Monday June 15th
[Air horn]
I woke up suddenly due to the cacophony of the loud horn.
"Chris it’s too early for this." Heather stated and I nodded
"Sorry but chefs don’t oversleep when they have meals to prepare." Chris stated.
"Is cooking the theme of today’s challenge?"
Heather asked.
"Correcto Mondo." He replies while handing her an orange.
"Today’s challenge is all about your skills in the kitchen. As some of you know every morning a truck comes in and brings us food, your challenge is to use what you have to create a delicious 4 course meal for your truly. Every teams has to pick up a head chef and a taste tester. Now select your ingredients and go in the kitchen after you have done picking up. Your challenge begins now." The Renegades got first dibs because they won the last challenge. I look over at Natsu's team which were already at the back of the truck.
"Head chef, called it!" Heather shouted putting on a white apron.
"Heather." Gwen stated. "I don't mean to rain on your parade or whatever but don't you remember what happened last time when you were head chef?" Heather became startled as if she was reminded of a horrific memory.
Heather's Confession
-Last time I was head Chef they locked me up in the fridge." She says. "I nearly died in there and it's was thanks to her and Leshawna." She paused for a moment. "Okay I admit that my leadership tactics might have been a little oppressive and mean but it was only because I wanted what was best for my team. And to win of course.-
"And I was just starting to forgive you for it." Heather replied. I was confused and i'm pretty sure that Natsu and some of his other teammates were confused too.
"First season when she was head chef they took her makeup bag and locked her in the fridge." Courtney informed me causing me to laugh.
"Anyway." Heather stated. "There shouldn't be any contest cause I'm already head chef."
"You were head chef last time maybe you should let someone else be the head chef this time." Duncan stated.
"I think Natsu should be head chef." Cana stated.
"Thanks Cana." Natsu told her.
"Sure he'll probably eat all the food but does know all lot about food from eating so much." Cana added.
"Hey!" Nastu shouted.
"Yeah he would eat everything in about 2 seconds fat." Grey stated.
"Great!" Heather shouted. "He can be the taste tester."
"Again you should let someone else be head chef." Duncan stated.
"How about Erza?" Juvia asked.
"Why Erza?" Heather replied.
"Eh....I don't know." Juvia stated. "She smart, strategic and has actually restaurant experience."
"Yeah I'm going with water girl on this one." Duncan stated.
"Water girl?" Heather asked. "Why would you call her that?"
"Juvia is water in spanish." Duncan stated. "Surprise you didn't know that."
"I'm surprised you knew." Juvia stated.
"Yeah I picked up a little bit of spanish in juvenile." Duncan said coming closer to Juvia. Smiling.
"Whatever." Juvia stated ignoring his glory attempt. Then smiled.
"Why are you 2 standing there?" Heather asked. "Go help bring the stuff from the back of the truck."
Duncan rolled his eyes then the two of them went over to the truck. When Duncan and Juvia grabbed their boxes my team headed towards the truck to see what was left.
"Okay everyone grab some boxes and follow me into the kitchen." Luna told us walking into a green building.
After a few minutes of toting boxes we finally were able to stop and decide what theme we were going with.
"Hm...." I stated. "Let's see what we got."
"You know we could make some sweet Italian dishes with this." Luna stated after looking at the contents of the boxes for 5 minutes. "My parents taught a bunch of different cooking styles and Italian was on of them."
"You're head chef." I told Luna.
"Let's see we have 4 dishes and 8 people so, everybody partner up." Luna stated. "The recipes for each course will be in each station." I went over to ask Lisanna to be my partner.
"Hey Lucy wanna be partners?" Besty asked me.
"Um.... Sure." I replied. "It'll be an opportunity to help us get to know each other."
"Great!" Besty shouted. "Race you to the counter." Then she ran off.
"Hey wait for me!" I shouted running after her.
On the other side of the kitchen.......
Nastu and the other Renegades had just finished bring their boxes into the kitchen. Heather opened her mouth to say something.
"I'll take it from here." Erza stated causing Heather to stare.
Heather's confession
-"I wanted her to take the leadership role." She says. "I needed to see just how she would behave as a leader. She success and I have a qualified alliance partner. She fails and I'll have a reason to get rid of her. It's a win-win."-
"Fine!" Heather shouted. "Whatever." Duncan looks at her.
"You okay Heather?" Duncan asked. "It's not like you to just give up the leadership role like that."
"Whatever." Heather replied. "Just leave me alone. Shouldn't you be helping Grey and Juvia with desert?"
"And shouldn't you be helping Cana with the appetizers?" Duncan asked. "Besides those two seem to have it under control."
Back to Lucy........635Please respect copyright.PENANAc5AgAMmd1N
Besty and I had just finished the appetizer. This challenge has been going great so far. Besty is kind, sweet and is multilingual. She helped me to read Luna's recipe. (Which was in Latin by the way.) After a few minutes of cooking and chatting, we kinda hit it off.
"Hey Lucy!" Besty shouted. "Where should I rest the waffles?" 635Please respect copyright.PENANANyPceoBTVO
"Place it on the island." I told her as she rested it on a small countertop in the middle of the room. Our course the appitizer, was blueberry waffles with a cream chocolate latte. And from from what I saw, I say we did a pretty good job. We cut out a small portion of the waffles and left a little bit of the latte and separated it from the actual meal so that Courtney could taste it. Besty stated at me the whole time we were setting up.
"Um....Hey, so I'm going to check and see what the others are doing." I said walking away.
Then I headed over to where Bridget and Wendy were. Since their station was right next to ours, I decided to check theirs first.
"Hey guys!" I shouted. "How's the pasta going?"
"It's coming in great actually." Bridget stated. "Wanna taste it?"
"Sure!" I told her walking towards the plate.
It smelled delicious. The recipe the had was for Fettuccine Alfredo. Yum! She carefully tore off a piece with a fork and gave it to me. I took the bite and my eyes popped out of their eye sockets.
"You guys, this is delicious!" I stated with half of it still in my mouth.
"Thanks." Bridget stated smiling. "Let's hope it pasts the Courtney test. That girl's a perfectionist."
"Come on your making Courtney sound like a AI." I told her.
"Okay, okay I'll stop." Bridget replied.
"Hey, Lucy." Wendy perked up. "I thought you were supposed to be helping Besty."
"Well we're finished so I'm checking out everyone." I told Wendy. "And from the looks of it something tells me that you two are okay."
"Actually Lucy." Wendy stated. "I think Bridget wants to be my friend and she's awesome."
"Yeah, she seems pretty cool." Bridget stated.
"Come on Bridget don't be modest." Wendy stated. "Tell her about the time you went to Hawaii." I turn to looked at Bridget. She's been to Hawaii before.
"It was just one surfing contest." Bridget stated. "It's not that big a deal." I can already see that I might be here all day.
"Well good luck you two." I tell them fighting the urge asks anymore questions. "I'm going to see how the others are doing so.... Bye!"
Then head over to next station. Where Leshawna and Lisanna were. I step inside and notice that Leshawna and Lisanna were still cooking.
"Hey Lisanna, pass the parmesan." I heard Leshawna say as soon as I stepped in.
"Here catch!" Lisanna says tossing it the chess to Leshawna.
She catches it then pours it on the bread, then she layered on some pepperoni. Then she grabs some Swiss cheese, puts a few slices on top of the pepperoni and puts it in the oven. Leshawna then noticed me.
"Oh hey girl what's happening?" Leshawna asked me.
"Nothing much." I told her. "Besty and I finished up early so I thought I look around and see how everyone else is doing."
"Well I can't talk for everyone quickly but we're fine up in here." Leshawna shouted.
"And the main course?" I asked.
"It'll be done in time for the Chris to eat it." Lisanna stated.
"Okay then, I guess I'll be on my way then." I said walking out the door. I headed over to Levy's station. Which was the last room. I stepped inside to find Courtney and Levy discussing something.
"Alright which one should we add?" Courtney asked Levy. "Regular or powdered sugar?" Then they was different types of sugars all over the counter in different sized bag. All which were marked with big white labels with black writing.
"Let's try both." Levy told her.
They dipped their fingers into two opened bags and nearly hurled. Then Courtney notices a small closed pipping bag next to her. She picks it up and pips a little bit of it into her mouth and smiles.
"Levy you've got to try this." Courtney said putting some on Levy's finger.
Levy licks her finger causing her eyes to light up. She then nods in approval as she pips some of it onto the cannoli.
"Looks like I'm not needed here." I said to myself walking away.
I check my watch. 4:35, I still have a little time. I'm going to see what the other team's up to. I head over to the other side of the kitchen where Natsu was and I find him standing next to Grey. This is going to ugly fast. Natsu grabs a bagel from off the counter where Grey is working and takes a huge bite out of it. I'm assuming that's the sample bagel.
"This is too cold." Natsu stated.
"I don't know what you are talking about." Grey stated. "It's as hot as it can be but I guess your taste buds must be broken or whatever."
"Pardon me?" Natsu asked eyeballing him.
"What seems to be the problem?" Erza asked coming from the other room. "Natsu, shouldn't you be check ing out the other dishes."
"Attention campers!" Chris announced over the loudspeaker. "It's time to present your dishes. To me. For tasting. At the mess hall. Now!"
When we arrived at the mess hall, Chris was standing in the middle of the mess hall pointing at his watch to say that we were late.
"What took you guys so long?" Chris asked sitting down. "I'm starving, these dishes better be good Regals you're up first." Then I gave him the waffles. He took a tiny bite and smiled.
"I'll give this dish a 15." He announced as my team cheered. Then the Renegades have him their dish which was the bagel Grey made earlier. He took a bite out of their's and shoved his shoulders. "Eh.... I give it a 7. Pass the pasta please."
"Here's our pasta sir." Courtney said passing him our pasta. He looked at it confused but a bite out of it anyway.
"15! Renegades try and beat that." Chris challenged. Duncan have him his team's plate. I looked like a regular plate of pasta. He took a bite and then spit the pasta into his napkin.
"3, Maybe you'll do better in the next round." Chris stated. "Next up the main course." Leshawna came him facing him a slice of pizza and Cana gave him chicken and rice.
"Well this actually looks delicious." He took a bite of the chicken and rice first then he took a bite of the pizza. He looked at The Renegades first. "Um....6." Then he turned to us. "20! Alright this is the last course of the day so Renegades , I step it up!" Then both teams have him there desserts and I got to say theirs actually looked kind of tasty. He did the usually. Tasted our first then tasted theirs.
"Well I think it's safe to say that we have our winners." Chris stated. "The Regals."
"Fine." Heather grunted. "Let's just get this elimination over with!" Then she stormed out.
"Regals congratulations!" Chris stated. "You guys are all safe. For now."