around his waist and bounces me up higher in his grip. Tilting his head back to keep kissing me and I bring my chin down to stay glued to him as I am now higher than he is. My gentle turns savage and this all-consuming ache to be fulfilled cries out for him.
We lose the softness of the make out session and turn almost feral in desire. Grip tightens, kiss turns from romance to aggressive consuming of one another as we continue and Colton runs his fingers into the under layer of my hair and tugs my head back so he can access my neck with dominance. Tracing his tongue and teeth down my throat before allowing me to pull my mouth back down to be rewarded with another taste of him. This overwhelming energy inside of me takes over and somehow being wrapped up this way is not enough, even though Colton has lifted my feet from the floor and has me suspended in mid-air, straddling him. I want to be able to explore his naked torso with my tongue, to feel every part of his skin on mine and we have clothes in the way.
I break free, dropping my legs down again and push his face sideways with my hand on his jaw to lean down to kiss his neck, licking over the pulse in his jugular, tracing from jawline to Adams apple as he slowly puts me back on my feet. His skin is slightly salty yet delicious with that unique smell and taste that is only his and it pushes the need higher inside of me. My blood hitting boiling point and all I want is to experience his mouth on every inch of my skin. My body heating from inside and my core is almost pulsating with a strong need to feel him within me. I want to be joined to him in intimate ways that are only meant for us, I want to taste his blood and mark my mate.
As soon as my feet hit the floor, I shove him hard backwards with a new found strength, away from me with a giggle, biting on my bottom lip to curb this insane horniness that’s threatening to overtake me, so he hits the bed and topples over with a manly chuckle. Colton smiles, rights himself to sitting position and props one hand behind him so he can lean back and watch me. His eyes devouring me, glowing amber with ignited passion and I can almost feel his heart pounding in time with mine.
“I want you so badly I can’t take it.” He utters in a husky tone that is almost inaudible but it fuels me onwards and I climb on top of him as he now sits on the bed and begin to untie the cord of his dark sweat pants of his waist, feeling confident that he is mine to do what I want to, nestling over him so my hands are between my legs to access him.
Colton sits up so he can use both arms, slides his hands up my throat and circles around my jaw, burying his fingers in my hair before tugging me down and continuing to kiss me until he has me breathless. Leaving me to pull his sweatpants loose while he focuses on teasing my tongue with his once more and I close my eyes and savour the way he feels. Nothing matters anymore, all the weeks and tears and fights of the past, all that matters is how good this feels and how every one of my senses are screaming at me to make him mine.
Once I am done untying him, I let my hands roam over his chest and abs, appreciating every solid form of hot smooth sexiness, up and down until I slide over those mass of shoulders and feel out every inch open wide to me. Enjoying the fact I get to explore without boundaries and that I have the right to do it. As he has with me.
He is a perfect specimen and just his body alone makes me hot and willing to lay back and have his puppies. I want him, my inner thighs are throbbing and damp and I am aching for him to put his hands anywhere he pleases much like I am doing but I feel like he is being respectful and cautious as to how far he can go. He isn’t sure if this is leading to sex or just a heavy petting session and I can feel his hesitation ebbing my way.
“Are you going to do this or keep making me wait?” I break from his lips teasing him, inviting him to take this further and smile naughtily so he doesn’t misunderstand, his eyes locking on mine and he matches my own seductive smile.
“Oh baby, you’re not getting out of this room until I’ve done everything I’ve been thinking of doing to you for the past weeks… Do you know how badly I’ve wanted this, how many dreams I’ve had about being able to do this to you? I swear you’ve been a star in so many pornographic wet dreams.” Colton doesn’t give me a second to answer that but catches me in another kiss, catching hold of me and flips us over with an expert speedy move so I end up flat on the bed as he crawls on top of me and holds himself off my body with strong arms. I guess hot dreams about one another were not a one-way thing then. If those are anything like reality then Colton better buckle down and hurry up.
He doesn’t break the kiss he has me caught in and I seek out the smooth plain of hard muscle with my palms and feel my way over him. Colton leans on one elbow to keep himself propped up, his other hand slides down my thigh until he finds the hem of my nightshirt. He slides a hot flat palm under the edge, tracing up the curve of my hip, and abdomen before smoothing all the way to my right breast and cupping it firmly. Squeezing and caressing my nipple through the thin lace of my bra until he has me arching and wriggling under him in a frenzy of ‘take me now’
It feels unlike anything I have ever known, his touch searing my skin while touching me in places no one else has, but it throbs and aches in such a good way I want him all over me in every private place I possess. I never knew a touch could ignite fire and longing with this insane intensity but his does.
There is a mix of apprehension and nerves in the pit of my stomach as we get hot and heavier, despite wanting it more than air and Colton lowers his pelvis between my thighs and gently grinds against me, igniting a craving with the goodness of his attention. I moan and bite his bottom lip, gripping his shoulder as I lift my hips to him and push him to do it harder as sensation arouses me fully and I swear I have never been so ready to finally lose my virginity. This dry humping thing he has going on is enough to push me over the edge and I am almost insane with the craving to get him inside of me. If all of this is nothing like the end result then I have no desire to keep waiting. Only my niggles and worries in the back of my mind are stopping me from pulling my own clothes off and prompting him faster.
I have heard it can hurt; there were horror stories from other girls in the home, even those who paired up and marked. They said that it’s not always a pleasant thing the first time, that it can be sore and dry and awkward , especially if your mate’s a virgin too and I try and push it out of my head, unable to see how something that feels this insanely good can end up being awful. Colton is not a virgin, even I know that ad judging by his kissing skills, he knows something about a femmes body and how to pleasure her.
I cling to him, wrapping my legs around his waist and slide one hand between us to rub over the erection I can feel bulging through the material of his sweatpants in a bid to make him want to push us head with more haste and smile when Colton groans under his breath at my contact. Both hitting fever pitch excitement levels and he flips from over me, surprising me with the sudden departure that makes me go from insanely heated to instantly cold with the loss of his body heat.
“What are you doing?” I gasp in alarm, shock and outage all at the same time. Blurting it at him and throwing him a shocked look.“
“I’m going to end up pounding you into the bed and getting you pregnant the first time if I don’t go get something. Trust me I’m coming back; don’t you move a muscle. The infirmary has some; stay right here, exactly like this.” Colton leans up, taking hold of my knees and pushes them slightly apart with a wink and a smile of cheekiness , before swooping down and kissing me on the lips quickly. It elicits a giggle from me, that he’s both crude and cute at the same time and as soon as he darts out of the room I flop back on the bed, exhaling heavily, trying to calm my racing heart and pull in some much-needed air. He has me all kinds of crazy riled up, pulse all over the place and lungs labouring with his attentions. I lay a hand on my pulsating belly to try and calm down some of this crazy fire growing up inside of me before I self-combust and pass out and wave my free hand over my face to cool some of the intense flushing burning over my cheeks and forehead. I thank the fates I had the foresight to shower earlier.
I have a yearning that is insatiable and I can’t lay still, energy levels boosted and suddenly so antsy. I sit up and end up shuffling off the bed to pull my nightdress off, but he’s back in a flash as I get to my feet, obviously he hyper speeded there and back, equally desperate to do this and startles me with the return.
“Hey! … That’s not how I left you!” He comes up behind me and runs a hand up my abdomen, across my breast to give it another gentle squeeze from around me and kisses me in the space of my neck just under my jaw on my right side. Igniting tingles and butterflies within my belly all over again.
“I was going to take this off.” I tug at my shirt to show him and yelp when Colton spins me, almost knocking me over but catches me in his arm instead. He holds up a pack of condoms, shakes them at me with a mischievous glint in his eye that gets me blushing and looking away in a flash of embarrassment and throws them on the bed before kissing me lightly on the lips again. His kiss is addictive and I could have him do it to me every second of every day.
“Allow me.” He leans in and yanks the hem of my shirt up in one fluid movement as my arms come up automatically and he swipes the nightdress up and over my head and tosses it aside like it’s nothing but a flimsy obstacle. He takes a second to skim my body with his eyes, before latching onto my mouth again and kissing me as venomously as the first reunion, pushing me back into that feverish mode of needing him. Colton’s hands are hot and strong and they skim my body, seeking out my curves before sliding behind me as he unclips my bra in a smooth swift manoeuvre. Pulling us apart so he can untangle me from it, exposing and releasing my breasts and throws it aside. I don’t feel any kind of shyness, so invested in needing to be naked in him and allow him to take a moment to caress them before he slides his hands down my waist.
The breather has allowed some of my nerves to kick in and I swallow down subtle fear, my body trembling as he slides my lace panties down from my hips, slowly sexily completely undressing me.
“You’re beautiful in every way, my perfect girl. I couldn’t want you more than I do.” Colton whispers in a husky tone, right into my ear when he straightens back up and brings us back together, sucking my ear lobe and my knees almost give way with the erotic sensation. His breath fanning my cheek and shoulder and igniting goosebumps.
“I love you.” I have to say it to him, because it’s how I feel as I am consumed in every pore of my body and nerve ending with an undying need for him. Forgiveness: letting go of the past, all mixed up with desire and passion and so many emotions in the moment that the words tug at my throat forming a lump, but it’s not sadness. It’s complete adoration and an incomparable happiness that he is finally going to be everything I wanted.
Colton pulls back to rest his nose against mine gently, stroking my hair back from my face and smiles at me in that knee weakening, full on dimples way. Slowing down the tempo and breathing out slowly with me as he his touches softens.
“I want to hear that multiple times a day for the rest of my life. I’m crazy in love with you. I’ll never let you down again; ever, I swear. You’re my priority. The Luna the people need, the Luna I need. I’ll never doubt us or put you second again. I needed to lose you to realise how stupid that was, how fucked up my priorities were, because your mate should always come first. You will always come first.” Colton kisses me on the forehead, a grazing light tenderness that makes me feel delicate and special, igniting the butterflies inside of me and the softer side that is not consumed by lust.
“Unless you turn into a power crazed psychopath!” I point out in quiet humour and get a white flash of gorgeous smile for my efforts, even if it was a tongue in cheek remark that might have upset him. A lightness of the intense heavy moment.
“In that case I give you permission to taser my ass and keep me shackled to the bed for your pleasure. I would happily live like that for as many years as it took to cure me of my crazy.” He swoops down, catching my lips while simultaneously scooping me up under the butt and lifting me to him so I end up straddling him around the waist once more and catching his shoulders with my hands to stop myself falling back. He carries me back to the bed this way, never breaking his kiss on mine and I wrap my arms around his neck fully, entwining him, never wanting to let go ever again. So many times I almost had him and he slipped through my fingers, but not this time. He’s my captive and I will fight tooth and nail to keep him here.
Those weeks of being apart, the heart ache and pain from being imprinted on him and yet always turned away, all fall around us to dust like they don’t matter anymore. His touch a balm that heals so many wounds, pushes so many painful emotions completely out of me, and the confidence in knowing he will never reject me again gives me new life. He is in control here, and no sign of doing anything except marking me and finalising the union with sex. He’s mine, finally. And there is nothing going to come between us or stop us this time around.
Colton drops me on the bed gently, and steps back while he strips off his pants and boxers, kicking of his socks and shoes in the process while I scoop my socks off and throw them past him, two completely naked people with glowing eyes as wolves peek and urge us to unite them too. We take a silent, almost synchronised second to admire the beauty in one another, in all our glory, both liking what we see.
The way he looks at me, eating me with his eyes and devouring every inch makes me feel sexy and desirable and that tingle of need flushes over me once more, dampening the nerves and hesitations and I reach for him. Colton takes my hand and climbs on the bed, pushing me back against the cushions and nestles over me in a less hostile manner than our make out the first time. He strokes my hair back and fully lays his body into mine, all curves and angles matching and he slides between my thighs to find a comfortable position.
“Are you nervous?” he asks, losing that wildfire in his eyes and toning down to a simmer as he picks up on my underlaying anxiety. Lifting his hand and stroking a thumb across my bottom lip as gentle as a fluttering butterfly. The calm in him pushing through his crazy hormones and it does so much to help me simmer too.
“A little.” I admit, not liking that this softness is quenching the flames of passion and bringing the fear to the forefront a little. I think I would prefer getting lost in the haze instinct and have him just do it when I’m wound up and crazy for him, even if it hurts that way. Get it over and done with so I can then know what the after feels like and experience future times, as it’s meant to get better the more you do it. My stomach lurches with a bout of nerves and I swallow down the apprehension.
“I will try not to hurt you. We can go slow, be gentle. Marking doesn’t have to be crazy and aggressive and bouncing around the furniture. Your first time should be special. Besides, If I don’t calm down I may only last like five seconds max.” Colton’s heart is beating as fast as mine but as he utters soothing words I can feel him physically beginning to level out, his own passion and desire simmering because he is pulling the emotion through instead of the lust and it’s dampening both of us as we feed from one another.
“I think I just don’t want to anticipate…I’m ready to just do it.” I frown at him, my innocence showing and he laughs softly. Bringing that hand and smoothing down my cheek, the obvious adoration in the way he looks at me.
“You clearly don’t know what foreplay is or, you know…the joy of working up to it.”
I blush at that and he leans in and kisses me, grinding his erection against my intimate places, skin on skin and I gasp in ecstasy at the unique pleasure waves it causes to ripple through my stomach and up my legs.
“See… sex is about more than just getting it in there. Trust me. I ’m not about to make OUR first time together uncomfortable because you aren’t ready.” Colton strokes his fingers down my throat and across my breast and ignites that same pleasure, caressing my skin so it almost burns with his touch and those warming churning feelings between my legs stir up again to fever pitch. They never lay low for long, even when he’s taking a breather. One touch and he stokes the fire right back up to where it needs to be and I stop worrying about going slow.
He moves down my body and kisses first my throat, then slides down and licks my nipple before teasing it between his teeth and I almost arch into a snappable position, lifting my spine off the bed and moaning like crazy with that contact. Colton doesn’t relent, he works down my body, kissing, licking and caressing and slides his hand between my thighs, carefully, waiting on sound of my refusal before he gently rubs across my aching core, his fingers trailing between the folds and smoothing a dampness across from within me..
I almost spasm with the mind-blowing sensation it elicits. That simple caress down there almost sends me over the edge and I grab his hair and bury my fingers into the longer length on top to grip onto him as he moves further down. Colton takes it as a sign that I like it and carries on with a second caress, this time circling at the front and almost making me squeal it feels so good.
I close my eyes and give way to the sensation as Colton gently pushes my legs apart for better access at the knees and lifts one of them up to open me fully to him. I tense in anticipation waiting on the piercing pain because I think he’s going to enter me and I have worked myself up into believing it will happen like they told me it would. Sharp agony and dry grating uncomfortable thrusting and groan out in surprise when a hot warm tongue probes me instead. I wasn’t expecting him to put his mouth down there and despite the surprise I almost melt because it’s honest to god the best feeling in the world.
“Oh god” the sensation is nothing like I imagined, not even close. Colton sucking and licking down there, warm and wet yet unbelievably good. Something that should feel icky or weird or even unbearably embarrassing, instead is making my toes curl and me gasp for more. Clutching at him to urge him to do it harder. The pleasure runs up my limbs, warms my stomach and the motion of what he is doing has me writhing about the bed in seconds, making noises like a dying animal and all I can do is grip onto his hair and try not to completely implode.
Colton doesn’t stop what he is doing and something firmer, longer and stiffer gently slides inside of me a little way I almost experience my first inner explosion. I assume it’s the beginning of an orgasm due to this being the first time I have been sexually ignited and touched down there but as I have no idea what that is meant to feel like I can only assume. It pushes me to pant and let go of him to grab the bed sheets as I focus on doing nothing but succumbing to how amazing this feels, lifting my hips in time to the way he’s probing me. If I knew sex was like this, I maybe wouldn’t have been so subtle with Colton these past weeks. I would have just pushed him up against a wall and molested him.
“Good, huh?” His smug tone comes at me but I can’t answer, only breathe in short raspy gasps as waves of growing heat and tingles start in my toes and begin to work their way up my limbs, pelvis, making me tremble uncontrollably and as he continues to slide what feels like a finger gently in and out of me only a little way. His tongue back on the frontal portion as he sucks and licks my clitoris and I groan heavily in response to his question, pulling my knees up as my body can’t stay still from the extreme ecstasy coursing through my limbs.
“Oh god , oh god…. Mark me . I swear if you don’t get up and just do this, I might eat you.” It’s a crazy breathless whine as need consumes me and something big builds up in my stomach and nerve endings that feels like climbing . Even though what he is doing feels divine and I am so close to some weird precipice, I want to feel him instead of his hand. If that can send me into a spiralling mess of goo then I want the real thing and experience what that can do.
Screw foreplay…mark me already.