The next day, Novala sat on the steps among the other students waiting for school to start. She stared up at the sky. Michael leaned against a small pine tree reading a book as usual. He watched Jacob and his gang of popular kids walk toward Novala. He watched the scene unfold over the top of his book.
“Hey.” Jacob said. Novala looked up, and put a hand on her sword’s bag. “Congrats on passing the popularity test.” Jacob said smiling at Novala. “Uh... thanks?” Novala responded. She was slightly confused, though she didn’t show it. “So you can sit with us at lunch and hang out with us. The most important thing is we don’t tolerate dweebs like that guy.” Jacob said pointing to Michael. “Oh um… okay.” Novala replied. “Come on, it’s time for the last test. Let’s go talk to Michael.” Jacob said.
He began walking toward Michael with his gang. Novala got up and followed them, taking her stuff with her. Michael knew they were coming but there was nowhere to hide. He put his book away and waited. Before Jacob reached Michael, He turned to Novala. “We will introduce you, then just say something insulting. Then we do something fun.” He explained. Novala nodded hesitantly.
She walked up to Michael “Found someone else to mess with me now Jacob?” Michael asked. “Whatcha readin? Something about being cool, because so far you're failing.” Novala said, crossing her arms. It was the best she could come up with. “You suck so much the new kid insulted you, Michael.” Jacob said. “Well at least I don’t need twenty people to insult one person.” Michael said glaring at Novala. Novala rolled her eyes. He was just asking for trouble. Jacob scowled. “Well maybe you need to learn a lesson.” He said, walking toward Michael. Just then the bell rang.
“You got lucky. I guess your lesson will have to wait till passing period.” Jacob said walking away with his gang and Novala. Luckily, Novala and Michael ended up in all the same classes. Without Jacob or his gang. Michael was so focused in class he completely forgot about Jacob’s threat during the next passing period.
When the bell rang Michael went to his locker to get his books for next class. Jacob and his gang came up behind him with Novala beside Jacob. “Well a promise is a promise, Michael. Let’s finish up where we left off.” Jacob said with mock politeness. “Oh you mean the part where I told you how cowardly you are?” Michael said leaving his books on the shelf in his locker.
The hallway was empty now there was no means of escape this time. Jacob wouldn’t care if the bell rang, and either would his gang. “Watch your mouth.” Jacob said threateningly. He quickly erased his scowl and replaced it with a smile. “Our friend here is going to teach you that lesson we were talking about.” He said gesturing to Novala.
Michael leaned back against his open locker door and smirked. “Hmmmm I wonder what lesson she can teach me.” Michael said with fake confusion. Novala sighed. “Just stop. You are so bad at avoiding a fight.” SHe said. “Well when the situation is against you all you can do is put up the best fight...” Michael trailed off, looking at Novala. Novala shook her head. “Just do it!” Jacob snapped, losing patience. There were only two minutes till the bell rang. Novala glanced at Jacob and his gang.
She got into a battle stance. Michael looked unfazed but he knew Novala was stronger than him. He stood up straight and waited. “What are you doing?” One of Jacob's gang asked. Novala ignored him. She punched Michael in the chest. It was harder than anyone had ever hit him, but only slightly. It hurt, but based on training with her, he knew she was holding out. She had probably been holding out when she had punched him the day before.
Michael gasped and sank a few inches into his locker. He couldn’t breathe for a moment. Then he slowly got up and caught his breath. “I have to tell you Jacob, she punches better than you.” Michael said.
Jacob rolled his eyes. “There is no way a girl can punch better than me.” He said. Novala straightened and looked at Jacob. “You have punched me for the last few years so I would know who punched harder.” Michael said. “Hey look I taught you a lesson too!” Michael said.
Jacob looked absolutely furious. He pushed Novala out of the way and stood almost nose to nose with Michael. “I punch harder, but fine. I teach lessons better and you know it. He grabbed the front of Michael’s shirt and shoved him into his locker. Jacob slammed the door closed and kicked it for good measure. “Let me out Jacob it’s very funny!” Michael shouted. “No, I think missing the rest of your classes will teach you your lesson.” Jacob said turning around to find Novala fuming right behind him.
“What did you say about being stronger than me?” Novala asked, fire in her eyes. Jacob laughed. “Of course I’m stronger than you. You’re a girl, and I'm bigger than you.” He said looking at Novala’s murderous expression. She laughed. “Is that a challenge?” Novala asked for backing up. “Oh come on I can’t punch a girl.” Jacob said.
Michael banged on his locker door but no one paid him any mind. “Well then, that’s gonna make this so much easier.” She said getting into a battle stance. She glanced at her sword bag, but shook her head and muttered to herself. She took a deep breath. “Take it back, or I pummel you into the ground.” She said. The gang gasped and laughed at her. “Oh please you wouldn’t punch me. Stop being stupid.” Jacob said, trying to step around her. Novala rolled, and got up in stance in one smooth motion, blocking his path. “Wanna bet?” Novala asked, punching him in the gut.
He stumbled back, and one of his friends helped him up. “Oh you’re in for it.” Jacob said. He ran at her, but Novala side-stepped, and shoved him to the ground. He got up, and ran at her again. She grabbed one of his arms, and flipped him over. He crashed on the ground, and turned to look at her. His right arm was in a strange position.
“How’s that for a girl?” Novala asked, walking over to Michael’s locker. “And for the record, you're a jerk. I’m out.” She leaned against the door and whispered, “I’ll get you out once they leave.” She glared at the gang as they left, helping Jacob.
“What’s the combo?” She asked. “31, 28, 15” Michael said. Novala put in the combo, and opened the door. “Sorry.” She said, stepping aside to let him out. “It’s ok. I’m used to it.” Michael said stepping out and rubbing the side of his head. “What did you do? I heard stuff like someone falling but I couldn’t see.” Michael said shutting his locker door and relocking it. “I kinda lost my temper, and instinct kicked in. I... broke his arm.” Novala said. “Awesome.” Michael said with a smile.
The bell rang. “Shoot, we're late!” Novala exclaimed running down the hall. Michael opened his locker and grabbed his book. He sprinted after her. They were marked tardy for English but Michael was really happy. He thought maybe he finally had a friend. Maybe.
At lunch, Novala came up to him, and “apologized for bullying him.” “Thank you for your apology. I forgive you but the fist shaped bruise on my stomach does not.” Michael said crossing his arms with pretend annoyance. “You don’t have to be sorry. I should be able to stand up for myself.” He added, looking down at the table. Novala laughed and nodded to the empty seat across from him. “Do you mind?” She asked.“Not at all.” Michael said, quickly. Novala smiled and sat down. “Where are your other friends?” She asked.
Michael was silent for a few moments. “Uh... I don’t have any.” He said quietly. “Well you’re the first Hu- uh I mean person who I’ve talked to who I don’t dislike.” Novala said blushing green. “Well at least you have friends.” Michael said, not wanting to ask why she was turning green. “Uhh… Yeah I’m done with those guys. Those are the only other people I’ve talked to. I mean accept from Lunal, Cammine, Nebulav, and Rayal.” Novala said. “That’s what I mean you have friends. I have always been alone. You kind of get used to it after two years.” Michael said, looking up at Novala.
“Do your parents know about… you know.” Novala asked. “Me being an outcast? No.” Michael said. “My dad did the work for me to be here. It was hard for him. He was constantly worried about me fighting in the w-“ Novala stopped herself, and looked down. “My mom and dad worked nonstop too. Hey do you want to skip the rest of lunch and go walk around? The looks Jacob is giving you are pretty deadly, Novala.” Michael said with a grin.
Novala smiled. “Yeah.” She said getting up. “Follow me.” Michael said. He led her out into the courtyard toward a bush. He pushed some vines aside and there was an empty space inside for two people to sit comfortably.
Michael sat down on the ground and waited for Novala. She walked through confused, and sat down on her knees, looking up in wonder at the small world within the bushes. “This is so cool!” She exclaimed. “I found it my first year so I could hide from Jacob. I read here too.” Michael said with a smile. Novala smiled back.
“So what are you going to tell your parents when you're home late?” Novala asked. Michael thought for a moment then he said, “That I joined a science club.” Novala laughed. “That works.” She said. “So… I don’t really know you that well.” Novala said. “Does knowing I’m a wimp count as knowing me? Cause well you know…..” Michael said smiling. “I don’t know anything about you except that you're a good fighter, you're smart, and um, pretty.” Michael muttered the last word so Novala couldn’t hear it.
“I think it's best you don’t know… Last time someone found out about us, things didn’t end well… There has only been one case where it turned out… Not completely terrible.” Novala said looking down. “Well how do you know if you tell me it will turn out badly, Novala?” Michael said you could see the slight offense on his face.
“He told his brother… One of our Shrines was raided. He stayed with us and tried to make up for it… He helped us a lot in those years. But we lost a lot of us when he told…” Novala trailed off. “Make me one more promise. If I prove myself trustworthy to you then you tell me about everything. I will tell you what you want to know about me, but you have to tell me about you like your personality and interests and stuff. By the way who is the ‘he’ you were talking about?” Michael said, rushing the last question hoping for an answer. “You swear you won’t tell Cammine, Lunal, Nebulav and Rayal I told you?” Novala asked “I don’t know do you promise not to tell anyone how wimpey I am.” Michael said with a mischievous grin. “Heh, yeah.” Novala replied.
“Now tell me and I promise then you can ask something about me.” Michael said leaning against the bush. Novala sighed. “I don’t know if you’ve guessed yet… but I’m not human. Not fully anyway. The others have no human in them. About twenty years ago, a human caver saw Rayal going into one of the Shrine entrances. He chased after him trying, to warn him not to explore a cave without gear, but Rayal was way faster than him.
“He followed Rayal into the cavern where the Shrine was, and saw everyone. One of them, called Novala… my mother... saw him. She pulled him out of sight and told him to leave and never come back, and never tell anyone of what he had seen. He came back the next day, and… Nebulav saw him. She attacked him, but Mother stopped her. He was in bad condition, and they had to keep him with them while he recovered. Lunal tried to erase everything from his mind, but it was too late. When he was nearly fully healed, He demanded to know what was happening.
“They explained, and he wanted to help us. Overtime he and Mother… After a year of aiding us, He knew we would need more help, so he told his brother. His brother called the police, and they sent a large team to investigate. Many were lost that day. My mother, Lunal, Cammine, Rayal, Nebulav, and only a few hundred more managed to escape to another Shrine. They brought what they could, but humans knew of our existence. He decided to dedicate the rest of his life to avenging those lost.
“My mother eventually began to expect me. She died giving birth to me, and he… My father, Andrew, died when I was five. The others raised me. I was trained by them. They taught me everything I know. I’ve been fighting in th- I mean helping the others since I was 13. I accidentally… uh… put a kid in critical condition at my last school… It was hundreds of miles away, so nobody here knows.” Novala looked down, her eyes were dull and distant, and tears shone in the corners of her eyes.
Michael patted her awkwardly on the shoulder. “Er I’m sorry about your mom and that kid. Uh...I….er….yeah.” Michael finished lamely. Novala wiped the tears from her eyes, and laughed. “I didn’t know my mother, and I barely remember my father. Anyway uh… what about you?” Novala said smiling, but it looked a bit forced.
“Um well my parents are great and stuff, but they are poor so they just want me to get a good education.” Michael said but Novala could tell he wasn’t telling the truth or at least the complete truth. “Oh come on, I know there’s more. You're a bad liar.” Novala said. “I just well uh I mean um they just aren’t really home so they don’t really ever ask me how I’m doing or well I doubt they even know what color my eyes are.” Michael said, shrugging still holding back.
“Michael.” Novala said, crossing her arms and staring him down. “What?! I told you everything.” Michael said, beginning to show frustration mostly with himself for being a bad liar. “What is it? I know there is more than that. I’ve been trained to detect lies. That’s what happens when you grow up in the middle of a- never mind. Just tell me.” Novala said. “Oh so you want me to tell you everything but you won’t tell me anything?!” Michael said, getting angry. “I don’t want you to end up getting involved, and killing yourself!” Novala exclaimed, there was some kind of fear behind what she said.
“I should have just kept my mouth shut.” She mumbled looking down. “Well what if I have things that could hurt you too? Why do I have to tell you things I’ve never told anyone and you can just keep all your secrets?!” Michael said standing up so he towered over Novala with a scowl on his face.
She sighed. “I don’t want you to get hurt.” She said quietly looking at one of the large scars on her arm. “I don’t care Novala! I really don’t care if I get hurt it’s not like…” He stopped shrinking back down into a darker corner of the bush.
“I’m sorry. I… he…” Novala sighed. “Death is scary. I’ve come close before… How the others reacted when they saw… I don’t want you to have to deal with our problems. It isn’t your war.” Novala’s eves became huge, and she covered her mouth. Michael looked back up. “First off, I don’t care if I die I don’t fear death. I will embrace it. There is no one who would miss me. Second, what war?” Michael said looking back down at his own hands as they fidgeted with his jeans. Novala lowered her hands.
“Humans don’t know about it. The only one who did… I don’t want to lose the first person who doesn’t look down on me or blame me for something… or want me dead…” Novala said. “Novala you are the closest reason I have had for a reason to live. You are almost like a friend so I mean if I die at least I’ll know I have at least one friend. Can we just go train now? I don’t want to go to school anymore. Can I drop out and train with you instead cause my parents won’t notice.” Michael said, looking a little happier.
“Not till you tell me your thing. I told you mine.” She said. Michael was silent for a long time. “My parents don’t really know I exist, well they do but they don’t acknowledge it. I asked them how old I was and they said thirteen. I’m fifteen and…” Michael trailed off. He continued fidgeting with his jeans. Novala laughed. “Guess we both have messed up lives. Your parents suck and I’m fighting in a war at fourteen.” Novala said.
“Can I fight too?” Michael said quickly. Novala looked up. “Dude you don’t want that. I’ve nearly died several times. I mean you're at less risk, but still… I’ve seen others die before. It’s... terrifying.” She shivered, and touched her neck. There were several small scars there. “Novala, listen to me. If I prove myself as a good fighter, then let me fight with you. It’s better than staying in this place and getting bullied all the time. Can we go train now?” Michael asked, looking at Novala. She smiled, and blushed a bit. Her blush green. “Yeah, okay. Let me call Cammine.” She said standing. Michael stood too. Novala closed her eyes, and muttered something Michael couldn’t hear.
Cammine appeared. “Yes?” She said. “Training.” Novala said. “School isn’t over.” Cammine said. “Um yeah, but can we do it anyway?” Novala asked. Cammine sighed, raised her hands, and they were back in the training cave. “Oh and uh… I told him.” Novala said looking down. “You did what! How much!?” Cammine exclaimed. “Everything… accept the reason.” Novala mumbled. Cammine took a deep breath. “I’ll be back.” She said, and disappeared.
“Are we in trouble?” Michael mumbled. Novala sucked air in through her teeth. “Yeah.” She said. “Um you're in trouble though. Not me, right?” Michael said smiling. “Yeah.” She said. “Hey I’m probably in trouble too.” Michael said, noticing she had a nervous expression on her face. “Yeah, but I live with them. It’s gonna be bad for me.” She said.
Cammine reappeared with someone else. She was tall with dark grey skin, silver eyes, and long black hair. Her outfit was the same as Cammine and Novala’s with a silver strip. She looked at Michael, then Novala. “How long?” She asked. “Too late. But he wants t-“ Novala stopped as Lunal held up a hand, and nodded farther off. Novala followed her over, and Michael couldn’t hear the conversation.
Michael turned to Cammine. “Am I in trouble?” He asked her. “Depends on Lunal’s verdict, but likely, yes.” She said. “Thank you, that was very reassuring.” He said smiling at his own sarcasm. Cammine was not impressed. “Let’s make the most of the time we have.” She said, pulling out her sword, and handing Michael his own.
While they were training, he kept getting distracted by Lunal and Novala off to the side. He then realized that if he kept getting distracted, he would look like a fool and not make his situation any better. He tried really hard to focus on Cammine and his sword, but he still got distracted when Novala or Lunal made a gesture in his direction.
By the time they were done, Novala and Lunal approached Novala was looking down. he glanced up at Michael for a moment. Cammine and Lunal walked back to where Lunal had been with Novala. “There is bad news, and bad news.” She said. “Give me the worst of it first.” Michael said. “So uh… I mentioned how your parents don’t really care about you and stuff, and because they don’t trust you, they want to keep you at the Shrine till they are certain you won't tell.” Novala said. “That doesn’t sound so bad.” Michael said. “What’s the rest of it?’’Novala glanced back at Lunal.
“I also mentioned how you wanted to help fight, so now when you're trained to their standards, you have to fight.” Novala muttered. “How is this bad? This is amazing!” Michael said. Novala shook her head. “You have no idea what you’re getting into.” She said.
Michael began to make a retort but he noticed Cammine and Lunal had finally finished talking. “Novala explained?” Lunal asked, walking up. “Yes.” Michael said calmly. She looked at Cammine and nodded.