Authors pov
title closed his door in frustration..he sat down in his bed and throwed all his pillows down to the floor in anger and pulled his hair..
Title : aghhhhhh..why? WHY?? why do i keep thinking about earth?!!!!! i crazy?!!!!
ever since they left ...mix blamed himself for them leaving...perth and plan changed a lot , they didnt talk with anyone like they used to ..perth stayed at his condo always..plan goes to a resort alone all the time..sammy and yatch are a couple but not like before..they are cold to everyone..yoongi and jimin are mostly not seen..they come to school and go , nothing was like before..and about dean, title and alex they were the worst of all..title goes to clubs and drink till he passed out or he spends the night with some girls..dean went abroad to study and alex sometimes goes with title or goes to some resort and spend days a week there lives changed...into misery..
Title : what is wrong with me?!!! do i like him?!! NO!!
title gets up and gets a photo of him and cooheart....looking at his old self..he breaks the photo in pieces..
Title : no! i dont like him!! its all his fault!!! when did things change? where we went wrong? ....... did i go wrong? whats wrong?!!!
title kneeled down and started thinking ...
Title : am i really happy after he left? is it his fault or mine?
alex was in a beach resort again..he was sitting in his bed , starring at the beach..
Alex : whats wrong with me these days? where will he be now? is he alive? no!! am i crazy to think about him? is he happy now? aghhh
his voice echoed in the room and he decided to take a warm bath to not think about things..he moaned as soon as the warm water hit his back..he couldnt stop thinking about prem..
Alex : agh..what do i do? i dont like him!! i shouldnt!!
he came out of the shower and stared at the rain from his balcony..the rain was getting bad and thunderstorms werent giving up , soon alex heard a scream from the next room ...he went to his balcony and glanced outside ..he was about to turn when there came a lightning and he again heard a scream so alex jumped from his balcony and jumped to his neighbour's balcony and he went inside and saw a person curled up on the floor , hands covering his ears and his face and was sweating a lot..alex slowly came towards him and whispered..
Alex : hey..calm down..
Boy : w-who are y-you?
Alex : my name is alex , you name is?
Plan : p-plan
Alex : wait wh-
A lightning followed by a thunder was heard and plan jumped into alex's arms and was shivering...alex knew it was plan but stood still and slowly combed his hair and said its okay..
end pov
alex's pov
he jumped to me , he buried his face in my chest, he closed his eyes tightly..he was cold..and he leaned more..breathing and not breathing and hearts beating between us and he is so close..i cant feel my legs anymore..i cant feel body , the cold or the emptiness of the room..all i can feel is him..everywhere..he slowly whispered..
Plan : i-i am scared
Alex : i am here with you..lets sleep..
i slowly lifted him and put him in his bed and covered him by the blanket and sat beside him caressing his cheek..he slowly opened his eyes and saw me , he widened his eyes and got up from the bed..
Plan : what are you doing here?!!!!!!!
Alex : i always come here ...i heard a scream so i came and checked , i didnt know it was you..
Plan : whatever..get out of the room now!!
Alex : are you sure?
Plan : yeah!! get out..
Alex : okay..
i came out of his room and went to my room and put myself in my bed..i suddenly smiled after thinking about him..when did plan become so cute? i mentally cursed myself for thinking about plan..i slowly drifted off to sleep..
the next day..
i woke up and went down to eat..i was eating alone as usual..i saw plan coming towards me..he took a step closer and sat down with a smirk , i swallowed ..he laughed at my discomfort and said..
Plan : relax! i am not going to jump on you..
that relieved me somewhat until he added..
Plan : not until you ask me to anyway
Alex : ...uhmm
Plan : why did you do it?
Alex : do what?
Plan : you are the one who wanted to have sex with prem right? why? what did he do?? why are you doing this?
it felt like a stab to my heart..i feel like its my fault..ugh..i feel like crying i regretting everything
Alex : god stop please! (tears)
i bit back my tears as he grabbed my wrist and pulled my hands towards his chest and said..
Plan : i will never stop..i know you were a coward and you know it , stop lying to yourself..
Alex : i dont care!
the bitter lie flew from my lips as i desperately tried to pull away from him ..a hurt expression crossed his eyes for a brief second before impasiveness took over..he let me go , he shook his head staring at me as if he could see into the depth of my very soul..
Plan : such a goddamned liar!
i begged my heart to cease to beat , to stop the pain fall to pieces and leave me be..i whispered to myself that the pain will go away..
Plan : if you dont want to talk about what happened then says so.. dont just say its fine and lie
Alex : okay..we will talk
Plan : come!
we were in his room now..he stood in front of me..
Plan : were you ever going to say me? you didnt text , you didnt call..nothing..have you been drinking? you look terrible
Alex : for the first time , i have no path to hurts , after all this time still hurts..are you mad at me?
Plan : no , i was never mad at you
Alex : what were you?
Plan : Hurt.
Alex : (looking down) actually , yes i wanted to have sex with him but it was for fun..
i told him everything..he just stood there , staring at me..suddenly he hugged me tightly and cried..
Plan : why? i know you are not the type of person
Alex : i know..i regret everything..i am sorry
end pov
authors pov
at mix's house
mix was at home alone and suddenly lucas and nayeon plus pavel (alex's dad and fluke's parents) visit him, he didnt let them in but they said they wanted to talk so he let them in..
Lucas : do you know where they are? did they die?
Mix : (kneels and cries)
Lucas ; (gets up and was about to comfort him)
Mix : (gestures to stop) please dont come near me!!
Nayeon : i get you mix but-
Mix : no!! you never get this feeling!! i didnt believe my own brothers!! how could i do this??!! HOW COULD I?!!!! (pulls his hair)
suddenly manow and yatch open the door and as soon as they see mix with they come near mix..and
Manow : mix!!!
Yatch : why are you guys here!!
Lucas : mix! i get your feeling-
Mix : you guys can never get my feeling dad!!! did you understand!!! because you guys were busy because of YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS!!! I RAISED HIM!! how can i not believe them? my brothers , my baby..they never lie to me , never..they trust me the most and i am horrible manow!! i failed to protect them!!! I LOST THEM!!!
Pavel : but that doesnt change what they did to my sons!!
upon hearing that mix stood up and faced pavel
Mix : really uncle pavel?!!! u really think my brothers forced your sons!!! huh??!! I was quiet till now!! but not anymore!!! u think your sons are five year olds who cant fight back!!!!
Lucas : MIX!! BEHAVE-
Mix : or what dad?!!! i dont fucking care..i didnt get anything for behaving my ass till now..all i gain is pain..just pain..u forgot them , all you wanted was what?? just money!! you say u guys hardwork for them but with time you forgot them for what? money? high standard? high society?..u got them but u lost your sons and their respect , and trust. GET OUT!!!
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Authors pov
Boun : baby?
Prem : (groans)
prem groaned and moved more closer to bouns chest and tightened his grip on bouns waist..boun chuckled..
Boun : baby? wake up..its 9
prem suddenly woke up and got out of hia's chest
Prem : what?!!! its already 9?!!
Boun : yeahh
Prem : why didnt you wake me up??
Boun : ao..whatever , tonight is kai's birthday so we are going to make a suprise party for him
Prem : sounds fun!! lets go!!
Boun : hm..let me sleep for 2 minutes..
Prem : (tries to pull him out of the bed but boun pulled prem and prem fell on top of him)
the two were staring at each other and didnt dare to move..
Prem : half the time i get embarrassed to say anything
Boun : you have amazing eyes baby..
Prem : i know
Boun : (chuckles)
boun pushed prem down and got on top of him..
Boun : your hair is so soft
Prem : (chuckles and blushes) hia lets g-
Boun : no , i am not letting you go ..its too early to get out of bed
Prem : hia..
Boun : yes baby?
Prem : i want to say something to you
Boun : go on baby..(smiles)
Prem : are so handsome and talent kid but i am an ugly creature and people hate me and please dont hate me for loving you..i like you hia..
end pov