Rayal looked at them with a crazed look in his eyes, and he looked like he hadn't slept since they had last seen him. Michael looked at him. “What happened to you? It looks like you came back from the dead.” Michael asked. His voice sounded a little strained though. Novala could tell he was afraid and unfortunately, Rayal could as well. Novala and Michael were still blushing.
“Oh I’m fine. Unlike you two in a moment.” Rayal sneered. He drew his sword and charged. Michael was frozen. Seeing the sword again scared him. He could still feel the sword cut against his neck, arm, leg, and back. Novala blocked the sword. ‘Not again.” She growled. Her and Rayal began sword fighting with moves Michael couldn’t do. He would be outmatched if Novala lost.
Michael had no idea what to do. He knew he was too injured to fight and he wasn’t going to run away. “I’ll kill you then drag your corpses to the queen.” Rayal sneered. Novala stopped. “The queen?” She asked. Rayal cut into Novala’s arm, and she screamed.
“Don’t hurt her!” Michael shouted. “What’s stopping me?” Rayal asked. Novala had dropped her sword. The cut was deep in her right fore-arm. Blood flowed from the wound. Rayal smiled, and aimed a stab to her heart.
Novala rolled to the left, the sword cutting her left shoulder as she went. She cried out as she stood. Dirt and grime was caught in the wounds. She grimaced, and backed toward Michael. Rayal advanced, Novala’s sword several feet behind him. The place where her wounds had touched the ground was stained red. Novala gritted her teeth trying to ignore the pain searing through her body.
Michael dived, grabbing the sword. “Novala!” He shoved the sword into her hands. She held the sword in her left hand. Rayal rushed at her, but Novala blocked his sword. She sucked in her breath as she moved her shoulder, but she didn’t let up.
A growl sounded from the bushes behind them. Michael felt a wave of relief run through him. Rayal turned as the shadowbeast emerged from the woods. Her tail flicked back and forth angrily, and her razor fangs glinted in the light. The spikes along her back roze with her fur.
Michael smiled at Rayal. “I bet you weren’t counting on that.” He said. Rayal stumbled back. “Why isn’t that monster attacking you!” He shouted. Novala leaned against a tree, her sword held loosely in her left hand. She looked like she was in pain, blood seeping into the tree’s bark. Despite that, she smiled at Rayal. “We don’t have black hearts. I suggest you run. She doesn't listen to us.” Novala said. “If you don’t run she’ll kill you.” Michael said. Rayal backed up, his eyes huge. He glanced at Novala and Michael. “This isn’t over.” He snapped. Then he turned and ran.
The shadowbeast chased him out of the clearing, then circled back to Novala. Novala leaned heavily against the tree as soon as Rayal was out of sight. She closed her eyes, and tried to steady her breathing. She was still bleeding.
“Novala I have no idea what to do!” Michael exclaimed, standing in front of her. She sat down, still leaning against the tree. “You need to clean the wounds, and bind them.” Novala told him through gritted teeth. “The herbs to numb the pain are down river, but you don’t know what they look like.”
Novala leaned her head back and breathed out sharply, trying to block out the pain. Michael hadn't had to go through this suffering because he was always asleep for the worst of it. “What do I use to bind them?” He asked, panic in his voice.
Michael put an arm around her waist, leading her toward the river. Novala leaned heavily on him. “Clean strips of cloth works.” She explained. Her blood soaked into Michael’s shirt as he helped her to the river. “You know that means I am probably going to be shirtless again, correct?” Michael said as they reached the river. He helped Novala sit down against a tree a few feet from the river.
“We should just carry a bag full of shirts for you.” Novala joked. “In all seriousness, we need to go back to the surface. Rayal will come again, and we don’t have any food or supplies.” She added. Michael noticed the blood was already beginning to pool around Novala. She leaned her head back against the tree, closing her eyes.
Michael quickly took off his shirt and began tearing it into strips. He soaked one in water and cleaned off the wounds. He tried not to hurt Novala. He took two strips and tied it tightly around the wounds. “The only reason I know how to do this is because you’ve done it to me so many times.” He sad with a small smile. He was quiet for a minute.
“Will you promise me something?” He asked. “Y-yeah?” Novala replied, opening her eyes to look at him. “Please don’t die.” He said quietly. Novala laughed weakly. “I can’t promise that.” She said. “Okay, well just don’t die now.” He said. “I-I can promise t-that.” Novala said. He could tell she was losing focus.
“You should get some rest.” Michael told her. “Y-yeah.” Novala replied, closing her eyes again. Michael sat beside her, worrying that she had lost too much blood. “We should go back to the surface.” Novala said. “Fine, but you need to sleep so we can actually go.” Michael said. “We can go now. It’s safer.” She said. “No. You lost a lot of blood and you can’t walk very well.” Michael said, then he laughed. “I sound like you!” He exclaimed. Novala laughed.
“We can just take the shadowbeast.” She said “No, we can’t bring her near the surface and she needs to stay here with her pups.” Michael said. He looked at her. “You aren’t going anywhere. I am much more stubborn than you and to add to that stubbornness I don’t want you to hurt yourself more so there's no way you are winning this argument we can go tomorrow morning.” Michael said. “Promise we’ll go tomorrow?” Novala asked. “You need a shirt, and I need real clothes.” “Jeez I need a shirt that bad!” Michael laughed. Novala laughed too, but her eyes had become unfocused.
“Novala, you need to sleep.” Michael told her. Novala sighed. “Y-yeah okay…” She said, her voice quiet. Michael helped her lay down. Novala fell asleep almost instantly. Michael knew he was going to stay up worrying about Novala so he stayed where he was.
Two days later, Novala woke up on the floor next to Michael. They were in an abandoned apartment building on the surface. They both had new clothes. Novala nudged Michael. She was still weak, but she had most of her blood back. Michael kept his eyes closed. “Nope. Not getting up. You can’t make me.” He complained.
“Rayal is downstairs.” Novala said in a monotone voice.
Michael jumped up instantly. He was now a few feet away from Novala. Fear entered his gaze. Novala burst out laughing. “I can’t believe you fell for that!” She shouted. Michael was not laughing.
“That’s not funny.” He said in a voice barely above a whisper. Novala stopped laughing. “Michael... I’m sorry I didn’t think you would take it that hard.” She said looking down. “Yeah, can’t imagine taking it hard when you can still feel the blade and the pain. I can still hear his taunts and…” He stopped, his voice was quiet and honestly it was much weirder to see him talking like this instead of yelling.
“I thought you said the nightmares had stopped.” Novala said, looking up at him. “You really think I would admit something like that?” He said his voice was still quiet and he was looking at the floor. “No. Your right, that was mean.” Novala said.
Michael said nothing. He didn’t even seem mad, that meant something was seriously wrong. “Is there something else?” Novala asked. Michael said nothing. She sighed. “You wanna talk about it?” She asked. She stood, and came over to him, slipping her hands in his.
“Yes, I’m still having nightmares. The only reason you haven’t noticed is because you have been so exhausted from the pain.” Michael explained, meeting her eyes. “I should have been paying attention. I’m sorry.” Novala replied, looking away. “It’s not your fault you’ve been in pain. I wasn’t nearly as attentive as you are when I got hurt.” Michael said. “Well, obviously I’ve had a lot of practice being hurt.” Novala said. She didn’t even have to gesture to the scars that covered her. Michael nodded.
“Please just don’t joke about… him again.” Michael asked. “Okay. Do you want to get some food?” Novala asked, changing the subject. “Yeah, sure.” Michael said. He walked out, pulling his hand from Novala’s. He led her down a series of streets to a building with the words Chick-fil-A in bright red letters on the front.
“What’s this?” Novala asked, looking up at the sign. “It’s where we get food. We’re just going to order some food and before we have to pay we’ll just run out.” Michael said, his voice flat. “Um, we have money.” Novala replied. “Yes we do, but we don’t have a lot of money so if we spend some here we have to steal from somewhere else. Let’s just pay here and when we need new clothes we can steal some.” Michael told her, walking toward the building. Novala ran after him. “Uh, you just said we were going to steal from here. What’s the plan?” Novala asked, confused.
“We’ll just order something and pay for it.” Michael stated. “Okay. Are you alright? You’ve been acting weird today.” Novala asked. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Michael replied with a smile but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Come on, you can trust me.” Novala told him.
“I-I just don’t want to see him again.” Michael whispered, touching the scar on his arm. “He won’t know that we're up here.” Novala assured him. “There is no way he could have tracked us.” She slipped her hand into his as they walked. “We’re safe.”
“Are we? He found us in the woods, so what’s stopping him from finding us here?” Michael asked. “He can track in the woods, but up here there is no way he could track us. Besides, once we entered the tunnel to get up here, he wouldn't have been able to follow us.” Novala told him. At this point they had reached the entrance. “Thanks, Novala.” Michael said. She smiled. “Of course.”
They placed their orders, and sat down to wait. “So, what do you want to do today?” Novala asked. Michael shrugged. “What do you want to do?” He countered. “I know pretty much nothing about this place, remember?” Novala asked. “Well.. we could go see a movie, go to a park, walk around, and-“
Novala cut him off. “What’s a movie?” She asked. “It’s... like a moving picture. It tells a story and you just watch it.” Michael said. “Huh. So it’s like a book, but you watch it?” Novala asked. “Yeah.” Michael replied. “Cool!” Novala exclaimed. “Let’s do that.” “Okay, let's eat then we can do that.” Michael said smiling. Novala smiled back.
They ate quickly. “I’m done!” Novala announced to him. “I am too. To the movies then!” Michael exclaimed.
As they were walking out, Novala opened the door with her right arm. Michael noticed blood seeping into her shirt almost instantly. The sudden movement had probably cracked the scab. Novala winced, and stumbled into him.
“We need to leave before people notice.” Michael whispered, putting an arm around her waist leading her toward the door. “Is that girl okay?” The woman at the counter asked. “Yes, she just fell in some ketchup.” Michael said quickly, still walking toward the door. “That doesn’t look like ketchup.” A boy said from his seat. “It’s spreading.” Another person commented. A man stood up. “Oh my gosh is that blood!” A man exclaimed. “No. It’s not blood now if you’ll excuse us we are going to get her a new shirt.” Michael said, grabbing the door handle. “Eww it’s spreading.” A kid said. Michael pulled the door open and walked out with Novala.
“We need to get to a building so we can bind it.” Michael said. A man came out the door behind them. “Hey hold up you two. I wanna check that isn’t ketchup.” He said. “Okay the truth is it is blood. We didn’t want to cause a panic. She fell and cut her shoulder on the corner of the table.” Michael said. “Can I check it?” He asked. “He can’t see it, or he’ll know we’re lying.” Novala whispered. “No, she gets very uncomfortable when strangers get too close. She might have a panic attack again.” Michael said.
“Where are your parents?” He asked. “They live just a few blocks away.” Michael said. “What are their numbers? I could call them and have them pick you up, so she doesn't have to walk home.” He said. “It’s alright sir. Now please let us go so I can get her home.” Michael said walking away. The blood was still coming, the stain getting bigger.
“That looks worse than a cut from a table corner.” He said, following them. Michael wasn’t listening anymore; he tore off Novala’s left sleeve and tied it tightly around her right shoulder while they walked. “We need to lose this guy.” Michael whispered. Novala nodded. The man spotted the wound on her arm. “What’s that?” He asked running to catch up with them. Michael whirled around.
“Sir, if you don’t leave us alone I will call the police and report you for harassment.” Michael threatened. The man now had a full view of the wound on Novala’s arm. “What on earth?” He asked. He grabbed Novala’s arm and inspected the wound. Novala tried to pull away, starting to panic.
Michael was very irritated now. He punched the man in the face. “Leave us alone.” Michael snapped, walking swiftly with Novala. He was going back through the series of streets trying to get away from the man. After recovering, he ran after them.
With Novala slowing Michael down, he caught up to them easily, and blocked their path. “That girl is covered in scars, and that wound is much too big to be an accident. Is she being abused?” The man asked. Novala looked worriedly at Michael. She moved closer to him, obviously afraid of the man.
“She is not being abused! Go away or I will punch you way harder than I did last time.” Michael said. “If you two need help, I can help you. At the very least she needs medical treatment.” He said.
Novala stood on her own, and unzipped part of her bag. The man couldn’t see inside. She grabbed something within it. The bag was long, and thin. “I don’t think we can talk our way out of this.” Novala whispered. “No, we can’t do that.” Michael whispered back. “Well what are we supposed to do?” She asked quietly.
“Sir turn around and walk back to Chick-fil-A or I will call the cops to report you for harassment!” Michael shouted. The man glanced around worried someone would think he was actually harassing them. “I’m trying to help you kids.” He said innocently. “We don’t need your help now if you don’t go away I’ll call the cops!” Michael shouted.
The man sighed and left. Novala instantly collapsed against Michael when he was out of sight. Michael caught her. “Novala!” Michael exclaimed. “I-I’m fine.” She said weakly. She was obviously not fine. “Can you walk?” Michael asked. “Y-yeah. I’m fine.” She said, her voice quiet, and cracking. “Okey, we need to get back to the apartment.” Michael said, trying to get her to walk forward. She stumbled, barely able to stand.
“I think I need to take you to the hospital.” Michael said. Novala shook her head. “If we go there, they'll ask about the wound. If it’s as bad as I think it is, they won’t know what to do to fix it. I need to see it, and have the proper herbs to treat it. They don’t have the kind I need on the surface.” She said. “They’ll know how to fix it and I’ll come up with something. I can’t lose you and I can’t fix it. The hospital is right around the corner.” Michael said, changing course.
“I want to see it first.” Novala said. “No you are going in whether you like it or not.” Michael said. “Michael, you can’t even pay for medical help. Besides, if they do an x-ray, they’ll know I’m not human.” Novala argued. “That doesn’t matter. You don’t need an x-ray.” Michael said almost at the corner.
“Michael.” Novala said, her voice desperate. “The wound is infected. They’ll need to X-ray me to see how bad it is. Then they’ll know. If it’s as bad as I think it is, they’ll just amputate me to cut off the infection. Please, we need to go back underground.” She pleaded.
“Okay, fine, tell me where to go.” Michael said. “We need a rare blue and black flower called the shadow rose. The quickest way to find it is to have the shadowbeast find it.” Novala told him. “Okay.” Michael said.
After an hour, they made it to the tunnel and went back underground. They summoned the shadowbeast and Michael helped Novala get on her. He climbed on after her. The shadowbeast howled, and it’s pups ran to it. They were all around the size of small dogs now.
The shadowbeast, with her pups at her side, ran. They knew already what they had to find. She ran to the other side of the cavern and entered a tunnel. Instead of going to the surface, it went down.
They emerged in a strange forest. The ceiling was black, and it was freezing here. The trees had dark grey bark, and the leaves glowed blue. Dark green grass carpeted the woods. It was eerily quiet with the occasional howl from a shadowbeast far off.
After a time, the shadowbeast and her pups slowed. They reached a clearing. One of the trees had a purple vine climbing up it. Rose-shaped flowers bloomed along it. The flowers were dark blue and faded into black.
“What do I do after I get one?” Michael asked. “Pick only one petal. Grind it up, then smear it on the wound. Bind it, and the infection should die in a few days. When it does die you have to get the petal off as quickly as possible, or it will freeze my blood. I am not kidding. Also, only touch the petal you're going to take. If you touch the whole flower you might get frostbite.” Novala instructed. “Um, okey.” Michael said, sliding off the shadowbeast.
He walked over to the flowers, carefully grabbing one flower petal and pulling it off. He took two rocks and ground the petal. He took the rock with the petal over to Novala. He helped her get down, and she sat down on the ground.
“Can you pull up your sleeve?” Michael asked. Novala nodded, and did as he asked. Michael used his fingers and applied the petal to the wound. He took the sleeve that he’d wrapped around it earlier and retired it.
“Are you okay?” Michael asked. Novala nodded. “I will be, thanks.” She said. She looked around. “I’ve never seen or read about trees like these before. Novala said. “Would it surprise you if I haven’t either?” Michael asked, smiling as he sat across from her. “No, but this is weird. I’ve never seen any of these plants before. At least one of them should be familiar.” She said. “Should we go?” Michael asked. “No, it seems safe here. Rayal could find us if we go back to the caverns, and by the time we get back to the surface it will be the middle of the night. Besides, you should sleep.” Michael touched the scar on his arm and nodded.
“Okay, I’ll sleep and so should you.” He said. “I don’t-'' Novala yawned. “-Need sleep.” She said. “Totally, Novala. Just lay down.” Michael said. She sighed, but laid down anyway. She was asleep in the next few minutes. Michael laid down and soon fell asleep himself. A few minutes later the nightmare began.
Michael felt the blade cutting into him again and heard Rayal’s taunts. He was jerking around on the ground murmuring the word stop. Novala woke up, and saw. She quickly shook him awake. “Michael!” She shouted.
Michael woke up quickly, and sat up. He put his head in his hands. He didn’t say anything. Novala hugged him. “It’s okay. You’re safe.” She whispered to him. Michael said nothing but he took his hands away from his face. He was staring at the ground.
“He can’t find us here. Let’s go back to the surface and go somewhere far away, where the tunnels don’t reach.” She said. Michael shook his head. “If something happens to you again, then you would need things down here.” Michael said. He was trying to keep the conversation off of him and his voice was a bit strained so that wasn’t very helpful.
“You’re more important. Besides, I doubt I’ll have any large injuries like this again.” Novala said. “You hurt yourself opening a door. I wouldn’t count on that.” Michael replied, his voice still a little strained. He had his head in his hands again. Novala hugged him tightly. “Once these heal it will be fine.” She assured him. “I know you’ll heal, but I don’t know if I will.” Michael said, wrapping his arms around her.
“I feel the same. Even though she’s dead, Midnight still haunts me.” Novala told Michael. “Well, Rayal is still alive and now you’ll be awake worrying about me because I’m having nightmares.” Michael said, trying to shift the concern somewhat off of himself. “Michael, I worry about everything.” Novala said, letting go of him and sitting back. “I worry he might be working for the queen and the others are in danger. I mean I know they were jerks, but they raised me. I worry about whether or not we’re going to have food, and water. I worry that the queen will catch us and if she does I won’t be able to protect the two of us and-“ Novala stopped talking. “S-Sorry. You have enough to deal with without me rubbing off on you.” She said laughing.
Michael smiled “No, I want you to tell me these things. No more secrets okay?” Michael said. “I don’t keep secrets. I just don’t want you to worry about everything like I do. You already have to deal with enough.” Novala explained. She crossed her arms tightly across her chest, and looked away. She was obviously uncomfortable. “I don’t want to put my problems on you.” She mumbled quietly, her face slightly green.
Michael got up and moved so he was in front of her again. He put a finger under her chin so she would look at him. “Listen, I love you and I don’t want you to go through things alone. I am here for you, and I want you to tell me things. Don’t forget that.” Michael told her. His voice was sincere.
“I know. I just don’t want to be selfish. You have problems too.” She said. Michael moved his hand to her shoulder. “I am already the most selfish human being alive so don’t use that excuse.” He said quietly. “Sometimes I wish the world would stop just for me, and focus on my problems. But it doesn’t, and I feel bad whenever I think that. I mean, the world doesn’t revolve around me.” Novala said.
Michael smiled a little. “You are the center of my universe. I don’t think you are selfish for wanting to deal with your problems. I am way more selfish than you are. Do you want me to tell you why?” Michael asked a hint of uncertainty in his voice. “You are not selfish and I am not the center of the universe, but go ahead.” Novala said. Michael looked at her. “You are the center of my universe and I am selfish. I am selfish because I want the world to stop for me too but for different reasons.” He paused for a moment. “I want the world to stop because I don’t want this moment to end. Every moment I spend with you. I want the world to stop so it doesn’t have to end. I love you, Novala, and I am selfish because all I want is to be with you.” Michael said turning red. Novala’s face turned green, and she looked away for a second.
Then she quickly kissed him on the cheek. “I love you too.” She said. It was all she could think to say. Michael smiled. He put an arm around her and hugged her. Novala hugged him back, then burst into tears. She didn’t know whether it was from joy or sadness. Maybe it was both. Michael pulled away and wiped the tears away with his thumb. “Why are you crying?” Michael asked, hugging her again. “I have no idea.” Novala replied, laughing around the tears. Michael laughed too then he was serious again.
“I’m pretty sure you know why you’re crying so why don’t you tell me.” Michael said. “I honestly have no idea.” She replied. “It’s not because of me is it?” Michael asked. “No.” Novala said. She wiped the last of the tears away and smiled at him. “I’m happy you're here though.” She said. Michael smiled. “Why don’t you tell me what’s troubling you.” Michael said quietly.
“I worry you’ll be hurt and I won’t be strong enough to protect the two of us. And what happened to my mom really is my fault, that everyone back at the shrine is in danger because Rayal might be working for the queen. I don’t know where we are, if the water is safe to drink, if we’ll be able to find food. I worry that I’ll mess up and hurt you again and you’ll hate me and you’ll never talk to me again. Like I said, I worry about everything.” Novala said.
Michael hugged her tighter. “I’ve already expressed my opinion on your mother, Rayal, and the shrine. I am honestly kind of upset that you think I would stop loving you. I know I get hurt, but...” He pushed her away so he could look at her face. “I will never be able to stay away from you. I know that I’ve gotten mad and upset but I never told you the complete truth about that. I was never mad at you, Novala. I was mad at myself honestly. I am nowhere near as strong as you and I wanted to be like you so you wouldn’t think I was weak. I will never stop loving you no matter what so never say that again.” Michael said. Novala nodded.
“If it makes you feel less helpless, we could go get you a sword, and we could start training again.” She suggested. Michael smiled again. “I don’t need that anymore. You and I are like puzzle pieces. We both don’t have things the other has but we work together. I am stronger now and you have gained self confidence. We both helped each other with Novala. I don’t feel that way anymore so you don’t need to concern yourself with anything else.” Michael said, taking her hand in his.
Novala laughed. “What is up with you today? You're being sweeter than usual.” She said. Michael laughed. “I know it’s completely unnatural.” He said rolling his eyes. “I just… I guess I just trust you. I’ve never opened up to anyone and I’ve been in a really, um, I’m going to say touchy mood lately. I was fighting with myself because I wanted to tell you how I felt but I also didn’t know if you would get it or want to hear it so I decided to tell you. Do you like it better when I’m not as sweet?” Michael asked, his face was really red now. Novala smiled. “I like you.” She said
“Which one?” Michael asked. “Whichever one is you. Who you are is your choice.” She said. “Can I ask a really stupid question?” Michael asked. “Shoot.” Novala said. “Is that a no?” Michael asked. Novala shrugged. “Maybe?” She laughed. Michael didn’t laugh; he was obviously debating with himself again. Novala stopped laughing. “Stop warring against yourself. Who do you want to be?” She asked him. “This is a stupid question but I’m still going to ask it. Do you like me this way or when I’m being, well, you know, mouthy I guess?” Michael asked. It was obvious he was anxious for the answer.
“I don’t know what I want to be because I’ve never had a chance to really be nice to anyone.” Novala smiled at him. “I like that you protect me, even though I can be an idiot. I like that you care about me, and you don’t let anyone push you around. I love how confident you are, but you still have a heart. I love you. You don’t have to choose between two different personalities. You can be both. You already are both.” She hugged him. “That's who I love.” She murmured. “Thanks Novala.” Michael hugged her back. He rested his chin on her head. Novala closed her eyes, and relaxed against him.
“You should go to sleep okay. I’ll think about food and water while you sleep.” Michael whispered. He rubbed her arm softly. It didn’t take long for Novala to fall asleep against him.
Michael was happy that he had been open with Novala. He began thinking about food and water. He knew they would probably have to walk or ride the shadowbeast to find familiar food because nothing here looked familiar. He could worry about it later. Exhaustion was already beginning to claim him. He laid down carefully so he wouldn’t disturb Novala, and he soon fell asleep.409Please respect copyright.PENANAUCPydZKcVZ