The battle began. The woman led the group deeper into the woods. They went around the large castle to the back. No guards stood on the battlements. The plan had worked. “Wait here,” Cammine instructed Michael, the boy, and Nebulav. She joined hands with the woman and they both became partially transparent. They approached the wall and walked right through it. A moment later, Cammine teleported back and took the rest of the team over one at a time. They were in what looked like a barracks.
Michael looked around warily. It was empty. He was nervous and he was getting impatient. The woman led them from the room, and stopped by a door. The rest of the team saw what was beyond it. Soldier upon soldier waited within the large courtyard for room to enter the battle. They were outnumbered. “We need to hurry.” Cammine said. Michael nodded. “Where is she?” He asked. “Let’s find out.” The woman said.
Cammine looked at the grand doors at the back of the army. “That’s likely the best way to get directly there, but…” Cammine trailed off. The soldiers. The woman placed her hand on Cammine’s shoulder, and they both became transparent once more. Cammine teleported them to the door, and slipped inside. Cammine then brought them in.
They were in a grand entrance hall. Tapestries hung from the walls, and chandlers from the ceiling. A beautiful carpet ran down the hall and ended at a grand door inlaid with gold and gems. Michael looked around in shock. He had never seen anything like this. They approached the door together. The woman put her hands on Nebulav and Cammine’s shoulders. Cammine put her’s on and Michael’s and Nebulav on the boy so they were all connected. They all turned transparent. Together they walked right through the door. It felt strange. Where it passed through his body he felt numb and itchy. Like his body had fallen asleep.
They emerged in a vast throne room. The throne was golden with black fabric. Another one identical stood beside it. The blood red carpet filled the room. A grand chandelier made of gold hung above the throne. Black crystals reflected the candlelight. The walls were covered in beautiful paintings, and the window behind the throne was made of colorful stained glass. The queen sat on the left throne. And on the right… Rayal.
Michael spotted Novala chained in the far corner. She was unconscious; blood pooled around her. “So, you all finally decided to come. I was wondering how long it would take. Starla, I did not expect you or Gallon.” Rayal taunted. He was likely talking about the woman and the boy.
Michael looked in horror at Novala. He was terrified of Rayal, but now he was really angry. “What did you do to her?!” Michael shouted. “Oh she merely got what she deserved. She tried to be like you, but I taught her otherwise. She couldn’t help but be the coward she is when she was all alone. Although I haven’t liked her. I have other plans.” Rayal said. “Let her go! You’re outnumbered.” Cammine shouted. “Oh, but I’m not. Really you simply made it easier for me. Gathering together all my enemies at once. Was it really worth all those lives just for her? I know how you feel about her. You helped me train her into who she is. She is weak and defenseless. Why don’t you take revenge and make her pay for what she cost you?” Rayal said. Cammine said nothing. Her grip tightened. “She is not weak! She hasn’t cost us anything, it was you. You did it all! Don’t blame it on her!” Michael shouted. He felt like this was his fault. She tried to be like him and that had gotten her hurt. He was in front of the others so he could look directly at Rayal.
“Oh, but do you know to what extent I manipulated everything? I brought her father here to kill her mother. I knew she couldn’t withstand having Novala. Her father’s idea to call his brother was mine. I raised her to be a coward. I killed her father. I did not intend for you to appear, but it doesn't change my plans. We will win, and the resistance shall die, and I shall once again reign supreme. She will be my weapon.”
“She would never hurt anyone and she is not a coward! You are a black hearted idiot. I said that once and you know it’s true.” Michael said. Rayal laughed. “Well that’s a bit harsh. I merely exploited a weakness. Novala’s mother had a heart. So I used it to kill her. She never died giving birth. It was me.” Rayal said “How could you do that! You have lied to Novala all of her life!” Michael was fuming.
“You just forgot one thing. You teach her lessons but mine was better. When we first got away, I told her weaknesses are strengths, Rayal. She learned how to use her weaknesses as a strength. Now I taught you a lesson.” Michael growled. His grip was tight on his sword. “And what is that?” Rayal asked. He obviously felt above the whole situation. “Well if you’re too important I don’t have to tell you.” Michael said with mock respect. He was terrified but seeing Novala like that gave him the anger he needed to use against Rayal.
“There is nothing I have learned from you. All you have done is give a heart to her. That’s why she will do what I say. Because you will motivate her.” Rayal said. “Why would I motivate her to do what you want?” Michael asked, trying really hard now to keep fear out of his voice. “Because if she doesn't do what I tell her, you’ll die. Her power is the strongest and rarest to exist. The only one above mine. But she won’t know that. She’ll only know what I tell her.” Rayal said.
“You don’t have any powers.” Starla said, confused. “But I do.” He replied. “The problem with your plan is I am over here you are over there. I am not going to let you hurt her.” Michael said. “Oh but you are wrong. You see, most powers require touch. Mine does not. I am a Riser. I’ll demonstrate.” Rayal said. He snapped his fingers and soldiers walked into the room. Only they each had many open wounds. They were dead soldiers.
“There are a few of mine that just died. Unfortunately, their powers no longer work.” Rayal said this as if it was normal for dead people to be alive. Michael was feeling terror overtake anger by the minute. “What does that have to do with me being over here and you over there?” Michael asked, cursing the tiny speck of fear in his voice. The doors behind them closed. They found themselves surrounded by dead soldiers. Michael spotted one with a sword to Novala’s chest.
“I’ll kill her if you don’t do as I say.” He said. “You can’t kill her. You need her, you just said so.” Michael said the speck of fear was bigger. “Are you so sure about that?” Rayal asked. “You literally just said that she was going to be your weapon!” Michael shouted the fear was getting stronger. Michael saw a glint of fear in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared. “What of your companions? They are of no use to me.” Rayal taunted.
Cammine grabbed Gallon, and they teleported away. Starla turned transparent. “You can do this. He needs you alive just as much as her.” She said. Then she left. “Well you got that answer.” Michael said he did sound afraid now. Rayal was silent for a moment. “You are powerless are you not? She wouldn’t know if you were dead as long as the wound was hidden.” Rayal said.
Michael heard a lie. He remembered how the force fields on the prisons hadn't worked on him. He was human. “You can’t raise me. You aren’t going to kill her are you?” Michael pressed, but the fear was obvious in voice. Rayal stood with a laugh. “You can’t make me afraid, human.” Michael could hear the lie and the fear he tried to hide in his voice. “I don’t want her to get hurt.” Michael said quietly. He dropped his sword and looked at Rayal. He knew Rayal didn’t know the cells worked on him. “Let me go to her.” Michael said.
Rayal smiled. His satisfaction was a terrifying thing. “As you wish, but you can’t beat me.” He said. The queen opened her mouth to interject, but said nothing at the look Rayal gave her.
Michael said nothing as he ran over to Novala. She was alive. Rayal had reopened the wounds on her arm and shoulder, and he cut deep into the side of her right leg. Her skin was spotted with bruises. He could also tell he had made her walk by the way the wounds on her legs that had opened more than the blade had cut. Dirt was in all wounds, some of them slightly yellow around the edges. She had likely slept on the ground while traveling here. He could also see several cuts on her back. There was a cut on her cheek below her right eye, and there were smudges of dirt on her face. He could see muddy streaks going from the corner of her eyes down her face from where she had cried. Chains were around her wrists, ankles and neck, all connected to the wall. Her clothes were torn and dust-covered.
At Michael’s touch, she shied away. A moment later, as if knowing it was him, relaxed against him as he held her. She didn't open her eyes, but tears began streaming down her cheeks. She was too exhausted, tired to open her eyes. She was afraid and hurting, but awake. All she knew was that Michael was here, and it would be okay now.
Michael was very angry at Rayal, but he was more concerned for Novala. “I love you.” He said quietly. Novala said nothing, but weakly squeezed his hand. Michael was here and she would be okay now. It wall all her broken mind could think. Michael smiled a little.
“What could you have said?” Michael muttered to himself, his smile vanishing. He hugged her closer, lightly kissing her forehead. He used his thumb to gently wiped away her tears. She relaxed against him, letting him take care of her.
Michael had the sense that someone was behind him. He looked back and Cammine stood there with Starla, Nebulav, and Gallon. They were all touching, and they were all transparent. One of the undead tried to grab them, but their hand passed right through them. Everyone drew their weapons exempt of Nebulav and Gallon, neither carried a weapon.
“You really think we would abandon the two of you? Cammine asked. Starla let go, and the battle began. Gallon rushed over to Michael and Novala, and began examining the wounds. He sucked in his breath. “I can’t heal all of these. I might be able to kill the infection though.” He said. He looked to Michael. “Please just help her. She’s awake, she just won’t open her eyes. We have to get the chains off first.”
Gallon called to Nebulav, who fought her way over. She crouched beside them in a moment. “We need to get these off.” He explained, lifting the chains. Nebulav examined them, and transformed her right hand into a long blade. She ran it carefully across the cuff on Novala’s right hand. It broke and fell from her arm. Gallon closed his eyes, and his hands glowed golden white. He put them above the large wound on Novala’s leg, while Nebulav worked on the chains. Cammine and Starla kept the dead at bay. Rayal stayed where he was on the throne, his eyes closed, and swaying slightly. The queen had her hand on his shoulder. What looked like glowing dust was flowing from her to him.
“What is the queen doing?” Michael asked Nebulav. “She’s a giver. She can give her energy to others through contact. You can guess who she’s giving it to.” Nebulav said as the final chain fell away. Gallon stood, looking exhausted. The yellow around Novala’s wounds had gone away. “Thank you.” Michael said, looking to Gallon.
Michael looked at Novala. “Novala, can you open your eyes?” Her eyes opened slightly. They were as beautiful as he remembered, only they were filled with pain. “Novala, he isn’t going to hurt you anymore. You’re going to be okay.” Michael said. Novala did not respond, but he knew she had heard him.
“She’s extremely injured. We have to get her out of here.” Michael told Nebulav. She nodded, and called to Starla and Cammine. “We have to go!” She shouted. Both women stopped fighting and ran to them. Starla touched Michael and Cammine. Cammine touched Nebulav who put her hand on Gallon’s shoulder. They all became transparent.
“Can you carry her?” Cammine asked. The dead tried to grab them, but they couldn’t. “Yes.” Michael said, getting to his feet. He was not going to let anyone else. Cammine closed her eyes and they appeared in the courtyard of the Shrine. They became solid again.
“Where are we going to take Novala?” Michael asked immediately. “The biggest concentration of healers is the Rainbow Cavern Shrine.” Gallon said. “It would be best to take her there. The Shrine’s leader is the most skilled healer. She should be fine.” Cammine said. She put her hand on Michael’s shoulder. “Okay, if you’re sure that she’ll be fine.” Michael said quietly. Cammine nodded.
They appeared in a large cavern. The walls, ceiling, and floor all glowed. Before them stood a shrine made of glowing stone. It was smaller than the others he had seen, but people walked about like every other. Most of them looked like Gallon as most had on gold and white. Michael looked around amazed at what he saw. Cammine teleported away. “Come on.” Gallon said, leading Michael inside.
Some people ran over when they saw Novala. Several ran off into the building. “She’ll be okay, right?” Michael asked Gallon. Gallon nodded. “They’re all interested because she’s hurt. Most are healers.” Gallon explained. “Well can you talk to them? She needs help now.” Michael said. “We need a proper place to work. Also we're going to need Pan for this. He’s the leader here.” Gallon said as they entered. “Just please hurry.” Michael said urgency in his voice.
Gallon led them to a room with a bed in the corner on one side, and several couches on the other. Food was piled on a table in the center of the couches. “Put her on the bed. I’ll go find Pan.” Gallon said, then left the room.
Michael laid Novala gently on the bed and sat on a couch across from her. “I missed you.” Michael said quietly. Novala said nothing. She was asleep. Michael sat in silence as he waited for Gallon to return with Pan. He knew Novala was going to be okay, but he was still upset. She probably wouldn’t be this hurt in the first place if he hadn’t been such a bad influence.
The door behind him opened. Gallon entered with an elderly looking man, though it was difficult to truly tell his age, and three more adults. A couple of younger kids trailed in after them. Gallon sat down on one of the couches. The other kids joined him. The four adults spoke among themselves for a moment. The elderly man, Michael assumed it was Pan, and one of the other adults went over to Novala. The other two sat down. The two by Novala closed their eyes. Their hands glowed, and they held them over her wounds.
Michael watched anxiously. He wasn’t entirely positive about this plan yet. Both healers focused on the wound on her leg first. Michael could see it slowly healing. It was like watching a timelapse. It wasn't as fast as Michael would have liked, and he could tell it would take awhile for all the wounds to heal. Even then they would leave scars. Michael watched the wounds heal and his anxiety faded. He realized she was really going to be fine and sighed in relief.
It took an hour for the wounds to be fully healed. A large scar in its place. Michael could tell this was going to take all day. Gallon and the other two kids watched intently as if this was the best TV show ever. Michael looked exhausted and he was starving. He hadn’t eaten very much the last few days and sleep had been like a fantasy.
The smell from the food was tantalizing. Steam rose from the meat, the fruits looked fresh, and the sweets looked delicious. One of the healers popped a grape into his mouth, and the kids were occasionally eating a sweet. Most of the table was covered in food. Most of which he had never seen.
Michael was ignoring his hunger and exhaustion at the moment. He only paid attention to Novala and the healers around her. “You know you can eat this stuff right?” A girl, one of the kids, said. “It’s not just for us.” Gallon said. Michael nodded but he kept looking at Novala. He looked awful honestly. He had light circles under his eyes and he was pale. His wounds stood out against his skin. He looked sleep deprived. His eyes were somewhat out of focus and he was slumped against the back of the couch.
“You should rest. Also you should let one of us look at those wounds.” A boy said. He was several years younger than Michael. Michael shifted his gaze to the boy. “I am fine. Thank you, but I can’t eat or sleep right now.” Michael said. “They’re right. You need food and rest. Also, you really need someone to look at those.” Gallon said. “I’m fine honestly.” Michael said unconvincingly. Gallon came over and put a hand on his shoulder. “She’ll be fine. I don’t think it will do her any good for you to torture yourself like this. If it makes you feel any better, you can stay here. Just let us look at those wounds, while you eat and rest.” “I know you’re right. I’ll eat but I’m not going to sleep.” Michael got up.
Walking over to the table, Michael ate a couple pieces of fruit. He was hungry, but he couldn’t eat more than that right now. He walked back to the couch, and stood in front of Gallon. “Not sleeping and once the rest of them leave I’ll tell you why.” Michael said pausing. “For some reason I trust you and there is only one other person I trust and I bet you can guess.” He finished with a small smile. Gallon smiled back. “I have that effect on people.” He said, shrugging. “Mind if I look at your wounds?” Michael shook his head and sat back on the couch.
Gallon inspected the wound on his arm. His hands started glowing. “Do you mind?” He asked. Michael shook his head. Gallon held his hands above the wounds. They were slowly healing. Michael could feel it. It felt strange. Michael was so exhausted but he kept his open focusing on Gallon.
After several hours, the other healers left. Michael’s wounds had been fully healed, as well as Novala’s. Novala was still asleep. Gallon and Michael were alone. “I said I’d tell you why I won’t sleep. Believe me I don’t want her to see me like this, but if I go to sleep it will only make it worse.” Michael said dully. “Why?” Gallon asked. “Rayal. It’s a long story. The memories are just constantly replaying when I sleep and now I would have to relive when I thought she was going to die.” Michael said quietly. “She won’t and those memories will fade with time. I’m a healer. If I could heal your hurt like I healed your wounds, I would. But it takes time.” Gallon said. “I know and I will heal eventually. I just don’t tell her because she always worries.” Michael said a small smile on his face. “She worries because she cares.” Gallon said. He looked over to Novala.
Michael could see concerns, and something else. He would only be concerned because he was a healer right? Michael shook it off. “I know. I’m going to try to sleep. Do you know Novala?” Michael asked. “We’ve worked together a few times. I’ve been her healer before. Usually during the aftermath of a battle.” Gallon explained. Michael nodded laying down on the couch. He looked exhausted and his eyes were half closed as he laid down. “I’ll leave you alone.” Gallon said, then left. Michael felt his eyes close and that night he dreamt of nothing because he was so exhausted.408Please respect copyright.PENANAUFj6At5Za7