They eventually reached a larger group of soldiers. They spoke with Midnight for a few minutes, and they ended up surrounding Michael and Novala as they continued on. They reached a large craft of some kind. It was a circle with a flat bottom, and round top, only it was huge! Almost as big as the school! The door opened, and they were led inside, put in a cell, and left alone.
It was empty. The wall was some kind of lazer gate, that tinted everything past it grey. “I’m so sorry.” Novala said leaning against the wall. “Novala stop apologizing. I could have run and saved myself, but I did not do that. I made my own choices and here I am.” Michael said leaning against the wall next to her.
“But we wouldn’t have been there in the first place if I had just faced my problems.” She said. “Novala no one is perfect, stop acting like you have to be. Once you accept your flaws and imperfections you will be able to face anything.” Michael said straightening up and hugging Novala. She sighed and leaned into him.
“How do you do it?” She asked. “Do what?” Michael asked. “You're so brave all the time. You stand up to everyone, and don’t let anyone push you around. I could never do that.” Novala said looking up at him. “Well for starters I don’t tell myself I’ll never be able to do something. I have accepted my flaws and I use them to my advantage. I can’t control my mouth, but being able to use it on rapid fire is one of the greatest weapons I possess. You are perfect in a certain way. You have flaws. I like to use the phrase “imperfect perfectly.” Michael said. Novala smiled.
“Then I’ve got a long way to go.” She said. She looked over at the barrier, and walked over. “Not as far as you think.” Michael said walking over to join her. Novala reached out and touched it. An electric zap sounded, and her hand became distorted, and she stumbled back crying out in pain. Michael caught her and pushed her back up.
“You ok?” He asked. She looked down at her hand, smoke rolled off of it. “Again, books, never touch these sort of things!” Michael said warningly. “I just thought…” Novala trailed off. “Wait.” She said. “Some of the others at the base have been in cells like this before. They always say the barrier makes their hand disappear, and slowly reform. Not smoke and distort… I wonder. Does it work on humans?” She looked at Michael. “Only one way to find out.” Michael said, walking up to the barrier.
He reached out and touched it. It felt like a static shock all over his body, but it didn’t hurt. His hand was fine. Michael took a deep breath and walked straight into the barrier. It felt strange, but he came out unhurt.
“Novala, do you know how I can turn the barrier off?” He whispered. “Control panel on the left. Touch your hand to it, and press the red button.” Novala instructed. Michael looked to his left and found the control panel. He did as Novala instructed and the barrier turned off.
“Just so you know that was all you. You did that Novala. I told you, you’re brilliant.” Michael said. Novala blushed. “Thanks, but I wouldn’t have been able to do it if not for you.” She said. “You are the one who connected the dots though. Now lets find a way out of here.” Michael said looking around.
“I’ve been on one of these ships before. They are useful. I kinda wanna take it over, and shove it in Rayal’s face.” Novala said, blushing a bit. “I think if you just show up and say you escaped one of these things with a human in tow will shut him up for a minute.” Michael said. “How do we get out?” He asked.
“The control room is down the hall, but I have something I need to do first. Midnight will likely come to check on me. Stand in the middle of the cell. When she comes, and sees you there with the barrier gone, she’ll go in to try to question you. When she does, I’ll turn on the barrier, and you dive out.” Novala said. “Ok get ready.” Michael said, walking back into the cell and leaned against the wall. Novala hid.
A soldier rounded the corner. Not Midnight, but the plan would still work. “Where is she!” The soldier exclaimed. “I dunno.” Michael said, shrugging. “Right here idiot.” Novala said as the barrier turned on. The soldier ran at the barrier, and fell on the ground looking like she was a ghost. “Welp, that works.” Novala said laughing.
Michael walked through the barrier laughing with her. “Now let's leave.” He said. “Right, control room is this way.” Novala said leading the way around the corner, only to bump into Midnight.
She jumped back. “How did you get out?” Midnight exclaimed. “By outsmarting you.” Michael said. Midnight growled. “Shut up before I kill you.” She said. “So you’ll break your promise?” Michael said with an irritating questioning tone.
Midnight drew her axe. Novala looked worried. She looked at Michael. Michael winked at her. “I though even rocks kept their promises.” Michael said. Novala smiled, and seemed to gain confidence. “She really isn’t a rock, but she could easily be mistaken as one, she’s so stupid.” Novala said, smiling a bit.
Midnight looked startled at the comment. “I see the human has had an influence on you.” She said. “I see the cave has had an influence on you oh rocky one.” Michael said. Novala stifled a laugh. With Michael, she seemed to gain confidence.
“Our kind rarely go above ground. I don’t think it’s the cave.” Novala said. “You know your security is pretty bad. You should really get your equipment up to date. For being in a war I thought you would at least try.” Michael said, noticing he had touched a nerve.
As he looked into Midnight’s eyes he knew he was in big trouble. However, the smile still remained on his face as an act of defiance. “How dare you insult me!” She exclaimed, getting into a battle stance. Novala looked worried.
“Michael, I think I know how we can beat her. It’s called merging. I’ve never done it, and It might not be possible, but I might be able to do it since I’m part human. All you have to do is put your hands flat against mine, and close your eyes. This next part is going to sound weird, but were going to merge into one being. Our features will be combined into this being. It will have enough energy to go nova. It’s my power. Cammine can teleport, Lunal can erase recent memories, Nebulav can create anything out of the things around her, and Rayal… his powers are gone. I can… simplified, I blow things up. We can beat her merged. I might be able to go nova in this form, but I’ll only do it if you want to.” Novala said, keeping her gaze on Midnight, until the last part.
Then she looked into his eyes. “You can’t merge with a human!” Midnight exclaimed. Michael wasn’t really sure. I mean if it went wrong then well the ending didn’t seem too pleasant. “Let’s do it.” Michael said hesitantly. Novala looked unsure too, but she smiled, and held both hands out in front of her, flat.
“Ready for the weirdest thing in your life?” She asked, but there was still uncertainty. “I guess.” Michael said with that smile of his putting his hands on Novala’s. Novala closed her eyes, and Michael copied her.
Their bodies turned black like the night sky. Michael and Novala faded away, melting into one being. “No! This isn’t possible!” Midnight exclaimed. Their black forms combined into the outline of a boy.
The black form regained its color. A boy who was almost as tall as Midnight stood before him. He had long black hair with red streaks in it. His skin was slightly tanned. His turquoise eyes were deep, and piercing. He wore a plain blue t-shirt, that connected to black pants by a red strip like Novala’s.
He had bandages wrapped around his left hand because Novala had clauses there. He also had a patch covering part of his right cheek, training accident. He looked down at himself, examining what he wore.
“This is weird.” He said in a young voice. He felt a strong power within him. Strange, yet familiar. “Yup totally weird.” He muttered. “H-how is this possible?” Midnight asked. He looked over at Midnight.
They were about the same size. He felt a deep terror of Midnight Novala’s grief for the loss of her father was mixed in with it. Michael Haden’t resized how much Midnight was terrified Novala. At the same time he was confident in himself he knew that he wasn’t going to let people push others who were weaker than them around.
Novala and Michael’s mind were one and the same. “Who am I?” He wondered aloud. At the same moment, he reached inside himself, and his power began to expand within him.
Midnight got into stance again. “That will have to wait.” He said. His power filled him like a hurricane in a bottle. Churning and swarming, pushing to get out. Midnight ran at him, and he closed his eyes, bringing that power outside of him, he opened his eyes.
The ship shook, and he extended both hands toward Midnight. The world around her seemed to waver for a moment, and Midnight’s body turned black. A loud blast like thunder sounded, as Midnight exploded in shards in every direction. Sticking into the wall, floor, and ceiling. It didn’t hit him though.
He looked in shock at what he had done. He could not believe it. “I-I did that… WHOOO I used my powers!” A huge weight was lifted from his shoulders, as he realized Midnight was dead. Really dead. He started celebrating, till two more soldiers walked around the corner.
“What on earth-“ The soldier cut off as she saw him. “Did Novala…” The soldiers looked at the shards and back at him. “That’s impossible.” One said. “You can either surrender, and walk yourselves into some cells, or you end up dead. Either is fine by me.” The other said. “Where’s the fun in that?” The boy said a retort only Michael could deliver with such tone leaving his lips.
The soldiers exchanged a glance, and both drew their weapons. “Seriously first the rock then the trolls when does it end?” He said with mock exasperation. “Well we can deal with them just fine.” The boy added, drawing on his power again.
It wasn’t enough to do what he had done to Midnight, but he could at least make it a fair fight. The boy extended his hands, and the weapons in the soldiers’ hands blew up. The shards stabbed into their holders, who picked them out easily.
“There. Now it’s fair.” The boy said smiling cockily. The soldiers rushed him. Battle instinct kicked in, and the boy rolled to the side. As the soldiers rushed past the boy stuck out a foot and knocked the soldiers off their feet. They tripped, rolling over one another.
“We need to charge our power. Just keep them occupied.” The boy growled to himself. “Novala I don’t think I can be like this much longer.” The Michael part of the boy said in the same low growl. He obeyed her instructions and kept them occupied.
“I’ll hold us together. If we split mid-battle, we’ll lose.” He muttered. He looked around for anything to use as a weapon. The cells! Trap them in there like the other one. The boy ran so that he wasn’t inside it, but he wasn’t outside. The two ran at him, and he slid under them, getting up in one smooth motion, and closeting the door. He could feel himself coming apart.
“We need to hide first. Just a little longer.” He said, his voice strained. The guards had managed a few blows, but they were small at his size. One from his rightfore-arm. It didn’t even go from his shoulder to his elbow. There was one on the outer side of his left leg that went from the middle of his shin, to between his hip and knee.
It hurt, but adrenaline numbed the pain. The boy ran down the opposite end of the hall till he found a loose floor panel. He pulled it aside to reveal a small safe room. It was just big enough for him to stand and lay straight in. There was light glowing from the bottom of the panel he had removed.
“Every ship has a few.” He mumbled, tiredly dropping in and pulling the panel over. The boy groaned, as pain seized him. His body turned black, and he split apart. Novala and Michael were back.