Kristin's POV :
I was scared to death when he grabbed my wrists and kissed me by force , I knew there was nothing that could stop him from raping me now . I really wish I haven't opened that damn door ...
But it is too late ...
I screamed and shouted Richard and Natalie's names , even though I already knew they were not here , Richard was probably making out with some hot babe right now , and Natalie might be hanging out with Damon.
God I miss him , his smile , his face, his jokes , his presence his everything .
I bit at Kyle's lip hard, until it bleed , but that just got him more violent and he undressed me faster . I stopped resisting , when I knew it was too late . I just closed my eyes and sobbed .
I felt dizzy and really tired not to mention , all parts of my body were hurting like hell.
I groaned as I tried to open my eyes , and stand up. I already knew I was in my own bed , and I think one of my other friends was laying beside me too.
I opened my eyes and saw Richard laying beside me , actually my head was on his forearm , I could smell his cologne which was so mesmerizing . I kept staring at his gorgeous messy hair and perfect features , his eyes were closed but he was frowning, he might have a bad dream ...
He had dark circles around his eyes , and he looked really tired , He breathed slowly..
Despite the fact that he was Kyle's friend -the enemy's friend , I was really comfortable around him these days , not because I liked him - I mean I do - what I mean is I like him but just as my friend , My best guy friend , I have missed him so bad .
I let out a sigh that I hasdn't realised I was holding , Was I stupid and blind or Has Richard changed ?!
I have no idea , but all I know is that He is not they guy I hated anymore , he has changed a little ... Who am I kidding he has changed alot .. not that I am complaining but I didn't expect him to turn out to be this guy.
He seemed somehow kind , sweet , caring ... He was simply the guy I used to hang out with back when I was a kid .
I sighed again , and tried to get up . I tried my best not to make any sound , But Richard woke up anyway , he sat beside me . Even though I wanted to stare at his amazing eyes , the eyes that always made me shiver , sometimes from fear other times from something else ... But I didnt stare at him , instead I sighed and was very embaressed by the fact that Richard has seen me naked , and in a mess this morning .
" Did you sleep well?" Richard's voice interrupted my daydreaming , and I just nodded my head without staring at him , I didn't tell him that I had some bad dreams , because I knew he was already in a bad mood.
"How do you feel now ?" He asked , before he sighed in frustration , I knew well he was thinking of that JERK , but I answered him anyway.
" I am okay " I said , my voice didn't crack which surprised me , but it just proved that I was tired . I stared at Richard " Don't worry about me , I am much better " And it wasn't a lie ...
Richard sighed , and hugged me I was taken aback by what he just did , But I hugged him back anyway , my forehead touched his broad strong shoulder , He was holding me in his arms tightly , but not so tight that it would hurt me , actually he was aware that I was aching ...
My hands has ended up being trapped between my and chest , I could feel his heart beating fast. Maybe he felt guilty ... My heart's beating was not slower than his , his breathe tickled my forehead and sent multiple waves of shiver in my body .
I felt strange , I was comfortable and at the same time uncomfortable , His arms felt so wrong and yet so right . I closed my eyes to , just when I was enjoying my self being in his arms he pulled away , I mentally groaned .
His eyes were on me again and I couldn't help but blush , and look away ..
" I am so sorry for everything I have ever done to you , I know saying sorry is not gonna help fix what I have done to you , but that's the only word i can think of saying right now . I know I have already apologized but I feel awful , do you think you can ever forgive me ? " Richard said , and stared at me the entire time he was talking .
I stared at his eyes , which were full of hope , regret, guilt and He was looking at me differently, I have never seen that emotion in his eyes , as a matter of fact I have never seen so much emotions in his eyes.
I sighed an smiled sadly at him " How many times do I have to tell you that I have forgiven you , and we are friends now "
Richard looked relieved and kissed my forehead , I gasped and Richard just chuckled .
"Kristin! You are awake " I heard Damon say before he made his way towards us. Richard stood up and smiled at me before getting out of my room . Myabe he thought I need a moment with my best friend .
Thank you Richard !
Damon sat on the edge of my bed , He smiled at me I smiled back " Are you okay? do you feel better ?" Damon asked , his voice full of concern .
" I am fine thanks for asking " I nodded my head
"You welcome " he murmured before sitting closer to me , I glanced at him . I have never been able to talk to Damon about the kiss we shared , I mean we weren't able to talk about it as much as we wanted . But I think this is not the right time and right place to talk about it , I mean I have just been raped and was in Richard's arms for god's sake .And he has changed ...
" Richard has changed " Damon said as if he was reading my mind , I nodded my head before biting on my lip.
" Thank you guys for taking care of me " I changed the subject ,I was not in the mood to talk about Richard with Damon right now , I mean I wasn't mad or anyhting , but It feels awkward to talk about my pretend husband with my best friend that I am in love with .
" Don't change the subject please " Damon said , I groaned . Damon just chuckled and came closer to me . Uh-Oh
I stared at him for a moment , I was ataken back when he pressed his lips on mine . I felt weird , this kiss was nothing like before , sure it was sweet and comforting but I didn't enjoy it like before .
What is wrong with me ?!
Damon was a good kisser , I felt comfortable with him, But there was something missing ...
I tried very hard to remember what has he done the first time he kissed me ? We were talking just like now ... he kissed me just like now , his pace and they way he held him while kissing me was the same just like now ..
Then what was missing ? I sure loved him , and I somehow feel like Damon was attracted to me , or maybe he just wanted to comfort me , but I didn't care I still love the guy ...
I mentally slapped myself for overthinking and I just kissed him back .
Natalie cleared her thraot and interrupted our make out session , Damon pulled away immediately , I wiped my lips and made the hugest mistake by looking at Natalie , She was holding tray food , and she was grinning like an idiot , uh... This is not good , she will TOTALLY talk about what she just saw with me next time when we are alone .
" Uh ... I gotta go " Damon murmured , and was soon out of my room.
Behind Natalie stood Richard and he was staring at me , I couldn't read him . But I felt butterflies in my stomach when I saw him looking at me like that . He smiled and winked at me , I blushed and looked away.
Richard was definitely back to his jerk self , but I still was positive that he has changed inside .
My friends are the best friends ever ( including Richard ) they made laugh so hard all day, I was surprised that Damona and Richard were getting along , that was unexpected , But I didn't care I was happy , they were happy and that's all that mattered .
I sighed as I was staring at Richard , he was talking about god knows what with Damon , and they looked like they have known each other for so long , I chuckled .
Richard was laughing , when his eyes suddenly met mine , he smiled warmly at me and I smiled back .
" Strange huh ?" Natalie was even more surprised than me , But at least the guys are friends now .
And I am so happy at the moment...
Richard's POV :
My heart was beating so fast since that scene I saw back in Kristin's room and I felt terrible I wanted to run away and scream I wanted to never come back and run away but I knew that wasn't a good choice , I have always been good at hiding my emotions , so I did what I had to do , I smiled as best as I could .
Damon is not a bad guy once you get to know him he jokes around and is quite fun to be with , He seems like a very good guy actually.
He would be a perfect boy friend for Kristin .
Everytime I stare at her and see her pretty face and breath-taking smile , I get lost in my own thoughts , and I melt whenever my eyes meet hers , so I tried my best not to look at her often .
I got a punch on my arms which was quite painful " Ouch ! what was that for man? " I rubbed my arm and stared at Damon's stupid face , I take what I just said back he is the worst ever !
" I called your name like four times " Damon said after he chuckled .
"Why have I never heard my name come from your mouth ? " I rose my brows at him .
" Well I actually called you a douche bag that's why " Damon said and shrugged as if it was no big deal , I laughed so hard that my stomach hurt , My eyes betrayed me by staring at Kristin , to my surprise she was already staring at me , with a huge grin on her pretty face .
I smiled warmly at her , and she smiled back I noticed Natalie say something to her , but Damon's voice interrupted whatever I was about to think .
" Are you mad that I kissed her ?" Damon asked , My smile faded and I stared at him .
" No " I said and I wasn't lying I wasn't mad at him , I was actually mad at myself , If I hadn't been such a big jerk to her ,I might had been the one that has kissed her instead of Damon .
"You sure Richard ? "
"Yeah I am sure " My lips curved into a smile , and I wasn't faking it .
"She looks happy with you and I don't really care anymore .." My voice trailed off , because the first part was true but the second part was all a lir , I did care for everything that involved Kristin, and it hurt to say it out loud. But at least Kristin looked happy with Damon .
" So.. do you still want me to stay away from her ?" Damon's voice was full of emotions , and I didn't blame the guy , That chick has sliced our hearts with a knife into pieces without even knowing .
I thought about what Damon just said , I didn't give him his answer right away , instead I stared at Kristin , She looked much better after she woke up , and she was around her friends , I have done nothing but hurt her in every possible way I could.
She deserves much better , she deserves someone like Damon .
I sighed and remembered that I was in love with her, I was supposed to be selfish , I mean I have seen people who are in love in movies and they are all selfish and fight for their girl .
But.. Kristin is not my girl and she has never been my girl ,If I had known what she thinks of me I would have ended the small deal we made , But it is impossible that she loves someone like me .
It is just impossible ..
I sighed again and stared at Damon , he was staring back at me with his eyes searching mine ...
"Actually .. I want you to be with her , do you still love her ?" I asked Damon , Thank god I managed to keep my vopice normal , otherwise He would have suspected my answer .
Damon looked shocked , his mouth was opened , but he soon composed himself and scratched the back of his neck awfully .
" I -I do " Yes!!! The answer that I was waiting for . I grinned from ear to ear .
"Good, well I highly recommend that you go after her , and be with her . But If you ever break her heart I will kick your butt . And I am sorry about everything " My voice was calm , Damon smiled at me , and stretched out his hand for me to shake , I took it and smiled at him .
"Thank you . And It's okay , I feel that you are not the same person you used to be " Damon's words were nice but they didn't do a great job of comforting me .
I just shrugged . We were both staring at Kristin , when Natalie suddenly called us to join them .
I told Damon that I needed some fresh air , since Natalie and Damon were with Kristin I was less worried about her , the air outside was nice . But I cared less. My mind was somwhere else .
The fact that I have just given up on Kristin , without even trying to gain her love hurt me so much , I closed my eyes and reopened them , but still the image of Kristin was in my mind haunting me down.
What I have I gotten myself into.. I was always right , love was never a good thing . And here I am being weak and falling in love with a girl.
She has changed me , and I don't like that , I wanna be my self again , the guy who breaks hearts not the other way around . This is the first time My heart is being broken well of course apart from the way Kristin lied to me two years ago , I sighed and rubbed my cheeks nervously.
Kristin why do you end up messing with my mind all the time , I have done you abd and I get it , but please stop being harsh and leave me alone , The fact that you have stolen my heart is very painful.
My cell phone's ring tone interrupted whatever I was thinking , I checked the caller's I.D , and just as I expected it was Patricia . The last girl that I have slept with . I groaned but decided to answer her anyway .
"Hey !" her stupid bitchy voice was high enough to make me deaf .
" Hi " I said casully
" I was wondering if you wanna finish what we couldn't finish the last time we hung out together " She used her most seductive tone , But I wasn't realy in the mood and I have already planned on no more sleeping around with random girls So I decided to finish this call ASAP.
" Umm. listen patricia.. I am not really in the mood , so do me a favor and don't ever call me again please " I hung up on her as fast as I could,before letting her say a word.
No more sleeping around ... I better think of a way to get back on Kyle .