WE ARRIVED IN PARIS shortly after midday, where it was agreed on the Eurostar we’d head straight to the new hotel to check-in, just to dump our suitcases, granting us the afternoon to freely explore the city. We even triple checked the hotel confirmation to see the exact times we were allowed to check-in. Midday was the earliest time we could.
The Gare du Nord was a beautiful station and as we wandered through the gate, I gazed up at the architecture. If all of Paris was equally as stunning, I would be in heaven. After studying art for many years, I learnt to appreciate the little things in life, but my fascination was with architecture.
According to Harley’s itinerary we’d only be in the centre of Paris for today and tomorrow, after which we’d be moving again to our final destination of Nostalgia Con. He used an app on his phone to keep track of everything, but when I glanced over his shoulder, I saw he’d nothing planned except from ‘be a tourist and explore’. Surely we could plan something better than just aimlessly wandering for two days straight.
Once our luggage was dropped off at the hotel, the group separated into pairs. The couples had their own ideas for how to spend the day, leaving Harley and I standing outside the hotel with no plans of our own. I waited for him to suggest something, after all I was technically gate-crashing his road trip. I’d kept the opinion that I should follow whatever plans he’d originally planned.
‘What would you like to do today?’ Harley turned to ask me.
I was a little taken back, ‘I thought you were the man with a plan,’ I joked.
‘Not today,’ he said with a smile. ‘This is your first time in Paris, is there anywhere you want to go or anything you’re dying to see?’
I thought about it for a moment, it was no secret Paris was always on my dream destination list, but I’d not given it much thought about the places I’d like to visit. Then the idea hit me, ‘What about the Louvre?’ I suggested. ‘It’s supposed to be one of the most influential museums in Europe. It sounds like a perfect place for two art graduates to explore, don’t you think?’
‘Actually that sounds like a perfect idea.’
Together we hopped onto the Metro, considering the station was a stone's throw away from our hotel. I couldn’t make heads or tails of the ticketing system but Harley managed to work his magic to get us what we needed. When he handed me the ticket I was confused by how tiny it was, and held it against the London underground ticket from yesterday to compare. I found it funny how different they were.
Harley helped me onto the Metro, which was similar in design to the underground system and I didn’t struggle too much to navigate around. It wasn’t so much of a taboo to speak on the Metro, like it was on the underground and the other passengers seemed to be more friendly and polite than London commuters.
We soon arrived at our destination, which left a short walk to the entrance of the Louvre. As soon as we spotted the glass pyramid in the courtyard, we knew we’d arrived. Harley took me by the hand and pulled me gently towards the front of the pyramid, security guards were posted beside escalators leading underground and to the entrance of the museum.
I went to take a few snaps on my phone, but Harley was already snapping on his camera, no doubt his shots would look incredible. ‘Would you mind sending me a copy of anything you take?’
He looked up from his camera and hummed, ‘Course, I’ll make a folder and forward it to you. That way you can download anything you want.’
‘That would be perfect, thank you.’
Security let us inside the museum with a flash of our passports, they informed us, in French, that we were able to gain free entry because we’d shown our passports. Apparently anyone in the EU was allowed to enter for free. That ended up saving us fifteen euros. Harley donated some loose change to get a museum map and gave it to me to study.
‘Just let me know where you want to go, okay?’ he said.
‘Is there nothing you want to look at?’ I asked. After all, we didn't come here just to satisfy only myself. I looked down at the map, but even a quick glance overwhelmed me. There was so much in this museum, how was I to decide where to go?
‘What about the portrait corridor?’ Harley suggested.
I took a second glance at the map and saw it was the closest section nearby. ‘That sounds good, there’s a few paintings I’d love to see. I hope they’re still here.’
Together we wandered until we came to a semi-narrow corridor, portraits hung on every section of the walls. We passed by the Mona Lisa, hidden away in her own room and swarmed by dozens of tourists. My only thought was how small the painting looked in person, I’d always imagined it would be bigger.
Another portrait that truly surprised me for its sheer size was Liberty leading the people, a gorgeous painting that depicted the French revolution. Seeing my face light up, Harley suggested we sit and admire it for a little while. A cushion seat was positioned in the middle of the aisle, and while he snapped a few photographs, so we could remember this moment, I found comfort resting my head on his shoulder. We sat there a while, enjoying each other's company until Harley suggested we see something else and I agreed, even though I was a little sad we couldn’t stay like that for longer.
We walked and chatted about the various items on display, Harley continued snapping pictures and I stood admiring everything, partly wishing I’d brought my sketchbook with me. What a wasted opportunity. I made a mental note to remember to take it everywhere with me in future.
Harley led me through the halls, displaying his knowledge of the arts. I, however, was failing with some of the details, that was until we came to a white stone hallway, with stairs leading off in all directions. A stunning piece of architecture built into the very foundations of the building.
‘Is this-’ I said, but stopped myself to remind myself of the correct name, ‘The Lefuel staircase, named after the sculptor himself.’
Harley skirted around me to find a plague and confirmed my suspicions, ‘I believe it is, created by Hector Lefuel, from 1852 to 1858. What a marvel.’
I checked the museum map, if his staircase was here I wondered if it meant my favourite sculpture was here too. ‘If we continue up this flight of stairs, we might just find her.’ I began marching up the left side, avoiding the oncoming traffic as I went.
‘Find who?’ Harley asked, but his voice was almost a whisper as he chased after me. I could hear him apologising to other tourists on his way up.
As we got to the top of the staircase, that’s when my eyes laid on the most beautiful sight. A stunning white stone sculpture depicting a woman’s body draped in flowing fabric with a set of feathered wings on her back, yet she was missing both her head and arms.
‘The Winged Victory of Samothrace,’ I whispered in disbelief. I couldn’t believe I was standing before such an iconic piece. ‘She’s beautiful.’ I kept my eyes on her, completely transfixed by her beauty.
‘Allow me,’ Harley said, pulling out his camera until only the gentle click of the shutter was in my ears. ‘Out of curiosity, why do you like this piece so much?’ he asked.
I walked over to rest against the stone staircase, ‘Honestly, I’m not sure. In a way it’s hauntingly beautiful yet shows both delicacy and strength. I like the juxtaposition.’ I gazed back up at the statue, ‘In a way it feels like the subject fought for her freedom, but only because she made a deal with the higher power. She was granted wings to fly, but look what it cost her. Of course, this is only my speculation of the piece. I’m sure others have different theories.’
Harley put down his camera and met my gaze, ‘That doesn’t mean yours is any less special.’ He took my hand and held me off the staircase, ‘Would you like to look at some other sculptures, I’d love to hear your insight on them.’
‘The sculpture hall should be just right around here,’ I said, pointing to the location on my map, ‘Seems that also leads back to the entrance and the gift shop. I’d love to see the trinkets they sell, I’d love a souvenir from this trip.’
‘Let’s do it,’ he replied, leading me towards our next destination.
I noticed he hadn’t let go of my hand, not that I minded. His touch was gentle, unlike how my ex used to touch me. The feeling of my hand in his warmed my cheeks, and for the second time today I considered if this is what it would be like if I ever dated my best friend. I shook the notion from my head, I needed to stop thinking like this. There was no way Harley and I could ever date.
The sculpture hall was decorated with pure white stone, polished to perfection, with windows stretching from the floor to ceiling. The summer sun casting through the windows, made the white stone gleam. The sculptures themselves were spread out in the wide open space, with cushioned seats positioned around.
‘What do you think of this one?’ Harley called a short distance away.
I walked over to see him photographing a looming piece of porcelain, almost pyramid-like in shape, with layers and layers of men carved into the structure. One stood on top looking almost victorious, wings spread across his back.
‘Are you familiar with the piece? Harley asked.
I shook my head, ‘I don’t believe I’ve come across it before.’
‘Carved by Tagliolini, this is the Fall of Giants,’ he said. ‘Phenomenal isn’t it?’
I gazed up at the piece, there was definitely something special about it but I couldn’t put my finger on it. ‘Is this your favourite?’ I asked.
‘One of them, yes, but I think the other should be around here somewhere.’
We walked around to the other side of the hall until we reached another sculpture featuring a couple. A nude woman lay on her back, reaching up to cradle the face of an angel. It was gorgeous, like a forbidden love story carved within the marble.
‘It’s breath-taking,’ I said, struggling to get out my words.
Harley snapped a few photographs, ‘I like to consider it as more of a tragedy. Much like Romeo and Juliet.’
I read the plaque aloud, ‘Psyche revived by Cupid’s kiss, the title certainly gives way to that theory of yours, and I’m inclined to believe you.’ I said. ‘Should we call it for our adventure here?’
Harley agreed and we wandered into the giftshop greeted by numerous prints of the various paintings and sculptures on display within the museum. There were small models of the more famous pieces, but the prices made my heart sink to my stomach. We didn’t end up buying too much there, mainly because my budget wouldn’t allow it, but I did grab a postcard of The Winged Victory of Samothrace which I thought might look nice in a frame on my desk.
We departed from the museum once we’d paid for our purchases, as Harley decided on somewhere he’d like to go and spend the late afternoon. He guided me back to the Metro where we stayed on for only a few stops. During our journey, my stomach started to rumble and Harley promised we’d make a pit stop before our next location. A small café sat on the corner of a street near the River Seine. A gentleman greeted us at the counter, speaking fluent French to which my friend conversed with him. Harley ordered two toasted sandwiches, ham and cheese I found out when I received mine, and paid the man with a note. The owner said something to Harley which he laughed at, and when I asked he refused to tell me.
Harley led us to the other side of the river, where we sat outside the Notre Dame cathedral to eat our toasties. We’d got there just in time to listen to the chiming of the bells. I didn’t think this day could get any better, until he revealed this wasn’t our last stop before heading back to the hotel. I was so hungry I devoured my toastie in a few minutes and it tasted so good. I wish I could eat them everyday for the rest of my life.
We waited until the bells finished tolling, then followed the river back down until we reached a small derelict church. I was surprised to see a queue for such a rundown place, until we stepped inside. The ground floor was compact with little to see and I wondered why Harley had suggested it.
‘Take my hand,’ he said and I did. ‘Just wait till we get upstairs. Just be careful now, the staircase is a little narrow, just follow me and keep breathing.’
I didn’t fully comprehend what he meant until I saw it for myself. My heart raced, the space was only big enough for one person to ascend, and it felt like the words were closing in on me. I clung onto my friend’s hand until we reached the top.
‘Now this is what I wanted to show you,’ he said, leading me out into the open space that didn’t match the ground floor.
All around me were beautiful decorated stained-glass windows, stretching from the floor and doomed across the ceiling, in a rainbow of hues.
‘This is just incredible,’ I could barely get out my words, I was flabbergasted by the craftsmanship before me. I spun around in a circle, trying to capture every inch of the detail but I ended up making myself dizzy in the process. When my eyes finally found Harley again, I saw him snapping pictures, his lens pointing directly at me and I beamed.
We sat inside, what I learnt was called Sainte-Chapelle, a royal chapel specialising in gothic architecture. Harley must’ve decided on this place for me, he knew how much I loved architecture. I pulled my legs up into my chest and pulled out my phone seeing a new message from the group chat.
Poppy: Surprise, tomorrow we’re going to the magical mouse kingdom. We just managed to get tickets, you’re welcome.
‘Oh wow,’ I said, showing Harley my phone. ‘I’ve always wanted to go. This trip truly is incredible, thank you for inviting me along.’
‘Honestly Bon, it’s been my pleasure. I only hope you’ll continue having fun,’ he replied, smiling as he squeezed my hand.
At this moment I was truly happy and I never wanted this trip to end.