I woke up the next morning feeling quite cheerful. I headed towards the mess hall humming my favorite song. The mess hall was small wooden building with and open wood roof. Then door was white and it looked like it was about to fall off its hinge. The mess hall was a small wooden building with a open low line roof. There was a glass window on the other side of the surrounded by smaller paneled plastic windows. Carved rectangular shaped slots were complemented by the wooden chairs and benches and plastic windows.
"Hey, Lucy over here!" Wendy shouted from her spot on the line. "I saved you a spot."
"Thanks Wendy." I said heading near the front of the line.
"No prob Luc!" Wendy replied. "Anytime!"
The large chatter was interrupted by the sound of a huge knife bashing against a huge gray counter.
"Listen up maggots!" The man shouted. I assumed that was Chef. "Here's how this works. I serve it 3 times a day and you eat it 3 times a day! Understand?"
"Whatever." Grey states.
"Yeah man I'm hungry." Natsu added. Suddendly a the knife flew into the air smashing into the wall. Missing them only by a narrow shot. Chef then gave them a horrible glare.
"You were saying something, soldier!?!" Chef asked.
"Okay! Okay man, sorry about." Nastu stated backing away.
"That's what i thought." Chef stated. "Anyone else have something they wanted to say." The rest of us shock our heads. "GOOD! Now take your seats maggots!"
Then we all headed towards our seats.
"Attention campers." Chris shouted over the loudspeaker. "Please put on your swimsuits and head over to the cliff for your next challenge."
"Great, looks like we're not going to finish our breakfast." Courtney said putting her plate down. Natsu quickly gobbled his down and ran outside.
"Someone should tell him that's the way to the girls restroom." I said laughing.
"I'll tell him." Grey stated preparing to follow him.
"Let's change." I stated heading towards the magenta building. The building had marble walls and floors. 3 large white bowl like sinks were in front of a large mirror.
"Hey Lucy how do I look?" Luna asked coming out of one of the stalls.
She was wearing a glittery sliver 2 piece. The glitter gleaned under the sealing light.
"Luna, you look amazing." I replied stunted.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
"Um....hello are going to be done in here anytime soon?" Heather shouted knocking louder. "Hey it's you Lucy right? You weren't that bad out there."
"Woo......" Luna stated. "Did Heather just complement you?"
"Um.... Yes?" I replied.
"Attention campers, please report to edge of the cliff immediately or lose out on today's challenge." Chris announced over the loudspeaker.
5 minutes later..........
Everyone was on the top of the cliff in their swimsuits waiting for Chris to arrive. All of a sudden when hear whirling sounds coming from overhead. A long rope was dropped down from must be at least 5 feet which Chris slid off.
"Hello campers and welcome to your second challenge." Chris screamed over the helicopter noises.
"Sorry about my entrance." Chris announced after the helicopter left. "You like?"
"Oh sure." Heather stated. "Love it, especially the part where my hair gets covered in dirt."
"Can you just tell us today's challenge so we could get this over with?" Gwen asked. He ignored her.
"Today's challenge is a callback from season 1, the cliff high dive!" Chris exclaimed.
A nervous wave went throughout the entire crowd.
"As some of you know our very first contestants had to jump down this 1000 foot cliff and try to land into a tiny safe zone." Chris announced. "Which was in the middle of a circle man eating sharks! For your second challenge you will be doing something similar." Another wave of nervousness course through the crowd.
"If you look down you'll notice 4 zones." Chris stated.
We all looked down to see 4 zones sectioned off by plastic circles and buoys.
"At the bottom of the middle zone are small bells." Chris stated. "That's your target area. The other zones have bells at the bottom of the too but I don't think you want to dive into those."
"And what exactly is in these other 3 as that make them so dangerous?" Duncan asked causing Chris to smile.
"Let me show you." Chris stated pointing down at the last one. "The first zone is filled with life threatening quicksand."
Then he pointed towards the second zone. "The second zone is filled with mud." Then he pointed towards the 3rd zone. "This zone is filled with water." We all breath a sigh of relief.
"That we've stocked with man eating piranhas!" Chris shouted to make us freak out. "And Sharks and Poisonous Jellyfish! I try not to dive into that zone if I were you. Oh the winners will get to choose their team name and today's reward.The losers will not be aloud to choose team name and will be sending someone home. Renegades your up first. That's your team name by the way."
"Well any volunteers?" Heather asked. No one volunteered. "Well someone's got to go."
"Why don't you jump then?" Duncan asked. "Still afraid of getting your hair wet?"
"Um.... Hello juvenile delinquent." Heather stated. "That is actually quicksand. I could seriously die doing that."
"Cough! Chicken!" Duncan nibbled under his breath.
"Then why don't you do it?" Heather comeback. Duncan eyes practically shot out of his head. Heather smiled.
"You guys are all chickens." Grey stated.
"It's not like you jumped, Grey." Natsu stated.
"You didn't jump either." Grey replied.
"Well I'm about to." Natsu replied back.
"Okay then." Grey stated. Natsu then went closer to the edge of the cliff and look down. He looked at cliff with anticipation.
"Remember all you have to do is grab a bell from your target area. Good luck." Chris stated. Then he looked down. Probably trying to see which zone was the most dangerous. (He does love adventure.)
"Well what are you waiting for?" Chris shouted.
"Woo......hoo.....!" Heather cheered. Most of the crowd (apart from my friends and I) stared at her like she was a psycho.
-Heather's confession
"What?" She stated. " I had to cheer on my teammate. Okay the truth is that I'm looking for an alliance and the new kids obviously don't know a clue about season 1 so, that makes them easy targets."-
"You could do it, Natsu." Heather shouted. "All you need is a supportive push!" Then she shoved him off the cliff.
"Did Heather just shove Natsu off the edge of the cliff!?!" I asked confused.
"Seems like something Heather would do." Luna replied. "I was more shocked at the cheering." I was baffled. Erza just stared at her curiously.
"What?" Heather asked when she noticed Erza's stare.
"You know, you have excellent determination and a strong desire to get what you what you want from others." Erza stated. "You just got to be able to channel that emotion towards yourself to help block out your fears."
"Excuse me?" Heather stated obviously offended. "I am not afraid besides, what do you know?"
"I show you." Erza replied taking off here bathrobe. Underneath her bathroom was her equip swimsuit. (Equip is a space magic which mages like Erza use to summon magical weapons but she has this special ability to summon the complete armor and other suits as well. Her equip swimsuit consisted of a black bikini.) Erza then ran towards the edge of the cliff and jumped off. She dived headfirst into the shark zone. Apart from my friends and I the entire crowd was shock including Luna.
"Did she jump into the shark zone on purpose!?!" Luna asked. I nodded.
Suddenly we heard zapping sounds coming from the water.
"I hope those redheads are okay down there." Leshawna stated.
"Trust me." I told her. " They'll are going to be fine." Just then we heard movement coming from the water. Everyone looked down to see Erza and Natsu holding up their bells.
"You're luck I saved your butt down there." I overheard Erza say using my magic.
"See." I stated. "I told you they'll be fine."
"Girl." Leshawna said. "You and your friends are something else." I smiled.
"Alright," Chris stated. "That's 2 points for Renegades let's see if how many more points they could score." Then the other teammates gone. All of them went except Heather.
"Still afraid of getting your hair wet, Heather?" Chris asked. Heather turned her head.
"You know by chickening out, you're threatening your team's victory right and they'll hate you." Chris told her.
"I'm sorry but there's no way I'm doing this." Heather replied. Then Chris gave her a shame hat with chicken wings.
"That means you'll have to wear these for the rest of the day." Chris announced. "Chicken path's that way." Then Heather left.
"Let's check the score that's 9 jumpers, 7 bells and...... 1 chicken." Chris states. "Alright ladies, if you could bet that I'll let you choose your team name. Lucy, your up first unless you want to us your advantage from the previous challenge."
"What is this advantage?" Lisanna asked.
"Someone gets to pass on the jump." Chris replied. "And I'll still count the point. Lucy, do you want to use this advantage for yourself or leave it for one of your teammates to use?"
"I'll reply to you in a sec, Chris." I state diving off.
I managed to land into the safe zone (Thank God!) and grab a bell from the bottom of the zone. I swam towards the boat in front of the safe zone and climbed on. Then the rest of my team went and almost everyone who went scored a bell. Lindsay was the one who used the advantage. Lisanna turned into fish after she dived in. Cana fell into the shark zone and used card magic to block the sharks and Leshawna ended landing in the mud zone. Thank God no one landed into the quicksand. Soon only Courtney was left.
"Alright Courtney," Chris stated. "The scores tied 7 to 7. You're team needs this jump for the win. Courtney you must grab a bell from the bottom of a zone in order for your team to win."
"You could do this Courtney!" I shouted.
"Yeah girl you got this!" Leshanwa cheered. "You show that dive whose boss!"
Then Courtney ran off the cliff and ended up landed into the shark zone. We then heard fighting coming from under the water. Suddenly Courtney came up looking injured holding up a small bell. We all cheered as the boat came and picked her up.
"The winners are the girls!" Chris shouted.
"Alright Lucy," Chris stated. "Since you won the challenge for your team, I'll give let you choose you own name which of these is it going to be?" He then handed a piece of paper which has 3 names on it. The beautiful Angelic Regals, The Sensible Artistic Royales and The Rogues. To me it was already clear.
"Chris I think it's pretty clear." I told Chris. "We will be The Beautiful Angelic Regals."
"Awesome now head to the showers." Chris announced. Then we headed towards the restrooms.