Changing Times
After Juan is done making his announcement , the Santo’s start to file out of the room slowly, a wave of murmurs and noises as they begin to discuss what was said and where we go from here. You can feel the tension thickening, the uneasiness and nervousness as it sinks in that this is real and life as we know it is about to change dramatically. Colton pulls me aside tucking us out of the way of the door to let people pass and grabs a passing male who is very familiar to me.
“Matteo, take Alora to our communal room and wait for me there. Assemble the team, I want to talk to you all. I won’t be long; my father wants me.” He nods out towards the front of the room, still concealed by moving people and I instantly feel sick and apprehensive. Being left with someone and separated from Colton reminds me that for all the things I am mad at him about, I still feel safest when with him. He is my safety net and the only person in the world who cares about me in any kind of way.
“Dude, I don’t think that’s good idea. Carmen and Alora in the same room….she wil…..”
“Are you questioning me?” Colton’s tone changes, his irritation fast to show face and that light aggressive air kicking in and Matteo looks away sheepishly. Questioning never goes down well and it just shows me that Colton is way more patient with me than even his closest.
“No, mi alfa, pido disculpas.” Matteo responds in Spanish showing the demanded respect, obviously chastised as his leader is Colton. Apologising and addressing him as his alpha. We have one major rule in our world – never query your alpha and never disobey. I forgot what that was like when living severed from any real pack and only having to follow basic rules in the home. Being here reminds me how it used to be when my family was alive, and we all followed Alexio Whytte before his family too was taken down and never returned. It makes me rethink Colton’s refusal to defy his father and leaves me churning it over in my head.
Colton and Matteo, they are in a sub pack, a smaller group divided from the main pack and lorded over by a dominant. This is how large packs like the santos keep everything running smoothly. They are called Beta packs and much like the hierarchy of leadership, even the sub packs rank in order of importance and command. Like smaller units in a bigger army with ranking officers and Colton’s is right up there in the top five. His fathers pack of beta and second commanders are number one. The order is dependent on skill, experience and how battle worn they are, and Colton’s sub pack were of an age to defend us ten years ago and all tasted real war on our lands. Even so young. It’s why they train together every day and are some of our most capable soldiers when needs be. I should never forget that even though Colton is not yet the Santo Alpha, he is one in his own right and in his own sub pack and I underestimated the importance of his responsibilities.
“Go with him, he will keep you safe.” Colton leans in pulling me to him so he can talk softly , almost nose to nose, that gentler tone waving through me. That sweet look I have realised is only reserved for me and he reluctantly pushes me nearer Matteo until I feel his hand on my shoulder. An unfamiliar touch and I flinch at the contact.
“The rest of the pack are not going to like this.” Matteo points it out , raising a brow at Colton but is met with a completely blank stare that I can tell was a move from verbal conversation to mind. Whatever Colton says Matteo looks away again and gently taps me to nod towards the door that people are filing out of. He flushes lightly, his face reddening high in his cheek bones and I guess he just got a quiet dressing down away from listening ears.
I Won’t be long. Try and not engage with Carmen.
I nod at him, not anywhere close to feeling as confident as I pretend, before turning on my heel, steeped in nervous energy and let Matteo guide me with that single hand on my shoulder.
Matteo is as familiar a face in my memories as Colton was, as they were always together, like brothers or inseparable shadows. Having Colton’s memories show me that they are best friends, but Matteo is also one of his commanders and he trusts him completely. He is the one who teased him that day in the lake, from the memory Colton showed me and I guess he already knows that a long time ago Colton knew how I was. That Colton harboured some sort of feelings.
I walk with him now, side by side; a male as tall as Colton, and as broad. They share a lot of similarities and I wonder if they are maybe cousins or blood tied in a close way because they do look alike. Same dark brows and hair that is a little messy, like they have a natural curl although Coltons is shorter so harder to tell. Same darkest brown molten eyes and square jawline, although Matteo is not as clean shaven or groomed. His hair not as clipped or manicured and his eyebrows not as angular and tamed. Matteo is like the rougher version of Colton, who just rolled out of bed. He has a casual quality to him and is less pulled together and sharp. Colton takes pride in his appearance and his clothes and it’s obvious to everyone he comes from wealth when you see him on a normal day. Matteo seems less concerned and his worn faded jeans and grey hoodie don’t look designer.
“So, you’re Alora…. From the Whytte clan, right?” he nods my way as we dodge fast paced walkers and I am not oblivious to how many glance my way, sneers and weird looks as we pass them going to their rooms or wherever they have to be. My presence is noted and the vibes I am picking up on tell me that people know who I am , or that I am responsible for the trashing of their pack house. Everyone leaving the room at once has caused mayhem in this narrow corridor and I can’t tell which way we are even leaving as we are crammed among so many. It’s claustrophobic.
“Yes. I think we used to play in the same places as children.” I answer distracted as I avoid collision with oncoming traffic, trying to be polite but I’m too busy dodging large males pushing by and trying not to get trampled on.
“We did. I remember you. You had a brother Jasper, about my age.”
The use of his name from someone else’s lips sucker punches me unexpectedly and I have to bite my lip to stop the sudden inhale from the slice of pain it inflicts. Even after all these years I have never really fully mourned the loss of them. I try not to think of it and push it down whenever it surfaces.
“I did. He didn’t come back from the wars.” It’s a fast response as I shake my head to expel the vision of him, so like me in looks and turn my eyes to the ground instead to watch my steps. The comment about his age means Matteo is older than Colton by at least five years, if not more so it’s weird that Colton is the sub alpha and not Matteo. It gives me something else to focus on and not the memory of a brother I will never see again.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. I guess time is not a healer , like they say.” He seems momentarily uneasy and I try and smile his way, bringing my eyes back to his with a sympathetic look. It never is the right time to have these kinds of awkward conversations.
“I’m just not used to hearing anyone say his name. At the home it was forbidden to talk of our loved ones because they are seen as shamed. They failed our people by dying.”441Please respect copyright.PENANAQLo1Z1sIyG
Matteo frowns, something dark in the depths of his eyes, hinting at a reaction I don’t understand and then it’s gone.
“This way.” Matteo changes topic and points to a corridor veering off to the right of where we are, taking us out of the crush of people and into near silence of an empty passage. He stands for a moment looking around and I can tell he is mind linking, probably calling their pack to where we are going. It takes him a minute or so and then he turns his attention back to me.
“The rest are on their way so we may as well show you it before they get here.” He walks ahead, down the dark corridor and opens a door at the very end with the use of a keypad. Pushing open a heavy solid wood door and revealing an already lit room inside.
It has working lights, so I guess they started replacing bulbs down here first and we walk in letting the door swing shut behind us.
It’s like a large study from an old-world time. Huge leather armchairs and a massive wall hugging fireplace off to one side. There is one large walnut desk with a heavy dark green padded chair behind it, facing out into the centre. Matching dark green leather couches by two of the walls ; bookcases line another and what looks like a mini bar in the gap left by the door. There is a thick animal hide rug under our feet, I think it might be a brown bear or some huge rough haired animal and absolutely no windows in here at all.
“Every pack has a communal room for hanging out, bonding and talking shop. Ours is obviously the best because we are lucky enough to have Juan Santo’s son as our Alpha. It’s a perk as we get favour.” I can’t tell if he is being serious or sarcastic and don’t pick up on any real malice in his tone. It’s an odd thing to say if he isn’t trying to be an ass. He nods me towards a seat as he walks to the fireplace, presses a button and it explodes into instant flames. I thought it looked real, but I guess its gas.
I sit close to it, not really cold but watching flames has always brought me a sense of calm and reminded me of another time and place when my mother would brush my hair by ours. A time when I had no cares in the world and I was secure and loved, nestling in the lap of my family. I try not to dwell on it and stare into the depths emptying my mind.
“Drink?” Matteo pulls my attention to him, now at the dark wood and glass bar and I shake my head. The last thing I need is to dull my senses and get drunk with a guy or pack that I don’t know and have every reason to treat me cruelly. I am already nervous about them arriving and I just can’t relax , even if he does seem more tolerant of me that most of this pack.
You okay?
Colton comes through loud and clear, checking on me and for a second it warms me that he checked in. His voice is that sound of home that I never knew I needed, and I find myself exhaling, like I have been holding my breath as I lean back into the chair less stiffly.
Just waiting on the others and sitting by the fire.
I reply, setting his mind at ease and hoping I sound as comfortable here as I am pretending to be.
I won’t be long, my father kept all the leaders back to talk plans, schedules, you know what I mean. If you need me, I will leave our link open. Don’t let any of them give you any shit or else they will have to deal with me.
Matteo is being a gentleman and taking care of me; I am sure he will intervene.
I am trying to make him relax but the overwhelming surge I get back from his emotions, that he didn’t like what I said surprises me. It’s a hint of jealousy and I blink at Matteo as though I am missing the point. He has his back to me, pouring his drink and nowhere near me.
Right. Like I said I won’t be long.
His tone is clipped, and he closes link before I can respond, despite saying he wouldn’t; sounding off and moody and I swear it actually makes me want to laugh at how ridiculous he is being. He sent me here with Matteo and now he’s what? Jealous because I said he was being nice. I knew males were territorial and possessive by nature, worse so when they mated up, but I’m not even his and he has nothing to worry about. We imprinted and the fates made sure I have no desire to look at anyone else even if he did reject me.
I inhale sharply, shake it off and go back to staring at the fire, trying not to let him get to me as the door swings open and two boys stomp in arguing with one another
“You’re a liar, I did not do say anything of the sort.” The first male snaps, turning and spotting me and instantly frowning like he has just been faced with a terrible or vile sight. He stops dead as the other collides into the back of him with an exaggerated ‘whooomph’ noise.
He’s unsurprisingly dark haired, tanned and has your typical Colombian look to him. All the Santo’s originated from there before coming here a few generations ago. They tend to mate up with others like them, so the bloodline stays purest.
“Hey, watch it” the voice snarls angrily and shoves him forward, exposing an identical face and equal build and I realise these two boys are twins. If memory serves right, I can pull out of Colton’s mind that this is Domi and Remi. They are younger than Colton by a year, making them eighteen like me. Both lanky, tall athletic boys with brown hair and soft hazel eyes. More Santo’s and I know for sure they are Colton’s cousins on his mother’s side.
“And she is here why?” The first one turns to Matteo with a growl and is met with a snarl in response. Matteo seemingly growing an inch taller and faces them down.
“Because Colton said so and I doubt he wants to hear you were questioning it!” It’s not a friendly tone and it has the effect of dampening down the attitude on one of the twins at least.
“He’s not questioning, he’s just a little shocked that our pack room has someone …not of our pack” the other chirps in, throwing me a devious side eye look and I shrivel back into my chair, aware the waves of prickling heat coming my way are hostility even while he is smiling on like it’s not.
“Who’s not in our pack?” That female voice I have been dreading the arrival of, comes waving in as she walks in the door; thick like honey and sultry , preceding her entry. She sashays in like the queen of the manor and stops dead in her tracks when she sees me. Eyes instantly storming over, mouth forming a thin tight light and skin paling as rage ignites under the surface. Her eyes of glowing amber as she growls her dislike at me and lowers her chin to move into an attack stance.
Wolves are aggressive by nature and we literally jump to fight for every little thing. Bite, nip, attack. It’s just how we are.
“Why in the fuck, has he let her in here?” Carmen loses her cool, steps at me fast but Matteo zaps forward using his hyper speed, blocking her in a nanosecond, and standing between us. He stands firm, lifts his chin and makes a good show of exerting dominance.
“Colton wanted her here and will be along soon, so pipe down and go sit over there and behave!” Matteo has a tone not too dissimilar to Colton’s alpha tone only less effective and she draws her eyes from me to him, not as affected as she would be had their alpha said it.
“Don’t tell me what to do…. You’re not my alpha, hell, you’re not even his beta.” The undercurrent of a snarl between them and I tense, waiting for it to get crazy in here. Surprised that Matteo is not his second in command and I rake my memories to find out who is. I swear to god it better not be Carmen or I am in trouble.
“Ahora, ahora, que tenemos aqui?” Another female voice floats in , soft light and strangely alluring with a deep raspy undercurrent as three more wolves stroll in unannounced and I recognise her as Meadow, one of the older femmes in her late twenties, mated to the one behind her - Cesar. Her brother is in tow, Jesus and they stop to gaze over the little scene in hand.
“Ahora ninas, go sit down before I break a claw reminding you who is beta in this room when Colton is not here. Sit!” Her accent is heavy and thick, clear she is an incomer to Radstone and English is not her first language. It’s not uncommon for wolves with links elsewhere to sometimes bring in family pack from further away to live with them or find a mate, and I know Meadow has been with us for a few years, maybe even as far back as the war ended. Her accent has never faded though.
Matteo and Carmen give one last snarl and separate, walking to the couches chastised and surprisingly not defying her. They are followed by the twins who avert eyes from their new member and instantly go into sulk mode, slumping together on one couch and stare at me with lowered eyelids. No hint of warmth which adds to my growing uneasiness as I sit stiffly where I was. Meadow strolls into the room fully, confidently, eyeing me up unashamedly and I get the sensation I am being weighed up as prey.
She’s a sight to behold at five feet eight, strong, graceful and very Latino. Black hair, the most amazing pale blue eyes under sculpted black brows and tanned skin. She has full lips, catlike eyes with perfect make up and an outfit of clingy denim and blouse that show off her ample curves. She’s beautiful but has an aura of terrifying whenever she is around you. She doesn’t stray out of the Santo side of the lands much but it’s obvious that Matteo is not Colton’s second in command. Meadow is. I wouldn’t argue with her, her natural nails are long sharp and pointed with a nice shellac of blood red, I can’t imagine what her wolf claws would be like. She puts the fear in me with just her presence.
“Hi. I’m Cesar, this is Jesus….and the infamous Meadow here.” Cesar nods at me, no hint of either dislike or friendliness in his blank statement. He is another tall stocky type and I am starting to see a pattern with this pack. Best of the breed and all alarmingly alike except Carmen, the only blonde among them. They are all big, strong and have lashing of both aggression and attitude not uncommon among our strongest. I am sure as a pack they have many a battle of wills and lots of spats.
“She knows who we are, don’t you, Amiga? She has Cole’s memories and I am sure she knows how to access them.” Meadow strolls in front of me, heels clicking on the hardwood floor, her eyes wandering over me as she takes me all in without caring how uncomfortable it is making me. Devouring my appearance with a critical eye.
“I do” I answer sheepishly, aware another has entered the open door and praying that has to be all of them. This is getting crowded and I am starting to feel like raw meat being lowered into a hungry lion’s den. I don’t even glance their way as Meadow has a commanding quality that demands you give her our full attention.
“How oh how did the fates get this so wrong?” Jesus sneers at me, appearing beside her and not too dissimilar in looks to his sister, only masculine where she is feminie and instantly shuts up when Meadow throws him a pointed glare.
“The fates are never wrong! Don’t you know that?” She snaps, before taking a calming breath, lifting her hands making motions in the air as though to accompany deep breaths. She smirks when she catches my eye and bends towards me, almost dropping her ample cleavage from her low cut top in my face.
“I don’t know. I sense something in this one. You think Papi, she has a little sumthin sumthin?” Cesar doesn’t seem impressed and I can only assume he is who she calls Papi, I know it’s a name for your lover or mate. She reaches out picking up a strand of my wild unbrushed hair and runs her fingers through it slowly, tingling my scalp as it tugs gently. She is putting me on edge and making me so uncomfortable I feel like calling on Colton, but I don’t. I have to expect his pack are going to be like this at a first meet. I mean he just threw me in with them amid all that happened today, and they are sizing me up to see how grit I have. I can’t show them weakness or they will shred me..
“Is it true she came from the home for the rejects? The ones the Vamps just all slaughtered.” One of the twins can’t conceal his disgust and Carmen sneers, a look of anger crossing her face and darts him a side eye glare.
“Yes. And our formidable alpha lowered his standards and tried to mark this mutt. He needs his head read.” Carmen is quick to chirp in with her dislike of me, seething hatred my way. The room feels like it’s closing in and I wonder how long before I get cornered and chewed on.
“Ai…” It’s a sharp sound given out to shut her up, Meadow standing to roll her own hair between two fingers and facing them with an air of ‘I am getting so pissed’.
“Don’t disrespect our alphas companera, I won’t tolerate it, and neither will he. Don’t make me mad, I don’t like when I get mad.”
Meadow is by far the scariest femme I have ever come across and I don’t now why she is unnerving me so much because she seems pretty sane on the surface. She has an aura that screams ‘certified psycho’ and every single time she moves, I flinch internally getting antsier by the second as she stands so close to me.
Carmen recoils, obviously knowing only too well that Meadow doesn’t make empty threats and Matteo clears his through to distract her. He too seems like he knows he should diffuse things and it only heightens my wariness. Some of the femmes in our packdom are worse than the mates in terms of volatile aggression and ability to main. I am starting to think Meadow is one.
“Drinks anyone? While we wait on him.” Matteo glances around for takers and gets a couple of quiet nods.
“No nosotras, I have other plans for our little companera. She needs a little help over here.” Meadow clicks her tongue at me, to catch my attention and when I look up at her she extends her finger and motions me to come. It’s creepy and yet an order and without question I slide up in my chair, heart beat elevating and wondering what the hell she plans on doing to me.
“You look like a bag lady, who dresses out of the trash, Novia. If that’s what Colton has you looking like, you aint gonna last long here. It’s not a good look. Come; we have to fix this before I can sit and look at you for any length of time. You are offending my eyes. What he do to you? You look like you been working out on our man huh? Maybe practicing to get marked huh? Saying goodbye to your poppies and letting his seeds blow up your wind tunnel heh?.” It’s a dirty laugh, following a dirty remark and I flush with embarrassment at her brazen statement as I catch her meaning. Knowing I probably do look a little disheveled and I can almost taste Carmen’s seething rage winding my way.
“No. I haven’t let poppy seeds, blow or , umm…… er I” I retort, mumbling, babbling as excruciating shyness almost kills me. Face reddening and unable to look her in the eye. I can feel Carmen’s eyes boring down on me waiting for an answer. I can feel her poised body getting ready for my take down if she thinks Colton has touched me sexually.
“We haven’t done anything…just nothing.” How could I tell them I turned, ripped him half to shreds and then called him weak? I don’t think that would go down well with his crew.
“Hmmmm, disappointing. Well I can help with that.” She gestures again for me to follow and when I hesitate , eyes roaming the enraged Carmen sitting near the doorway she catches my sleeve and pulls me. Carmen is poised with some sort of reply to what Meadow said but I can see she is holding it in and simmering despite the knives she is throwing with her eyes. I am not sure what the story between Meadow and Carmen is, but I don’t get happy bonded packmate vibes from either of them.
“Colton will be a while and my room is not far. We look around the same size if you roll up the legs a little. I’m sure I have something that makes you look less vagabunda. “
“You will help her with nothing. She is not and will never be his mate. You know who he chose and that he rejected her so stop playing games Meadow and leave her be. The trash look suits her because it’s what she is.”
Carmen couldn’t hold it for much longer, and that flash of rage has Meadow spinning her way almost taking me with her.
“Green is not a good colour on you, puta! I don’t think you are in any position to make demands, considering whose bed I caught you in. You should be thanking your stars that I have not excised my right to punish such a betraying Perra as you. Don’t make me reconsider it!”
There’s a shocked silence and Carmen’s eyes dart around the rest of them, obvious shame written across her face as all the other eyes avert and avoid her. They all know, of course they do, and the silent tense moment tells me they are mad at her about betraying Colton as much as he is. She committed a sin that is non comparable to his.
He was bonded and he kissed his fated mate. She had sex while promised to another in a bid to wound him. It doesn’t matter how double a standard it is, it’s how this works and our laws on commitment and betrayal are clear. She was linked to Colton and she chose to punish him with defiling their union after he already rejected the mate the fates gave him.
Packs are weird in they can fight all day long, get aggressive with one another, nip and tease, but you wound one of them and they will turn on you. Even if you were one of their own. They have a special bond with their alpha, and I can see Carmen is in the dog house. None of them like her right now.
“You have less than half an hour, before Colton most likely shows. You know Juan likes to keep things short..” Matteo points out and Meadow claps her hands happily.
“Plenty time. Come , we have some stuff to do. Carmen isn’t welcome, she can sit over there and think about what she has done.” Meadow tosses her hair back, throwing her a pointed look and leads the way, yanking me with her once more. Cesar and jesus, still standing in the entranceway move out of the way and I catch the slight up and down looks as they size me up in passing.
The twin’s eyes follow me and although its not outright hostility I can tell none of the males with the exception of maybe Matteo are sure they want me here. I’m an outsider to them, an intruder to their pack and not worthy to be bonded to their alpha.
As soon as we get to the corridor Meadow slides her arm in mine and hauls me close a little aggressively for my liking. Leaning in so her perfume and natural wolf scent mingle and hit me with a heady concoction.
“I know we are supposed to follow Juan in his hatred of all the orphans he threw behind the mountain, but I lost family in that war and it could as well been me. Some of us were lucky enough to see some come back….I don’t believe for a second that only our strongest bloodlines were who came home. You can trust me Amiga. I’m not like most of the pack.” She whispers it in hushed silence and throws me a soft look that despite feeling her crazy vibes, rings true. She has an underlying kindness and I can feel it when we are this close.
“Colton is a good boy, but he is also Juan’s son. He knows his place in the pack and he knows if he defies his father and breaks that kind of respect for our laws, he will never have the respect of the packs when his time comes to lead. I know what he wants, and I know why he can’t have it…but it doesn’t mean I don’t want to have a little fun and make him suffer.’ A smile, wink and almost mischievous laugh and I frown in confusion. Unsure if I should question her or not.
If she is close to Colton, then I literally have no idea what she means about having fun and making him suffer.
She leads the way, pulls me with her up a stair and then down a left hall before we come to a polished wooden door with her name staring back at us from a polished and engraved gold plate. The scent up here is mainly female, and I guess they keep the sexes on different floors although Cesar’s scent lingers around the door and I guess because they are mated, he gets to stay in here too.
Being mated is like marriage and once you are no one has the authority to stop you being together in every way.
“I am the queen of hair and make up and you my amiga, need a little Santo makeover because like it or not, you are now our pack and our problem. As long as you live so does Cole, and it’s our job to keep it that way. That means you need to fit in and look the part….not like this.” She casts me an up down eye flicker of disapproval and exaggerated expression of ‘yuck’
She scans her palm, pushes open the door and leads the way inside. Flicking on a light switch and grinning when it comes on.
“They finally replaced mine, thankfully. That was some show you put on in the hallway and some mess you made. Impressive! I think you smashed every glass bottle I owned.” She wiggles away from me to a dresser and starts rifling through the contents, throwing me devilish smiles. I relax a little easing into the aura that surrounds her. There is something infectious and alluring that pulls you in and makes you feel like you can open up to her and I stand a tad awkwardly by the door watching her.
“I’m sorry. I honestly don’t know what happened or how I did it, Colton thinks I …”
“I know what he thinks. Colton tells me everything and I mean EVERYTHING. I know he thinks you have an absorption gift and I am guessing his lack of presence this afternoon was when he came to you to test his theory. How did that go? Or is what I am looking at the result of getting down and dirty and distracted?”
She has the dirtiest way of laughing, and the crudest mindset turning any sentence into a much more loaded one with just a chuckle and I blush again.
“We haven’t had sex. We haven’t done anything since that first time he kissed me. He pushed me to turn and figured I can do what he says, effectively.” I don’t know how much information I should be giving away as I don’t know her, but I can find nothing in my mind to tell me that Colton doesn’t trust her. She is his second in command and I am sure that comes with the highest kind of bond.
“No, he won’t not if he aint going to mark you. Colton may be a lot of things, but he’s very straight in upholding a moral code. He can be spoiled, a little self-absorbed and centre of his own universe but he has a code and he’s the kinda guy who would drop everything to have your back if you needed him. He’s not like his father, but he does cower a little in his shadow. He’s young still, I hope he grows out of it soon. Becomes the man hidden in the boy.”
I find myself nodding at that because I know it’s true, even I can see and admit it and jump when she spins back at me holding up see through lace scraps that I can’t even tell what they are.
“Black or red, Chica. A good feeling starts with sexy lingerie and I have never yet worn either so you can have one.”
My eyes bulge out of my skull a little and my mouth runs dry.
“Ummmm” I clear my throat, shifting from one foot to the other and try to stop gawping at what she is holding. It doesn’t look like there is enough on any of what she is holding to cover even a tiny part of me. I have no belief in the fact it’s a full set of lingerie.
“Let me guess, you are a tidy whites and sports bra girl? Do you even own a push up a bra or a thong?” I can hear the jest in her tone as she mocks me and rolls her eyes as I begin to shake my head, eyes wide and completely shellshocked we are even discussing my underwear habits. I mean we only just met and far from the fact I thought all santo’s hated my kind, here she is trying to gift me her underwear.
“Ai Papi!” She mutters to herself with a hint of disappointment.
“Colton seems more like a black lace kind. The boy has hidden kinks for sure.… So we will go with that. It has a little push to give your sisters some lift.” She wiggles her breast with one hand as though to demonstrate and tosses the black scrap towards the four-poster bed.
“I really don’t need…” She shushes me mid refusal for uplifting man traps and I fall silent , too intimidated to continue arguing.
“Okay…so now we need something sexy, but casual. Not trying too hard but has to make him think about banging you whenever he sees you.” She wanders to a closet and yanks it open. Enjoying this make over a little too much and really getting into it.
“I don’t want to make him ..bang…me.” I point out, unable to really believe we are having this conversation and all I get in reply is a laugh.
“Oh I know and knowing him, he won’t. Whether you want a man to bang you or not is besides the point. You have sexuality and the goods to make men want you. Work it, play a little. Make Colton regret the day he ever said I don’t. I mean why make it easy on the boy when it so much more fun to make him sweat.”
She swings her hips and makes a pelvic thrusting motion, laughing at her own motion and goes back to hauling clothes out of the closet and throwing them across to the bed between us. My nerves are catapulting to the ceiling as I watch an array of tiny clothing items with low cut or short , almost not there cuts flying by.
“I don’t want to play games or make this hard for him. He made his choice and I don’t , I mean, I’m not….”
She shushes me again me from afar with a finger on her lips and fixes me with a look, resting her hand on her hip and leaning into it.
“I get it, you’re a virgin and you think that all there is, marked mate or eternal untouched while you wait to be marked. A good girl just trying to find her place somewhere she don’t wanna be. Why are you pushing yourself into the shadows and becoming invisible? You are a pretty girl. You have more right than Carmen to be in our pack and trust me , nothing will piss her off more than to see you take your place, making our alpha even more besotted with you than he is. “
“You don’t like her much, do you?” I blanche at her and just can’t get my head around this. She doesn’t seem like she has all that much care in her heart for someone who has run with their sub pack for two years. Since she paired up with Colton.
“She was never my choice. We have never warmed. Stupid girl far too jealous for her own good and tried to damage the bond I have with Colton. She made that mistake one too many times and now, she don’t got herself a sister who is sad to see her pushed out. She brings nothing but drama to our unit. She needs to go.” Meadow stops mid throwing items my way and sighs heavily, her eyes darting back at me and she delivers a soft smile.
“I have an ulterior motive, Chica. For this….” She waves her arms around us at the chaos of clothes and comes back to stand in front of me , reaching out and tugging a strand of my hair through her fingers.
“Which is?” I ask brazenly, feeling somehow deep down that I can trust this girl, there is something about her that tells me she is not an enemy.
“Juan has given Colton an order that by the next cycle, he has to have marked Carmen and put an end to this. The moon is full in under two weeks and he is looking for every reason to delay this and convince his father that he doesn’t want that bond. He wants to be with you, and he can’t keep denying it. I’m sorry, Chica.”
“What?” It almost winds me as it falls out of her mouth, her face falling sad as a tear glistens in her eye. It overwhelms me and I too begin to feel tears falling from mine.
“Juan has no right to force that of him, but Colton, he needs a shove. He needs to stop obeying everything he commands and fight for his right to choose his own mate. Juan oversteps his boundaries all of the time and Colton is so used to toeing his line and obeying that he doesn’t even think he can question it.”
“Juan is forcing him to mark Carmen before the next full moon, even though they are no longer even dating?” It’s almost a sob as pain slices into my throat and threatens to choke me. My legs giving out and I stumble to the bed nearby to slump down.
“ He didn’t tell me.” I heave in air as the tears start to wrack my body and Meadow comes to perch beside me, running her hand down my hair in a bid to console me.
“I think Colton is hoping he can convince him of another way before that time comes. That your gift is enough to show him you’re special.”
“ Juan will never accept me, even with a special power. Juan hates anything to do with my kind.” I don’t know where it comes from, but a world of pain floods my heart and twists my insides as I think about him marking her for all eternity. I don’t know what that would do to our bond or how much that would kill me but all of a sudden, I can see what she was hinting at.
She thinks dressing up and looking good will turn his head more than it is already. Make him want me more in hopes he will find the will to stand up and claim what is rightfully his.
Colton isn’t like that though and I don’t think flirting and sashaying around in skimpy clothes will alter his commitment to his honor and obedience. That first kiss was hormone fuelled after the imprint being so new, it’s calmer now. The feelings settling in and the raging lust giving way to a deeper connection. That’s how it works. It’s meant to make you finalise the bond with sex and marking because you can’t control the need for each other…and then it fades to love and care and taking care of one another with a less intense need for sex. I can’t make him lust crazy and push him to defy his father with some make up and a pair of booty shorts. He has way more control than most.
“We can’t fight this. Colton has to be the one and he is a little preoccupied with Vampire wars and changes to everything now.“
“Look , I’m going to level. I don’t want that skanky Puta becoming a permanent fix in my sub pack. I loathe her and have done since Colton brought her in. If sexing you up gets Colton to find his spine and maybe at least delay this somehow, we can find a way to change Juan’s mind together. We’re his pack and whether the boys agree with this or not, they got his back, and mine. Carmen was never one of us……. I saw what you could do in the hallway, and if that was an ounce of untrained, uncontrolled gift then there is no telling how much power you have inside of you, Chica. I know about your eyes and that has to mean something. There are rumours about wolves from time gone by with special gifts and blood-filled eyes, that we cannot ignore.”
“I’m not special…I’m scared and out of my depth.” I admit honestly, taking comfort from her stroke still skimming my hair repetitively. Meadow has a maternal quality and I think that is the feeling that had been pulling me to her. She has the same spirit as my mother had, the same fierce but gentle nature. She takes no crap and she has an aura that tells you she is loyal to a fault. It’s been missing from my life for so long.
Colton may be the boy to follow his father, but I know he is trying to find a way to be with me even after he rejected me. I have a hold over him that runs deep. If I gave him more, gave him a reason to throw all in, then maybe he would find it inside of him to defy him and mark a mate on the full moon that isn’t Carmen. Up until now I have let him be the one to keep pulling us together, maybe that’s why he is able to resist. Maybe Meadow has a point.
I’ve been distant, mad at him and combative. I haven’t made any of this easy and at times, I have pushed him away. Maybe she is right and not in the dress sexy way, but maybe I need to strengthen our bond and pull him to me. Apply the affection he shows me and give him a reason to fight for us. Encouragement.
All I have is how he feels about me and I know that sex with your fated does something more when you finally come together. There’s a second level of Imprinting when you unify. I should aim for that; seduce him even if she doesn’t think he will yield. She doesn’t see how hard he tries to keep his hands to himself and maybe with a push, I can prove her wrong. Unify my mate and solidify his mind set into marking me no matter what Juan says. I belong with him and my future in his pack, these lands all rely on getting this out of the way and having him finally mark me.
Juan can go to hell. I need to get Colton to man up. Once that’s done his father can’t do a damn thing about it and it can’t be undone without killing us both. His hands will be tied and then we can focus on the impending war and all that comes with it. This needs to be done.
“Show me how to put these on.” I pick up the scraps of lace and wipe my face with the back of my hand, pulling myself together with some kind of a plan. Be it a haphazard one. It’s a step to stop hating on him and start encouraging him to find his own spine, like Meadow said. Your mate is meant to help you grow and up until now he is the only one doing anything like that. It’s my turn to help Colton find his own strengths.
“Now you’re talking. Seduction, Chica, is a tried and tested weapon that no man is capable of denying for any length of time when it’s from the woman he already loves. Ignore Carmen, her time has passed, and she broke his trust. She brought shame to our pack when she slept with TJ. Colton can never be bonded to her.”
I inhale sharply, that name registering as I run through my memory bank and stop on a face to go with it. I know who he is, and I can see why Colton’s remaining feelings for Carmen died a death. TJ is Colton’s own first cousin, his blood and was raised as a brother to him, literally. He is Juan’s younger brother’s son and at twenty-eight, he is an alpha to another sub pack. He has always had a rivalry to Colton, and I guess he saw an opportunity for the upper hand. That had to have stung and wounded Colton deeply.
I now know why Colton never named and shamed and made their betrayal public. Juan would never allow him to bring a black mark to his own bloodline like that and his insistence to still mark Carmen as Colton’s mate is proof, he us trying to act like it didn’t happen. He is denying our own laws.
He would rather see his son bonded to someone who shamed his own pack than see him bonded to me.
Screw you Juan.
If learning to seduce Colton puts him in a place to defy you then I am throwing myself in and not coming back out until it’s done. That boy is mine and I have all kinds of pull to make him beat to the march of my drum, a strong loud thrum that will drown out yours tenfold.
Bring it on Santo.