When he came to, He saw Novala sitting with her back to him, facing a large fire. His wounds had been covered with spreads of black cloth, and a bowl of water and some fruit lay beside him. Michael looked at it then back to Novala.
“Novala… I’m so sorry.” Michael said with tears pouring down his face. Novala turned around, and tears sprang to her eyes when she saw him. She rushed over and hugged him. “I’m sorry too.” She choked out. Michael hugged her back happy to have a friend again. They stayed like that for a while.
“I tried to find help. The nearest shrine is really far and like this…” Novala broke off. “Sorry. I’m not used to having a friend. You okay?” Novala asked. “No. My head and body hurts so bad. I also feel really bad for being so awful to you. It was not right for me to treat you like that.” Michael said looking down.
“I nearly killed you! You had a right to be mad.” Novala exclaimed, guilt in her eyes. “It wasn’t your fault though. I was insulting you which made you angry.” Michael said looking just as guilty. “I wish I could be confident like you. The only time I’m like that is during battle. I’m pretty sure that's just adrenaline though.” Novala said laughing at herself.
“I’ve never really had a friend. It’s easy to be confident when all people do is bully and hurt you. That’s why I’m always on the defense.” Michael said, looking up at Novala.
Novala sat down next to him. Michael leaned against the wall, his head swimming. “You’re a good friend.” Michael whispered, taking Novala’s hand in his. “You too.” Novala said, leaning against him.
After a few minutes, Novala got up to add more wood to the fire. Michael watched her get up with tired eyes. His face was very pale and he looked very sick.
Novala looked back at him. “You should rest. You have a concussion.” She told him. “No, I’m fine. I want to help.” Michael said in a quiet voice. He worked his way up to his feet, but the moment he took a step forward, he fell to the ground again. He tried to get up again but his arms gave out.
Novala sighed. “You need to rest. You’re pale as paper. Come on dude, we have nothing to do anyway. We are not traveling until you’re fully healed.” She said sternly. “Fine but can you at least help go outside. I need Vitamin D to heal you know.” Michael said smiling.
“We're underground. You need to rest. Also, ‘help go’ is not proper grammar.” Novala corrected him. “You’re seriously going to correct me on my grammar when I am in this state? If I wasn’t feeling sick right now I would argue.” Michael said, getting back into a sitting position. “See, you feeling sick is a perfect example of why you should be resting.” Novala said. She continued to tend to the fire.
Michael heard a low growl sounding outside the cave. “Um Novala, do you hear that.” Michael said. “What?” She asked. “That growling sound.” Michael said worriedly. Novala sat quietly and listened.
“Why do I never have weapons around when I need them.” Novala complained, standing. She looked around fast and grabbed a stick. She thrust it into the fire, and pulled it out. The flames remained on the wood.
She stood in a battle stance at the entrance of the cave. “Novala what do I do?” Michael whispered. “Uh… Get something to defend yourself with and find somewhere to hide.” She said. An edge of panic was in her voice.
Michael grabbed a sharp rock and tried to look around for somewhere to hide. He tried to move toward a large rock but he couldn’t get there without his head exploding with pain so he decided to stay where he was with the rock held in front of him.
A beast emerged from the woods. It looked similar to a wolf, only much more terrifying. It had short black fur that got longer at its tail. It’s eyes were red. It was twice the size of a normal wolf. It’s head was even with Novala’s. It’s fangs were huge. Michael noticed dried blood on the teeth. Down it’s back, curved spikes sprouted. The end of its tail was a sharp spike.
It snarled at Novala, and Michael saw several rows of sharp teeth. It’s huge paws dug into the ground. Novala took a step back. “A Shadowbeast” She said fearfully.
Michael looked at the creature completely paralyzed. It looked like something from a terrible nightmare. “Uh I’m guessing this isn’t good.” Michael said quietly. “Shadowbeasts are extremely powerful. It would be immensely stronger if it was night, but these things are destroyers. They fear light and heat.” Novala said, not looking away from it.
“Use the fire.” Michael said. “It will kill me if I hurt it. If it sees that your weak it will also kill you. Pretty much anything we do it will try to kill us.” “Use the fire. If it notices that I’m weak then take it out with the fire before it gets to me.” Michael said calmly. “Right.” Novala said, trying to sound confident.
The beast snarled at her, and swiped a paw at her. It recoiled when it’s paw neared the fire. “Novala look, it's scared of it. Get the stick and light it like a torch.” Michael said. “Okay.” Novala said, backing toward the fire.
A bark that sounded like a dog came from behind the Shadowbeast. From the bushes tumbled five baby Shadowbeasts. Michael looked at the little creatures. “Novala what do we do!” Michael shouted. “Uhhhh.” Was all she could manage. The five tiny creatures walked past their mother, who grabbed each one, and pulled them behind her.
The smallest had slipped past it’s mother and approached Novala. “Uhhhhhhh” She looked back at Michael, panicked. Michael got to his feet and managed to walk over to Novala. He bent down and picked up the creature and brought it to its mother and set it down in front of her.
It sniffed the baby then Michael. It carefully picked up the baby in it’s jaws, and set it down next to it’s siblings. It sniffed Michael again, and rubbed its face against his shoulder. Novala walked up hesitantly. It saw her and growled.
Michael looked at Novala. “Um, that went better than I thought it would.” He said. “Yeah, she doesn't like me though.” Novala said. Michael was knocked over by the five tiny Shadowbesasts. They were super fluffy. The mother was still growling at Novala.
Michael tried to get up but he wasn’t strong enough. “Novala, don’t try to hurt it. Try to show some sign of submission or kindness.” Michael said. Novala looked doubtful, but she slowly crouched down and set the stick down. The Shadowbest sniffed the air, and stepped tentatively toward Novala.
“Stay calm Novala.” Michael said, still trying to stay focused while playing with the adorable Shadowbeasts. It sniffed her, and circled around her. It raised it’s tail, and licked Novala’s face. “Ew.” She said between laughter. Michael sighed and then laughed as the pups tackled him again.
Novala came over and pulled the pups off of him. The mother padded in a circle around the room, avoiding the fire. “We should probably put that out.” Novala suggested. “Yeah.” Michael replied, petting a pup that had curled up next to him.
Novala picked up her stick, and used it to pull apart the wood, and poke the logs till the fire went out. The Shadowbeasts seemed more comfortable with the fire out. “Looks like we can’t have meat now. I don’t know how we could kill anything anyway, but oh well.” Novala said, shrugging. “Is there anything we can eat? I’m starving and healing takes energy.” Michael said with a small laugh.
Novala laughed, and picked up a bowl of fruit near the remains of the fire. She came over and handed it to him. “I’m prepared.” She said, smiling. Michael smiled and started eating the fruit. After he ate a couple pieces he handed the rest to Novala for her to eat. Novala sat across from him and ate.
“You know, the mother Shadowbeast could probably carry us home.” Novala said around the food. “That isn’t fair to her Novala. She had pups and they aren’t big enough to walk that far. I’ll be fine by tomorrow or the day after.” Michael said, looking at the mother Shadowhound. “Right, sorry.” Novala said.
“Novala, don’t apologize for trying to come up with a plan.” Michael said, laying down on his back while stroking the pup next to him. Novala turned to where the other four were playing. One of them began biting another one. Another jumped between the fighting, and the bully walked away with the fourth one. “I like him.” Novala said, nodding to the one that had defended its sibling.
“I see why, however, how do you know that the one who was fighting didn’t have a reason. What if the other one started it?” Michael said logically. “You have a point. I’ll keep an eye on her. I mean they are adorable, and if they waaaaant… We could, I dunno, keep one?” Novala said, still looking at the one she liked. “If the mom’s okay with it. They were just playing. Dogs do it too. They wrestle, that’s how they play.” Michael said.
“Yeah. So... now what?” Novala asked, looking around for something to do. “Well, I can walk, so can we go outside?” Michael asked sitting up. “Sure.” Novala said, standing. The Shadowbeast mother seemed uninterested in what they were doing.
Michael picked up the pup and set it beside its mother before they left the cave. Novala took a deep breath. Out here, the air was colder. Aside from the roof high above them, it looked as if they were in a normal oak forest. Aside from the fact that everything was miscolored.
The cavern roof was brightly lit, so it looked as if it was day. Unfamiliar birdsong rang through the trees, and Michael saw several birds that he had ever seen before. The forest around him was alive with sounds of small critters, and buzzing bugs. Michael looked at all the wildlife. His eyes lit up as he took it in. “It feels good to finally be outside.” Michael said smiling. This was his first real smile in what felt like years. Novala smiled too.
“Were technically still underground, but for some reason stuff still grows down here.” Novala said, joking around. “Don’t ruin my moment.” Michel said shoving Novala lightly. Novala laughed. “Alright. If this is ‘your moment’ then what do you want to do in it?” Novala asked, shoveling him back. Michael fell to the ground with many dramatics.
“Well know I have messing with you off the list so… I’m going to go climb a tree.” Michael said, getting to his feet with a mischievous grin. “Your hurt. I ain’t letting you do that.” Novala said.
Michael walked over to a nearby tree, reached up, and grabbed the nearest and sturdiest branch. “Michael, you really shouldn’t be doing that. Your wounds from the battle are still healing.” Novala said, reminding Michael of the two red patches of rough skin on his shoulder down to his elbow about half an inch at its widest. Another from his hip to his ankle it’s widest was around an inch. The edges had begun to return too normal color, but the skin looked stretched.
“Fine.” Michael said, removing his hand and walking into the trees to look around. He turned around to face Novala and said, “you coming?” Novala looked at him. “Yeah, sorry. I zoned out.” She replied, running to catch up.
“Do you think they’re looking for us?” Novala asked beside Michael. “I don’t know but if they do you are most likely going to be punished by someone. They will probably be way crueler than Midnight.” Michael said gravely. “You don’t know that.” Novala said, looking down. “Yes I do. At school when I got beat up by Jacob’s minions I thought it was bad. However, when I got beat up by Jacob it was way worse. The higher positions are always worse.” Michael said matter-of-factly.
“It was bad back at the shrine, but… They raised me. I still care about them.” Novala said distantly. “I mean this enemy, you know, like Midnight. She wasn’t the leader I guarantee that whoever is above her is probably worse.” Michael said. “I am going to disagree about the Shrine though. They were awful to you. You are way too brilliant to be treated that way.” Michael said, blushing.
Novala shivered at the mention of Midnight. “They blame me for the loss of my mother… They have a right to though. She died because of me.” Novala said. “I don’t think that’s true.” Michael said. “She died giving birth to me. How is it not my fault?” Novala asked.
Michael stopped and stepped in front of Novala. He put his hands on her shoulders. “Listen to me. You didn’t decide to be born. She decided to have you. She wanted you to live. You did nothing to cause her to die. If they think it’s your fault then they really are idiots.” Michael said.
Novala hugged Michael. She was shaking, and he could tell she was crying. Michael put his arms around her. “It’s ok Novala.” Michael said. She said nothing, but he knew he heard her.
Something sounded behind them. Footsteps. Someone was coming. Novala let go of him, and turned around, though his arms were still around her. A group of soldiers emerged from the forest. Novala took in a sharp breath, and moved closer to Michael. Michael took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze.
“We finally found you two.” One said. Michael leaned close to Novala’s ear. “Can we run?” He asked. “We aren’t surrounded. If we make it back to the cave, the Shadowbeasts should protect us.” She whispered back. “Go!” Michael yelled. Together, they turned and ran.
The heavy footsteps of the soldiers sounded behind them. One of them grabbed Novala’s arm, and yanked her to a sudden stop. Michael punched the soldier in the nose to try to get Novala free from his grip. He grunted, and took a step back. He had a strong grip on her. He drew his sword, and held it to her throat.
Novala growled, but didn’t move. Michael stood still for Novala’s sake. She closed her eyes and took in a shaky breath. When her eyes opened, they were filled with a fire he hadn’t seen before. With careful, practiced movements, she raised her hand up, grabbed the hilt of the sword, and shoved the sword away from her. She wrenched it from the grasp of the soldier, and chopped his head off.
The others stood for a moment in disbelief. They drew their swords. “Michael, go back to the cave.” Novala said, keeping her eyes on the soldiers. “No, I don’t want to leave you here by yourself.” Michael said seriously. He was not going to take no for an answer.
“You remember the training you got at the cavern?” She asked. “Yeah.” Michael said quietly. “Get ready to use it.” Novala said. She rushed the nearest soldier, and kicked his sword out of his hand. It fell to the ground.
Novala killed the soldier and moved on to the next. Michael grabbed the sword and began fighting soldiers as well. Michael was good with his sword, but nowhere near as good as Novala.
His injuries were also coming into effect. Michael was fighting off two at once. Another came from behind and Michael felt a searing pain on his shoulder. The soldier had cut his sword into his shoulder. Michael’s sword was ripped from him. The soldier behind him grabbed his arms and forced them behind his back. Novala turned around, and saw. “Let him go.” She commanded.
The other soldier smiled. “Or, you drop your weapon, and we don’t kill him.” He said. Novala looked desperately at Michael. She turned back to the soldier. “Only if you swear no harm will come to him.” She said. “Novala don’t do that. You have to escape!” Michael said desperately. “I can’t leave you.” She said.
She looked back at the soldier. “Swear it!” She yelled at him. “No harm shall come to him. I swear on my queen.” He said. Novala dropped the sword. “No Novala!” Michael shouted desperately. “I can’t watch you get hurt. I won’t leave you.” She said.
Michael fought against the guard holding him. He tried to get his arms free. The other soldier kicked Novala to the ground, and planted his foot on her back. “Command him to stop.” He said. “I don’t command him. He does what he wants.” Novala said, smiling into the dirt.
The soldier applied more pressure on her spine, and she cried out. Michael stopped struggling. “Don’t hurt her.” He said calmly. The soldier smiled. “Good.” He said. He pulled Novala roughly to her feet. The soldiers took them farther from the cave.