Authors pov
Prem : are so handsome and and talent kid but i am an ugly creature and people hate me and please dont hate me for loving you..i like you hia..there is no one for me except you guys..please..dont leave me hia..fucking hell i am clumsy...
prem kept ranting without looking at boun who wants to say a lot...prem kept getting nervous and boun tried to speak but prem kept cutting him off
Boun : bab-
Prem : (tears) i am not excepting for you to like me back..i am not perfect-
prem almost cried ,when two pairs of soft lips captured his..
end pov
Boun's pov
i kissed him..his lips are softer than anything i have ever known, soft like a first snowball biting into cotton candy melting and floating and being weightless in water..his lips are sweet , its so effortlessly sweet..his lips smell like candy..i slowly parted my lips from his..i softly cup his cheeks and say..
Boun : now will you shut your pretty mouth for a while baby?
Prem : (blushing)
Boun : i dont like it when you say thing like that. for me you are so perfect baby..i cant fucking control myself around you prem..whenever i am close to you , i wanna protect you and keep you safe in my hands...and just wanna pamper you , spoil you and...and..kiss you all was going well in the start but the more i spend with you , i fell in love with you baby..i was scared if i confess , you will reject me or maybe you think of me as a brother..i was scared if you dont love me as much as i do baby..i dont know what i might do if i lose you..
i just let my emotion go and prem slowly looked at me with his shinning eyes and cupped my face and slapped my arm playfully..
Prem : you are so dumb hia! how can you think like that? you think i wont fall for you? you have everything i respect me dont yell without a hear me out even if i am annoying and-
Boun : you are not annoying baby
Prem : sshh..let me finish care a lot about people around you , is there anything you cant do? even when i am annoying , you are calm and you calm me down..
Prem giggled through watery eyes of his..and he continued..
Prem : even if you dont know how to bake a cake , its okay ...i will still love you hia..i love you so much hia..
Boun : i love you so much baby..
he didnt say anything , he just hugged me tightly and buried his head in my, i feel like i have gained something..our love is pure and i cant express it by matter what , i cant express our love by words..because i think our love is deeper than anything..
end pov
Authors pov
the morning went by and it was evening and boun and prem came down , holding hands and blushing at each was lunch and everyone was eating , when they came ..everybody looked at them and asked why they didnt come for breakfast ..they just smile and look down with redden cheeks
Kai : the heck are you guys blushing now?
Jennie : wait did something happen this morning?
Taehyung : are they husbands now?
Fluke : whoaa.
Earth : dont ignore us and go!
Ohm : hmm..are you guys husbands now? or boyfriends?
Fluke : somehow it doesnt make me suprised u know?
Kao : yeah , its obvious that they will be a couple
Boun : lets eat baby
Prem : okay hia..
Earth : i just said that..
they all ate silently...after lunch..
Boun : baby?
Prem : yeah
Boun : go to our room , i will come ok?
Prem : o-ok hia..
as soon as prem went , boun sat in the sofa with all of them and said about what happened in the morning..
Kai : fuck!! gosh..
Ohm : u guys are fucking hot!!
Fluke : shit! the heck is this situation?
Earth : so you gonna propose this night?
Jennie : omg!!!! you are gonna be a couple!!! aghhh..
Boun : (fake cough) whatever , yeah i wanna ask him to be my...boyfriend (scratches his nape)
Taehyung : guys are perfect!
Jungkook : aghhh~ yes!!
All : Ooooo~
Boun : whatever help me!! i told him that tomorrow is nini's birthday so even if we decorate he wont be able to say..
Fluke : whatever , i am helping!!
Earth : of course , i am in!!
Kao : count me in!
Kai and Jennie : we are in too
Ohm : of course me too!!
Boun : great!
Ohm : let me call people for decoration~
Kao : i will call chefs for dinner~
Taehyung : take one person out! fluke cant eat outside food , i will make him salad!
Fluke : okk~
Ohm : call irene and ask her if they can eat those kind of food
Kao : what kind of food?
Ohm : whatever they make
Kao : okay
Jennie : i will take prem for shopping and you guys continue
Boun : shopping?
Jennie : yeah , shopping
Boun : take him to Time Square mall , he likes it there!
Jennie : oh gosh..okay~
Jungkook : so when jennie takes him to shopping we will do the works!
Kao : she said its okay for them to eat!
Ohm : great!
Jennie : where is he now?
Boun : room
Jennie : okay~ i will take him
jennie walks to bouns room and opens the door , prem was watching the window and was pouting , jennie sat beside him..
Jennie : what happened?
Prem : (sigh) nothing
Jennie : come on~
Prem : i dont know why but i feel confused now
Jennie : then lets go shopping!
Prem : no , why?
Jennie : shopping relieves stress
Prem : ao..but-
Jennie : prem! lets go~ please (whining)
Prem : ah-ok ok
Jennie : let me pick your dress
Prem : okay,,,
Jennie : gosh..boun buys all expensive ones for you i guess...your style is so hot!
Prem : (fake cough) just pick one jen
Jennie : wear this (takes a black shirt and ripped black jeans)
Prem : okay..i will change
Jennie : wait , wear these boots or these sneakers ok?
Prem : okay~
Jennie : i will wait outside
Prem : okay
after a few minutes , prem came out , looking ....damn hot ...the black shirt was unbuttoned a bit and his bare chest was a little open ...jennie was jaw dropped when she saw prem..
Jennie : fucking look fantastic!!!
Prem : really? okay lets go~
Jennie : aww..lets go~
they walked down and prem was the first to have an eye contact with boun and he blushed! yeah , boun blushed after thinking what will happen today...
Jennie : what do you think of this dress?
Earth and Fluke : he looks damn hot!
Kao : goshh
Boun : (blushing)
Ohm : he looks hot!
Kai : yeahh , he does
Taehyung : aww..
Jungkook : it suits him!
Jennie : lets go prem~
Prem : (looks at boun)
Boun : (smiles and nods)
Prem : (smiles widely)
Jungkook : they are talking with eyes?
Jennie : do you really have to ask him prem?
Kai : have fun shopping!
Jennie : bye babe~
Kai : bye~
at the mall
Jennie : so do you like boun?
Prem : (blushing) ha?
Jennie : the heck are you blushing now? you can be honest with me prem
Prem : o-ok jen
Jennie : so , do you like him?
Prem : (blushing) yeah , i do like him..
Jennie : YAY! so , what do you like about him?
Prem : hia is such a caring person..he cares about me ..he never shouts without a reason ,he hears me out , he respect me...he is perfect can i not fall for him?
Jennie : hmm..great!!
Prem : how did you fall for kai?
Jennie : good question!
Prem : say jen!!
Jennie : okay fine! when i met taehyung ..he was with him..i saw him but he ignored me when taehyung and jungkook were boyfriends we didnt want to be a third wheel so we got close and i fell for him..i proposed him first , he accepted it and said he loved me for a long time..i was shocked..and then yeah..u know..we were a couple..
Prem : guys are so cute!!
Jennie : whatever , i just love him so much!
end pov
love you lots!!