I woke up extra early this morning in preparation for Today's Bahama getaway. Chris had rent a cruise ship for us to ride on till we reach Nassau. Yesterday, Chris told us to meet him by the dock of shame at 9:00am so that we wouldn't miss the boat. Of course, none of us had our phones and Chris didn't want to give us our phones, so we had to rely on Courtney, who had a PDA to set a timer. I managed to wake up before the alarm went off. I headed straight into the bathroom and got ready. Everybody else was still feel in sleep so I went and headed out to the dock. Since nobody else was there, I decided to take a quick swim before they woke up. I took off my everything except my swimsuit which was underneath hidden my clothes. What? I heard the hotel we were staying at was near a beach. Just as I was about to dive into the water a head popped out of the water and looked straight at me causing freaking me out. I screamed causing the person to scream back and slap me in the face.
"Ow!" I said rubbing my check.
"Lucy?" The person asked. "Don't scare me like that."
"Juvia?" I stated. "What are you doing here so early?"
"I was just taking an early morning swim." Juvia replied. "I didn't expect anyone to up this early. Speaking of which why are you up so early?"
"I wanted to make sure I catch the boat. " I told her. "Why are you swimming so early? There's no challenge this week and you guys have the whole island for yourselves."
"I don't want to swimming with boys okay?"
"Really? That's it? That doesnt sound like it to me."
"It's none of your business!" Juvia suddenly jumped.
A large horn sounded practically shaking the camp. Everyone got out of bed and went outside to see what caused it.
"Timothy, this is getting very annoying." Lisanna moaned.
"What you blaming me for? "Natsu groaned. "Wasn't my fault."
"Timothy it's always you." Grey told him. "You're always doing stuff like this."
"Yeah." Wendy agreed. "Even I'm starting to get annoyed. First the trumpet, then the cymbals and even the flute. I don't think I could take anymore."
"Isn’t the flute usually a soothing instrument?" Bridget asked.
"You’ve obviously never heard Timothy play the flute before. " I told Bridget.
"Isn't the flute usually a soothing instrument?" Bridget asked again questioning herself. Most of my guild mates just burst into laughter.
(air horn sound)
Chris sounded the horn again, which made everyone jump.
"Regals." Chris stated. "I thought I told you guys to wake up early. It's 9:00 o'clock!"
"I could have sworn, I had set my alarm." Courtney stated looking for her pda.
"Looking for this?" Chris asked holding Courtney's PDA.
"Give me that!" Courtney shouted snatching the PDA from Chris's hands.
"You're all lucky that the cruise ship I rented is late." Chris told us. "I spent $500 on a stupid boat and it can't even show up on time."
"Woo did he just say he spent $500 on a reward?" Gwen stated. "No offense Chris but seems a little out of your price range."
"Yeah, there's a catch to this right?" Duncan asked.
"And why would there be a catch to a reward?" Wendy asked.
"Um.... Hello have you seen the loser cabin?" Heather exclaimed. "He probably sent more money on that reward that what he spent for the whole season. "607Please respect copyright.PENANAIyZKgVh0ld
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"Why would I want to cheap out my vacation?" Chris replied.
"Your vacation?" Gwen asked.
"Last time I checked this was The Regals reward." Duncan added.
"You really think I would let them have this reward all to themselves?" Chris smirked.
"Hold on." Lisanna beamed. "I don't remember you saying that you were coming with us."
"I spent $500 on the boat." Chris told her. "You didn't think I was going to blow over $500 on paradise and not enjoy the expensive vacation I spent my money on. Cruise ships don't just grow on trees you know."
"Let me get this straight." Heather started. "So while you have fun in the sun and swim with dolphins, your going to leave us here on this dingy island? With Chef!?!"
"Yes that right." Chris said smiling. Heather glared him. "Think of it this way. At he's not hosting a challenge while we're gone. Speaking of gone, the boat is finally here!"
Honk! Honk!
A large blue and white ship was heading towards the island at approximately 33 m.p.h. It was at least 3 feet tall and 5 feet wide and it had a sharp point at the tip of front deck.
The ship docked near the dock of shame and a short white girl wearing came out to greet us. She had orange-brown hair, which she tied in two braided pigtails on both sides of her head. She had a childlike and innocent look to her, possessing very large, almost round greyish blue eyes and freckled cheeks. She also had distinctively large hips and thighs which contrast with the rest of her childlike appearance. Like it was mirroring a marked pear shape.
"Well?" She asked. "Are y'all just gonna stand there or tall gonna get on the boat?"
"You're 3 hours late by the way." Chris said annoyed.
"Not like your directions helped." The captain hushed under her breath.
"Um.... Excuse me captain?" Courtney asked. "But aren't you going to tell us your name?"
"My apologies." She said in a country accent. (I don't know why but the way she spoke sounded kind of cute.) "I'm Beth Vanderwood but you could call me captain."
"Yeah can we finish this on the boat?" Chris asked. "I booked us a reservation for the 24th and if we're not their in time they'll give away our spot so...."
"We're coming." I said as everyone boarding the boat. Once everyone was on Beth started to move the boat away from the island.
Time skip........
After a few hours of touring the boat and getting to know everyone, Beth had told us to put up the luggage.
"Excuse me!" Courtney shouted.
"Yes Courtney." Beth replied.
"Captain, I was wondering how long it would take before we reach New Providence?"
"Actually, since there's no straight route set for your destination." Beth started. "You'll be taking a flight from Missouri to Nassau. Then it'll be smooth sailing from there. So probably about a day or so. Anything else you want to know?"
"No thanks!" Courtney exclaimed. "You know Captain, you extremely intelligent for a country person."
"Just cause I'm not from the city doesn't mean I'm not smart." Beth replied. Then we headed below deck to check out our cabins.
"So Lucy?" Courtney asked once we were below deck. "Are you excited? 5 days in paradise."
"I guess." I shrugged. "I never been to the Bahamas before so I don't know what to expect."
"Well lucky for you I've been to Providence before." Courtney said matter of factually.
"You have?!?" Leshawna jumped.
"Leshawna!" Courtney shouted. "You were eavesdropping?"
"I told you to be quiet, Leshwana." I heard someone else whisper.
"Bridget?" I asked as she nodded.
"Okay lets just get this over with now." Courtney stated. "Who else is eavesdropping?" Practically everyone on the boat responded. Well. So much for privacy.
"Even you levy?" I asked. She shrugged.
"Sorry." Levy stated which made me sigh.
Time lapse..........
After a few days, we finally made it to Mississippi state.
"Well ladies and bear." Beth stated causing Chris to roll his eyes. "We've arrived at your destination." Then we all left the boat.
"Thank you Beth." I stated.
"No problem!" Beth replied. "Bye y'all! Don't forget to review this cruise line. Sorry it's part of my job to say that at the end of each ride. "
"It's okay." I told her. "Who do you work for?" She smiled.
"I work for Mermaid Heel cruise lines." Beth stated confidently.
"Wait!" Courtney said. "I thought Mermaid Heel was a university?"
"Yes that is correct but, it's also a cruise line." Beth answer intelligently. Then she headed into the boat and left.
"Well?" Bridget asked.
"Well what?" Chris replied.
"Where do we go next?" Leshawna added. "Cause, Mama wanna enjoy her reward!"
"According to the website I used to plan this trip, our plane is supposed to be a airline at the J" Chris startled reading his phone. "J...., J...."
"Give me that!" Courtney exclaimed grabbing Chris' phone. "It's says the Jefferson City Memorial Airport. Your welcome."
"Give me that!" Chris said snatching the phone out of Courtney's hands. "Well, guess we better head to.... Whatever airport Courtney just said."
"Um.... Chris?" Courtney asked. "You are aware that that airport is all the way in the capital and we're on the coastline."
"Okay miss smarty pants!" Chris shouted. "Jess! There I booked us a cab, happy now?"
"Oh really now?" Courtney stated.
"It'll be here in a second." Chris told her. 5 seconds later a black taxi with a tiger logo pulls up in front of us. "See?" Courtney rolled her eyes. Then one of taxi windows was screwed down and revealed white woman sitting behind the wheel.
"Are you Chris Mcclean?" The woman asked in an American accent.
"The one and only." Chris replied. The woman just rolled his eyes. Chris looked stunned.
"I assume they're with you?" The woman asked. Chris nodded as a replied. "Get in. I'm Minerva, where to?"
"The Jefferson City Memorial Airport." Chris told her.
"Excuse me?" I asked.
"How long will it take for us to reach the Jefferson City Memorial Airport?" I asked.
"About 2 hours." She replied.
"Great!" Courtney beamed.
"Might as well get comfortable."
1 hour and 50 minutes later..........
We were sleeping when Minerva hit a huge bump waking all of us up.
"We're here." Minerva announced. "I expect my pay before you leave." Chris frowned.
"Alrighty." Chris said opening his wallet. "How much?"
"$15." Minerva replied as Chris handed her a wad of "Thanks." Then she drove off.
"Well." Bridget stated. "Guess we better head inside." Then we all headed inside. The airport wasn't bad. It did had heavy traffic though. I was admiring the airport so much that I wasn't watching where I was going and I accidentally bumped into someone.
"Sorry!" I said walking away. I walked so fast the only I manage to capture a glimpse his whitish blonde hai as He turned around and stated at me before I walked towards the boarding area.
"Hi! May I see your passports please?" The flight attendant asked. She was slender, well-endowed young woman with short, light blue hair and fringes framing her face. She wore a black rose ornament on the left side of her head. For a flight attendant she wore casual attire which consisted of a plain white tank-top, with black straps, and a plain black mini-skirt.
"Oh, I mine's right in my suit case........" I say reaching for it but Chris pulls my hand back.
"Lucy." Chris stated. "I got this." Then he turned to the attendant. "You look like a fine young lady." The woman blushed.
"Thanks." She replied.
"Say what's your name?" Chris asked her.
"It's Yukino." She replied.
"You know Yukino." Chris flirted. "You look a very intelligent young lady. Want my autograph?"
"I don't usually take autographs from strangers." Yukino told him.
"Please tell me Chris isnt trying to flurt with the attendant?" Courtney whispered causing me to giggle.
"Are you sure?" Chris said lowering his glasses. "Recognize this face?" Yukino raised an eyebrow.
"Really?" Chris said. "You don't recognize me?"
"Why would I?" Yukino asked.
"Because, I'm Chris Mcclean." Chris exclaimed. She stated at him. "The host. Of TOTAL DRAMA!"
"Sorry." Yukino told him. "I don't watch TV that much."
"Are you kidding me!?!" Chris shouted like a manic. She palmed her forehead.
"Can I just see your passports?" Yukino sighed nervously. "Please?!?"
"Fine!" Chris shouted shoving his passport into Yukino's face. "Since some people can't recognize a famous person when they see! Let's go before I loss my cool."
"What about our flight?" I asked.
"We'll find some other way onto the plane." Chris said as he walked over to the boarding guard and offered him, his autograph. The guard accepted it and let him walk right through.
"I guess we follow him." I stated as we all walked through the boarding area. Once Chris told the guard that we were with him, he let us right through. After we got on the plane and took our seats, I had decided to take a quick nap.
Time skip........
I was still sleeping in my seat when the pilot took a sharp left turn knocking everybody into the back of chair in front of them. Well everyone who didn't have on a seatbelt. Good thing I had mine on. Now I know why they tell you wear a seatbelt.
"Wake up!" The pilot shouted over the speakers. "We have landed!" Everyone was still rubbing their heads. Some of the other passages who were sleeping was still trying to figure out what was going on.
"Uh...." Lisanna groaned. "What happened?" The pilot then came out the control room glaring at us like we weren't supposed to be here.
"I thought I said that we were here already." The pilot stated. She a young woman of relatively small stature with pale skin, brown eyes and short silvery hair, with bangs covering her forehead. She was wearing a white pilot's outfit and had on a white feathered bowtie. She was quite beautiful. She looked at us filled with annoyance.
"Um.... Hello?!?" She stated. "You're in the Capital of the Bahamas, you could LEAVE now!" I rolled my eyes. For a pilot, she sure was demanding. She stated at me curiously then left.
"What was that about?" Lisanna asked.
"I don't know." I shrugged.
"What are you guys still doing on the plane?" Courtney asked poking her head from her side of the door. "Get your butts out here!"
"Coming!" Lisanna and I shouted at the same time. Then we walked out.
"Paradise island is only a few miles west from here." Courtney informed us. "The drive should only take about a few minutes." I nodded. After a few minutes of driving and clearing customs, we finally arrived at the Atlantis hotel.