Authors pov
Madam : you guys can go..
She said as she was left alone in the street. She took out her cigaratte and puffed out smoke. ''you guys defended it all , here i am'' she said as sh smirked leaning on the car watching them from the back of the mansion.
I.N groaned as he lifted himself from the ground the blast making his ear's ring. ''b-before madam co-mes here..l-lets finish i-it..'' Hyunjin said as he hissed in pain. I.N looked at the left side window and saw a woman wearing a mask leaning on the car , smoking. ''s-she is he-re'' he said as he shivered in fear. He raised his gun and aimed at blurry bodies around the house.
Bang Bang Bang Bang
Pain that's all he felt. Unbearable pain in his chest. The feeling of his body weakening frightened him. Hearing the gunshots , Kao turned back to see two bodies collapsing to the ground. ''OHM BOUN!!'' they shouted running to the fallen bodies. Kao pulled his gun aiming at Hyunjin and I.N but..
Kao fell on his knee's , tears falling from his eyes. Taehyung ran to Kao , he saw the woman as he went and hid behind a pillar. She shot at the pillar making taehyung alert. Taehyung came out and aimed but a hand came and choked him. He tried to lift her up but it was of no use. ''w-who a-are yo-u?'' he asked as he struggled. ''Mild.'' she said as she removed her mask. ''m-mild? y-your h-her?'' he asked as he tried to remove her hand but no use , his gun fell from his hands. ''l-let g-go..'' he said as a big drop falls on her hands. ''cant bear it huh?!'' she said as she tightened her grip. ''W-hat..d-do..y-you w-ant?'' he asked as he started breathing heavily. ''JB is..'' before she could finish what she was gonna say.
Bang Bang Bang
Mild was shot , the moment she took her hands off taehyung's neck , taehyung fell down in pain. he looked up to see who shot mild , it was prem. Prem tried to run to taehyung and lifted him up slowly. ''p-prem.. b-boun..'' taehyung tried to speak but before that prem ran to the hall. Mild aimed at prem but prem punched her making her stumble back , Prem took some screws and placed them in between his fingers. he held the sharp side facing up so that would be the first thing to make contact with her. Prem punched mild in the neck making the screws puncture her neck. She fell down. Seungmin clawed earth's hand but he punched him in the face with her right hand , as he stabbed him in the neck. Feeling blood ooze out of his wound he felt his conscious falling. Earth cracked seungmin's neck making sure the work is done. Fluke punched Lee know before he could defend it fluke slammed him to the wall as lee know groaned.
Lee know : let go fluke... (groans)
Fluke : (stabs him) die for what you did.
Fluke saw Ohm lying there , on the marble floor in his own pool of blood. ''p-p'ohm.. why..'' tears clouded his eyes. ''d-dont do this to me..'' he said shivering. ''WAKE UP!'' he shouted but it was of no use. He started crying hardly.
Fluke : p'ohm.. g-get up.. p-please.. you know.. t-that i c-cant live with-out you.. w-wake up.. dont leave me li-ke this.. w-wake up.. You prom-ised me that y-you wont l-leave me rig-ht..? dont do t-this.. t-to me.. dont you d-dare close your eyes.. i-i cant.. (crying hard)
Ohm : j-jeab?
''p'ohm!! please hang in!!'' Fluke shouted as he moved closer. ''l-listen..'' he said as his weak and fragile hands made way to fluke's cheeks , right now he just wanted to wrap the younger in his hands and tell him how much he loves him and how much he means to him.
Ohm : j-jeab.. i l-love you s-so much.. If s-something h-happens to m-e.. t-take c-care of my ba-by.. d-dont do a-anything h-harmful to y-you-rself.. (heavily breathing) i-i cant aff-ord to l-lose you..y-your love... w-as the.... b-best thing... t-that.. e-ever.. happ-ened.. to m-me.. y-you..made..m-me..rea-lize.. that.. i-i.. d-deserve t-to....b-be..l-oved...t-too......i-i..was the... h-happiest.. wi-th.. y-you jeab.. auhh..
Prem fell on his knees , he saw his hia lying there. His heart was aching for not being able to be with him. His eyes was brimming up with tears , he loved boun just at one glance and his world is upside down. Boun was the euphoric feeling. ''h-hia.. wake up!!'' he said as he slapped his cheeks. ''ANSWER ME!! DONT YOU DARE CLOSE YOU EYES!!'' he shouted with agony , cried with all his heart. He shut his eyes closed as he hugged boun tightly. His tears were flowing non stop. ''b-baby..'' a broken voice was heard as prem looked at boun. ''H-hia..h-hang in..p-please..'' Prem pleaded. '''' His breathe hitched as he shut his eyes tightly. Prem cried even harder when he saw his hia breathing with so much pain.
Boun : my...p-princess... m-e.. who..took..a-away..all..t-the..dark-ness.. a-and..y-you...m-made (heavily breathing) all..m-y..s-scars.. I-if me.. t-take c-are of yourself.. and my..p-princess.. re-member..that..i..will al-ways..lo-ve..y-ou..
Earth shaked kao as he started crying hardly. Tears kept falling from his eyes , as he tried to speak. ''earth...'' kao spoke which made earth move closer to him.
Earth : w-wait a bit... please..
Kao : s-something..
Earth : KAO!!!!!
The three felt their world shatter into pieces once again.