Chapter Thirty Seven: Life without her
Richard's POV:
I remember my first meal I had with my parents, after Kristen left, it was not a very good day, and certainly not the best meal I've had with them.
As you can probably guess, I am living in my parent's house now, with no news of my wife, they don't allow me to go anywhere without their permission, they –my parents- have bodyguards following me everywhere.
At first I thought they're lying, they're so talented at what they're doing , that I didn't notice them following me when I wanted to check if my parents are telling the truth or not, so I ran and took a cab to Kristen's parent's house. And as you can already guess this one too, they got me, they were men I have never met before.
I was already in the cab, feeling nervous and checking the cab's back for any weird fellows following me, but I couldn't see any, so I was hopeful for a while, do you know what my plan was?
Yes, I wanted to kidnap Kristen! And take her to Europe, not France again, but somewhere our parents won't find us.
Now the weird part was, those weird fellows were in fact following me without me noticing, and they blocked the cab's way,they yanked my collar and put some handkerchief with chloroform on my nose, so I was blacked out in only a few seconds.
Those freaks didn't even know why they were doing that to me, and they didn't let me kidnap Kristen, my love.
Now back to the meal, it was my first meal with my parents, without Kris, I woke up- more like stayed up all night- with dark circles under my eyes, I walked to the kitchen knowing full well, my dad will not appreciate it if I ignore them.
I sat down, and had a coffee instead of the pancakes my mom had made herself today, knowing me well, knowing that I like hers more than those maids, but I didn't have appetite for anything, so instead I just had coffee, ignoring my parent's gaze on me.
My mom's sighed and I could feel my dad's burning gaze on me all the time, there was an awkward silence, and the tension was intense, but I liked the silence better, so I was glad that they didn't say anything.
But soon my father had to break the silence. Of course.
"Stop pretending you're hurt, and eat your freaking pancakes!" My dad declared, I felt a familiar pain in my chest, that same accusation as before. My father never understands me, but well it's my fault, I have never been a good son, so it's only normal.
"Leave him alone!" My mom whisper-yelled, she probably thought I can't hear her.
"Why? You have made those pancakes for him , and here he is pretending he's hurt" My dad said, stabbing my heart again with his words.
"You know nothing about my love" I hear myself say, my parent's gaze were on me now, my dad snorted.
"Is that why you cheated on her? You fought with us the very first day we told you ,you're gonna marry Kristen " My dad continued " and now someone as shameful as you is talking about love?"
And that was it for me, I didn't know what came over me, but all I can remember is my hands reached for the soft lace on the table, after that there were pieces of broken dishes and glasses everywhere on the floor.
" I LOVE HER!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, making the maids around us flinch, I was breathing hard by the time I had made all the mess, but my dad's calm stare was making me madder, he shook his head at me, and sighed a very long sigh with his eyes closed.
When he opened his eyes and talked to me, I can never forget what he said to me, never in my entire life.
"Son" he said softly, making me frown "Look at the maids around you, and tell me which of those girls you haven't slept with?"
At first I wanted to yell at him to go to hell, because I haven't slept with all of them, but I did as he ordered me, I stared at the maids.
There was Rachel, ten years older than me, then Nina around sixteen, she was pretty and tiny, or at least that's what I had thought last year, then there were the others too, Nancy, Rebecca, Alissa, Miranda, I had slept with all of them, it seemed like they were embarrassed for being found out by my dad, because they were looking at everywhere but at me, I felt a pang of guilt build up inside of me, my anger soon disappeared ,replaced by guilt.
Among the ten girls in the room, the only females I haven't slept with were my mom and Aunt Judy, who was very old and has lived with us ever since my parents got married.
I couldn't take it anymore, I couldn't take the shame, anger, sadness, and guilt.
I felt stupid, I felt like I'm not enough for Kristen, so what I did the next days was to lock myself in my room, Remi had come to visit me after I begged my mom to make a call and I assured her it's Remi not Kristen, in case you wonder why I need my Mom's cell phone, it's because they have took my phone, can you believe that? I'm a freaking adult for god's sake, and look at what they do to me.
But I ruined my own life with my own hands, and that other girl called Sarah, who is claiming her child is mine, she comes and visits me every day. Isn't that cool? If only I haven't been such a hormone-driven guy from the beginning, if only I had found love sooner, none of these disasters would have happened, I'm blaming myself for everything.