I woke up in the wee hours of the morning to use the bathroom. I head towards the bathroom and do my business. When I was finished and headed to the sinks to wash my hands.
I turn around and notice that one of the windows were broken. Then a air freshener fell. Looks like I have company.
"Hello?" I said.
No response.
"Um.... hello?" I asked again. Suddenly a large yellow arrow flung across the room heading towards me. I ducked it causing the arrow to crash into the wall which also freaked me out.
What in the world just happened!
"Lucy Heartfillia." The voice said. " Daughter of Jude and Layla Heartfillia. We finally met."
"Who are you?" I asked. "And how do you know about my last name?"
"Let's just say that I know you." The voice replied taking a step forward.
"I am Queen Bee." The woman stated once visible.
She was a short white skin girl with yellow hair which was in a short ponytail. She had on a yellow and black full body suit with a matching mask. She had a black ribbon and bee clip in her hair and red lipstick to complete the look.
"I've been waiting for this moment, Lucy Heartfillia." Queen Bee stated taking out a black bow.
I noticed that she didn't have any bows with her. She then pulled the string of the bow back and yellow arrow to appear. Then she released it in my direction. I quickly dodge it. It landed on the mirror the it disengaged.
"Hm.... Nice dodge." Queen Bee stated. Then she threw the bow into the arrow which then changed into a yellow gun. I was surprised.
"That's right." Queen Bee stated. "I use requip magic. Surprised?" Then she start to fire at me what looked like bee stingers. I managed to dodge (barely) and ran outside with Queen Bee quickly following me. I decide to cut her off by heading into the woods. Surprisingly she didn't follow me. Maybe it's safe but, I ran a little bit deeper into the woods anyway. Just to be safe. I stop after a few minutes of tireless running to catch a breath when I heard an grunting.
Could she have followed me after all? I thought. I have to remain vigilant. I walk deeper and deeper into the woods until I became tired. I sat down under one of the trees and took a few calming breaths. Suddenly I heard fighting so I went behind the tree I was under and hid. I peek out from behind the tree and was surprised to see that Luna was there! She was kicking and punching a tree like it was a punching bag.
"Lousy dad!" Luna shouts giving the tree a good punch. "Why can't he just understand? My dad doesn't, my mentor doesn't get me and my maid isn't here!" Then she gave the tree a solid kick which cause it to break in half.
"Nobody gets me...." Luna stated leaning her head on the trunk of the broken tree. Sap poured from the top part of the trunk into Luna's hair. She quickly moved away from the tree and removed the sap from her hair. Then she noticed that it was broken and put her hands over her mouth in shock. After looking around for a few seconds, she then created a magic circle on top of the broken truck and suddenly the tree was good as new. Almost as if hadn't been broken. I gasped in shock.
"Who's there?" Luna asked turning around.
I look around to see if they was any way of escaping without being spotted. I managed to find a small bush a few feet way and quickly hid behind it in the nick of time as Luna walks behind the same tree that I was hiding behind and turns back around to what are was previously doing. Although I still had many questions, I decide that it would be best to leave before she spots me. I ran until I was back at the campground. I walk towards my cabin and head towards my bunk. Something told me that this was a private issue. So I'll leave it alone. For now......
Then out of exhaustion I collapse onto the bed and fall asleep.
"I can not believe you did that!"
I woke up to the cacophony of voices arguing.
"Oh.... guys it's too early in the morning for you two to be arguing." I stated groddily.
"Sorry about that girl." Leshawna stated. "It's just that Besty here shrunk all my shirts in the wash."
"These cabins come with washing machines?" I asked.
"That's what I want to know!" Leshawna stated.
"Look I just washed your clothes for you." Besty stated. "I'm doing you a favor. Now they're clean."
"Clean and 10 sizes small!" Leshanwa replied.
"Maybe you just need to lose a little weight." Besty suggested. I better leave before this gets ugly.
"I'm going to give you guys a little space." I said walking away. I slowly head outside and walk towards the mess hall. When I reached the mess hall I noticed that Chris and Chef were already there talking about something.
"And are you do you know what skill sets they possess?" Chris asked Chef. Chef shock his head.
"Then why would you tell me that?" Chris shouted. "More importantly why would you tell them something like that? You can't keep one secret?"
"Calm down I didn't even tell them what my skill was." Chef told him.
"You had one job." Chris replied. "At least you didn't tell them the big secret." Then he took out a necklace from underneath his collar. The necklace was a regular string necklace with a charmed that looked like a blood drop hanging on it.
Now why would Chris own a necklace like that? I thought. My thoughts were cut off when Chris looked in my direction. I quickly ducked behind the door and hid myself.
"Chef.......?" Chris asked.
"What Chris?" Chef replied.
"I think we have company." Chris replied to looking in my direction.
"Chris not even the producers are up this early." Chef stated. "Who would be up this early?"
"I don't know." Chris replied back. "All I know is that someone is here."
"How do you know that person didn't leave already?" Chef asked.
"Because I could still sense it." Chris told him.
Wait what did he mean he could sense it? Suddenly the two men walked towards the door. I head towards our cabin and run behind the door. I listen from inside.
"Are you sure you say someone?" Chef asked. "Nobody else is up."
"Really I thought I heard Leshawna and Besty arguing." Chris told him. "Which reminds me, we better leave before the other contestants wake up. Today's challenge is going to be awesome! Now let's go the helicopter is outside and the campers will be up soon."
"Okay." Chef stated as they both headed towards the helicopter.
They then climbed up they a tall ladder, headed onto the helicopter and left. Something tells me that I'm not to like this challenge. I head back inside the mess hall and eat one of the lace of food that we're already in the table. Not long after I started eating my slop, the other campers had woken up, say down and began to eat their slop. A large TV screen appeared in the place where Chef usually is.
"Good morning campers!" Chris shouted. "You might be wondering where Chef and I are hiding. I bet you're also wondering about today's challenge." Heather rolled her eyes.
"Well you're in luck because today's challenge is all about trust. Cause all good things begin with a little trust." Chris announced. "Since some of you are still getting use to the island. And each other....."
Leshanwa and Besty glared at each other. Natsu gave Grey a playful shove which Grey responded to by shoving him off the bench.
"Chef and I have hid ourselves somewhere near the island." Chris stated. "In front of each team will be an envelope their team color." I look down notice a hot magenta envelope on the floor. "These envelopes are conveniently located all over the island. Each envelope contains a clue about where the envelope is hidden. 2 members from each team will be tighter for each challenge. Leshawna and Besty you'll play for Regals and Heather and Natsu will play for the Renegades. Alright, your challenge starts NOW!"
We all watch as Leshawna and Besty open the first clue.
"If you want to know where to run just go to the place where you all had fun." Besty read out loud
"The place where we all had fun......" I said to myself.
"The Amphitheatre!" Besty shouted.
"Alright girl up top!" Leshanwa shouted giving Besty a high five.
"You heard her, lets go!" Heather told Natsu running after us.
After 30 minutes, my teammates and I reached the Amphitheater. I looked around to see if anyone from the other team have arrive yet.
"You guys I think we made it here first." I told my fellow teammates.
"And look there's the next envelope." Bridget said pointing towards a magenta colored envelope. I then grabbed the envelope and handed it to Besty who then opened it.
"Congrats on finding the second clue bit this one won't be as easy to do." Besty began to read. "All you have to do to find your next clue just go to the kitchen and find some edible food."
"That's it?" Courtney asked.
"We should be done with this challenge in no time." Bridget added.
"To the kitchen!" Luna shouted.
Inside the kitchen......
"Alright team." I stated. "All we have to do is fine something edible. Should be easy Chef doesn't have much good food in his fridge......" I open the fridge to find a bunch of tasty dishes.
"Great!" Leshanwa stated. "This fridge is full of edible food. How are we supposed to find the next clue of everything in this fridge looks tasty?"
"Well I guess we better start looking then." Besty reply scanning the fridge. "Don't worry Leshawna, this challenge shouldn't be hard for you."
"The one time I look forward to seeing Chef's revolting food." Leshawna stated giving Besty a glare.
Nastu and Heather suddenly busted open the double doors ran straight towards the fridge.
"Hurry up!" Heather shouted at Natsu. "Oh great, just great! The other beat us here! I bet they had already found the next clue."
"Actually we haven't found anything yet." I stated feeling bad for Natsu.
"Uh...." Heather moaned. "So you're all useless! How hard it could be to find something edible and out of place in Chef's gross and disgusting fridge......"
She stopped when she saw the fridge, filled with delicious looking food. I'm pretty sure she was shock.
"This must be the wrong fridge." Heather finally stated after admiring the fridge for 5 minutes. "I mean there's no way this can be Chef's fridge, I refuse to believe this is his fridge."
"Look whether its Chef's first or not, we still got a challenge to win." Natsu stated running through the fridge. "Hey guys look I found something."
He held up the chicken mole he found for 5 seconds then ate it. Not to long after that he began to dance while fanning his mouth. Heather quickly reached into the fridge and passed him a glass of milk. Natsu immediately took the milk out of Heather's hand and drank it. He look stopped for about a few seconds but then began to fan his mouth even harder.
"Give me that!" I said taking the cup out of Heather's hand. " Exactly where in the fridge did you find this cup of milk?"
"On the top shelf." Heather replied.
I look at the fridge and noticed a cartoon where Heather said she found the cup. I pull out the cartoon and read the back. Wait a minute......
"This is spicy milk!" I say showing Heather the cartoon.
"Wait a minute what's this?" Heather asks putting the cartoon away. She then grabs a note from on top of the plate and begins to read it.
"This delicious mole is made with the freshest and most spicy ghost peppers what the neck Chris!?!" Heather shouted angrily throwing the note on the floor.
-Chris' confession
"That was my idea." Chris stated. -
"Hey what's that?" I ask pointing at a red envelope. Heather gasped.
"It's the next clue!" Heather shouted tearing it open. "Hope you enjoyed stuffing your face, now head to place where there's hardly any space."
"The cliff!" Levy beams grabbing our envelope.
"Let's go!" Heather shouts heading out the door with everyone else quickly following her.
At the top of the cliff..........
Everyone is looking for the next of when a huge tv appears being let down by a long rope.
"Hello again campers." Chris stated once the tv turns on. "I see you're still trying to figure out where we're hiding. Well this probably isn't going to help but it's time to swap pairs. Here are your new pairs. Courtney , Levy, Gwen and Juvia. If you don't want to swap you don't have to but if you don't, you lose. Your next challenge will be on boney island." Then the screen went black.
"I don't see any boats." Heather stated after the tv left. "How are we supposed to get to Boney island?"
"Looks like we'll be swimming." Gwen stated.
"Who wants to dive in first?" Duncan asked.
"I'll do it." Gwen says diving off the cliff. (Screaming) Then everyone else quickly followed her after that.
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After 8 more grueling challenges and 4 more pairs, it was finally down to the last 2 pairs. Me and Luna. Erza and Duncan. The four of us was standing on the outskirts of a beach. Downstream from camp. Chris had told us in the past clue that he was near a place with lots of sand.
"Alright." Luna said. "Let's look over the clues again."
"Okay." Duncan stated. "Chris said that he was near a place filled with sand."
"He also said that the place was in tv before." I add.
"And he said the place was comfort and well-known in the midst of the unknown." Luna finished.
"So where should we look, partner." Erza asked Duncan.
"Let me think for a moment." Duncan told her. "What a minute, Erza I know where he is. Follow me." Then he ran off into the forest.
"Let's follow them." Luna and I say in unison.
After a few minutes of tireless running, Luna and I finally caught up to Erza and Duncan.
"What took you guys so long?" Chris asked once Luna and I got there. He was holding all of the Renegade team's envelopes. Something tells me that our team just lost.
At the campfire.......
"Campers there are 9 campers sitting in front of me, soon only 8 of you will remain." Chris stated. "When I call your name, come up and receive your marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow, must walk the dock of shame, board the yacht of loser and leave the island. And you can't come back. EVER! Let's see...... One for Courtney, one for Lisanna, One for Bridget." Then he tossed them the marshmallows.
"Leshawna, Wendy and Levy." Chris stated tossing 3 more marshmallows. I was down to me, Luna and Besty. "Hm.... Lucy."
I let out a breath as I claim my marshmallow. Chris stared at Luna and Besty intensely.
"Campers there is only one marshmallow left on this plate." Chris told them. Besty gave Luna a glare that said you are going down. "Campers the final marshmallow of the night goes to.... Luna!" Then he passed Luna her marshmallow. "Besty it's time for you to head to the yacht of losers.......... Is what I would say if this was an elimination challenge!"
"WHAT!" Everyone except for Chris shouted in unison.
"Surprise!" Chris shouted. "There's no way Besty's leaving. Things just got interesting." Besty gave all of us a piercing glare.
Besty's confession-666Please respect copyright.PENANAB4BFSPQOpi
"They tried to get rid of me." She says. "Now I'm going to get rid of them." Then she slowly rises from the off the floor. Lighting shoots from her palms. "And no one's going to stop me. Not even them." She holds up a picture of Luna and Lucy. "No where for you two to run now."