BONNIE STARED AT ME in disbelief, 'What do you mean, road trip?' She asked. The mood in the room shifted from the fun nostalgia to an uneasy awkwardness, and I realised I’d put my foot in it.
I cleared my throat, ‘The group and I booked to go to a comic convention in Europe,' I explained, 'But one of the guys can't make it anymore. A spot's opened up and I'd really like it if you took it.'
Bonnie shook her head and climbed off the sofa like I'd offered her something unsavoury. 'I don't have that kind of money,' she said, biting her bottom lip to keep her tears from falling. 'Look, I do really appreciate the gesture but I just don't know. It's just a lot to think about.'
I gave a single nod to show I understood, even though I’d hoped she might say yes.
‘Out of curiosity, what convention did you book?’ she asked, fiddling with the hem of her shirt and refusing to look my way. ‘Who’s going with you?’
Was that Bonnie taking an interest? Was she seriously considering my offer?
‘Nostalgia Con. You already know the group, it’s the guys online,’ I said, pulling out my phone to show her the website. ‘This year they’re hosting in Europe and thought it’d be an ideal time to check it out.’
Bonnie took my phone and started scrolling through some of the images, ‘They’ve got the producer of Eden’s Gate Online going!’ I swear she almost squealed with excitement, but her tone quickly shifted, ‘I shouldn’t really go, as wonderful as it would be.’ She handed back my phone with a solemn expression.
I sensed something was amiss and decided to pull her up on it, ‘Is something wrong? What is holding you back from going?’ I asked. ‘Everything has been paid for, you’ll only be doing me a favour, I can’t get a refund on anything. Not this close to the convention.’
‘When is it?’
‘It’s next month, August. The theme is a summer beach party. Apparently they’ve even hired a holiday park with a swimming pool this time.’
Bonnie came to rejoin me back on the sofa and sipped her mocktail. I saw in her eyes she was deep in thought, hopefully taking everything I’d said in. ‘There’s just one thing,’ she said after a short time. And waited to hear her explanation. ‘The reason I’ve been so distant lately is because I’ve been struggling with my mental health, again.’
I placed a hand on hers and gave it a squeeze, ‘Talk to me.’
‘Vincent and I, we broke up,’ she said, struggling to talk with a lump in her throat. ‘His decision. Apparently he’d been seeing someone else because I was too difficult to deal with.’ A silence fell between us, like she was considering her next words carefully. ‘Am I really a burden? I know it’s not easy dealing with my mental health sometimes.’
‘No,’ I kept my tone stern. ‘I’ve been friends with you since secondary school and not once have I ever considered you a burden, Bon. I’m sorry that happened though, I’m sure it’s not an easy situation to be in but maybe the break would do you good?’
‘How do you mean?’ she asked, looking a little perplexed.
I don’t think she understood my meaning. ‘Maybe you need to take a time out, focus more on yourself. Surround yourself with people who care about you and what is best for you, rather than dwelling on a relationship that didn’t work.’
Bonnie hummed, thinking over my words, before agreeing. ‘Okay, Harley Hughes. You win. I’ll go to Nostalgia con with you,’ she said, almost giggling to herself.
I smiled at the scene, my best friend slowly returning to the woman I knew and loved. She was braver than she knew, and as selfish as it was, I was glad her boyfriend was out of the picture. He didn’t seem right for her, and seemed like he made her mental health worse. But I wasn’t about to spill those secrets out loud.
‘The only thing we need to take care of is your train ticket,’ I said, changing the subject slightly and pulling out my phone to research. ‘As this is my treat, I insist on paying for your ticket at least. I can adjust the ones to Europe, but we need to get you to London.’
Bonnie peered over my shoulder and we looked at a few options together. The warmth of her breath near my neck caused my cheeks to aflame. It’d been a while since we last spent some time together, and it was nice to be in her company again.
‘That’s the train ticket sorted, I’ve emailed you the details.’
‘So, are the group planning on cosplaying for the convention?’ Bonnie asked.
I scratched the back of my head, ‘I’m not too sure, there was mention of it when we first discussed going to the event. But I don’t think I will be.’
‘Why not?’
I was taken back, ‘It just doesn’t feel like my thing honestly, Bon.’
Bonnie grinned at me, pulling a face that only meant she was up to something. ‘I’ll come to this convention with you, if you promise to cosplay with me?’
‘Wait, what?’ I shouted, ‘But I just paid for your train ticket, you can’t go back on your word now.’
But she pulled a face that I could only describe as mimicking a pouty child. She looked up at me with her big blue eyes and I couldn’t look away.
‘Fine,’ I sighed, resigning myself to my fate. ‘What do I have to wear?’
Bonnie squealed, almost leaping off the sofa to find something she needed to show me. I only hoped it was something to do with the costume she’d in mind. She came back not a moment later with a stack of pastel pink manga.
‘What’s this?’ I asked, slightly put off by the colour.
‘Only my favourite manga series,’ she said, acting as if I should know this. ‘Remember in secondary school where all I would read was that magical girl manga where she collected cards with her little bear.’
I tried to place the memory but struggled, ‘I think so. Why did the creator remake it or something?’ She handed me one of the books and I soon realised what I was looking at. ‘You’re still into this?’
When I glanced back at Bonnie, I saw her puff out her cheeks, pouting at me once more. ‘The story is good, plus the art is stunning. You know me, an absolute sucker for incredible artwork.’
‘Alright, you’re winning me over.’ I said, laughing as she playfully punched my arm. ‘Speaking of incredible artwork, do you practise much anymore?’
Bonnie cast her eyes to the floor, ‘Well, I haven’t for sometime but the other week I did a few sketches. Did you want to see?’ she asked.
‘I’d love to.’ Generally, I meant it.
‘Just promise you won’t laugh if they’re bad, I’m trusting you with your honest opinions, okay?’
‘I promise.’
Bonnie left the pile of manga beside me and disappeared to find her sketches. She soon returned with a lavender sketchbook and handed it to me sheepishly. She didn’t dare look at me as I took it.
When I opened the pages, I was greeted with beautiful magical girls, illustrated with fineliners and pastel markers. ‘Bonnie, these are insane. You haven’t lost your touch,’ I said, generally impressed with what I was looking at. ‘Would you be able to sketch the costumes you’re planning for the comic convention?’ I handed her back the sketchbook.
Bonnie smoothed her fingertips against the canvas, ‘That’s just it,’ she replied. ‘I’d love to dress up as the main character, Sakura, but there’s really only one guy character in the manga. Would you be okay with a matching cosplay?’
There were the big eyes again that made my heart skip a beat. I turned my face away so she wouldn’t see the colour radiating in my cheeks. ‘Fine. If it means that much to you, I’ll do it. But you have to make it.’
‘You mean it?’
I nodded, ‘Yes, now show me what I’m going to be wearing before I change my mind.’ But we both knew that wasn’t going to happen, I’d already made a promise and I wasn’t going back on it. If this was what I had to do to cheer up my best friend, then I would do anything to see her smile.
Bonnie picked up one of the manga volumes and flicked to a certain page. 'I think this might be my favourite look of Sakura's. I'm not sure Li has a matching outfit though.'
The outfit she'd in mind was a white ruffled dress, decorated in golden stars with a big bow on the back.
'Are you sure you'll be able to complete this in a month?' I asked, not that I was doubting her ability.
'It'll do me good to have something to focus on,' she replied with a shrug. 'Though the cost of materials worries me.'
'Forget about it, I'll cover it,' I said, without considering my words first. 'Just as long as you can make my costume as well?'
Bonnie sketched the two ideas today, first her star gown and then a similar suit to match. We turned on her computer and together hunted for all the fabric she might need to start her project. I reluctantly handed over my debit card, but the look on her face made it all worth it.
'You know I expect to see progress pictures,' I said, after forking over a portion of my savings for the cause.
'I'll send you some.'
The day soon turned to the evening and I remembered I'd work the next day.
'I should start heading back,' I said, getting up from the sofa. 'You sure you'll be alright alone?'
Bonnie nodded to confirm, but the smile on her lips told me all I needed to know. 'Let me know when you get home safe,' she replied, enveloping me in a hug.
We said our goodbyes at the door and when I watched Bonnie close the door I felt a weight lifting off my chest. I never should've left it so long to visit, but I'd reopened the reserved feelings I'd been harbouring since secondary school. Why I'd always refused to date.
I was still in love with my best friend. While she could never know the truth, I would make sure she'd the best time ever on this trip. A memory to last a lifetime and I didn't care what it was going to cost me.
On the trip home, I put myself back in work mode, focusing on the emails that I'd neglected during my outward journey, now my mind wasn't weighed down with worry. I filtered through the usual rubbish that wasn't even worthy of my attention and scrolled until I found my newest client. To my surprise they'd agreed to my design changes and were happy to go ahead. That was a second win for the day.
When I returned home, I greeted Mochi and filled his food bowl before heading off to bed. The day might have completely taken it out of me, but I was looking forward to the trip even more now my best friend was coming along with us.
The next month flew by fast, I'd thrown myself into client work and was spending less time with the trivial technical difficulties. I was glad to be putting my real skills to the test, and for one project I was able to collaborate with Tristan.
From time to time, Bonnie checked in with casual updates about how she was feeling and also photographs she'd snapped of her work in progress. I was really impressed with how much she'd managed to get done in such a short pace of time. Then again, that's probably what they teached her at university studying textiles.
Tonight, I planned to finish packing my last few bits for the trip, including ensuring Mochi was settled with Mrs Bloom before I left. She was the only one I trusted to look after the fat cat, even if there was a chance I could come back and he'd piled on more pounds.
I finished up work for the day, heading out of the office with Tristan in tow. That was when the conversation about love interests resurfaced.
'So, who is this mysterious person joining us on the trip?' He asked, shoving his hands in his pockets and furrowed his brow. 'That is if you even asked anyone.'
'I said I would take care of it and I did. I asked her last month, are you happy now?' I said with a sigh.
Tristan smirked at me, budding up close, 'Don't leave me in suspense, who is she?'
'Why can't it be a surprise? Would that be terrible?' I argued, pushing him away.
My colleague groaned, 'You know how much I hate surprises, man. Besides, I don't want to spend an entire week away with someone I barely know.'
This made me chuckle, 'Oh don't worry. You know them. Very well in fact.'
Tristan trailing behind while he considered my cryptic comments. When he finally caught up, he was full of questions once more. 'Is it that girl you've been crushing on for a while now?'
'Wait, what.'
'You know the one. You're both really close, you went to college or something together. Isn't that the same one who we play Eden's Gate Online with? Diana?'
I felt my temperature rise.
Could he see me sweating? Still it would do little to lie to him. He does have a right to know.
'That's the one,' I said. Unable to fathom how he'd guess Bonnie was going to be in attendance.
'You didn't deny having a crush on her,' Tristan teased, giving me a playful shove and running off ahead.
I stumbled back but quickly chased after him, 'You really are childish sometimes! But fine, if you must know. I've got feelings for her, but I'm not going to do anything about them on this trip. She's just split with her ex-boyfriend. I just want her to have a good time.' I added. 'Can you promise me you'll keep it behind us?'
'Well, you, me and Pops,' He said, but he must have seen me glaring at him to add. 'Don't look at me like that, you know she beats any secret out of me.'
I laughed and agreed with him but deep down I wish I'd a relationship like his. Filled with love, laughter and playful banter. It must be nice being in a relationship with someone you trust. Someone like a close friend who you harboured a deep connection with.
Maybe I was just a hopeless romantic, but I held out hope that one day that would be me. And if I was really lucky, the girl of my dreams wasn't too far out of reach.
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