(Lucy's Pov)
We were all in the mess hall waiting on breakfast when Chris comes in giggling.
"What is so funny?" Leshawna asked putting her hands on her hips.
"Nothing." Chris stated. "Since you fed me now it's my turn to feed you."
"Is today's challenge another callback?" Heather asked.
"Yes it is Heather." Chris stated, "Yes it is." Then he chuckled some more.
"Seriously, what’s so funny?" Leshawna asked, which made Chris chuckle even more.
"Today's callback is a little something I like to call, The Brunch of Disgustingness!" Chris announced. "In season 1 when it was down to ten contestants we made them eat the most disgusting meals in a battle of the sexes. Since the teams are a little bit lop sided, we've decided that this was the next best thing."
"Okay Chris, these callbacks seriously have to stop." Gwen stated.
"Don't worry, after this there will be no more callback challenges." Chris stated. "Probably."
-Chris confession
"Not." He stated.-
"Every round you will receive a plate of disgusting meals." Chris continued. "You will never know if next dish will be grosser that the last. Just that it'll likely be gross."
Then Chef came in ironically wearing a chef's uniform.
"Ah....Chef!“ Exclaimed Chris, " Right on schedule! "
Chef then lifted the lid to reveal a dead rat placed flat on its stomach.
"Our first course is delicious weed rat!" Chris said smiling. "Rotisserie style. Bone appetite!"
I hesitated to eat the dish and stared at it in disgust.
My confession-
"There was no way anybody was eating that." I stated. "I mean it was a rat."-
I was shoved my plate to the side and watched as Luna inhaled her rat like it was a piece of a meaty drumstick. I'm pretty sure the entire team, no wait........ Everybody in the mess hall was staring at her.
"What?" She asked calmly. We all stared at her in horror. "If this is about the rat, it's actually not that bad."
"Excuse me?" Leshawna said in shock.
"Don't knock it till you try it." Luna insisted enthusiastically, waving the rat around.
"Well, I guess I'll go first." I said taking a bite out of my rat.
It's for the good of the team. I told myself trying not to puke. I managed to finish my plate without puking. Thank God.
"Lisanna." I stated. "You're up."
Lisanna looked at her plate and gulped then are it. Everyone else was quick to eat theirs after that.
"The first round goes to....The Regals!" Announced Chris, "Time for course number two. Chef, if you may."
Chef lifted the lid of the second dish, revealing a bowl of green liquid.
"No five course meal would be complete without salad and soup." Chris stated. "Since we didn't want to do both, we decided to do the next best thing; I present to you alien soup! Soup and salad combined into one tasty dish! Alien soup sponsored by Chef's roadkill cafe! Enjoy!"
The round got off to a good start. One by one each player gulped down their soup. Until Finally, it was down to Cana and I. Cana began to scarf down her soup until she saw a dead cricket floating on top of hers. Then she puked. I managed to scarf mine down without barfing too.
"Well," said Chris wiping barf off his eyes, "I think we all know who won this round. The Beautiful Regals! But don't worry it's still anyone's game cause this next round is worth double the points. Chef if you could kindly remove the lid."
Chef then revealed the third course.
"And the main course is...." Chris said cut off by Nastu.
"Awe sweet hamburgers!" Nastu exclaimed taking a bite.
"Well technically yes Timothy, but these burgers are special." Chris chuckled.
"It's organic skunk meat." Chef stated causing Natsu to spit it out.
"Did you just say skunk meat?" Bridget asked.
"Uh uh." Heather shivered, "There’s no way I’m eating that.” she shoved her plate to the side.
"I'm digesting a dead rat." Gwen said. "You're going to eat it.”
"Make me." Heather replied.
"Allow me." Erza said getting up.
I then watched as Erza went over to Heather, took the burger ad Heather's plate, shoved it into Heather's mouth and forced her to swallow it. After Heather finished her food, she ran straight outside.
Heather's Confession -
"Bleh!" Heather said brushing her teeth. "I can't believe bleh! That little sneak. Oh she is so going down." -
"And the winners are the Renegades!" Chris exclaimed, "It's a tie 2 to 2, so whichever team finishes this course first wins! Oh Chef?"
Chef opened the final dish which reveal chips?
"Coral chips anyone?" Chris asked.
"Excuse me?" Luna shouted.
"Did you just say coral chips!?!" Lisanna asked.
"Yep!" Chris smiled, "That's right, Coral chips. Chips made from fresh coral from the ocean floor."
"What did the coral ever do to you?" Bridget asked. Chris shrugged.
"I don't know." Chris replied. "But it's not alive anymore. Dig in!"
"No way!" Lisanna stated.
"I can't do it!" Bridget added.
"I'm with them." Luna stated. "Coral might be immobile but it doesn't deserve this."
Suddenly, there was a loud growl coming from the other side of the kitchen. The Renegades all turned to Alejandro.
"I'll be right back." He said running out the door.
Alejandro's Confession -
"I have very high standards." He stated puking some more. -
Chris looked around to see if anyone would eat it but nobody ate theirs.
"Well." Chris stated. "I guess a new tie breaker's in order."
Time skip........
Natsu and Besty were standing behind a table in the center of the room. Chris came out placing a dozen plates of white ice cream while Chef poured some worms out from a gallon bucket into a blender powdering them up. Then poured it into the ice cream.
"Whoever can eat the most bowls of onion flavored ice cream covered in worm sauce, is the winner." Chris stated. "Hope you like to chill."
Then immediately they began to eat it. It was fair gamed at first but after a few minutes of stuffing their faces; Nastu started to barf all over the place.
"And the winners are the Regals!" Chris announced. "And your reward is a week in paradise. You'll be spending the rest of the week in Atlas hotel, on the sunny shores of beautiful Paradise island, Bahamas! Nobody's getting voted off this week. The Renegades must be happy about that." Heather folded her arms at this.
"Yeah, you might not be voted someone off." Chris said smirking, “But you're still losers. Now Regals pack your bags, we leave in the morning."
Then we all headed to our cabins. I did some personal packing. This week is going to be amazing. I wonder what Paradise island is going to like........