Yesterday fell asleep at about 10, and today woke up by the alarm at 6. Do something above 8 am, and then sleep again until 11 am. Hmmm, what on earth is this early or late?
I know I need to do my homework, but I just don't want to! Ahhhh, edX is more interesting than homework.
Helping Sheny set the Christmas tree, wow, it was very tiring, I even started to sweat.
Today I suddenly found the music that Alexa can play getting more! The song I could not listen to before now can, then I went to google where Alexa’s music is from, Oh, Amazon, I see. I know these days Amazon is adding more songs and changing their charging method.
I finished my English homework at night, I'm awesome.
The Head claw massager is super great, just like walking on air. I can't even stand up straight when using it. Hmmm.
我知道我需要做作業,但我就是不想!啊啊啊,edX 比作業更有趣。
幫神妮搭聖誕樹,哇,好累,我都開始出汗了。 今天突然發現Alexa可以播放的音樂越來越多了!以前聽不了的歌現在可以了,然後我去google Alexa的音樂是從哪裡來的,哦,亞馬遜,我明白了。我知道這些天亞馬遜正在添加更多歌曲並改變他們的收費方式。