I AWOKE WITH A STIFF neck, that’ll teach me for sleeping on the sofa at a weird angle. As I lifted my head, I realised I wasn’t resting on one of the cushions. I looked to see my best friend sleeping beside me, my puddle of drool had made a wet circle on his chest. I winced, hoping that he wouldn’t mind too much. I tried piecing together the night before, I remembered us planning and practising our routine for today’s performance, then we were talking about the trip, at least I think we were. I knew I’d spoken mostly in incoherent mumblings, and wondered why Harley still put up with me after all these years. I pushed the blankets off my legs and went to make a hot drink.
Harley had brought me one every morning so far on this trip, and as today was going to be our last day, I thought I would surprise him and make him a cup for a change. But no sooner had I flicked the kettle on, he was awake.
I bought over two steaming mugs and pushed the coffee towards him, ‘I hope I made it how you like it, I’m sorry it’s not barista-quality,’ I said with a laugh.
‘Anything is fine, thank you.’
This is the first time I’d gotten a good look at my best friend after he’d just woken up, there was a handsome quality about him that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Meanwhile, my hair resembled something close to a bird’s nest and I’d probably just dried salvia on my cheek. We sat in silence for a little bit, enjoying the sounds of nature from outside the cabin window and the warmth from our beverages.
We had a quick bite for breakfast before taking it in turns to shower. Harley needed my assistance to get his wig on straight and to tidy up his costume after our photoshoot in the woods. He helped me into my dress, and I felt nothing but comfort standing in my underwear and stepping inside. It was only when his warm hands brushed against my back when he zipped me up did I feel my cheeks warm a little. A quick adjustment to my wig and a touch up of makeup and I was ready.
Harley gathered our props into a tote bag, we’d sorted the fishing wire on the cards and even asked both Tristan and Poppy to assist us as stage hands for our performance. Amelia and Jasper offered to watch in the audience, and Harley entrusted Jasper with his camera equipment.
I could see how much it pained him to part with the kit, like he was handing over his first born child. I wondered if that’s how he’d been when he’d dropped Mochi off at his neighbours and burst out laughing at the thought.
We arrived at the convention hall when the doors opened, and hurried to the competition table. Harley signed us in under the name he’d registered us as yesterday and the organisers gave us a slot to meet with the judges for a pre-evaluation.
In the meantime, we had to wait around the competition section and wait to be called for our photographs to be taken. We posed in a few different ways, including the final dance we planned at the end of our performance, and one where I stood in front with my staff and book, and Harley behind me with his sword in hand.
The photographer showed us the photos afterwards and Harley ordered a few of the prints that would be delivered to his home address for the pair of us. Not long after, the three judges called us over for our pre-evaluation. Each of them held clipboards in their hands, and all of them wore professionally made costumes that I admired, though I couldn’t work out where they were from.
I was a little nervous about the judging but I stood still, twirled to show off the details I’d put into the costume, and answered their questions when prompted. They thanked us for our time and wished us luck for the performance. The organisers showed us backstage where they explained the procedure to us. When they called our name we would step onto stage, they’d cue the music we’d handed them during registration.
Poppy soon appeared with Tristan close to her side, holding two bottles of soda. ‘You guys are going to do amazing. Here, drink up. We’ll be on the side-lines cheering you on,’ she said.
Tristan gave Harley a gentle punch on the arm and added, ‘You got this.’
‘I’ve noticed he’s a man of very few words,’ I said, laughing.
Harley joined me, ‘That’s Tristan. He’s like that all the time though. But Poppy certainly brings out the best in him.’
‘She does,’ I agreed.
Just like you bring out the best in me.
‘I hope Amelia and Jasper found good seats, I can’t wait to see how the performance looks on the playback,’ I said.
‘Me too, I’m sure it’ll be fine.’
The organisers called our names and informed us we were next on the list, if we needed to prep anything last minute, now was the time. I took a sip of my soda, the bubbles rushed to my stomach squashing the butterflies already dancing about in there.
Harley helped me up onto the stage behind the curtain, giving my hand a tight squeeze and a reassuring smile. ‘You got this, Bon.’
‘Let’s do this,’ I said, finally feeling confident enough to let go of his hand.
I heard the host introduce our act over the speakers, and that’s when I realised this was my moment. I took a deep breath, and washed everything but the plan we’d formulated last night from my brain, and as the music started and the curtains opened, I stepped out with my head held high. I walked towards the audience, holding the card in my hands and mouthing along with the voiceover.
Before me I saw nothing but smoke from the lighting, the audience was only shadows in a vast hall and I realised I’d nothing to fear. A confidence swelled within me and I moved to the next part of the performance.
Cards bellowed out from the book, tugged by Poppy and Tristan from the side-lines and floating all around me. I dropped to my knees, the book landed on the floor and I produced the plush bear like he was emerging from the book. I accepted the necklace he handed me and pinned him onto the shoulder of my dress.
I stood, the cards flapping around me and pretended to stumble backwards to the curtains so Harley could hand me the staff and once again I mouthed along to the voice over.
‘Spirit heed my call. Return to the power that confides you. Back to the card you once came,’ I pretended to say, twirling the staff around and then tapping one of the cards. I plucked the card from the wire and the rest of them fell to the floor. I pretended to discuss this with the bear on my shoulder, unsure what was happening.
That’s when Harley walked onto stage, looking dashing in his Princely get up. He too mouthed along to his voiceover parts and the cards around us began to shift and moved around like a whirlwind around us. All the cards rose once more. Harley used his sword to pretend to fight a spirit, then once more I pretended to say the infamous lines from the anime.
‘Spirit heed my call. Return to the power that confides you. Back to the card you once came.’
The cards were yanked, the fishing wire snapping and scattering the cards around our feet. It wasn’t planned but the effect looked incredible. Together we posed like we’d done in the photoshoot, Harley standing behind be holding two cards in one hand and the sword in the other. I stood in front of him, the bear still on my shoulder with the staff and book in my hands.
We moved onto the final part of our routine. The stage lights dimmed, and I heard the audience erupt in a chorus of ‘oos’ and ‘awws’. A smile rose on my lips, I really was enjoying myself. Harley took our props and hid them behind the curtain where our stagehands would collect them for us and ensure their safe return.
Harley rested one hand on the small of my back, and the other taking my hand in his. I gazed up at him, and realised my true feelings at that moment. I’d spent the entire trip ignoring what was glaringly obvious, I was in love with my best friend. Why had it taken me till now to finally admit it to myself? I had to tell him. The perfect moment would be tonight at the closing ceremony ball. That was it, my mind was made up.
We danced across the stage in motions that made me feel like I was walking on air. I felt weightless as he lifted me and spun me gracefully in a circle. We’d never planned for that to happen, but I went with what felt right in the moment, and as the lights dimmed on our final pose, our lips brushed together. He found me first, and I kissed him back, deep and hard like he and I were the only two people on this Earth.
I’d almost forgotten we were standing on stage in the middle of a performance, until I heard the crowd erupt into applause. Harley pulled away from our kiss, and when he looked at me I saw the same love in his eyes that I felt for him. We both knew exactly what we wanted and with a smile, he took me by the hand and let me off the stage.
When we descended the steps, Poppy and Tristan were there to greet us.
‘That was incredible you guys,’ Poppy squealed, enveloping me into a bear hug.
Tristan patted Harley on the back and whispered something in his ear that made Harley push his friend off him. ‘How did you find it, Bonnie?’ he turned to ask me.
‘Incredible,’ I managed to say, still trying to catch my breath from the mix of the performance and the kiss. ‘That was so much fun, why haven’t I ever tried that before? We have to do it again.’
‘Wait, what?’ Harley was quick to object. ‘You got a taste for the cosplay competitions now?’
‘Actually, I think I might have,’ I said. ‘I loved every second I spent making these costumes and now I know that performing is half the fun.’
He laughed, smiling at me, ‘If that’s what you want to do, Bon. I’ll support you all the way.’
The organisers moved us along to the holding area until the rest of the performers had their chance to show their costumes. I watched, admiring all the amazing work that came on stage and made mental notes at how different each performance was.
Some were action-paced, recreating fight scenes from beat-them-up games, and others were like watching a fashion show. Each one was brilliantly unique, I knew the judges would have a hard time picking their favourites.
Once everyone had performed, the host invited the judges onto the stage. Each one still had their clipboards in hand, but only one accepted the microphone from the host.
‘It is now time to reveal Nostalgia Con’s winners,’ they announced. ‘Are you ready?’
The crowd roared in excitement, some members standing on their feet and others waving banners about. I didn’t realise the cosplay competitions had such a cult following. The judges looked at one another, confirming their final verdict amongst themselves.
‘Now, when we call your names please come up on stage,’ the judge dressed in a scarlet silk gown said, gesturing firstly to the judge to her left, then to a small group clustered at the front of the stage. ‘My colleague here will give you a certificate and our wonderful photographers will snap a photo of you. After the ceremony concludes please see us at the desk to gain your prizes.’
A drumroll sounded over the speakers, echoing throughout the theatre. The judges announced the runner ups; of which there was one for a group entry and another for a single entry. Then they called third place, another couple who’d performed a martial arts routine, all walked up on stage and collected their certificates.
I began to doubt if we’d place at all. Perhaps Harley was right, maybe you couldn’t win on a performance you rehearsed overnight, but still whatever happened I was proud of what we achieved together. I slipped my hand in his and waited for the rest of the announcements.
Second place was next to be called, a single entry of an extravagant armoured character I didn’t recognise but the craftsmanship was incredible. I could only speculate how long it must’ve taken to build such a costume.
All that remained was first place and the judge’s award. I squeezed my best friend’s hand, praying we would at least place somewhere. The judges finally called first place after much suspense. A beautiful bride arrived on stage, twirling and blushing as she accepted her reward. All the winners were ushered together for a one big photograph with the judges.
‘Before we close the competition for another year, let us move onto our final award for this evening,’ the judge announced, as the rest of the competitors walked off stage. ‘The Judge’s Award. This is an honorary award, we as judges can give out for a number of reasons. Beautiful performances, stunning craftsmanship or an interesting narrative. Tonight is no exception. Can we get a final drumroll please?’
The audience were sitting on the edge of their seats, clapping along with the drums.
‘We award it to Bonnie and Harley for their gorgeous costumes and beautiful narrative performance as Sakura and Li,’ she announced. ‘Please come and collect your prize.’
I squealed, grabbing my best friend by the arm and shaking him. ‘That’s us! That’s really us, I can’t believe it, come on.’ I hurried up on stage, yanking him along with me.
The judge gave us both a hug and a congrats, before we moved on to collect our certificates. I didn’t know what prize was given to anyone who received the judges award but it didn’t matter. We stood at the front of the stage, posing for our photograph and accepted the applause we received from the audience.
I couldn’t believe we’d actually done it. Not bad for two people who decided to enter this competition last minute and spent most the night practising our performance. Harley smiled at me as he took my hand and led me off the stage, where I was hoping to be greeted by our friends.
As we descended the steps and made our way outside of the theatre, I saw the last person I expected to see. My smile quickly faded and my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach.
‘Well this certainly looks cosy,’ a voice I’d not heard in months said.
I felt myself stumbled backwards, yet I couldn’t take my eyes off him. I was scared, more so than I wanted to admit. I wondered if Harley had noticed the shift in my mood, or realised who it was standing in front of us. I finally glanced up at my friend, holding back my tears. Harley looked annoyed, like he’d put two and two together by chance, but I spoke his name out loud to confirm his suspicions, in the hope he’d leave us alone.