Chapter Three: The Deal
Kristen's POV:
I was combing my brown hair the next morning, I still can't believe I am married to Richard, the boy I hate the most.
Well at least you are not doing ANYTHING with him!!!
I sighed and nodded, my inner voice was right, thank god Richard didn't do what I thought he was about to do to me.
But some part of me was very disappointed , don't get me wrong, I don't like to be stared at by him.
But it made me feel sad and left out, He said it as if I wasn't worth kissing…
I shook my head and bit my lips, then I continued combing my hair.
Come on Kristen be strong, maybe he has even forgotten about what you did two years ago, I applied some make up and looked at the clock, it was time to go school.
Oh, I haven't mentioned that I go to school right? Well I am in eleventh grade, and Richard is attending college, since he is three years older than me.
He has always been the smartest student, and I bet he still is. I rolled my eyes at myself, yeah yeah…the smartest in s- okay enough Kristen time to go.
I looked for my History book and went downstairs, Richard said he'll sleep in the living room on the couch while I slept in the bedroom. Until he arranges another room as his bedroom for himself.
Thank goodness Richard was nowhere to be found, so I immediately got out of that house and went to my car, I drove to school while humming my favorite song.
'Well you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go'
I sighed and stopped singing, god what's wrong with me?? Since when have I become so sensitive?
I parked the car in the garage, and tried to calm my nerves.
I haven't been to school since before the wedding , which was two weeks ago. I was wondering what might happen today. What will the students say about me?
I shook my head and got out of my car.
Okay Kristen, just calm down okay?
As I walked inside of the school, students were whispering and staring at me, If it was three weeks ago I would have said that they were talking about my clothes and marks, or my rich family since I was the most popular girl at school.
But right now I knew they were talking about my marriage and I'm sure they've heard who my husband is since he was also the most popular guy at my school. Before he graduated, and went to college.
I gulped and tried to walk as confidently as ever, but I failed and I was about to fall because I couldn't see whatever it was that was blocking my way.
Suddenly a pair of arms grabbed my waist and held me, as I looked at my hero I was relieved to find Damon, my other best friend, he and Natalie were the only two people in my life, Damon has brown hair and brown eyes.
He is so cute and kind, unlike my stupid husband .He is gorgeous he has everything that a girl needs, he is tall but not as tall as Richard .
I smiled at him and hugged him tight, He chuckled and hugged me back, When he let go, he glared at the students that were still watching so that made them walk away and mind their own business then he turned to me again and smiled politely "I am so sorry I couldn't make it to the wedding " He said calmly, I grinned and shook my head .
"It's okay, Natalie was there" I said and smiled warmly at him.
"How does Richard treat you?" he said coldly and his smile has dropped.
"He … he is okay" I replied.
He raised one eyebrow and sighed seeming unsatisfied with my answer.
"What's wrong Kristen? Did he hurt you?" He asked.
I smiled at Damon, feeling glad that there are people who are concerned about me and shook my head.
"No, Damon I'm fine don't worry, I am sure he wouldn't hurt me" I said.
Damon smiled weakly "Well if he did anything wrong and I mean anything, just tell me okay?" He suggested.
I nodded, and was thinking of a way to change the subject. But I couldn’t find anything to talk about.
Of course I wouldn’t talk about my deal with either of my best friends, Natalie will just kill me and say: How on earth do you let your husband sleep with other girls?
And my guy best friend?! Well it's really weird talking about those stuff with Damon.
Don't get me wrong I trust him, but I'm sure he is going to be pissed and he will rip Richard's throat.
So it's better to be quite, well at least for now.
The rest of the day was okay, the two of us including Natalie were having fun just like old times.
I stared at Damon and saw his gorgeous eyes that I used to love staring back at me, yep I just said love. So what? Yeah I've been in love with him, but I'm not sure what happened. I saw him once kissing a girl and I became really depressed.
Don't get me wrong I was about to confess to him but unfortunately when I asked if he has time to talk he told me he is having a date with this girl called Tamara .
This happened last year, Damon never went out with that girl again, and he has never went out with anyone else since that day I saw them kissing, which was really weird.
I mean no one is breaking up by a kiss right?
And here I am trying my best to not think of what happened and I keep distracting myself with other things, I even went out with ten other guys, believe it or not , but I never felt the same feeling I did with Damon, the same spark that I felt whenever I was around Damon.
I can say I'm over it now, and I'm so happy for at least being his best friend.
We were having our lunch when suddenly Damon hit my shoulder and made me choke, I just frowned at him which made him laugh out loud.
Natalie just rolled her eyes, which made Damon laugh out harder.
Me and Natalie stared at each other for a moment and we both burst out laughing.
I was so tired, it was such a long day today, I was smiling to myself when I got inside of my house, and Richard's car was outside so he must be home, I checked the living room but he wasn’t there, I checked the kitchen and the other rooms but he was nowhere to be found.
I sighed and gave up looking for him, this guy is killing me, why does he make everything so hard on me?
I knew the maids thought we are enjoying out honeymoon, that’s why they won't be home to cook us dinner, actually I overheard Richard say over the phone that he is planning on getting rid of every maid he has, so I've brought pizza. But now Richard is nowhere to be found. Ugh!!!
I drank some water and went to my bedroom to change my clothes, but suddenly I heard voices, and they came from a room next to mine, I slowly walked to where the room was, when I opened the door, I saw Richard on top of a blonde girl making out I felt my cheeks get warmer and I swallowed the lump in my throat, as I was about to close the door, Richard looked up and smirked. Seriously?!!
I catch you making out and you smirk?!!
I closed the door, and went to the kitchen, I sat down on one of the chairs and decided to wait for them, well I have brought two large pizzas so I guess that bi- girl can also eat with me.
I waited for thirty minutes and no one came out of that room,
Forty five minutes and nothing …
An hour, still nothing …
I sighed and decided to knock on the door, I reminded myself to NOT listen and to NOT peak.
I went upstairs and to my surprise I couldn’t hear sounds, I raised my hand and I was about to knock when suddenly Richard came out half naked. I was too shocked to think of what to say, I have even forgotten what I was doing here.
Richard came closer to me and raised his right brow while tapping his chin, which made him look so perfect. "What're you doing here? We made a deal remember?"
My face lit up and I looked away from his glares, I am so embarrassed right now.
"I-I know it's just that …"
"Were you… peaking?"
"N-no, of course not"
Richard laughed out loud and He trapped me between himself and the wall using his arms "I know silly, I know you wouldn't DARE " The way he said that made a shiver travel down my spine. Before letting him talk again I decided to just say it and go back to the kitchen.
"I just wanted to say, I've brought pizza" Without saying another word I freed myself from his little trap and went downstairs.
After no more than two minutes Richard came downstairs, thank god he wasn't half naked, He came towards the table and sat down, even though I wasn’t staring at him I was just staring at the glass of water in my hands I knew he was staring at me.
I stood up and went to the refrigerator to bring some carbonated drinks.
"Richard baby I'm going" A voice said, I turned around and saw the blond girl putting on a leather jacket. Richard just nodded his head without saying anything because he was busy eating the pizza.
I walked towards the table to tell that girl to eat with us , but I saw her take one of the pizzas with her which was mine, I didn't say anything and Richard noticed but didn't say anything either, She kissed him smack on his lips and got out of the house.
Richard stared at me, his expression was unreadable.
I gulped and sat down tried to make myself full with the fingers I've brought with the pizza.
Richard suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the house.
"Ouch!! Richard! Stop it you're hurting me" I shouted at him but he didn't say anything. He just held my wrist so tight that it hurt, he was pulling me all the way to god knows where.
"Richard where are we going?"
Richard didn't say anything he simply gave me his dangerous glares which made me scared to death.
So I decided to be quite, he stopped walking in front of a restaurant, I guess we have been walking for about ten minutes.
I stared at him trying to figure out what was he thinking of, then he grabbed my wrist again and pulled me inside, when we were inside of the restaurant he made me sit down and asked the waiter for a menu.
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and seeing. Richard? He is being kind? Well technically he wasn't kind considering the way he brought me here but you know what I mean.
As the waiter gave us each menus, I ordered pasta while Richard ordered some desserts.
"Umm Richard?" I said quietly.
"Yeah?" Richard said coldly
"Thank you "
"For what? "
"For bringing me here" I said and stared at his eyes, He was staring at me as if to figure out whether I was joking or not. Then he burst out laughing. I take my words back Richard you aren't kind at all.
"You think I've brought you here because that bitch took your dinner?"
"Yeah?" I said and looked at the plate of pasta the waiter has just put down in front of me and he handed Richard his dessert too.
"Well sorry for the disappointment but you're wrong, I still feel hungry that's why I've brought you here" I burst out laughing and fake-choked.
"What's so funny?" Richard asked angrily. I just smiled and pointed my finger at him.
"Yeah, yeah" I said sarcastically "You were hungry that's why you ordered DESSERTES, and you were hungry that's why you came here ALONE" I said confidently and sarcastically. Richard looked away and mumbled something I couldn’t hear, but I ignored it and continued eating my pasta.
I was feeling so hungry so I ordered another plate of pasta, Richard complained about paying the money he said I shouldn’t have ate too much, but in the end I made him pay.
When we were walking home there were so many questions I wanted to ask Richard but I couldn’t just ask them, He sure is the jerkiest person ever but he has a good side too.
But I couldn't see that good side often, maybe if I live with him I will see more of that side.
"See something you like?" Richard broke the awkward silence and made me roll my eyes, so I looked away from him and looked at the road instead.
"Say it " he said, I looked at him and he chuckled when he saw my confused expression, he looked at me, his expression was serious "Your question, say it " my mouth formed an 'O' shape and I nodded my head.
"How did you know I have questions?" I asked.
"I am not stupid Kristen, you are like an open book"
Ok-ay, that made me blush. But I ignored it and tried to find a way to ask my question in a way that doesn’t make Richard pissed.
"I .. ummm … I want to know why you didn't say anything when that girl took my –"
"I can't believe you're asking me this question, and the answer is I thought you'll talk, you were always the type of girl who stood up for herself, but now I see you've…changed"
I didn't say anything else, I knew what he meant. Two years ago I stood up for myself making Richard look so weak and sad. I slapped myself mentally. But what if he wasn't talking about that .what if –
"Kristen " He said in a warning voice.
"You're spacing out again" I sighed and tried not to think of anything.
"I am sorry I interrupted you guys" I mumbled but Richard might have heard it because he laughed out loud.
"You must have liked seeing us doing-"
"STOP IT !!" I shouted, which made Richard laugh more.
"You're …so …cute… when …you're… embarrassed " He said between laughs, did he just say I'm cute?
"And you're blushing" He said with a smile. I looked away.
"N-no I'm not"
"Yes you are"
"You can't lie, you're blushing"
I didn’t say anything else I just walked in silence till we reached home.