I walked out of my fathers building wondering why he would tell me to leave Matt.
"Did something happen between you and my father?" I ask
"a long time a go yes. It wasn't pretty. He fell into debt and I helped him out. I didn't know he had a daughter at the time. I didn't know who you were til you told me your last name. I knew it would probably cause problems. I'm ok with it if you want to end this. I completely understand. That is your dad" He tells me
I nod and we walk back to my car. I drive him to his office and he steps out and I step out to.
"I'm going to the bathroom. where do I need to go after?" I ask
"Take then elevator to the top. Walk straight down and you will find my office" he tells me
I nod and walk into the bathroom and do my business. Once done I followed his instructions. When I reached his office his assistant stopped me.
"do you have a appointment?" She asks
"Yes I do. he plans on fucking me over his desk" I say smirking
She goes red and i walk past her and she chases after me. I push his door open and he looks up at me. The bitch grips my arm and I spin pinning her arm behind her back giving it a twist. she screeches and I smirk.
"Let go" She screams
I let her go giving her a shove.
"Do not touch me." I hiss at her
"Now what the hell is going on?" Matt snaps
"I followed your instructions. She asked if I had a appointment and I said yes that you planned on fucking me over your desk" I say innocently
His jaw dropped and busted out laughing.
"gretchen leave" Matt snaps
"but" She pouts
"Leave" he snaps
She glares and I wave at her on her way out. Matt walks over to me and glares at me.
"What?" I ask
"That wasn't nice" He says
"I told the truth" I say crossing my arms over my chest
"Still naughty" he says
"Are you going to punish me daddy?" I ask him innocently
"Maybe. But right now I need to fix this problem" he says taking a seat
I walk around his desk and look at the problem. I push him back and sit in his lap and get to work on the problem he is trying to fix. I fix it in twenty minutes and I stand up smirking. He looks over everything and his jaw drops.
"How?" He asks
"Did you forget who my father is? I have helped him out a lot" I say shrugging
"Alright then. Looks like I can drop that punishment." he say standing up and shrugging on his leather jacket
He walks to his office door and opens it and walks out with me following him. We stopped at Gretchen's desk and she glared at me. Matt walked away and I looked at her.
"Sweetheart stop trying. That man will be in my bed as long as i will have him there." I say and run after Matt
He was halfway down the hall so I leaped and jumped on his back. he caught me and carried me to the elevator and when we got to the lobby he still carried me and people just stared at us shocked.
"Matty" A woman yells
"Auburn" he says smiling
"How are you?" She asks
"I'm great. And you?" He says still holding me up
"I'm good. Now who are you beautiful?" she asks me
"I'm Lily. His girlfriend" I say kissing his cheek
"It's so nice to meet you. I'm Auburn this weirdos sister" She says
"Nice to meet you to." I tell her
"You must come to our parents tomorrow night." She says
I tense and Matt looks at her.
"We will see Au. I'm not promising but we will see" He tells her
"Alright fine. I've got to go. Go enjoy the weather it's pretty out today" She says and kissing Matt's cheek
"I like her" I tell him
"You can come tomorrow if you want to." he says carrying me to the car
He lets me slide down his back and opens my door. I slide into my car and he jogs around and gets in. I look over at him and sigh.
"where do I need to take you?" I ask him
"Do you have plans tonight?" He asks
I look at him like what has he got planned.
"No." I say
"Then we are going shopping. I have a event tonight and I want you to go with me" He tells me
I nod and drive to the beauty boutique. when we arrive i step out and walk inside and I hear a squeal. I laugh and brace myself. Before I know it Lacy is wrapped around me.
"I missed you" She yells
I laugh and hug her tight. She got off me and stood in front of me.
"I missed you to babes" I say smiling
"Oh my hot damn" she says looking at Matt
"Matt this is Lacy my sister" I tell him
"Nice to meet you." He tells her
"likewise. Let me guess your going to a event and you need my help" She says
"Of course. Now turn me into a goddess" I tell her
"babes that aint possibly you already are one. I mean look at your ass" She says
I laugh and she pulls me to the dressing room pushing me inside. She comes back with a dress and I slip it on. I fall in love with it. It was a deep red and was cut in all the right places. I took it off and nodded at her and i got dressed. She come back with it in a bag and the perfect shoes to match the dress.
"I want pictures. and you mister can not see her til it's time. Now go home eat and get ready" Lacy tells me
"Yes ma'am" I say
"Matt I'm serious" Lacy says sternly
"Woah" He says
"Oh sweetie i'm a mistress. Don't be so shocked. My little puppy is at home being a good boy or he better hope he is" Lacy says smiling
"She is married to her sub. Allen was a broken sub and they met and hit it off. She kept him when the contract ended. They fell for each other and got married. Lace am I ever going to be a aunt?" I ask her
"We talked about it and we are trying but nothing has happened" She tells me smiling
"Stop trying and it will happen." I say
"What about you? Am I gonna see you get married or have a baby?" She asks
"You know marriage isn't my thing. I love kids but I will spoil yours and be happy" I say smiling
She sighs but nods and hugs me and we leave. I drop off Matt and when I get home Jacob was home early.
"Hey babes. What you doing back so early?" I ask
"he showed up at my work and got me fired" He says sadly
"Oh babe. You know you don't have to work. You can live here as long as you need to. Also I put money in your account. I knew he would try something and I wanted you to be ok. Also keep the car." I tell him
"Lil" He says sighing
"don't Lil me mister. Now go get your tux. We have a event and your going with me" I tell him
he stands and wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head.
"I love you" he tells me
"Aw I love you too. Now go" i say smacking his ass
he smacks my back and I hiss. He chuckles and walks off to his room. Just as I turn to the kitchen my doorbell rings. I walk over and open it and a deliveryman stood there.
"Ms. Waters" he says
I nod and he hands me a clip board and I sign my name to it. He hands me a box wrapped in a box. I take it and shut the door. I turn to see Jacob standing there smiling.
"What is this?" I ask
"Open it" He tells me
I place the box down and pull the lid off. I gasp when I see a black and white husky puppy inside. I squeal and scoop her out.
"Oh my god" i squeal
"Do you like her?" Jacob asks
"I love her" I tell him
"Her name is Nala. She is purebred and she is all yours" He tells me
I place her down and I run over jumping on him kissing all over his face. we heard the front door open but I was to happy to care. Jacob was chuckling holding onto me tight when I was ripped off of him. I turned around to see a angry Matt.
"What the hell" I shout at him
"You said he was gay" He shouts
"He is gay stupid." I scream back
"Then why were you kissing him?" Matt screams
I look at Jacob and we die laughing. I grab matt's hand and pull him over to Nala. I pick her up and hand her to him.
"Jacob bought her for me. I love huskies." I tell him
He put Nala down and looked at me scared.
"I'm sorry." He says
I nod and look at Jacob. i walk over to him and hug him tight.
"thank you" I tell him
"your welcome blueberry" He says hugging me tight
"Not again" I groan
"your always gonna be my blueberry" He says
"Ok muffin" I say smirking
He shrugs and walks away to his room. I turn around and see Matt watching me.
"What did you need?" I ask
"your shoes somehow ended up with me." He tells me
"Oh um thank you. I'll meet you at the event." I tell him
He nods and leaves and I smile. I go up and get in the shower and shave everywhere. Once I was done I stepped out drying off. I slipped on my bra and panties and went back in the bathroom to blow dry my hair. Once it was done I walked down to know on Jacob's door. When he opened it he was standing in his tight black boxer briefs. I raked my eyes over his body and he cleared his throat.
"What you may be gay but I can appreciate a good body" I tell him smiling
"Hi bi sweetheart but shhh. Now what did you need?" He asks eyeing my chest
"Um could you do that side braid like you usually do?" I ask
"Sure" he says and follows me to my bathroom
"eyes off my ass" I tell him
He chuckles and grabs a handful of it. I swat him away and sit down. He gets to work and when he's done he kisses the top of my head. He leaves to get dressed and I do my make up. when I was done I walked over slipping on my dress. I stepped into my heels and looked at myself in the full length mirror.
"Holy shit" Jacob says behind me
I turn around and smile at him. He walked over to me and offered me his hand. I placed my hand in his and he twirled me and I giggled. He lead me to the front door and down stairs to find the driver waiting on us. He drove us to the event and when we arrived the paps were everywhere. Jacob stepped out and offered me his hand. I took it and stepped out. I linked my arm with his and when I looked over Matt was walking towards me. He offered me his arm and I walked in linked to both of the guys.
"Jacob you look good" Matt says eyeing him
"Doesn't he. I mean i'd sink my teeth into him" I say winking at him
"So would I" Matt mumbled under his breath
"Maybe you can share me later" I say whispering in Matt's ear
His eyes snapped to me and I grinned.
"I thought you didn't" He says
"I'm not against trying it once. And J is my best friend. I know it wouldn't be weird afterwords" I tell him
"And wait I thought you were a only child. what about Lacy?" He asks
"She isn't really my sister. I lived with her parents for a while. they took me in. She is like my sister" I tell him
He nods understanding.
"Matthew" A woman calls
He tenses and looks to her.
"Mother" He says
"How are you?" She asks
"I'm fine" He says
"Hello son" A man says
"Dad" he says nodding
"And who are you?" The woman sneers
"I'm Lily Waters." I say proudly
His dad looks at Matt with wide eyes and his mother frowns.
"Ah I can tell you know my father. So before you start i'm not after your son for his money. I make my own doing a job I love. I don't need your approval because rather you like it or not I will be the one in his bed." I say smirking
The woman's jaw dropped and his dad died laughing.
"I like you. Welcome to the family little one" he says hugging me
I hug him back and his mother opens her mouth.
"Harvey don't encourage this" She screeches
"Ruby shut your mouth" He snaps at her
"My mom is his sub til this day" Matt whispers in my ear
"ah. Well Harvey is was very nice meeting you. I know your a dom. I'm a sub but I think Matty here has agreed to only in the bedroom and trying out a relationship." I say smiling
Matt kisses my temple and I grin even bigger.
"It's about damn time. I'm proud of you son. You got one with a backbone. Lily please come to our house for his sister's party tomorrow night. The family would love to meet you. I promise my wife will be on her best behavior or she will have a sore ass." He tells me smiling
"i would love to. I work tomorrow morning but I can probably leave early to make it" I tell him
"You come when you can. What is it you do?" He asks
"I'm a nurse" I tell him
he looks at me with wide eyes and grins.
"and you love your job?" He asks
"Yes sir. I work in pediatrics with the kids that come in." I tell him
"So you like kids" He says
"Of course. I love them. My sister and her husband are trying to give me a niece or nephew now" I say laughing
"We good luck to them. Well we have to make our rounds but come find us before you leave" he says to us
We nod and Matt looks lovingly at me.
"I'm proud of you. Most women that come across my mother go running." he says
I smile and the night goes on.
Matt and I are still going strong. We did try the threesome with Jacob and sadly it didn't end well. Jacob moved out saying he couldn't be around me when I'm with Matt. It broke my heart so bad. I was lost in my own thought when I forgot where we were. I was kneeling by Matt's legs in the club.
"are you alright pet? Matt asks
I nod and give him a small smile.
"Come on baby tell daddy what's wrong" He tells me
"I'm missing Jacob." I say sadly
"I know baby. I'm so sorry." He says and pulls me in his lap
"You ok honeybee?" Eric Matt's bestfriend asks me
"I'm ok Lucifer" I say smiling
"Stop that." He says groaning
"I didn't know you were sadistic. It fits you. Your huge and your subs are always so tiny" I tell him
"Fine but not in front of other doms" He says
I nod and then I get a idea.
"Can I watch?" I ask him
"What?" He asks shocked
"just once. I wanna see what it's like from the outside" I tell him
"What do you mean?" He asks
"Let me up daddy" I mumble
He lets go of me and I walk over to Eric. I lift my tiny shirt and grab Eric's hand. I run his hand over the scar I have and he tenses and looks at me with pain filled eyes.
"How?" He asks
"My last dom. He was a sadist and i didn't life it. I wanted to end it and he got mad" I tell him
"Oh honeybee i'm so sorry" he says
He leans forward and kisses my scar and pulls my shirt back down.
"So can i?" I ask
"Fine just once. Male or female?" He asks
"male. I don't wanna see a female go through it" I say shruddering
He nods and stands and Matt grabs my hand and leads me to Eric's personal room. Matt takes a seat and i sit in his lap. eric walks in with Blue a little twink.
"Can I ask questions?" I whisper to Matt
"Eric?" Matt calls
Eric head snaps up and looks at him.
"Lily wants to ask questions first. She is a little uneasy" Matt says
"Of course. We can leave you two to talk for a few minutes while I go get a few things. Blue you ok talking with her?" He asks
"Of course Master" He says
Eric nods and he and Matt walk out.