Our boat docked the island early Thursday morning. I was on the deck, thinking about this week's past events. Everything seemed to go bye so fast this week. And so sudden. Then, felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Courtney.
"Hey Courtney." I said looking towards the dock.
"Hey." Courtney replied. "How you feeling?"
"Better." "That's great to hear."
"Thanks." I told her.
"We're here!" The captain shouted. Beth our captain, was loosely navigating the boat towards the island while eating a mango.
"Y'all happy to be back on this here island?" Beth asked. Courtney and I laughed. Hard.
"That's a riot!" Courtney stated between chuckles.
"Come on, let's wake everyone up." I told her. The boat then took a huge turn and then bucked into the dock, knocking Courtney and I off our feet.
"Ow!" Courtney exclaimed rubbing her head.
"Sorry bout that girl." Beth apologized.
"Better than anything Chris' ever done to us." Courtney replied.
"Now why ya hate this Chris fellow so much?" Beth asked her.
"Apart from the fact that he's selfish, vain and kinda soulless?" Courtney pointed out.
"Courtney!" I shouted.
"He nearly drowned us in a tank, Lucy." She stated. "For a challenge!"
"That doesn't mean he doesn't have a soul." I told her.
"He pushed us out of a plane." Courtney stated. "While it was in the air. MULTIPLY TIMES!"
"That is pretty funny." Beth stated after she finished chuckling.
"We almost died!" Courtney shouted.
"I guess you have a point." I stated. "But you can't go around calling people soulless."
"Even if they genuinely are?" Courtney asked.
"Courtney." I smirked rolling eyes.
"Okay! Okay!" She shouted. "Let's go join the others." Then she headed onto the dock.
"What took you guys so long?" Leshanwa asked once we got off the dock.
"Oh....nothing" Courtney winced making Heather who was relaxing near the dock roll her eyes.
"Attention campers!" Chris shouted. "Please report to the mess hall for next challenge!"
"And I was hoping to unpack before the next challenge ." Courtney stated. "Oh well, let's go Luc."
5 minutes later.....636Please respect copyright.PENANAlAuVQdfsYT
We were all sitting in the mess hall eating breakfast when the lights went out. 636Please respect copyright.PENANAtcHPg69snp
The next thing I saw, Chris had a spotlight on him holding a pack of flashcards.
"Good morning campers." Chris stated. "Everybody enjoyed themselves these last few days?"
"I know that the Regals had certainly enjoyed themselves." Heather said right before one the legs of her chair broke causing her to fall on the floor.
"Gotta love karma." Gwen said giving Duncan a fist bump. Heather looked annoyed.
"Stupid chair!" Heather shouted.
"Well it's a good thing you won't be holding onto that chair much longer." Chris stated. "And probably your lunch."
"And what type of horrible punished have you cooked up for us today Chris?" Duncan asked.
"Let's just say that today's challenge will require something most of you probably don't have." Chris replied.
"A police record?" Heather asked.
"The will to torture teenagers for a living?" Duncan asked.
"An ego the size of Texas?" Gwen asked.
"No, No and No." Chris stated. "Today's challenge is going to require bravery cause today you all are going to face.... Your greatest fears." Everyone was shock. Courtney was dramatized.
"Hold up." Heather stated. " I thought you said there would be no more callback challenges. "
"I never said that." He told her. "Now will everyone meet in the amphitheater for our first challenge."
636Please respect copyright.PENANAfkU9DFCaxq
We're all in the amphitheater waiting on Chris when he comes in along with a sumo wrestler.
"Heather." Chris stated. "Would you please step on stage for us please." She gulped.
"Heather step up to the plate and score your team their first point on the board." Chris told her. The fat man banged on his stomach and began to run towards her. Right before he could he hit her she jumped out the way causing him to fall off the stage.
"And Heather scores the first point for the Renegades." Chris announced causing Heather to remove her hands from on top of her head.
"Now it's time for our next victim." He said pulling out a flashcard. "Duncan!" Duncan's eyes nearly popped out of his socket. Chris smiled.
"Oh Chef. Where did we put the standee?" 636Please respect copyright.PENANA6t9toRqG4O
Duncan tried to speak but all that came out his mouth was muttering. That's a first.
"All you have to do is hug a piece of cardboard." Heather stated. "I don't see what the big deal is."
"Actually Heather, Duncan wouldn't be hugging the cutout." Chris stated. Duncan sighed out of relief. "He'll be kissing it."
"What!?!" Courtney exclaimed. "There is no way that can be allowed."
"You think this counts as cheating?" Duncan asked.
"As if!" Courtney shouted back. Duncan rolled his eyes and gave her a smirk. I raised an eyebrow.
"What?" Courtney asked looking at me.
Courtney's confession-636Please respect copyright.PENANAUFnoYF76oF
"What?" She started. "As if I'm go out with someone like him. He has a criminal record the size of New Jersey. And that's only one of the reasons why I'll never go out with him." Then she takes out a piece of paper that fills the confession can. " I made a small list."-636Please respect copyright.PENANAoGGijK3LYb
Then Duncan walked up to the cutout.
"And remember." Chris stated. "Like. You. Mean. It."
"You could do this." Courtney told him grabbing his hand.
"Yeah, you got this!" I added.
"He's not even on your team!" Heather shouted. Duncan did a small little laugh, kissed it then turned around and brushed off his tongue.
"Ugh!" Duncan shouted. "Dude when was the last you cleaned that thing?" Chris shrugged. "I rather kiss the alien monster guy again. Or Heather.
"I'm right here you know." Heather stated.
"Trust me Heather." Gwen stated. "That was a compliment.
Then Chris lead us up a dominant volcano. I didn't know that this island had a volcano but Courtney and Luna didn't seem surprised that there was one. I wonder what fear you would need a volcano for?636Please respect copyright.PENANAqve62r5H0q
Chris was holding a small pineapple in his hands. Then he smiled.
"Alejandro." Chris stated. The man gulped as he walked near Chris, and then stepped back 3 feet away from the edge. Chef then grabbed him and put him next to Chris.
"Alejandro." Chris stated. "All you have to do is throw the pineapple into the volcano." Then he shoved the pineapple into Alejandro's hands.
"Are you CRAZY!?!" Alejandro shouted dropping the pineapple.
"What?" Chris asked. "All I want you to do is to drop that pineapple into the boiled hot lava. I don't see what's so scary bout that."
"Don't you remember what happened LAST time you made us do something like that?" Heather asked.
"What is she talking about?" I asked Luna. (She was standing right next to me.)
"Don't asked me!" Luna jumped. "I wasn't there for that part of season 3. Ask Courtney." (She was standing next to her.)
"Psh.... Courtney!" Luna whisper-shouted tapping Courtney on the shoulder.
"If you're asking about what happened when Heather did that in season three," Courtney started. "Lets just say you don't want something like that to happen now."
"Oh yeah...." Chris stated. "Man! I can't believe you actually survived that!"
"Yeah, I barely survived that." Alejandro told him. "No thanks to your dumb robot." Then he rolled his eyes.
"He was in a robot suit?" Luna asked Courtney.
"Yep!" Courtney replied. "He entered season five as a robot. After being trapped in it for a whole year."
"There is no way I'm doing it." Alejandro annouced throwing the pineapple into the ocean.
"Well." Chris stated. "That's one point less for the Renegade team. Already then, time for the next challenge!"
Chris then lead us all down the volcano and halfway into the woods surrounding the camp.
"Alright Bridgette, good luck." Chris told Bridgette as he placed her on a log.
"You can do this Bridge." Courtney told her.
"Yeah, you got this." I cheered.
"Alright." Chris stated. "We'll see you at the end of the day. Try not to get eaten."
Then we headed to the arts and crafts center. Which was a large tent with all of Chris supplies in it. Including a small fridge filled with Chris' food inside.
"What are we here for?" Gwen asked.
"Its time for the next challenge." Chris announced.
"And what exactly is their to fear in a craft tent?" Duncan asked.
"Actually I just need to grab something from the craft tent." Chris said heading inside the tent.636Please respect copyright.PENANAXkdwkRdfAD
A few minutes later, Chris came out holding a chicken costume and a white shame hat.
"Lucy." Chris shouted.
"Me?" I asked confused but, he ignored me.
"Please put this on." I looked at him like he was crazy.
"Your challenge is to wear this for the entire day." Chris stated. "Sounds simple enough."
"Please don't make me do this." I begged.
"Look you don't have to do it." Chris replied. "It'll only cost you team a point and maybe even the challenge and then they'll hate you forever." Really? My face read.
"I'm just saying." He said. "Its your choice."
"Just give me the costume."
A few minutes later, I came out the bathroom wearing the costume.Then Heather began to laugh hysterically. So did practically everyone else. I saw Courtney and Luna trying to cover the smirks on their faces. 636Please respect copyright.PENANAR8q64mOQG0
They were doing better than Nastu, which was laughing his butt off. I blushed and looked at the ground. Then they stared at Leshawana who was laughing her face off with the others.
"Sorry girl." She told them. "But she just looks so funny." Then she went back to laughing.
"Can we just get on with the rest of the challenges please?" I asked attempting to rid myslef of embarrassment.
"Okay there's just one more thing." Chris stated.
"What?" "Chicken dance."
"Pardon me." I said raising an eyebrow.
"All you have to do is do the chicken dance and your team earns the point." Chris said nonchalant like. I looked around and notice my teammates earnestly look at me. I sighted.636Please respect copyright.PENANAxTGFZQw6KN
Prepare for the most embarrassing few minutes of your life. I told myself. I do not want to describe how embarrassing that was. If you want to know you can just watch today's episode. 636Please respect copyright.PENANAN97tL2ZBmm
Heather was laughing at me the entire time. That girl can really do the worst. The whole time she was laughing and taughting.
"At least its over." I said under my breath when I had finished.
"Well." Chris stated. "That was fun, time for the next challenge."
Chris had lead us to the beach near the edge of the island where Chef was sitting inside of a metal plane.
"Welcome to the TDWT express." Chris announced. "Nastu, Wendy have a nice flight."
"Um... Who says I'm getting on that thing?"Natsu asked him.
"Look you don't have to get on it if you don't want to." Chris told him. "But, it will cost your team the point."
"Still not doing it." Natsu announced.
"I'll go talk to him." Wendy said pulling Natsu away from the group. A few monuments later the two of them got on the plane together. 636Please respect copyright.PENANADJPAnodBno
Natsu groaning the whole time.
"This isn't so bad." Natsu said right before the plane took off. I actually felt a bit of sympathy for them. After the plane was a few feet high, Chris took us near the ocean where he proceeded to put Gwen in a plastic box and bury her.
"Its only for a few minutes and then you'll be dug out." Courtney told her.
"You got this." Luna said handing her a walkie talkie.
"She's not even on your TEAM!" Heather shouted.
"Wait if Trent was eliminated, whose going to watch Gwen?" Duncan asked.
"I'll do it." Cana volunteered.
"And I'll stay and accompany her." Juvia squeaked. "You know in case she might need help."
"Suit yousleves." Chris shrugged. "Onto the next challenge."
We're all standing by a trapeze set on top of a pond. (Luna's in her swimsuit.)
"Luna." Chris said pointing his hand over the pond. "I assume you remember this challenge."
"The blind trapeze challenge." Luna stated. "How could I forget. Whose my partner?" Then Chris began to laugh.
"Who said anything about partners?" Chris asked.
"What!?!" Luna shouted. "So I'll be doing the challenge by myself? With a blindfold on!?!"
"You won't be wearing a blindfold." Chris stated. Luna sighed out of relief. "You'll just have to take a dip in the pond." Luna's smile dropped.
"Are you INSANE!?!" Luna shouted.
"Calm down." Chris stated. "We've removed half of the jellyfish in the pond for safety reasons. That and I don't want another lawsuit."
"Only half!?!" Leshanwa asked.
"You don't have to do it" "If I don't want to." Luna said interrupting Chris. "Yeah. Yeah I know." Then she rolled her eyes. Then she headed towards the pond.
"Good luck girl." Leshanwa stated.
"You don't have to this." Courtney told Luna.636Please respect copyright.PENANAgS5RDbl0HM
Luna then looked at Courtney and smiled. Then she dived. The next thing that we all heard was electric sapping coming from the water.
"I hope Luna's okay." Courtney told me.
"I'm sure she's fine." I assured her. At that very moment, Luna came out of the water. Chris looked kind of shocked to see that she was unharmed.
"Luna." Chris said after checking Luna out a few times.
"Congrats on completing the challenge. You're free to head back to your cabin. Just make sure to go to the infirmity first for a checkup." Then Luna left.636Please respect copyright.PENANAAbBqXN63X8
"Okay unto the next challenge." Chris stated. "Follow me."
5 minutes later.........636Please respect copyright.PENANA1NxI5RrWeK
We're all standing around a large wooden tub filled with green jelly. There's a diving board at least 100 feet high hanging over it. 636Please respect copyright.PENANAleSIe5M5W8
"Courtney." Chris stated. "You're up. I'm sure you remember this classic callback." Courtney gulped. Then, she began to climb.
"You got this Courtney!" Duncan shouted right causing Heather to glare at him.
"What?" Duncan asked. "Who I cheer for is none of your business."
"Perhaps try cheering for people who are ON YOUR TEAM!" Heather told him. Duncan just rolled his eyes making me chuckle a little.
"Hey what happened to your shirt dude?" Duncan asked Grey when he noticed that Grey shirt was off. 636Please respect copyright.PENANABs63cLEDHK
Chris then face palmed himself.
"You know all you had to do was keep your shirt on right?" Chris asked.
"What that was his challenge?" Heather asked. "And he messed THAT up!?!" Chris nodded.
"I know." Chris stated. "I can't see how someone could mess up with a challenge that simple. Anyway, Courtney you ready for your challenge?" (Courtney was at the top of the diving board. Courtney looked a little terrified.)
"It's okay if you can't do it Courtney." I told her.
"It is!?!" Lisanna asked me. "But we'll lose!" Courtney breathed a sigh of relief.
"If Luna could dive into a pond fill with jellyfish," Courtney stated. "Then I dive into this pool of green jelly." Then she went a few took a few steps back and then started to run forward. She dived in head first into the tub of green jelly.
"And Courtney earns the Regale their 3rd point on the board." Chris said as Chef pulled her out of the jelly. "Levy, could you check on Juvia and Cana for us?"
"Okay." Levy said heading towards the beach.
"I'll go follow her." Besty told us walking away. "See you guys later."
Levy's POV636Please respect copyright.PENANAsbEPvvpKBs
I went to the place where we left Juvia and Cana. They were chatting and digging up Gwen. I guess she had finished her challenge.
"Hey guys!" I shouted as I walked towards them.
"Hey Levy!" Cana said. "What are you doing here?"
"Chris sent me to check on you guys." I replied.
"Well we just finished digging up Gwen." Juvia told me. Suddenly I heard a squeal.
"Um.... Did you guys hear that?" I asked.
"Hear what?" Cana replied. Then it came back. Okay I'm definitely hearing something. Next thing I knew there was a tall white girl with pink hair standing in front of me.
"Oh My stars!" The white girl screamed.
"Sierra?" Gwen asked confused. "What are you doing here?"
"Gwen, you know this girl?" Juvia asked.
"Sure we've been in seasons 3 and 5 together." Gwen replied.
"Gwen it's been so long since I've seen you in person." Sierra stated. "When Geoff told me that was going to see the island again I never thought I would be for a challenge but, what do I expect from Chris." Then she rolled her eyes.
"What are you talking about?" Cana asked. Suddenly, a cloudy of dust and surrounded us. The smoke then cleared and I then saw Chris poking out of a helicopter with a microphone in his hands.
"This is Sierra." Chris shouted into the microphone. "Former Total Drama competitor and currently number one Total Drama stalker. I mean blogger." Sierra then rolled her eyes again.
"Yeah, you meant to say stalker." Gwen stated.
"Thanks for the intro but what does she have to do with the challenge?" Juvia asked.
"Thanks for asking." Chris said through the microphone. "I noticed that the three of have fears that correspond with each other. Levy and Cana's fears are exactly the same and Juvia's fear can be used in the same challenge."
"And how do you know what are fears are?" I asked becoming suspicious of him.
"And what's this challenge anyway?" Cana asked. 636Please respect copyright.PENANAC0zMAqUkF1
"Element my dear friends." Chris replied.636Please respect copyright.PENANATCtkN7Cmr8
"We are not your friends." Cana told him.
"Like I was saying," Chris said frowning. "All you have to do is friend this girl."636Please respect copyright.PENANAV0raP7KfTj
"Yeah that's a no." I stated.
"Hard pass from me." Cana added.
"I'm not the in the market for new friends." Juvia replied.
"Okay." Chris stated. "You have till the end of the day to change your mind. Oh I should warm you, I told her that she would be making some new friends before she leaves and that girl will not leave you alone till she get what she wants. Bye." Then he left.
Lucy's POV636Please respect copyright.PENANAUvh8Sl1jOD
We're walkin through the woods looking for Bridgette because, Chris forgot where he left her. He stated that "all of the woods look the same" . We are all walking through the woods looking for Bridgette when Chef's plane lands right behind us. Natsu and Wendy rush out of the plane. Natsu shouting and rejoicing.
"Land oh how I missed you!" Natsu shouted kissing the ground. Courtney looked confused.
"They get motion sickness." I whispered into her ear.
"Oh...." Courtney replied.
"Lucy you're free to take off the costume now." Chris announced. As soon as I heard that, I ran to the bathroom. I couldn't wait to take this stupid suit off.
"I'll go follow her." I heard Wendy say. 5 seconds later she was standing next to me.
"So how did it go?" I asked her.
"Pretty good." Wendy replied. "Chef was shouting at us the whole ride. It didn't help that the plane kept shaking. How was the other challenges?"
"Pretty good." I told her. "Chris said he going to the beach to check on Levi and the others who got separated from the group."636Please respect copyright.PENANAvRuqGWv0v5
"Okay." Wendy replied. "So why are you wearing that?"
"It was my challenge." I told her. Wendy chuckled a little. I rolled my eyes and smiled.
"Did you have to do the chicken dance?" Wendy asked chuckling. I nodded my head.
"Okay, lets go and she what Chris and the others are doing." She suggested. 636Please respect copyright.PENANAMtksU3S5xe
We catch up with the others by the beach. Besty was screaming and running away from a cloud which appeared to be raining and pouring hail stones on her. Levy, Cana, Juvia and Gwen were talking to a girl with pink hair.
"You know maybe we could be friends." Cana told the girl.
"You're not so bad." Levy agreed.
"Really?" The girl asked.
"Sure." Juvia replied. "When you're not being annoying."
"So I see your challenge went well." Chris stated when he saw that they had finished.
"I did." Juvia replied.
"I'm integrated at how much she knows about everyone here." Levy added. "Including us. Its very interesting." I rolled my eyes at that girl.
"Well its time to check the score board." Chris stated. "Looks like the Renegades are in the lead with 6 to 5 points. But there is still 3 challenges left, the Regals still have a chance to win this thing."
Chris had brought us to the amphitheater and had told everyone but Leshawana to sit down. Leshawana started quivering in fear.
"It's only Chef dressed as a spider." Courtney shouted.
"Yeah you could handle it." Luna added. Then Chris came on stage followed by Chef who was carrying a large plastic container. Chef then rested it down which revealed a large tarantula.
"That doesn't look like no man in no costume." Leshawana said worried.
"Leshawana." Chris stated. "Your challenge is to pet this tarantula." Leshawana was hiding in the corner of the stage.
"There is NO WAY I'm getting anywhere near that thing." She exclaimed.
"If you don't complete the challenge, your team loses a point." Chris told her.
"Still not doing it." Leshawana replied.
"Quit being a whip!" Courtney stated causing everyone to stare at her.
"Don't be scare, tarantula's only get frightened by loud noises." Duncan stated right before Leshawana screamed her head off. Then the tarantula jumped out of the container making her scream even more.
"Like that." Duncan said facepalming himself. Leshawana was running around the stage screaming. Chris then facepalming himself.
"Okay clearly we're not getting anywhere on this one." Chris stated. "Chef get rid of the tarantula." Then the tarantula jumped off stage. Causing everyone in the queue except Duncan, Levy and I to jump on stage where Leshawana was. Duncan then calmly picked up the tarantula and petted it on its back. It rubbed itself against Duncan's hand and then Duncan put it back in the container.
"It's more afraid of us than we are of it." Duncan stated.
"Since when do you speak spider?" Luna asked him coming off stage.
"I used to have a pet tarantula named scruffy.". Duncan told her. "Once you've care of one, you've pretty much got it down to a science."
"I can see you owning a spider." Luna told him. "What happened to it?"
"It got squished during a challenge back in season 3 after you left." Duncan told her.
"Its feels like I missed so much." Luna replied back.
"Well I'm glad you came back." "Thanks." Suddenly Erza ran through the crowd knocking Duncan into the floor.
"Where is it?!? Where is it!?!" Erza shouted then her gaze focused onto Nastu and Grey. "Which one of you stole my stuff?"
"Stole what?" Grey asked. Then Erza went crazy and started to chase them. " Don't act dumb! You know exactly what I'm talking about! Where is it!?!" Then she she continued to chase them around the camp with her sword.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Nastu exclaimed running. "I in Chef's plane up till a few minutes ago, I swear."
"And I was with the group the whole time." Grey added.
"I don't believe any of your lies." Draw told them as she continued to chase them, then Chris stopped her.
"Looking for this?" Chris asked holding one of Erza's childhood photos. She snatched it from his hands with a dark angry gaze.
"Why did you take this?" She asked him. Chris smiled at her. I think that was her challenge.
"You know." Chris replied. She just glared at him.
"Time for the final challenge!" Chris announced. "Everyone follow me."
Chris had lead us to the campfire pit near the dock.
"Alright, everybody have a seat." Chris said as we all sat down. "Everyone except Lisanna. Lisanna stand over here." Then he point to the spot right next to him. I started to look a little nervous noticing what Chris was preparing for Lisanna. I hope he wasn't going to make her do I think he is.
"Hey Lucy, you alright?" Courtney asked me. "You look kind of nervous. Is everything alright?"
"Everything is fine!" I jumped. "I just thought that Chris was going to do something stupid."
"Lisanna, I noticed on your reward trip that you said you were worried about what a happen if a certain secret came out." Chris stated. "I was just wondering what that secret is?" My mouth dropped. WHAT IN THE WORLD CHRIS WAS DOING!?!
"CHRIS WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I gritted under my breath.
"I'm just finishing the last of the challenges." Chris replied. Lisanna was sweating like crazy. (She's really bad at keeping secrets.) I decided that I needed to do something.
"Lisanna, you don't have to do this." I stated.
"But if she doesn't do it we'll lose." Courtney stated.
"Actually you'll just tie the score." Cana stated. "It'll be 6-6."
"Few." Lisanna sighed.
"Lets make this interesting then." Chris stated. "I'll give your team triple point Lisanna, if you can complete it."
"Okay now she definitely has to do it." Courtney stated.
"No way I can't do it!" Lisanna exclaimed right before she ran off.
"Well if Lisanna forfeits, I guess that means the Renegades win."
"Yes!" Heather shouted. "I can't wait to see one of your sorry butts go home. I hope it's yours Luna."
"Woah. Woah. Woah." Chris exclaimed. "Who said this was an elimination challenge?"
"WHAT!?!" Heather exclaimed. "But the last challenge was an reward challenge."
"I never said we were going by season 2 order." Chris told her. "This season's order is randomised." Everyone's smile dropped.
"So you mean we did all that crazy stuff for no reason WHATSOEVER!?!" Heather exclaimed.
"Not true." Chris stated. "I enjoyed and this episode got over 10 million views."
"What do you expect from Chris Mcclean?" The white girl said rolling her eyes.
"I thought you carried that crazy girl back to the peanut gallery set." Chris told Chef. Chef shrugged.
"Oh you did not just say that." Sierra stated then she headed straight for Chris. Fortunately Courtney and Bridgette was there to hold her down.
"Let me at him! Let me at him!" She shouted repeatedly trying to free herself from their grip.
"He's not worth it." Courtney said restraining Sierra.
"You right." Sierra said sighing.
"Okay Chef you take Sierra back to the peanut gallery, I'll go take a shower." Chris stated. "Everyone else head to your cabins."