I WAS LIKE A KID at Christmas entering the comic store. Everything was organised in its own sections, that made my OCD heart sing. I ended up purchasing the calico plushie I thought looked like Mochi, a couple of manga and a few packs of the magical girl trading cards. Poppy promised she’d show me how to play and even offered me a starter deck to keep.
All of the group were lovely, I don’t why I doubted they wouldn’t be. I've played Eden’s Gate Online with them for a few years now, I should be used to them. I guess meeting everyone in person hadn’t been so scary after all. I really needed to believe in myself more.
The girls made me feel so welcome, Amelia offered to do my makeup for the comic convention and Poppy offered to style me on the trip, with the inclusion of borrowing her clothes if I wanted. I admit I was already eyeing up her lavender dungarees.
We moved to another shop, specialising in imported snacks. The idea was to buy a few bits for our long train ride across the channel tomorrow. I was a little sceptical when we first entered the store, seeing only the takeaway section, which smelt amazing, until we walked downstairs. My eyes widened at the amount that was packed inside.
Although the manga was tempting to look at, I planned to avoid that section and wandered over to the packaged snacks. The selection was overwhelming, but everything looked so good I didn’t know what to pick.
‘Have you tried these?’ Harley came up and startled me from behind. He picked up a packet of waffle-shaped crisps. ‘They’re a honey apple flavour, but I promise you they’re good.’
I laughed, ‘Is that your way of getting me to try your weird snacks?’
‘How about I’ll share mine, if you share yours?’
Together we walked around the store trying to outdo the other one with our interesting flavour choices. Blueberry pocky sticks, cat-shaped biscuits, chocolate crisps, soda and milk-flavoured candy, were just a few of our purchases.
As we were leaving, Harley handed me a small packet. ‘This is for you,’ he said.
‘What is it?’ I asked.
‘Open it and find out.’
I screwed up my face wondering what he could’ve bought and I decided to pull out a small bubble-like doughnut, decorated with pink icing.
‘This one of those mochi doughnuts?’
‘It’s sakura-flavoured,’ he said with a smile.
I broke a small piece off and put it to his lips, ‘At least share with me.’ I saw his cheeks flush pink as he opened his mouth to accept it. The warmth of his breath caused my cheeks to burn. I turned away from him, not wanting him to see me blush and focused my attention on the snack.
‘Delicious,’ he said.
I hoped he was referring to the doughnut, but for some reason my heart hoped he meant me.
Tristan gathered the group together, complaining about how hungry he was. ‘I don’t know about you guys but shopping around that many yummy snacks really built up my appetite. Is there anywhere good to eat around here?’ he asked.
‘We could always try China Town?’ Jasper suggested.
‘Oh! They’ve got a wonderful all-you-can-eat buffet there,’ Amelia added, ‘The food is good and it’s perfect if you’re on a budget.’
Harley soon perked up, ‘That’ll fill our bellies and help us sleep, especially considering we’re all up early tomorrow morning.’
Tristan groaned, ‘Don’t remind me.’
Just as we were walking to the restaurant, I heard my phone beep but when I pulled it out to look at the notification, I saw I’d received a text from an unknown number. I opened it up, assuming it was nothing, but when I read the contents my heart fell to the pit of my stomach.
Unknown: Where the hell are you? Why are you not answering the front door? You can’t be out, you never go out unless someone is there to hold your pathetic little hand.
There was only one person who could send something so cruel, and I’d removed his number shortly after Harley’s visit. Vincent. I knew I was miles away from him and in the company of people who cared but it didn’t stop me being scared of him.
‘Everything okay?’ Harley whispered to me, snapping me from my daydream.
I quickly locked my phone and returned it to my bag, ‘Course, why wouldn’t I be?’
‘You seemed a little spaced out.’
‘I do that sometimes.’
‘You’d tell me if something was up right?’ he asked.
I gave a single nod and said, ‘Course, what else are best friends for.’
As we reached the restaurant, my stomach started to growl. The place really did smell incredible, and my mouth was salivating as soon as I saw the spread. It was hard to believe you could eat as much as you can for a limited price.
The waiter showed us to a table, a booth allowing all six of us to sit together and took our drink order. Amelia ordered us girls some fruity mocktails and refused to let us contribute towards the costs and the guys ordered soda, all except Jasper who asked for green tea but I felt it too rude to ask him why this was.
Once the drinks arrived at the table, we were free to help ourselves to food. Tristan didn’t waste a second thundering over to the spread, plate already in hand. Poppy laughed at him for being a glutton and the guys hurried off to join him.
‘We’ll go up once they’re done,’ Amelia suggested. ‘I don’t really want to leave our purchases unattended.’
I sipped on my mocktail, a delicious peach fizz slush and wondered where this had been all my life. I’d definitely be ordering more of those. ‘We could open those cards while we wait, I’ve got a feeling the guys will take their time.’
‘Ooh, let’s do it,’ Poppy squeaked, already pulling her packs out a tote. She’d refuse the option of a carrier bag and opted to use one she brought from home.
‘Actually, that’s not a bad idea. I’m in too.’ Amelia said.
I pulled out my own small set, I’d pick the four different illustrations that were available and tried my best not to ruin the foil as I tore them open. There were a total of ten in a pack, the standard amount in any trading card game pack. Each card I pulled was beautifully designed, with a mix of character art cards, item cards and accessories in the set, that would be used to play the actual game. My favourite card I’d pulled was a flower-themed fairy covered in holographic sparkles.
‘Oh my gosh,’ Poppy squealed over my shoulder. ‘You pulled a rare one. Let me see if I have one.’ She rummaged in her bag, and I wasn’t sure what she was hunting for until she pulled out a plastic slip and hard case. ‘You have to sleeve it.’
‘Are you sure it’s okay I have these?’ I asked.
I accepted them and gently placed the case inside the plastic sleeve before adding it inside the hard case. I looked like it would protect it. The rest of my cards weren’t as special but I still appreciated the artwork and designs, already my head filled with new ideas for my own illustrations.
The guys came back to the booth, their plates piled high with a range of different food. I looked over Harley’s plate, asking him about everything he’d got himself so I knew what was good.
It was then my turn, and with the girls I picked up my plate and shuffled over to the counter. The food itself was served in silver trays and still steaming. Everything smelt so wonderful it was difficult to decide what I wanted to eat first.
‘How are you getting on?’ Amelia came over to ask, with a couple of starters on her plate.
‘There’s so much choice, how’re you supposed to decide,’ I said, looking between two of the dishes, ‘I can’t eat everything.’
She laughed, ‘The trick is to have anything you like, even things you want to try but to take a little at a time. That way you can make room for the things you really enjoy.’ She winked, picking up the honey pork I was eyeing up.
I helped myself to a small serving, ‘That’s great advice, thank you.’ Together we moved along the counter, scooping different dishes onto our plates that appealed to our fancies.
‘Can I ask you something?’ Amelia queried. I nodded to confirm. ‘Please don’t take this the wrong way, but are you and Harley an item?’
I almost dropped my plate in shock but managed to regain my composure. ‘What gave you that impression? Sure, we’re close but we’ve known each other since secondary school.’
Amelia put her hand over her mouth, she looked embarrassed she’d even asked. ‘I’m so sorry. That’s what gave me the impression, plus he’s very empathetic towards you. He must care a lot about you, I’m just surprised you two aren’t an item.’
I laughed it off, ‘Honestly it’s fine, you wouldn’t be the first person to think that.’
‘So that begs the question, why haven’t you two?’
‘We’re best friends. Besides, I would be lost without him in my life, don’t you think if we tried getting together the friendship might be ruined if it didn’t work out?’ I asked.
I’d never really spoken to anyone about my feelings towards Harley before. Of course there was always an attraction and comfort being in his presence, but would we ever work in a proper relationship? My mental health wasn’t perfect, and I’d ruined my relationship with Vincent because I relied too much on him. What if the same thing happened with Harley?
Amelia considered my admission and said, ‘All I know is, you’ll never know if you don’t try.’
She made a good point and it was definitely something to consider, but it wasn’t just up to me.
‘Girls, you have to try this!’ We turned to see Poppy calling out to us, holding a steaming bowl of noodles in her hands. ‘If you head to the counter at the back, you can choose all your ingredients and the chef will cook it up for you. How cool is that.’
The three of us laughed together as we walked back to the table with our first plates filled and settled back down where the guys were almost first with these.
I decided to take my time with my food, I’d only recently got an appetite back and I didn’t want to give myself indigestion. The honey pork both Amelia and I picked was delicious, the perfect balance of sweetness. The steamed vegetables were equally as lovely, though I wasn’t quite sure why I picked them up, probably all Harley’s moaning at me to increase my five-a-day intake. The little duck pancakes were next, filled with a healthy amount of meat, cucumber and sauce. I realised I might look like a hamster to everyone else at the table, but I was thoroughly enjoying myself and the selection I’d chosen.
Halfway through my meal, the guys got up to select their second helping. Poppy told them about the fresh noodle bar and they all seemed to head in that direction.
‘I think that’s what I might try next,’ I announced, scooping up the rest of my rice. ‘What did you have in your noodle bowl?’
‘The fresh egg noodles, every vegetable they had to offer and a little chilli too,’ Poppy said, counting the amount of toppings she’d chosen with her fingers.
‘Did they not have any meat options?’ I asked, I wasn’t sure I’d enjoy it after all.
‘They did, just I don’t eat meat,’ she said with a smile. ‘I’ve been a vegetarian for a little over four years now. Honestly, the best decision I ever made.’
I dropped my cutlery stunned, ‘I’m so sorry, that must’ve been really inconsiderate for me to question you.’ I’d well and truly put my foot in it, I knew somewhere down the line I’d mess up.
Poppy put her hand on mine, ‘Don’t be silly, it’s a valid question. You didn't know, don’t worry about it, okay? If you want to ask me anything, you’re always welcome, however silly you think it might be.’
Amelia chimed in, ‘Same goes for me. We’re friends.’
‘Then if there’s anything you want to ask me, I’ll do my best too,’ I said.
Just like that I’d made my first girly pact, like I’d been invited into a secret sisterhood, and I loved the feeling. Together we waited for the guys to return to the table then headed over to the noodle bar ourselves. It was every bit as wonderful as Poppy said, and the choices made my head spin as much as the other counter had.
I devoured my noodle bowl, quicker than I had my first plate but it was far too filling and I struggled to eat it all. The waiter offered the group dessert after clearing our pile of plates but it seemed none of us could manage it. We settled our bill, but when it came to me contributing the rest of the group wouldn’t let me pay. They told me they had it in hand and to consider it an initiation of sorts, whatever that meant.
Outside we all waddled like a flock of penguins down the street, looking ridiculous as we went. Together we snapped some group photographs by the architecture of China Town, under the archway and positioned next to the golden lion statues. Memories that would last me a lifetime.
‘You best send me copies of these,’ Amelia called out to Harley, who’d been our photographer for the evening. She was linked arm in arm with Jasper.
‘Did you know Harley’s agreed to do a shoot for us at Nostalgia Con,’ Jasper said.
‘Really?’ Amelia replied, her voice a little too loud for the time of evening. ‘That’s incredible. Oh, Harley, I’m so glad. Thank you. The pictures are for my portfolio for fashion week.’
‘You’re doing fashion week?’ I asked. ‘You’ll be incredible.’
‘Well, that’s the plan.’ Amelia beamed up at her partner, and rested her head on his forearm.
I covered my mouth to stop a yawn but Harley must’ve caught sight of me.
‘Right guys, sorry to sound like the Dad of the group, but it’s time we got to bed. We’ve got a busy day ahead of us and we wouldn’t want to miss the next leg of our journey now.’ He said, sounding all authoritative, it made me chuckle.
‘Whatever you say, old man.’ Tristan teased, running as fast as he could because as soon as the words left his lips Harley was chasing him down the road.
The pair of them didn’t stop playing cat and mouse until we reached the hotel. They’d beaten us there and were doubled over, struggling to catch their breath when the rest of us reached them.
‘Come on boys, let’s get you inside.’ Poppy called, smacking them both on the back and ushering them inside the hotel.
We said our goodnights in the lobby and all went our separate ways for the time being. I didn’t like seeing everyone walk away but I knew it’d be a few hours until we were reunited again.
‘The room’s up this way,’ Harley said, taking me gently by the hand and leading me upstairs to the next floor. ‘I think it’s this one.’
Our room was located a short distance from the stairwell. Harley opened the room with the keys we’d be given, the pair of us both trying to navigate our luggage through the door that was barely wide enough. I flicked on the light as soon as the door shut, the room illuminating like a fairground. It was too bright, so I covered my eyes until I figured out how to turn them down.
‘Bon, we might have a problem.’