Thursday July 22nd
I had woken up, hurt and confused.616Please respect copyright.PENANAVGM5BjbYPh
How did I get in bed? Why does it look like it's 7 in the morning and how did I get so bruised up? 616Please respect copyright.PENANAg6FyIlNJvs
That's when it came to me. All the strange and horrible memories from yesterday's bible study.616Please respect copyright.PENANAPNvF0et23b
When I was finally able to get my thoughts together, I went ahead and took a bath. After I finished I notice that Luna isn’t in our cabin; I go look for her. Just as I reach a few feet away from the cabin, I hear a loud whirling sound coming with aim to the camp. And by loud I mean LOUD. It was so ear-breaking, that it woke everybody up and got them out of their cabins. I looked up and noticed that it was a helicopter with Chris inside of it. He was strapping a black parachute to his back. As soon as he finished he signaled something to the pilot and the pilot nodded. Then Chris dropped out gracefully. A few narrow seconds before he landed, he opened the parachute. Unfortunately, he pulled the strap too hard which caused the strap to break. He managed to land in the ocean. FLAT ON HIS FACE. Ouch.
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"Oh...." Leshawana stated. "That had to hurt."
He ended nearly sinking but, luckily, Juvia was up and she used her powers to bring him to shore.
It was over an hour and he was given medical care for the entire time. The doctors told him that he could get back to work. (To be honest I was looking for the day off. Don't get me wrong. I as hoping that he was okay, I was just hoping I would be able to have myself to straighten some things out in my mind.)
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"Alrighty then! Just a minor set-back." Chris said after getting out of the infirmary. "Everybody in the mess hall in T-minus 1 minute."
We were all in the mess hall— eating breakfast. Chris was sitting at the Renegade table eating his Dunkin Dounts (for the first time every he's acting like a normal person.) He was complaining because he couldn't do the 'flashy entrance' he was planning. To be honest, I was kind of happy to see Chris acting like a normal human being for once. I calmly ate the homemade slop Chef's cook for us every morning. (This time it was black instead of brown. I wonder if it was expired. Then, again, it was probably expired before Chef cooked it. I'm surprised no one had gotten food poisoning or got sent to the infirmary yet.) Suddenly Chris got up from the Renegade table and shouted,
"Everyone, meet me by the dock of shame in 1 minute for today's challenge!"
He Then left. I quickly finished my food and headed outside towards the dock.
Once everyone arrived at the dock Chris chewed us out for being late. Stating that time is money and that money doesn't grow on trees that sort of thing. (I'm kind of amazed at how he's so strict on rules when it's something that deals with him but he when it's time for challenges and for him to follow them...... Not so much. Anyway he finally stopped chewing us out for coming late and began to switch modes.
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"Anyway, now that's out of the way." Chris stated. "Let's get to more important matters. Today's challenge!" Heather rolled her eyes right before the part of the dock she was standing on broke, causing her to fall into the lake. (I wonder why that girl is so prone to accidents.)
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"(Chuckle) Now since I want to give you guys something fun to do today." Chris says making everyone nervous. "Today's challenge is a game I'd like to call, Hide and Seek Extereme!" Some of the callbacks began to worry a little.
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"No this isn't another callback challenge exactly." Chris said confusing everyone. "Something similar was played in season one but Today, we're going to be playing a completely different version of the classic game." Then Chef came giving everyone tablets. On the screen of the tablet was looked like a block version of me standing there.
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"Now in you're hands is a tablet." Chris stated. "On this tablet is a VR game. This is game is basically your guideline for today's challenge. You could get the dets for today's challenge from it. Now you got 10 minutes to hide, now go! Apart from Courtney. You stay here." Then rest of us went to go and find hiding spots.
5 minutes in......
According to what I read the it was going to be a randomly selected person from team who had finished hiding the turn before. Of course, no one went yet so, Chris called everyone from our team back cause it was the other teams turn to hide. (I roll my eyes.) He told us that we was going to watch the other team till their round was up on the TV screen which he set up by the amphitheater. I didn't mind. I gave me a chance to see where the best places on the island are. Chris had Courtney choose between a list of 'it' styles and advantages. After she has decided, Chris had her to change into a blue and black stripe shirt with black tights. Then he gave her a black bag along with some red stickers and sent her on her way telling Chef to follow her and help her catch the hiders.
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20 minutes later......616Please respect copyright.PENANAtEuUTluwqz
The game began pretty well. Natsu and Grey both hid inside the kitchen (Nastu in the fireplace and Grey a hidden slot inside the large fridge.) and they also argue shouting claiming that the other person stole their hiding place. (Those two make me roll my eyes a little too much.) Of course, the first place that Courtney choose to check was...... The kitchen. (Surprised? I sure wasn't.) Courtney began to check underneath the tables while Chef checked the fireplace wherehe found Natsu and he gave him over to Courtney who placed one of her red stickers which said "Found!" on his forehead. I guess he's out. Natsu did this little sad walk as he walked over to the losers section. Courtney and Chef then began to search the rest of the kitchen but still didn't manage to find him. The next place that she checked was a cave. Just as Courtney was about to enter the cave, a small sneeze came from one of the bushes near the entrance of the cave. Chef who was closer to the bush came over and pulled him out of the bush. Just before Courtney could sticker him, he spoke up.
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"Wait!" He shouted. "What if I help you catch some of the other contestants? We could be a duo."
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"Yeah thanks, but I'm good." Courtney told him right before sticking one of the kill stickers on his forehand. He frowned.
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"Nice try." She said patting him on the back. Then she and Chef entered the cave. As they began to search the cave, Chef went and licked the ground. Then he picked up a piece of green hair and held it up in the air.
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"Duncan." Courtney stated as Chef began to sniff out Duncan. (I kinda wondered what that would look like.) Chef kept tracking and tracking till he realized that there was green hair everywhere.
-Duncan's Confession616Please respect copyright.PENANAMkj82VSVYe
"Yeah that was intentional." He says. "See the trick is, you gotta trick em."-
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Eventually, Chef tracked down Duncan. (He was hiding on top of a rock pillar.) He then began to try and run and ended bumping into Heather who wasn't hiding. Courtney then went ahead and took out Heather while Duncan ran near a the hill Chris used for the diving challenge.
2 hours later.........616Please respect copyright.PENANAjf0Irw3lXH
Courtney and Chef had spent the last two hours chasing down Duncan. When the finally found him, Chef had to grab him by his shirt and hold him for Courtney to sticker him but, Chris didn't count it. When the two of them arrived at the amphitheater, Courtney created a seen.
"I demand a recheck!" Courtney should stomping on stage as Chris looked at the list to see who was next. "This is unacceptable. I know I took him out, you all are witnesses." 616Please respect copyright.PENANAjwXVZtRK4e
"*sigh* Yes you did take him out Courtney, but you didn't take him out in time." He says sighing.
"What How?" She shouted.
"See you took him just a second after the timer rang, so I might have been by a slim second but that split second saved him from being eliminated." Chris explained. "Now please stop bugging me!" Courtney rolled her eyes. Chris sighed.
"Let's just see what my lawyer has to say about..." Courtney was cut off by her phone. "Huh. Message from my lawyers." Then she went and answered it. "U.... Huh... What do you I can't do that. Yes I know the lawyers all have very busy schedules but he... Huh... *sigh* okay daddy I won't try it again. Yes I love you too. Okay bye." Then she hung up. (I don't know why Chris was trying to listen in on Courtney conversation. I mean he was trying to look over her shoulder the entire call.)
"Call from your lawyers Courtney?" Chris asked pretending that he didn't hear.what she was saying over the phone just now. Courtney didn't respond. "What they say?"
"*sighs* Dude to circumstances my lawyers will not be able to deal with this problem." She said professionally.
"So they finally got tried of her calling them." Heather shouted causing Courtney to glare at her. 616Please respect copyright.PENANAArDQ6mPps1
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"So anyway." I said trying to change the subject. "Whose going next?"
"Actually, It's Duncan's turn to be the seeker." Chris stated.
"What!?!" Courtney exclaimed. "Not only did you unfairly keep him in the game, but you're going to make him the next seeker!?! That's unacceptable!"
"What?" Chris asked. "It's only fair. I mean let's face it he'll probably get eliminated, the next round the renegades hide anyway."
"Hey!" Duncan shouted obviously offended.
"Dude lets face it." Chris says like a therapist. "You would've been a goner if the timer didn't off." Duncan just stood there with an angry look on his face.
"That's what you get for acting stupid." Courtney tells him smiling.
"I was not acting stupid." Duncan announced.
"You were trying to impress me." Courtney replied. "I know, but next time try and do that after the challenge."
"That was uncalled for solider!" Chef said to Duncan. "Now drop and give me twenty!"
"Make me." Duncan stated defiantly.
"You don't want to make." Chef threaten him staring at him.
"And what you going to do?" Duncan replied.616Please respect copyright.PENANA3lY0DqRQ7w
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"Look solider you could either give me fifty right now or you could go fifty rounds on the Obstacle Course." He stated.
"I thought it was twenty?" Duncan exclaimed.
"Don't make me make it a hundred." Chef stated seriously. Then Duncan went and did his fifty push ups.
After Duncan finished, Chris told him to choose the 'uniform' he was going to wear for the game. (Let's be real that was a costume Chris was giving the It's to wear.) But Duncan said that he wasn't going to put on a costume, cause he doesn't dress up, but Chris told if he didn't choose one he would get eliminated and unable to play the next three rounds, but he still said no. Then Chef made him do 100 sit ups, but he didn't do the sit ups properly, so he made him to another 100. Then Chris shoved the Jacob costume and made him put them on,but he complained cause he had to wear the Jacob costume, but Chris gave him a bag fill of traps and his kill stickers, and then he finally started the game.
2 and half hours later.....616Please respect copyright.PENANAAtZW4wzGEW
As soon as Chris started the game, I went and hid myself. (My straight was to change hiding spots every half an hour whenever he would past by. This way I could stay undetected.) Oh Duncan and Chef are passing by my rock. Better swap hiding places.
Pretty soon, I was relocated on the beach behind the cliff where we did high dive challenge and not so long after I hid there, Luna joined me. I decided to ask her about what happened the yesterday.616Please respect copyright.PENANAibQldZPtUS
"So Luna?" I asked.
"Yes?" she replied looking around to see if anyone was coming.
"Remember, what happened the yesterday?" I told her. "You know at the bible study session."
"Yeah." Luna replied. "You friend doesn't keep up with his scriptures, does he?" I sighed.
"No, not really." I replied. "But, not that's not what I was referring to."
"Really? Well what were yo referring to then?" Luna says like she doesn't remember.
"You know" "Sh......!" She says interrupting me.
"You hear that?" I listen more closely and hear a man screaming and shouting crazily like he's hunting for something.
"Yeah." I replied after listening for a little while longer. "It sounds like hunting." Luna placed her finger on my lips and listening in for a little while longer.
"Duncan." She says after a minute or so.
"How do you know?" I asked her.
"Trust me." She saysright before Courtney comes running past us. Not to long after that Wendy comes running past us, then Chef comes followed by Duncan. Chef tries to grab Luna but she swiftly managed not avoid it and ran. I decided to run to. (I didn't want to get caught.)
Half an hour later.......616Please respect copyright.PENANAixonSH119c
I was caught up to Luna and the others a few minutes later. I hear from Wendy that she saw Duncan take out Bridgette right before he went for her and she had to run.
"Where were you hiding?" I asked.
"Oh, I didn't hide." Wendy replied. "I went into the forest to hid and I ended meditation instead. It was just so peaceful there." I nodded.
"So where is Duncan now?" Levy said walking towards us.
"Hi Levy!" Wendy exclaimed.
"Hi Wendy." Levy stated.
"So why aren't you hiding?" I asked. "Are you running away trying not to get captured?"
"Nah, I just got bored." She replied. "So whatcha guys doing?"
"Ran away from being eliminated." Luna told her. Then there was this awkward silence for about 15 minutes.
"Say, it's been awhile." Courtney says breaking the silence.
"And time is almost up." I say looking at my tablet screen for the first time in a few hours. 616Please respect copyright.PENANAXtfuPEVPHg
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"What do you say we taunt Duncan till the game ends?" Courtney asked eagerly.
"Why you wanna taunt your boyfriend?" Luna asked teasing her.
"Not this again!" Courtney said face palming.
"Oh come on, don't deny it!" Luna shouted playfully. "You two seem so perfect for each other! What happened?"
"I'm don't want to talk about." Courtney stated defiantly. "Look are you going to taut Duncan or what?"
"Not a good idea." Levy stated.
"Yeah, I'm with smart girl on this one." Leshawana said out of the blue.
"And where were you?" Lisanna said folding her arms.
"Girl, I was just playing it low." Leshawana exclaims backing away. "You know what they say, better safe than sorry. Now what's this about getting caught?"
"We not trying to get caught, Leshawana." Courtney tells her. "We're just going to taunt Duncan. Not like he's going to catch any of us anyway. We've been hiding here for the last 45 minutes. To be honest it's starting to get kinda boring." Then she rolls her eyes.
"Girl, you seem eager to taut your boyfriend." Leshawana says teasing her. "Is it a couple thing?"
"FOR THE LAST TIME, WE ARE NOT A COUPLE!" Courtney shouts at the top of her lungs. Levy sighs.
"Okay girl!" Leshawana says backing away. "Now be quiet before you get us caught!"
"Okay, sorry." Courtney apologies. 616Please respect copyright.PENANAiTNJC1neOf
I look at my screen. 2:09. Duncan's turn ends in 1 minute and he's only caught one person. I felt kinda sorry for him. Just then I heard something pop. I turned around and before I could see what it popped, a net sprung up and captured Wendy. 616Please respect copyright.PENANAcAf9ZEuBSk
"Are you alright!?!" Lisanna exclaimed to Wendy, who was still confused. (I think we all were.)
"Lisanna, what just happened?" Wendy asked right before I heard footsteps. Huh, Duncan and Chef are coming.
"Lisanna look out!" I shouted pushing her out the way, just seconds before Chef comes and tries to grab her and Duncan puts a kill sticker on Wendy's head, taking her out. Then the timer beeped signalling that the game was over.
"Attention, hide and seekers please report to the amphitheater." Chris announced over the loud speaker. "Duncan time to see how many campers you got."
"I..." Chris started. "You....... Sigh. I don't know what to say. How did you fail so hard?"
"Hey Courtney only caught 3 people." Duncan said defending himself.
"Because, she was busy chasing you!" Chris exclaimed. "Besides at least she was going after someone. You were just wandering around like you were lost. I even give the you two a helper. CHEF! I mean honestly. Sigh. Look I have to pick the next it now but this conversation isn't over."
"And who says I want to come back to this topic?" Duncan asked.
"Hey Chef.....?" Chris said childishly. Duncan gulped.
"Sit Down solider." Chef told him in a eerily tone. Duncan immediately sat down.
"Alrighty then!" Chris exclaimed. "Time for the renegades to hide on last time for the day. Lucy, it's your turn to be the seeker, come up and choose your 'uniform'."
I come on stage already knowing which 'uniform' that I'm going to be wearing.
"Lucy, who are you picking to" "I pick Sophia."
"Oh..... Sorry Lucy but that one you have to pay for." Chris told me.
"How much?" "300 Chrisbucks."
"Oh I could pay that." I say pulling out the play money Luna and Courtney gave me earlier. (It was Chris's play on an American dollar bill. That had his face on it of course.)
"Wait you mean that money had actual in challenge value and you didn't bother to tell us?" Heather asked annoyed.
"Not my job." Chris stated blankly.
"Yes it is!" Heather exclaimed stomping off.
"Well." Chris said as he counted the play money. "Looks like you have enough. Renegades, you have ten minutes to hid while Lucy changes into her It outfit. Now hide!"
It took me about 5 minutes to change into that outfit and five minutes for Chris to give me the advantage for the challenge. (The outfit consisted of a burgundy shirt and black wool hat that had the words "University of Chris" in black bold letters on both of them. I was allowed to where my regular shoes with the rest of the outfit.) The advantage Chris gave me was a sticker gun.
"Now Lucy remember." Chris began. "Once you use the advantage, you will not be able to use the advantage for another 25 minutes. Understand?"
"Yes I understand." I told him.
"Alright you may start seeking out the other team now." Chris said checking his watch. "And please try to catch more than 3 people or we'll be here all day." I sighed and laughed. Then I went off to the hunt.
20 minutes in........616Please respect copyright.PENANA6GVDLKglXU
The round started off pretty well for me. I had already caught Grey and Juvia. (Both of them were hiding in the same places they were hiding the first round. Grey in the fridge and Juvia in the water.) I decided to check the cave for Duncan to see if he would hide there again but I caught him hiding in the bushes on the way. The only two people left are Gwen and Erza. Chef then began to sniff out Gwen and found a trail of teal hair leading towards the cliff.
After we finally reached the top of the cliff we noticed Draw out just standing there with a sad expression on her face. (That's strange. That girl's as tough as a nails. What could make her sad?) 616Please respect copyright.PENANA6ICPLPm0xr
Chef and I slowly came towards her when I heard a small cracking sound where Chef was. Just a Chef comes close enough to Erza to grab her, a piece a grass jumps up and screams! Then it turns around and I realized that isn't a piece of grass, it's Gwen!
"Ah...!" Gwen continues to shout. "My spleen!" The timer then sets off.
"But the game isn't over yet." I say confused.
"Attention!" Chris shouts over the loudspeaker. "All remainding players please report back to the amphitheater immediately."
Apparently, Chef ended up stepping on Gwen spleen and accidentally cracked her back so she had to go to a hospital. Fortunately, the paramedics who Chef called for Chris earlier hadn't had left yet, so they took her with them.
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"Alrighty now that that's been taken off it's time for that the next round." Chris announced.
"Wait!" Courtney jumped. "Lucy's round isn't over yet."
"Yeah well, we're running short on time so I have to cut it short." Chris stated.
"But we were so close to a win." Courtney complained making Chris roll his eyes.
"Okay, Ezra!" Chris shouted. "Since you are the last Renegade that's still in the game, that makes you our last it of the day. I assuming you'll be picking...."
"I'll take the traper thanks." Erza said finishing his sentence.
"Are you don't want the one with sticker gun advantage?" Chris asked.
"No thanks." Erza told him putting on the Emma costume.
"Okay." Chris replied. "Well, Regals you have about 10 minutes to hide as Erza prepares for the challenge. Good luck." Then he smirked.
1 hour later.........616Please respect copyright.PENANA3YlDPOkItX
I decided to be smart with my hiding strategy and followed Erza from the shadows. Every time, she turn around or looked behind her, I jumped to the nearest hiding place. (I admit it must have been pretty fun to watch. I sure was having fun.) It's been a whole hour and Erza hasn't found me yet. Although, Erza hasn't found, anybody yet! She was just walking around, barely looking. I think Chef had noticed that she wasn't trying because he began to spoke up.
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"What's up with you solider?" Chef said in a concerned tone.
"What are you talking about?" Erza replied.
"It's been over an hour an 1 and you haven't caught a single hider!" Chef says in his regular voice. Erza sighs.
"Does it has something to do with what happened yesterday?" Chef asked. Erza didn't respond.
"Listen soldier, you could talk to me." He added.
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"No I can't." Erza replied. (To be this whole conversation made me feel A bit weird to hear. I mean it was strange for BOTH of them to be talking like this.)
"If you're worried about the secret," Chef starts up. "I know." Erza looks at him intrigued.
"And how do you know?" Erza asked him.
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"Chris told me." Chef replied making Erza frowned. "He told me everything. Hey! You should know him well enough by now to know that's he's not the exact kind of person you could trust with that sort of stuff."
"I know." Erza said smiling.
"Yeah, he's like that alright!" Chef smirked. "But, I've learned to deal with it. He's pretty fun once you get to know him." Erza rolled her eyes.
"Lisanna told me that you had a special ability yourself." Erza stated. "How did you make it out in the world?" Chef smiled. (Where is my phone!)
"Got a few small jobs here and there." Chef replied. "Basically, like everyone else who had started their independent lives. After a year or so, Chris came up with the whole tv show idea and next thing you know, you're living off that." Erza smiled and sighed. "Look solider, what you have is special and there's nothing you could do about it. It's a part of you, society may try to make you feel bad, say that you don't belong, call you a"
"Freak." Erza finished.
"Yes." Chef replied. "Freak, weirdo whatever. It point is, you shouldn't be embarrassed about it." Then he leaned in closed to Erza. "And from the way you use it, you have nothing to be ashamed about." Erza rolled her eyes again and smiled. "Look why don't you and find those kids and we could talk later?" Erza smiled.
"Should we start with that person following us?" Erza asked in her regular tone.
"There's the general I remember!" Chef replied. Erza smiled at him. "I can recognize a fellow soldier in the army when I see one. Shall we?"Then the two of them began to head my direction. Oh boy, I better run.
I ran and ran as fast as I could, till I was out of breath. 616Please respect copyright.PENANATXRNirS7j3
"Pant.... Pant.... Pant...." I began to catch a breath when a brown bunny comes up to my foot and brushes up against it. 616Please respect copyright.PENANAye74VEkuiC
"Hello Lucilla heartfilla." The bunny began to say in an adult woman voice. At first, I thought that I was Lisanna but Lisanna doesn't speak like that. (Then I remember Lisanna likes to pull pranks on us.)
"Hi Lisanna." I replied. "This prank isn't exactly funny."
"Um... Lucy, that... isn't me." I heard a familiar voice said. A pink squirrel came out of the tree and then Lisanna and was standing in front of me in her human form. I was confused.
"Wait if that wasn't you," I began. "Then who is"
"You know," The bunny began interrupting me. "I'm offended that you don't remember me but then again you memory still probably wearing off from the spell." I was stunned.
"Wait what spell?" I asked. "What are you talking about?"
"Who are you?" Lisanna added. The bunny gave her an surprised face and then took a few steps back. Suddenly, the bunny had disappeared and their was a young woman in it's place.
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"Hello young ladies." The woman began. We didn't respond. "I know we've might have gotten off on the wrong foot. My name is Freya Strauss." Then she opened her hand in front of us for us to shake.
"Hi...." I said awkwardly shaking her hand.
"So Mrs.Freya." Lisanna began. "Why are you here?" Freya frowned.
"Well I'm here because, something from my home is on this island and I came to get it back." Freya stated. My eyes popped. (Well not literally.)
"So why look here?" I asked her. She gave me a hard stare and then an up and down look.
"Actually, I was just on my way to take to Chris, so I'll be on my way." Freya said right before she turned back into a bunny. Then she left.
"Well that was weird." Lisanna said once Freya was out of site. I didn't listen because I heard running nearby.
"Lisanna." I say. "Do you hear that?" Then she tries to get a closer hear at it. The running became louder as it reached closer. When it became about 2 feet close, Lisanna turned back into a squirrel and climbed up a nearby tree. I looked around and jumped behind the try Lisanna hid on top off.
"Pant....Pant....Pant...." I hear grunting coming from the other side of the tree. I went headed and looked in front of the tree and saw Luna standing there.
"Hey Luna." I say revealing myself.
"Hey Lucy." She says looking around.
"Why are you" "Sorry can't talk now, I was running from Erza."
"Of course you are." I say giving off a smirk.
"For you Information, I was one of the winners of the season 1 version of this challenge." She informs me.
"You haven't played with Erza." I tell her.616Please respect copyright.PENANABrZi1lHrkX
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Right after I finished, Chef comes in and grabs Luna, then Erza comes and sticker her. I ran fast back behind my old tree from earlier. Next thing I knew, Erza starts shaking the tree. (Where are those instincts of yours when you need it.) I noticed that my legs are running on their own. (Good job legs!) I look back and noticed that Lisanna was still in her squirrel form when they shoke her out the tree and when she fell out the tree, Erza tagged her. The two of them turn in my direction. I ran as fast as my feet could carry me but it's not fast enough. (Faster legs, Faster!) I pick up the past by a little bit but Era's still on my tail. I notice one of Era's traps a few feet in front of me and jump. I jump right over the trap and so does Erza.
Half an hour later.....616Please respect copyright.PENANAPsbVl4Skwv
A few miles close to camp, Chef got caught in one of Erza's traps and Erza had to free him (using her sword.) I didn't get to comfortable with the detor and continue running. When I got inside camp, I ran straight for the cliff hoping to lose her. (Hey! I know there was probably a better way to lose her but I was every tired and wasn't thinking as straight as I normally would.) It didn't take her too long to track me down again. I was at the base of the cliff when she spotted me. I knew if I tried and outrun her by running past her (with how tired I was) she would tag me, so I ran up the cliff. With her and Chef right on my trail.
I had cornered my self at the top of the cliff. Erza was on the left , Chef was on the right. The only way I could escape was down. So I took a deep breath and ran as fast as I could preparing myself to dive then, I felt a slap on my back. Unfortunately, it was one I was dreading. There was bright red kill sticker on the back of my shirt. I was out! Then the timer set off. I check my tablet. The words 'Stopping game' on top of a picture of Erza placing the sticker on my back. Oh no! I was the last person in the game!
At the campfire......616Please respect copyright.PENANA0CjNMNybf3
Everyone was glaring at me. (Well almost everyone. Luna, Bridgette and Besty weren't.)
"Come on guys give her a break." Luna shouted as we waiting on Chris to show up.
"Yeah I mean it's not like she lost on purpose." Bridgette added. I'm glad they stood up for me.
"She lost the challenge for us you two." Courtney speaks up.
"So?" Luna asks. "When you chicken out of our first in season did I go saying let's go vote Courtney off?"
"That was a cliff dive, this is a child game!" Courtney shouted.
"Well everyone else did the cliff dive, Courtney." Luna exclaimed back.
"DJ didn't do it." Courtney exclaimed. Luna just rolled her eyes and sat down. Then Chris arrived.
"Alright campers, sorry I took so long." Chris apologized. "Yall are free to choose someone to eliminate." Then his phone rang and he answered it.
-Courtney's confession616Please respect copyright.PENANAE8S7ja4Ot4
"Look don't get me wrong." She says to the camera. "I like Lucy, but in this game we play to win and I did not come lose. Again."-
-Betsy's confession616Please respect copyright.PENANACn6ndQ8lBr
"(Squeal!) This is the perfect opportunity to get rid of Lucy!" She squeals. "I mean this is the perfect reason to put the votes against her. She lost the challenge for the whole team."-
"Alrighty, campers!" Chris says once he takes a look a the votes. "You've all chosen who's getting the boot. When I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow. Luna, Courtney and Wendy." Then the three of them when and grabbed their marshmallows. "Bridgette, Lisanna and.... Betsy. Campers this is the marshmallow of the evening. Now remember, once you board the yachtt of losers and leave the island, you can not come back. Ever!" Leshawana rolled her eyes. "The final marshmallow of the night does to................ Leshawana!" I lowered my head.
-Leshawana's confession616Please respect copyright.PENANAxRWE8578LL
"I feel sorry for the girl." She starts. "But hey! Better her than me."-
"I know." Chris says staring at me. "Good thing you're not going anywhere Luc. Cause nobody's getting eliminated tonight."
"WHAT!" Courtney and Betsy shout in unison.
"Yeah fortunately, Gwen's injury disqualified her and I can't afford to lose any other constants before the next challenge so..." Chris explains.
"If that was the case, why did you dragged us to this stupid campfire ceremony in the first place!" Courtney exclaims.
"Just cause I wanted to, Courtney." Chris replies back causing Courtney to stomp off.
-Betsy's confession616Please respect copyright.PENANA3SoMFMx4lU
"Well me job just became a lot harder but luckily, I have a back up plan." She states.-
Unknown Pov 616Please respect copyright.PENANAqYXhtOFaVt
9:30 p.m.616Please respect copyright.PENANASN7PCHpOyE
I knock on the renegade cabin and slip my note by the door. Then I run and dive into a bush. Heather opens the door and sees the note. She picks up the note, reads it and then heads back inside. I smile and run to the back of the cabin.
Near the back of the renegade cabin.616Please respect copyright.PENANA1GYw91Cwlr
The four of us had been talking for about 3 minutes now and I'm starting to think about canceling this idea.
"And why should we trust you?" Heather asked giving me a hard stare.
"Cause, I don't care about winning." I state. "I just want Lucy and Luna gone."
"Wait." Duncan spoke up. "Why them?"
"I have my reasons." I reply. "Now you going to take the help or do I need to find someone?"
"I like you." Alejandro replies. "I say it could work."
"Agreed." Duncan added.
"Okay." Heather replies. "But just till the teams merge. Then this whole thing is over."
"Agreed." The rest of us say in unison.
"Cool." I say walking off. "Oh and if any of you try and pull a fast one, not only will I make sure yall will be the next contestants to go, I'll make your lives on this island miserable till you leave. Toddles." Then I walk off.