Suddenly, They were in a tunnel of some kind. Lunal led the way, Followed by Cammine, Novala, and Michael. Novala was silent. She unzipped the top of her sword bag, so the hilt was visible. At the top of the cave, a ball of yellow light appeared. They walked farther along, and after a while, they came into a huge cavern.
Most of it was dominated by a giant yellow-white building. Drawings, carvings, and runes covered the entire fortress. It was at least five stories high. The areas around it had people with strange colored skin, with outfits similar to Novala, Lunal, and Cammine. They were sparring, running drills, and working. Some looked similar in color, or size, but each was unique.
The building had slits every few feet where an arrow poked out. Huge gates were open into the building. Above them, Glowing balls of different colors all on average the size of a tennis ball floated around at random, lighting the cave along with many white ones. Several people stopped and stared, or gave Michael dirty looks. Michael blushed it was obvious he was not welcome here. A woman walked up to Lunal. She was about the same height as her. Her skin was light purple, with yellow tattoos all over her body. Her hair was long and blond. Her eyes were golden. The strip on her outfit was gold. “What’s with the human?” She asked. “I’ll explain later. Go find Rayal, and let him know we’re back.” Lunal said. The woman nodded, and ran into the building.
“That was Nebulav.” Novala whispered. Michael just nodded. Several minutes later, they stood in a large-ish room. Nebulav was there with a man with red skin, orange hair, orange eyes, and an orange strip on his clothes. Lunal, and Cammine were there as well.
“Explain why you brought a human into the shrine?” The man asked. “Good question. You want to answer that Novala?” Lunal asked looking at her. All eyes turned to her. “I uh… I told him. He doesn’t know why we're fighting, but he knows… even about Father.” Novala said looking down. The man sighed. Nebulav shook her head. “Honestly Novala. Why can’t you be more like your mother, and be smart for once?” She said. Novala’s shoulders slumped. “Sorry.” She muttered, looking down.
Michael looked at her. Why would she say that? For being a teenager Novala is fantastic! She can fight and fend for herself. “Sorry doesn’t even begin to cover what you did.” The man said. “Rayal, Nebulav, she knows the consequences already.” Lunal said. “And those are?” Rayal asked. “She’ll be in the next battle, along with other things.” Lunal said. “But she’s still recovering from what happened with Midnight.” Cammine interjected. Lunal sighed. “We’ll discuss this later.” She said. She looked at Novala and Michael. “Dismissed.” She said.
Novala nodded. “Come on.” She muttered, leading the way out. As soon as the door closed, they could hear them start yelling. “I’m sorry Novala. I don’t want you to get in trouble because of me.” Michael said, looking down at his feet, unable to meet Novala’s eyes. “It’s not your fault. I’ll just have to hope that Midnight isn't there.” Novala said, shivering. “Who?” Michael said, still looking at his feet. “She’s the general of the other side. She thinks I’m my mom, morphed into some weak shape. She nearly killed me in the last battle I fought in. It was a few weeks ago.” Novala explained, looking down. “I barely escaped.” “I’m so sorry. Um this might sound stupid but what’s going to happen to me?” Michael asked looking up. “It’s not a stupid question. They’ll find an empty room for you, and you’ll train.
The next battle is in two weeks, so if you want to get in, better train hard. I’d procrastinate as much as possible, but they know my skills.” Novala laughed a bit. “How long do they usually yell at each other?” Michael asked. “It can be a while. We should just go.” Novala said. “Go where?” Michael asked. “I have a spot where nobody will be around.” Novala said walking down the hall.
Michael followed Novala until they reached Novala’s spot. It was a hidden room in the bottom of one of the towers. The room was about the size of his bedroom, with a desk, some papers, books, and a beat up wooden post in the corner. “I mainly come here to hide from work or vent.” Novala said jumping up and touching a ball floating near the ceiling. It turned on and began glowing, lighting the room.
Michael looked around amazed by the room. He wished he could just stay here and not go back to the problems above their heads. “This is amazing, but how will the others find us so we can get in trouble.” Michael said with his crooked grin. “They won't,” Novala said, pulling out her sword.
She walked over to the post, and began hacking at it ungracefully, mumbling to herself. Michael could catch part of it. “Sorry I’m not-“, “You can’t just treat me-”, and “because I’m not my mom.” “Well if you were like your mom what world would we be in? You have to be different or else life is just boring. Honestly I think your awesome Novala.” Michael said turning a little red. She stopped. “Thanks.” She said “Umm how will we know when to go back up?” Michael asked changing the subject. “Uh… Usually I just stay here for a few hours. That’s about as long as they’ll spend talking.” Novala said, setting her sword down, and sitting at the table.
“Why are you guys in a war?” Michael asked. “That’s a long story. Our kind are ruled by the king and queen. They aren’t kind or gracious leaders. People wanted to be free of them. They started a rebellion. The war has been going on for a long time.”
Two hours later, they were still talking. “Do you think we should fight in battles at this age? I want to but do you think we should?” Michael asked standing up to stretch his legs. “Well… I would rather not fight at all. It sucks. To them, it just makes sense that I should be fighting. To humans, it’s child abuse. I don’t know to be honest.” Novala said. “Well at least you have me now. I can give you a small challenge in training… just kidding, but I'll get better.” Michael said laughing.
Novala laughed. “You wish!” She teased. “You’re so dumb the new kid insulted you.” Novala said, mocking Jacob. “Oh ho but you’re the one who decided to hang out with the outcast. Now you are uncool by association.” Michael said dramatically. “We should probably go up, Novala, I don’t want you to be in more trouble than you already are.” Michael said becoming serious once more, but he still had the ghost of a smile on his face.
She sighed. “You're probably right.” She said, packing up her sword. “You got lucky.” She said mocking Jacob again. They left, and hung out in the courtyard, until Cammine walked up. “Come on.” She said. Michael looked at her as they walked, hoping they wouldn’t be in too much trouble.
They stood in a huge room among what looked like everyone in the Shrine. There must have been thousands. Lunal, Cammine, Rayal, and Nebulav stood on a raised platform. Lunal raised her hands, and every one quieted.
“As most of you know, our next battle is in two weeks. Those who are participating know who they are. Along with groups from the other shrines, there will be 10,000 participants in the next battle. It will take place in the Moon arena. From our gathered intel, we know that important members of the empire will be there. The ambush will be at dark ceiling. There will be about 5,000 soldiers there. Our numbers double theirs. Good luck to all participants. Dismissed.” Lunal said.
Chatter erupted about the room. Michael had listened very closely. The information spun around in his brain as they continued walking. “They don’t know if she’s coming.” Novala said. “Who?” Michael said his train of thought breaking. “Midnight. They always tell us if she’ll be there or not. If they don’t say they aren’t sure.” Novala said.
Michael didn’t answer he saw Rayal. He looked at Rayal knowing punishment was close. He walked over to Novala. “What is it?” Novala asked. “Rayal.” Michael muttered. “He’s over there.” Michael said making a small gesture. They were walking toward him. There was no doubt by the look on his face that they were in trouble.
“Frontlines.” Rayal said. “What!?!” Novala exclaimed obviously shocked. “But I’ve never-“ “No buts.” Lunal interrupted. “Your both on frontlines.” “Is that how you punish people?! You send them off to die!?” Michael said shocked. “We more than double them, and they’ll be on defense. She is well trained, and you’ll be well enough along in training that you’ll be fine.” Nebulav said.
Michael stared at them trying to connect the dots. “So being on the frontlines in a battle isn’t the worst punishment.” Michael said, getting irritated. “For you it is.” Rayal said. “What do you mean for me? Are humans just not as great as you? Just because I’m a human means I am weak and stupid.” Michael said fuming. “Michael stop.” Novala whispered. “Trust me this isn’t going to end in your favor.” She looked like she wanted to disappear. Michael knew what she said was true, but he was too angry to give up now. He wasn’t going to let them walk all over him.
“She has some sense for once.” Rayal said. Novala looked down, blushing. “Why are you so hard on her? She is 14 and she is fighting in battles and surviving!!!” Michael said looking at Rayal anger continuing to build. “It’s fine, Michael.” Novala said quietly, blushing more. “No it’s not, Novala. You don’t deserve to be treated this way!” Michael said to her then turned back to Rayal.
“Why are you so hard on her?” He repeated angry that Novala accepted this treatment and angry at all the adults for letting it happen. “Our reasons are none of your concern.” Lunal said. “It is my concern when I see someone I know getting this kind of treatment from people who are supposed to help them and help them not make the mistakes again. Isn’t an army or a team supposed to help each other get better not send them head first into a battle for making a mistake?” Michael said, now looking at Lunal.
He knew this wasn’t going to end well, but he was too deep to back out now. “It’s not our job to do anything, but train her and help her learn to survive. Her father was the one meant to raise her, and he got himself killed!” Rayal yelled back.
Novala’s head snapped up, and she looked at him. Michael could see the hurt in her eyes. “Is that her fault!!! Did she ask for any of this?! Why do you insult her father when he died for your cause?! Is it fair to her at all that just because her father died for your cause that she should be sent to the same fate for making a mistake. If anything the least you could do for the daughter of a man that fought for what he thought was right is maybe help his daughter to survive and help her to improve! And not by sending her into battle frontlines defense or not!” Michael yelled scowling at Rayal.
“Without him, her mother would still be alive!” Rayal shouted. Novala took a step back. Michael grabbed her wrist and held her there. “Novala, don’t leave. They will win.” He whispered out of earshot of the adults. “Stop insulting her parents and their memories. Novala is smart and she is skilled. Stop acting like she knows nothing and she is barely right. You all are terrible! You just send people into the battle when they make mistakes and you don’t care if they come back or not!” Michael yelled, releasing Novala’s wrist.
He knew she wanted to leave so he would let her. Novala turned and ran off. Michael stormed after her, disgusted with the adults he left behind. He saw her go down one of the tunnels, and followed her through a winding network of tunnels. He emerged into what couldn’t be described as a cave. There was a ceiling, but it glowed softly, so it looked like night. For almost as far as he could see, An entire world lay before him.
He saw Novala sitting on a large rock jutting out of a field of tall blue grass. She had her back to him, and her knees to her chest. He walked over to her and sat beside her. He put an arm around her shoulders. “Why do you let them talk to you like that Novala?” Michael asked a completely different person then the one yelling a few minutes before. Novala leaned on him. Her tears sliding down her cheeks. “I don’t know.” She said, her voice breaking. Michael squeezed her shoulder. “It’s ok Novala.” He said.
She took a shuddering breath. “Why did you do that?” She asked, her voice quiet. “I just think you’re too brilliant to be treated like that.” Michael said not turning red this time just accepting the fact that what he said was the truth. He wasn’t embarrassed to compliment her anymore. “Thanks.” Novala said relaxing against him.
They stayed like that for several minutes. “Well, well well.. this is an interesting scene.” A woman said from behind them.
Novala sat up, and looked behind them. She shook her head, “No, no, no. Please no. Not now.” She whispered, sounding slightly hysterical. Michael turned around, and saw a woman standing there.
She was about seven or eight feet tall with broad shoulders and long black hair. Her skin was black, with grey stripes. She wore an orange shirt, dark red pants, and lighter red boots. She had a huge battle axe on her back. She had on a huge smile, but there was an evil, cruel confidence in her eyes. “Isn’t this fun. I finally catch you, but you're with a human. Be careful, or I might just kill that one too.” She said.
Novala’s eyes were huge. She looked terrified. “Stay away from her.” Michael said standing in front of Novala. “She isn't who you think she is.” Michael said, somehow remaining calm. The woman laughed. “She knows very well who I am.” She said “I said you didn’t know who she was.” Michael said flatly. “Oh, but I do. She’s a coward who's just trying to pretend she’s someone else.” The woman said.
“How did she find us? She can’t be here. I can’t do this again.” Novala whispered, sounding hysterical. “Let’s run. She is in front of the exit but we can run to the other side and try to find somewhere to hide.” Michael suggested under his breath. “Y-yeah okay.” Novala said standing shakily up. “On the count of three….one…….two…..THREE!!!” Michael shouted, grabbing Novala’s hand and sprinting to the other side of the field toward what looked like a forest.
The woman laughed. “You can’t outrun me, Novala. Give up while you have the chance.” She said behind them. “Novala don’t listen. Just run to the forest line.” Michael said panting. They ran toward the forest knowing the woman was gaining on them. If they could just make it to the forest, but it was still so far.
Michael felt a jerk, as the woman grabbed Novala and stopped them. Novala stared up at her in fear and the woman held her from running. Michael pulled Novala’s arm, since that didn’t work he attempted to kick the woman in the legs. She laughed. “Don’t bother, human.” She said. She looked down at Novala. “Finally. No army, no weapon. You know I can kill you, so just give up.” She said.
“How about a friend?” Michael said, continuing to kick, punch, or do anything within his power. She was unphased. Novala tried to pull away, but it was useless. Novala looked panicked. “I’m not my mom. Please Midnight.” Novala said fear in her voice.
Suddenly Michael got an idea. He stopped kicking and waited for Midnight’s response. “You can’t lie to me, Novala. You’ve just made yourself small and weak to escape your problems.” Midnight said. “Well at least her problems don’t make her look like an ugly rock.” Michael said with a smirk. “Silence human, it’s not your place to speak.” Midnight said, turning back to Novala.
“Surrender, and I won’t kill this human too.” She smiled. “What is it with you people? If rocks like you can talk and be smart, so can I!” Michael said with fake exasperation. Midnight rolled her eyes. “Choose, or I’ll just do it.” Midnight said.
Novala looked desperately at Michael. “Are the choices being killed by an ugly rock or an attractive rock? I can’t see the attractive rock though.” Michael said, pretending to search the room. He had to get her angry enough to forget about Novala for just a second so she could get free.
“Know your place, Human. I am no rock, and your insults don’t work.” She said. She glared at Novala, who tried to back up. “Ok well if I am so stupid then who are you thinking that a fully grown woman changed herself into a weaker form. You have been told several times this is her daughter, but you refuse to accept the truth and remain an ignorant idiot.” Michael said staring coldly at Midnight. “I won’t fall for this trick.” Midnight said. Her eyes returned to Novala. “Now choose.” She said.
“Aww Novala the rock wants you to choose as she has said repeatedly. Apparently she is not stupid enough to fall for such trickery! If only she knew the only trickery she is falling for is her own.” Michael said with mock pity smiling a reassuring smile at Novala in the process. She looked worried. “I can’t. She won’t give. She won’t listen. I-I think…” Novala whispered, trailing off.
“I am sorry for the loss of your brain cells, but this is really sad for a talking rock you know.” Michael said with mock sympathy. “Silence!” Midnight yelled, smacking Michael in the face. He fell over, and his nose started bleeding. “Michael!” Novala exclaimed, trying to get over to him. “Man you hit like a rock too. Are you just one of those oafs with all strength but no brains.” Michael said staggering to his feet.
Midnight smiled. “If that’s what you want.” She said. She drew her axe, and approached Michael, dragging Novala behind her. “Okay!” She yelled. Midnight stopped, and half turned toward Novala. “What was that?” Midnight asked. “Okay, you win. Just don’t hurt him, and let him go.” Novala said, looking down. “NO NOVALA!!!! Don’t do that!” Michael said, staring at her horrified. “I can’t watch you die!” She said, tears on the edges of her eyes.
“Have you ever read a book in your life?! Villains never I repeat, never keep their promises!” Michael yelled his voice cracking. “Just tell one of the others! They’ll send a group after me!” She responded. “Oh, but how will he do that? Neither of you are leaving.” Midnight said, smiling. “I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!” Michael screeched. “At least your not dead.” Novala said.
“I only said I wouldn’t kill you. Now move.” She said, shoving Novala farther away from the Shrine. Novala looked up and Midnight. “But where are we-“ “No questions. Do as your told.” Midnight interrupted. She looked down at Michael. “That goes for you to, human.” She said, waiting for them to go.
Novala looked defeated, as she stared forward. “If you are going to kill me will you at least call me by my name…...Michael?” Michael said irritably. Midnight just stood where she was. “Move.” She said shortly, obviously not going to listen to him.
Michael glared at her and began walking. He purposely walked slow so he could call Midnight names under his breath just out of her earshot.