Novala pushed heavy stones off of her, tears streaming down her face as she crawled across the rubble, trying to find Michael. She dug into the rubble, her hands getting cut by sharp stones and shards of wood. Finally, she found him and pulled him from the rubble.
Blood was still pouring from his wounds. She put her hand on his wrist. His pulse was faint. She dragged him down from the ruins of the shrine. A giant black wolf-like creature emerged from a tunnel. “We need to find a river.” She said to her. She didn’t understand, but could smell blood and fear.
The shadowbeast crouched down, and Novala climbed on its back between the spikes. She had already dragged Michael between the spikes in front of her, laying him on his back so that the blood wouldn’t run as fast. The shadowbeast stood, and ran from the cave. It ran through the forest, much faster than a horse.
After a few minutes, it slowed, and stopped beside a river. Novala slid off, and dragged Michael off. Novala took a deep breath, and pulled Michael’s shirt off to properly clean the wounds. She put the shirt in the river, and soaked it, then cleaned dust away from the wounds.
As she did this she spoke aloud. “I don’t know why he hurt you so bad.” She said. She had to roll him over to clean the wound on his back. “He was right. I should have drawn my sword to defend you.” She said.
After, she tore up his shirt, and used the strips to bind his wounds. As she did this her face turned bright green. “I don’t know why I didn’t. In the moment my mind didn’t go to my sword.” She said. She looked at the cut on his face. Her face turned an even darker shade of green as she put her fingers on either side of the wound, and slowly spread it apart to see how deep it was. “He went deeper than she should have… he was doing it to hurt me. Why did he seem to have fun with it though?” She asked herself.
Novala pressed the cloth to his cheek, her face becoming greener. With the other hand, she wrapped a strip of cloth around his neck. Careful to not strangle but still apply pressure to it. “Did… did you believe Rayal? Do you really think I don’t care about you?” Novala asked, knowing she wouldn’t be able to get an answer from him yet. She remembered the look on his face. She left the strips of cloth on his cheek while she tied off the one on his neck. She knew he hadn't cried from the wounds.
Novala took a deep breath and began with the wound on his back. She felt uncomfortable not knowing if he would be okay with her doing this. “It’s my fault. I have to fix it. I have to stop the bleeding.” She said to herself.
She began wrapping the cloth tightly around the wound on his back. She had to do it across his back and chest. Every time her skin touched his she became a deeper shade of green. She had to sit him up against a tree to do it. She did this quickly.
Novala moved onto his right arm. When she opened the wound to check how deep it was she could tell it was the deepest so far. She cleaned again, then bound it. She moved onto his leg. The wound was about the same depth. She repeated the process she had done with his arm.
When she was done, she looked over him. His face was pale and he looked sickly. She moved to his side and checked his pulse. It was faster than before but not at a normal rate. She put one of her fingers below his nose to check if he was breathing. He was. Faintly. It was obviously difficult for him, but he was breathing.
Novala looked around trying to see what else she could do to help. She saw a bush near the stream a few feet away. She walked over, picked a few leaves, and came back. She tore them up in her hand while leaning against the shadowbeast.
The shadowbeast had curled up under the tree on the opposite side of Michael. All of the sudden Novala heard a gasp. Michael was awake and he was panincing. “Where am I?” He mumbled. He tried to sit up and cried out.
Novala stood up fast, and rushed over. “Thank god you're okay. Here.” She helped him sit up against the tree. “These will numb the pain.” She said putting the leaves in his hand, and helping him get them to his mouth.
Michael was confused and he was dizzy with pain. He couldn’t remember who he was. Then his eyes came into focus. He realized there was a girl in front of him and he was shirtless. His face turned red but then he remembered something… hate. He hated the girl in front of him. “Get away from me!” He tried to shout but it came out in a loud whisper. “Michael, what?” She looked at him confused, but backed away.
“You did this to me! Why am I shirtless and why are you here? Stay away from me!” Michael said in the same loud whisper. He winced everything hurt and he knew she must have done it. She had blood on her hands.
“I know I couldn’t control myself. I just- wait, the slashes and stabs? Those were from Rayal. You know that.” Novala said, her confusion growing. “I had to clean your wound so… also I needed some way to bind them. I-I didn’t know if you were okay with it, but I didn’t want you to bleed out.” Novala explained, green sliding in her cheeks. “Stop lying you did this to me! You used that sword! I don’t remember why but I know you did it because I hate you!” Michael exclaimed, his voice gained volume, but it caused him a lot of pain. He groaned.
Novala looked at him in confusion. “I would never hurt you! Michael, you know that. What’s going on?” For some reason she looked hurt by the last thing he said. “Stop lying! You….you hurt me with your sword and… I don’t know why.” Michael said. He looked like he was trying to remember but he couldn’t.
“All I know is you hurt me and that I hate you.” As he said this the remarks Rayal made and his voice from the cave when Novala had hurt him before. He couldn’t remember what happened before and after he just knew it was about this girl in front of him.
“Michael, you know me. Please just calm down this isn’t funny.” Novala said. “Who are you?! I don’t know you I just know you hurt me.” Michael snapped. His voice was faint and he was breathing heavily.
“Michael, calm down. You're exhausting yourself. You need to rest. You know I wouldn't hurt you. The pain must be messing with your brain.” Novala said, trying to calm herself down as well. “I don’t… know… who you… are.” Michael said, forcing the words out.
“It shouldn’t be this bad. Was it something I did? I might have-'' she broke off. “What’s the last thing you remember before waking up here?” Novala asked, fear and panic in her eyes. Michael was silent. “Pain. Something cold cutting into me…..a sword. Then a man said she didn’t care about me and she never did. I remember a name… Novala.” Michael said quietly. He was going to pass out any second.
“The strain of staying awake is too much for you. You're going to pass out. Here let me help you lay down so you can stay conscious longer.” She reached out to help him. Michael slapped her hand. “Don’t…… touch me!” He said. This took a lot of his energy and the pain was overwhelming. Michael passed out against the tree.
Novala was slowly descending into panic. The shadowbeast stood and walked over to her. She nudged Novala’s arm and brought her out of her mind. She pet the shadowbeast, then laid Michael down. “He remembers almost nothing. He thinks I’m the one that hurt him. I need to find food. I also need to find a shirt for him.” Novala said to the shadowbeast, though she couldn’t understand her. Novala walked off to find food, leaving the shadowbeast to watch him.
Michael woke up several minutes later, seeing a shadowbeast staring at him a few feet away. Michael let out a scream which immediately turned into a groan. He remembered someone telling him about it. He didn’t remember who told him though.
Novala ran into the clearing, her sword drawn. Her eyes were filled with an odd fire that was terrifying. She looked like a killer. “What is it?!” She shouted looking around. “Shadowbeast!” Michael groaned. Novala looked at her. “Oh. Yeah she’s on our side. Of course you remember what a shadowbeast is, but you don’t remember me. We were only in the cave for like a week!” Novala exclaimed, frustrated.
Novala walked over to the shadowbeast and pet her. It’s head was bigger than her hand. “I do remember you. It’s kind of hard to forget with stab and cut wounds all over me. Can I please have a shirt!” Michael snapped, his face turning red with embarrassment and frustration.
“I didn’t do this! Rayal did it. I tried to stop him… I ended up exploding the shrine though… and I shredded your shirt for cloth to bind your wounds, so we have to steal one from the surface.” Novala said. When she talked about Rayal, tears came to her eyes. She talked about stealing like it was the most normal thing in the world to break the law.
“Who’s Rayal? Stop lying to- why are you crying.” Michael asked, looking up at her. “Because all of this is my fault! The only reason you're here is because he wanted to use you to get to me! I couldn’t stop him because I’m stupid! I should have done something! Instead I destroyed the only home I’ve ever known, nearly killed my best friend who hates me now, and made enemies of the people who raised me.” She leaned against a tree, sliding down the trunk and putting her head into her knees.
Michael was silent. “You’re Novala. It was still your fault.” Michael said. “Yup! I brought you down here, got you caught up in the war, nearly got you killed, and wiped your memory!” Novala paused and sighed. “Now you hate me… but at this point I don’t see how anyone could like me.” She added quietly.
Michael looked at her. He knew he felt like he hated her but there was something else. He trusted her. He was really confused. “I think I believe you.” Michael said. Novala looked up at him. “I’m sorry. I should be worrying about you. Not wallowing in self-pity. Are you hungry?” She asked, wiping tears from her eyes.
“It’s ok. I was yelling at you and it wasn’t really true so…. I’m sorry too.” Michael said. “But your right. It is my fault. You wouldn’t be like this right now if we hadn’t met.” She traced her finger across one of the many scars crossing her body. Michael had only just noticed them.
“It’s not your fault. I think. Maybe I’d forgive you if you got me a shirt!” He said with a small smile. Novala laughed. “You sound like you again. We have to steal one from the surface. Or get one from your parent’s house, but we told them we wouldn’t be back, and even if you don’t remember them, when you get your memory back you're not going to want that in your head. I’d offer you the one that I’m wearing since it’s yours and all, but…” Novala trailed off.
Michael laughed but immediately winced. “I want my memory back. It’s just that right now I’m confused because my brain is saying I should trust you and hate you at the same time. I don’t know what to do right now. I’m underground, with a shadowbeast, with no memories, confused emotions, and to top it all off I’m shirtless.” Michael said. Novala’s face turned slightly green.
“Okay, you tamed her a few weeks back, so she won’t kill you. You likely hate me because of the incident in the cave, and… what Rayal said. We can't really fix the fact that you're shirtless right now. It’s getting dark. We should eat, and sleep. You need rest so your wounds can heal.” Novala said.
“I’m fine. I really want you to know it’s not your fault. I don’t know why but I do. Why do you have so many scars?” Michael asked. “How do you know it’s not my fault?” She asked, dodging the question about the scars. “I don’t know. I just know I have to say it. It’s like a feeling. It’s not your fault… Novala. Why do you have so many scars?” Michael asked. “But you said that you hated me like ten minutes ago.” Novala said, again dogging the question about her scars. “I know and that wasn’t right. I should have listened to you first. If anyone owes anyone an apology it’s me. I’m sorry that I said that. You must care about me if you helped me and got so worked up about it. The point is it’s not your fault.” He said, his cheeks turning red.
“Anyway, why do you have so many scars.” Michael added. Novala smiled. “I’d hug you, but you're shirtless.” She said, still dogging the question. “How about a high five?” Michael said. “What’s that?” She asked. “Okay well…” Michael sat up, wincing. “Come here and I’ll show you.”
Novala stood up, and walked over to him. She sat down across from him. “First, just hold up your hand with your palm facing me.” He told her. Novala held up her hand. Michael raised his own and hit hers. “That is a high five.” “Oh, cool.” She said.
“Please just tell me about the scars.” Michael asked. “Okay… please don’t freak out… you saw my sword… I’m kinda a war criminal.” Novala explained hesitantly. Michael was shocked speechless for a few minutes.
“Okay, I really want the rest of my memories back.” Michael stated. “Yeah… now here.” She said, handing him an apple. She pulled one out for herself. They both ate then threw their cores into the river. Novala laid down in the grass a few feet away. Michael and Novala soon fell asleep.
Some time in the night, Michael started screaming. He still felt the cold blade on his neck when his eyes flew open. Novala jumped up, sword drawn already. “What is it?” She shouted, looking around the dark forest.
Michael didn’t answer. He was sitting up with his head in his hands. He was shaking with fear. She sheathed her sword, and sat down next to him. ‘What happened?” She asked. “Bad dream.” Michael replied, looking up. There were tears running down his face. “Tell me.” She said, putting her hand on his. She had forgotten he had lost his memory. Michael hesitated for a moment, but he didn’t move his hand.
“It was the sword. There was a man laughing at me as he cut me. I can still feel it.” He whispered. He was looking down again, and tears were still streaming down his face. Novala could understand why he was crying.
“He said something didn’t he?” Novala asked. Michael nodded. “What did he say?” Novala asked softly. She was almost certain she knew the answer. “He said I am weak and helpless. He said that she didn’t care about me, and that deep down I know it’s true. It’s you isn’t it? The girl he was talking about?” Michael asked quietly. She nodded.
“We were captured, and they brought us to the shrine. Rayal was trying to get to me. He hurt you. He tried to get in your head. The last thing I remember before I went nova was the way you looked at me.” Novala explained. “That’s where your wounds are from. They won’t find us here. And even if they did, the shadowbeast would scare them off.” Novala assured him. Michael looked up. “What do you mean how I looked at you?” He asked.
Novala looked away. “I could see it in your eyes. You were hurt. I couldn’t tell whether you believed him or not… you were hurt that I didn’t try harder to stop him. You were crying. Bleeding out… it was…” Novala didn’t have the words. “I don’t think that’s why it hurt me. I think it was because I wasn’t completely sure you did care. I know you care about me though because I wouldn’t be here if you didn’t.” Michael told her.
“I do. You don’t remember, but… I love you. I know that’s weird for you to hear. Now try and get some rest. Your body needs to heal.” Novala said. Michael shook his head. “I’m pretty sure if I had my memories I’d say I love you too.” Michael replied, totally ignoring the sleep portion.
Novala smiled. “Don’t want to?” She asked. Michael shook his head. “I can’t relive that again.” He said. “Michael, your body needs time to heal. With our luck, you're going to need to be healed much sooner than you will be. I know it’s scary, but you can’t stay awake forever.” She told him. She could tell that when the adrenaline wore off he would be exhausted and in pain.
“I can’t. I-I don’t want to feel that sword again.” Michael stated, a flicker of fear in his eyes. He was afraid of Rayal and the feeling the sword caused him, but he was really afraid that he would have to hear that man again. He didn’t want to hear his taunts again. Michael was shaking again just thinking about it. Novala knew that was the real reason he didn’t want to go back to sleep.
“It’s okay. I know he scares you, but you need rest.” Novala said. “I can’t. I don’t even know who he is.” He said quietly. “Rayal. He was one of the people who raised me. I know that sounds kinda weird. He’s always been different from the others. More violent than them. He’s the one you hear. He has always scared me, but I didn’t know he would go that far. Even the others seemed shocked by what he did. Just think of something that makes you happy, and focus on that as you fall asleep.” Novala told him. He could hear the exhaustion behind her voice. She needed rest as much as he did.
“I can’t remember anything that makes me happy.” Michael said, exhaustion behind his voice as well. “Think of the thing that made you smile the most today.” Novala told him. “Yeah, but then what happens if I do that and when I fall asleep again the dream comes back?” Michael asked. “Then when you wake up, I’ll be here for you.” She replied with a smile. “I don’t want to see or hear him again.” Michael said quietly.
Without answering, Novala began to hum a tune. The song was beautiful, yet ghostly. The melody drifted about the camp. Michael listened for a moment then laid down. He closed his eyes focusing on the song. They both fell asleep, the song fading away as Novala drifted to sleep.
Michael woke up first. He looked up and saw Novala was still sleeping. He laid down again, straining to remember anything. Nothing past when he first woke up. Michael gave up on trying to remember he couldn’t recall anything that happened before Rayal had stabbed him.
Novala groaned beside him, and shivered. Michael looked at her. He thought about what he might do if he remembered everything. The action just kind of came to him. he took her hand in his. She seemed more comfortable, but still cold.
Michael released her hand and got up slowly. It didn’t hurt as bad as it had earlier. He collected wood and cleared a patch of land a few feet away from Novala. It hurt a lot to walk, but for some reason he really wanted to do this.
Soon he had the fire going then he limped back to the tree and sat down. He leaned against the tree breathing heavily. He was still quiet so he wouldn’t wake Novala but the pain was almost excruciating.
Novala groaned again. Michael could tell she was waking up. Michael quieted his breathing and straightened up. He did not want her to worry about him.. Novala rolled over, and sat up. She rubbed her eyes. “Mm... Hey Michael, did you… start a fire?” She asked, still sleepy. “Well I’m the only other person here so…” Michael trailed off.
“Well I’m here now. Anyway, the shadowbeast should be back soon. The ceiling’s brightening. She’ll likely have her pups with her this time. I’ll have her take me to the surface then come back and watch you.” Novala said, standing. Just then, Michael heard his own voice. ‘Just because I’m human doesn’t mean that I’m stupid.’ “I can stay here alone, Novala.” Michael stated. “Yeah, but I’m worried someone else might find you.” Novala explained. “Okay, just, please hurry. I really want a shirt.” Michael replied with fake desperation. Then he smiled. Novala laughed.
Just then, the shadowbeast appeared. Behind it, it’s pups stumbled through the bushes. They ran over, knocking Michael over, and showering him in licks. Novala laughed. Michael laughed too. “Watch them while were gone.” Novala said, mounting the shadowbeast.
As Michael played with the shadowbeast pups a thought kept circling in his head. Novala cared about him so much. She didn’t want him to get hurt and she was always willing to help him. He knew he had to ask her why she cared so much when she got back.
When they returned, the shadowbeast woke its pups and took them into the forest. Novala threw a shirt at him, hitting him in the face. “Why did you throw it at me?” Michael asked, trying to be mad but he was smiling. “Because stupid, you need a shirt!” Novala said, punching him in the arm lightly.
Michael was sitting against the tree. He leaned forward and slid the shirt over his head. “It feels great to have a shirt again.” He paused. “Why do you care about me so much? I mean you literally do everything you can to help me even when I’m a jerk.” Michael finished, standing. “You asked me that once… on our way to the queen. You're the only person my age that has been nice to me. You care about me. I don’t know why, but you refuse to leave me no matter what I do and how much I mess up.” Novala replied.
All of a sudden, Michael fell back against the tree. His eyes were unfocused and his hands were shaking. Every memory came flooding back to him. He didn’t know why, but what Novala had said brought them back. Then his eyes came back into focus and he stood up.
“Novala…” He said, rushing forward and hugging her. “I love you.” He said. She seemed startled for a second. “Michael?” She asked. “I remember.” He said quietly. Tears sprang into Novala’s eyes, and streamed down her cheeks as she hugged him.
“Was I really shirtless?” Michael asked with a small smile as he broke away to look at her. “Um, you remember all that?” Novala asked, her face turning bright green. “Yeah.” Michael replied with a laugh. “Y-yeah… but you were bleeding out and I didn’t know what to do, and it was all I had to bind your-“ Michael interrupted her. “Oh calm down.” He said, and he kissed her.
For a moment they stayed that way, then he pulled away. His face turned really red. Novala’s face became neon green. They stood there stunned for a second, only inches apart.
“Well I didn’t expect to walk in on this. Am I interrupting something?” A voice said from behind them. Novala whirled around, drawing her sword. Michael looked back, fear on his face for just a second. This second was however long enough for the person to notice. Rayal smiled. “You destroyed the shrine, but I’m still fine. I’ve been hunting you two for days.” He said.