Michael grabbed one of the ropes and brought the swing to a stop. He turned around and looked at Jacob. “Why don’t you go take your ugly face back to your house.” He said calmly. Michael had been through so much that Jacob didn’t seem like anything but an annoyance. Jacob could tell Michael didn’t fear him or lose confidence with him like he had before. He knew he had to do something to get Michael to feel that way again.
Novala got up, and faced Jacob. “We’re not dating.” She said. She moved over, and stood in front of the tree so he couldn’t see her sword leaning against it. “Do you just not have friends? Just some insecurities?” Michaelasked. “I have way more friends than you ever will. And I’m pretty sure that you pushing her on a swing is a good sight that you're dating. You can’t hide from me.” Jacob sneered.
Novala rolled her eyes. “I don’t know how to work that thing on my own.” She said. Michael gave Novala a warning glance. “What, do you live under a rock or something?” Jacob asked sarcastically. “No. Well sort of.” She looked at Michael.
“I really wanna.” She said, nodding to her sword. To Jacob, it looked like she was nodding to the tree. “Don’t bother he’s an idiot.” Michael looked at Jacob. “You don’t bother me, so go away.” Jacob held his phone up. It had a picture of Michael and Novala on the swing. “I wonder what would happen if everyone in the school saw you and that witch together.” He taunted.
“I’m gonna do it.” Novala said. “Don’t. I’m not going back to that school and all it will prove is that you’re a stalker.” Michael said, somehow still remaining calm. “I’m not a witch.” Novala snapped. “Really, because you wear weird clothes, have mud in your hair, green eyes, and you like Michael. Nobody pretends to like Michael unless they’re going to use him for something.” Jacob stated.
Novala’s hands balled into fists, but she didn’t grab her sword. Her eyes turned pure black. “Novala stop.” Michael whispered. He could see her shaking. Michael stood in front of Novala. He shook her shoulder. “Stop Novala!” Michael exclaimed.
Her eyes returned to normal, and she collapsed into him, out of breath. “I-I almost... I’m sorry.” She stuttred, looking up at him. He could see fear in her eyes. “It’s okay, calm down.” Michael told her.
“So you are a witch.” Jacob said. Michael turned away from Novala and stood in front of Jacob. “Remember during school when you said I never fight with anything but words? Well I’ve changed. I've fought other people bigger and better than you.” Michael punched Jacob hard in the jaw. He fell to the ground holding it. From his position on the ground, he could see Novala’s sword. “What the-“ He broke off when he saw it.
Novala stumbled to block his view. Her eyes were wide. “So..” Jacob stood up. “What’s the sword for?” He asked. He was grinning evilly. “To make a Jacob skewer.” Michael snapped. “I wonder what the cops would do if they knew you were threatening me with a sword.” Jacob taunted. “They would probably be unconscious before they could even see it.” Michael said. “Oh I wonder what they would think of that.” Jacob replied.
Novala leaned over to Michael. “We can’t let him call the cops.” She whispered to him. Michael walked over to Jacob and ripped Jacob’s phone from his hand. He threw it on the ground, and stomped on it then picked it up. He then proceeded to hurl it down the hill.
“It’s kind of hard to call the cops without a phone so… good luck.” Michael said. Jacob stared for a moment. “That’s it.” He snapped. He punched Michael in the face. Michael hesitated for a moment then punched Jacob back. He hit him hard in the stomach then did an uppercut to the same place he had hit his jaw before.
A ghostly howl arose from somewhere far off. Novala cursed. “Michael that’s a shadowbeast call. We can’t let Jacob see them.” She told him. “What’s a shadowbeast?” Jacob asked, wiping blood from his nose. “Good thing you won’t find out.” Michael replied, punching Jacob as hard as he could in the face. Jacob fell and moaned as he held his face.
“She’s likely been tracking us. We need to go somewhere where nobody will see her. She probably has her pups with her.” Novala said. “I know where we can go, but we have to make sure he can’t follow us.” Michael replied, pointing at Jacob. “Well we could tie him to the tree... Wait, he might tell someone.” Novala said. “No one will believe him and we can just knock him unconscious and run.” Michael told her, walking over.
“Well the cops have seen my kind before remember? If they caught word of me they would know.” Novala explained. “Then what if we wipe his memory or something like that?” Michael asked. “Lunal could do it, but it’s been too long. He would remember enough. I don’t really want to see her either.” Novala replied. “Then what are we going to do?” He asked. “I don’t know. We can’t take him with us.” Novala said.
“Can’t we just…” He pointed to Novala’s sword. “Uh…” She looked at Jacob. “Isn’t that not allowed up here?” Novala asked. Michael shrugged. “Why don’t you come up with something then.” He snapped. Novala could see he was angry and irritated. She noticed that he would never say that if he was thinking straight.
“I’m sorry. I just- I don’t want to keep killing. I don’t know what to do.” She said. Michael looked at her. “You know what to do, you just don’t want to do it.” He replied quietly. “Michael, are you okay? You're not acting like yourself.” She said. “I’m fine!” He shouted. He turned away and stormed down the hill.
Michael sat under a tree near the bottom. He felt angry and upset, but he didn’t want to talk about it. Novala grabbed her sword and started down the hill. “Don’t go anywhere.” She snapped, glancing back at Jacob.
Novala went and sat next to Michael. She put her hand on his. “I’m here for you.” She said to him. Michael said nothing for a few minutes. “I don’t want to talk right now.” He said quietly. “That’s okay. I’m here to listen if you need it.” She said. Her hand remained on his.
“You are really stupid. You know Jacob is going to leave right?” Michael said. “I don’t care. I want to be here with you.” Novala replied softly. “I want to be alone. I don’t think it’s good for you to be here right now.” He looked angry and he was about to break.
Novala nodded. “I’m here if you need me.” She said. She squeezed his hand, then stood. “I won’t be far.” She walked up the hill, where Jacob was getting up.
Michael put his head in his hands. He was angry at himself for telling Novala to go away, but he was angry at everything. He felt tears streaming down his face. Novala would never understand how he was feeling so he decided that he would just keep it to himself.
Novala kicked Jacob down again. “Don’t bother.” She snapped. “What are you going to do to me.?” Jacob asked with a flicker of fear in his eyes. Novala shrugged. “Not sure yet. Can’t take you with us, and I don't trust you not to tell anyone. The other option…” Novala trailed off. “Please don’t kill me!” Jacob exclaimed. “I’m done killing.” She replied, leaning against the tree.
“Why can’t I come with you?” Jacob asked curiosity in his voice. “Because the shadowbeast will eventually catch up with us, I don’t trust you, and Michael doesn’t like you. Also, I don’t need more humans knowing. I mean… shoot.” Novala snapped. “You need to learn to keep your mouth shut about that.” Michael said as he got on the top of the hill. He was smiling but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Yeah. You okay?” Novala asked him. “Yeah.” He answered. She looked doubtful, but didn’t press.
“What are we gonna do?” Novala asked, nodding to Jacob. “Let’s just take him with us. If we’re lucky he’ll get killed.” Michael said. “Shadowbeasts might eat him, but if you’re not okay with it...” Novala trailed off. “I’m not okay with it but it’s our best option, unfortunately. The next best would be to kill him.” Michael said.
“Okay. So, what now?” Novala asked him. “Well first…” Michael walked over and kicked Jacob hard in the side. “Now get up and keep your mouth shut.” He said warningly. Jacob got up. Novala looked concerned but said nothing.
“We should probably find somewhere to stay.” Novala said. The sun was setting. “We can go camp in the woods over there.” Michael replied, pointing to his left. “Alright. The shadowbeasts will likely catch up to us in the morning. It should be fine if we set up a fire, right?” Novala asked. Michael nodded. He went to the other side of the tree, sat down, leaned his head back against the tree, and looked up at the sky. “We can stay here too. No one comes up here.” Michael said. “Whatever you want.” Novala shrugged, and started gathering wood.
“Clear out a patch of land would you?” Novala said to Jacob. “How?” He asked. Novala rolled her eyes. “Fine I’ll do it. Go get some wood.” Novala replied. She set down her wood, and began tearing out grass. Micheal didn’t say anything. He stared off trying to think.
Novala sighed and got up. She sat down next to Michael. “Okay what is it.” She asked. “What?” Michael replied. “Something is bothering you. What is it?” Novala stated, looking him in the eyes. “Nothing. I’m fine.” Michael said. “No you're not. You can talk to me.” Novala said. Michael looked at her. “I don’t want to talk about it.” He stated. “Trust me, it feels better if you talk about it.” Novala assured him. “I’ve never had anyone to talk to so I’m used to it and what’s the point of talking when no one understands it?” Michael asked.
“I used to never talk to anyone. I would just scream all my problems in battle. I used to quietly hope that someone would hear me and care. But talking with you was so much better. I thought nobody could understand, but you did. Even if I don't understand I can still be here for you.” Novala said. She put her hands on Michael’s.
“That’s the thing. I am weak and human. I can’t do anything. I was the reason we got captured and my parents don’t care about me. Jacob still bothers me, and I can’t do anything about it.” Michael confessed.
“Michael…” Novala sighed. “Yes you're human, but you're far from weak. Everybody needs someone. Those soldiers wouldn’t have been after us if I hadn’t been there. After you left, I told your parents you would never come back, and they told me to take care of you. I told them the same thing I’m telling you. I don’t need to take care of you. You are amazing. Even if you can’t see it.”
“They didn’t mean it. They say that all the time to people so it looks like they care.” Michael explained. “Either way.” She replied. He was quiet for a moment.
“Where’s Jacob?” Michael asked. Novala looked around then cursed. “I’m stupid.” She snapped. “I told you so.” Michael stated with a smile. This time it reached his eyes. Novala smiled too.
“His parents won’t let him call the cops will they?” Novala asked. “Yeah they will.” Michael replied. “Stab me.” She groaned, smacking herself in the face. “I can’t do that. I like you too much.” Michael teased. “Yeah I know.” She said.
“We should probably go somewhere else before the cops show.” Novala said, standing. “Yeah, there’s some woods over to the left. No one goes in there except for me as far as I know.” Michael suggested, also getting up.
Just then, a figure walked out of the woods. Michael pointed over to the trees. “Who’s that?” He asked. Novala looked closer. They both realized who it was. “What is she doing here?” Novala said quietly. “Um probably for us.” Michael replied.
Several other soldiers from the shrine emerged from the woods behind Nebulav. Novala cursed. “What do we do?” Michael asked, a bit of panic in his voice. “I-I don’t know. There’s nowhere to run.” She replied.
Nebulav stood before them. “Come. You know were stronger than you.” She stated. The other soldiers surrounded them. “I like how you have to say that. Are you insecure about that?” Michael asked, crossing his arms. Nebulav rolled her eyes. She drew her sword, and the others did as well.
Sevral minutes later Novala stood in front of Lunal, Cammine, Rayal, and Nebulav. “Where’s Michael?” Novala asked instantly. “Why do you care so much about him? He’s a dumb human.” Lunal said. “He is not dumb! And what does it matter that he’s human?!” Novala shouted at them. “Humans are weak and this one is no different. Even more so if you ask me.” Rayal replied coldly. “Nobody asked you. You realize I’m part human and I killed Midnight.” Novala said. They all looked shocked.
“Novala, don’t lie just to make yourself look better. We’re all aware I you’re half human. Otherwise you would be more like your mom.” Rayal snapped. Novala stared at him, her hands balling into fists. “Just because my mom died because of me doesn’t mean you have to rub it in! She chose to have me! Do you realize by insulting me you insult her memory as well!” Novala shouted back. “You are talking about things you don’t understand! Clearly that human has been a bad influence on you.” Rayal shouted back.
He nodded to one of the soldiers standing guard at the door, and the soldier left the room. He came back dragging Michael behind him. Michael looked at Novala. He could tell by the way she was looking at Rayal he had said something hurtful.
“Clearly this is the only way you’ll learn.” Rayal snapped. Quickly, he drew his sword, and stabbed Michael in the arm. Michael cried out as the pain raced through his body. He fought against the soldier but the soldier held him tightly by the arms.
“Rayal please don’t!” Novala screamed at him. Rayal looked at her. “You have to learn some way.” He stated, then stabbed Michael in the leg. Michael cried out again. The soldier holding Michael released him as Michael fell onto his hands and knees.
Tears streamed down Novala’s cheeks. “Stop it! Please Rayal stop!” She shouted at him. Her eyes darkened slightly. Nobody noticed or cared. Michael panted, and tried to block out the pain. Rayal sliced his sword across Michael’s back. Michael jerked up so he was looking at Rayal but still on his knees.
Novala screamed, and her eyes turned black. “Stop!” She shouted. Rayal smiled and kneeled down. “Any other stupid comebacks, human?” He asked. “Yep, just one you black hearted idiot.” Michael said quietly. Novala barely heard it. Michael was breathing heavily, but he looked at Rayal straight in the eyes as he said it. Rayal moved his hand slightly, so that his sword was pressing into Michael’s cheek.
“How about now?” Rayal asked, an evil glint in his eyes. “Michael stop!” Novala shouted, her eyes switching from black to normal. Michael looked at Novala out of the corner of his eye. He said nothing. He didn’t want Novala to get hurt because of him. Rayal smiled. “Looks like you do care about her. Love her even. Good. That will make this so much more enjoyable.” Rayal said.
He dug his sword into Michael’s cheek, and slid his sword down the wound, slowly and painfully. Michael screamed. Novala’s eyes turned solid black. Rayal stood and kicked Michael across the room.
“She doesn’t really care about you. How could she? You’re nothing but a stupid human she took pity on.” Rayal said with a cruel smile. When Rayal looked at Michael, his smile grew. For the first time, Michael had no comeback. There was pain in his eyes. This was the first time an insult had gotten to Michael and Rayal knew it.
Rayal crossed the room so he was standing over Michael. He put his sword to Michael’s neck. Rayal grinned. “You have no way to respond, because you know it’s true. Deep down you know. She doesn't really care. If she did, she would have drawn her sword and stopped me.” Rayal said.
Michael looked at Novala. His vision was obscured by tears. He looked back at Rayal. Rayal knew he had hit Michael where it really hurt. The tears weren’t just from his physical wounds. Michael felt the tears fall. “Michael you know it’s not true!” Novala shouted.
Rayal looked at her… and slashed his sword across Michael’s throat. Novala screamed. “No!” She shouted. The entire shrine shook. It turned black… And everything exploded.
Rayal was blasted away from Michael. Lunal, Cammine, Rayal, and Nebulav were knocked unconscious. Then Novala screamed and a blast hit Michael, knocking him unconscious. The shrine came down, burying everyone in the rubble.443Please respect copyright.PENANA2CUciCrImJ