Flukes pov
ohm took me to some expensive shop and i just randomly picked whatever i liked and i saw someone familiar ...i went closer and it was..hyunjin..i wanted to ignore him and get out of the shop so i searched for ohm when..
Hyunjin : fluke?
Fluke : hyunjin?
Hyunjin : fluke?!
Fluke : OMG! its you!!
we hugged each other..look at him being so friendly to me..that bitch..i wanted to run away..but i didnt..i tried to fake smile..
Fluke : what are you doing here?
Hyunjin : i took my boyfriend for shopping..what about you?
Fluke : i...just came here..
Changbin : babe? what are you doing here? whos this?
Hyunjin : this is fluke , my friend..
Changbin : oh , hi i am changbin..hyunjin's boyfriend
Fluke : hi, u guys are cute together..
Ohm : fluke? oh hyunjin..i didnt know we will meet again..
Fluke : oh , this is hyunjin , my friend and this is changbin , his boyfriend..u guys know each other?
Ohm : yeah, we do
Fluke : guys i am leaving first bye!
Hyunjin : bye bye
Changbin : lets go! that top is cute!
Hyunjin : ok ok!
i randomly took some clothes and we came out of the shop..we saw kao and earth arguing there..i noticed hyunjin was shocked to see ohm there , why? how do they even know each other?
Fluke : earth!
Earth : one second fluke..(argues)
Fluke : earth!!
i just dragged him away..he whined
Earth : what?
Fluke : why the heck are you guys arguing now?
Earth : ugh! leave it!
Fluke : i saw hyunjin and his boyfriend changbin
Earth : WHAT??!!
kao and ohm suddenly turned to us..we just ignored them...
Earth : what? are you serious?
Fluke : yes! thank god , ohm came and dragged me away..
Earth : pfft..that bitch came here too..did he say something about dad- lucas?
Fluke : no..he didnt
boun and prem didnt arrive yet...those two lovebirds are somewhere and didnt even tell us ...that bitch prem would be in his own world with his hia..
Ohm : guys! are you guys done talking then lets go!!
Fluke : where? what about prem?
Ohm : prem and boun arrived already so lets go..
knew it..prem and boun left the mall without us..we arrived shortly and the place seemed so cool and there were a lot of men dressed in black..we went inside and saw boun and prem flirting there..oh gosh..these two..
Kao : gosh...get a room!
Boun : okay! now , we are going to train you guys..for self defense ok?
we nod and listen..
Ohm : so do you guys know anything ?
Prem : i know how to box and taekwondo..
Kao : whoa..thats cool prem..
Earth : taekwondo..and some kickboxing..
Fluke : kickboxing..
Boun : cool!
Kao : here! your guns..
Ohm : we will teach you how to handle a gun..so when your holding a gun , dont put your finger on the trigger unless you want to shoot , let it on the side..
Fluke : that sounds easy!
Kao : now fluke , shoot the target!
Fluke : okay!
i was confident about it so i grabbed my gun and pointed towards the target and
i flinched back and was a bit scared because of the sound..
Fluke : did i shoot it?
Boun : in the chest! good!!
Fluke : i am a pro already!
Ohm : (chuckles) next prem!
prem just grabbed a gun and shot right in the target and he didnt even flinch back nor his eyes was closed , he was the coolest person in the room at the moment
Prem : how was that?
Boun : are you sure its your first time?
Kao : that was so perfect!
Ohm : great job!!
end pov
Authors 's pov
earth took a gun but didn't want to shoot , he felt like it didn't suit him ...he looked around and saw some knives ..he ran and took one and hit it right in the chest of the target..
Kao : that was...
Boun : good job!
Ohm : it suits you more!
Prem : you are a good thrower!
Earth : YAY!
after training they headed home for dinner and to wash up..
at ohm's room
they both took a shower and were about to head down for dinner when fluke asked..
Fluke : shall we go down?
Ohm : hmm..
ohm walked towards fluke when fluke hit the table and was about to trip and fall when ohm grabbed fluke's waist when they both fell in the bed..fluke on top of ohm..suddenly kai opened the door and broke their moment..
Kai : oh- AGHHHH!!!!!!!! OMG
he came inside , screamed and shut the door and ran downstairs..while fluke suddenly got up and headed down..ohm was behind him..
Ohm : can we eat?
Jennie : i ship!
Ohm : what?
Jungkook : me too!
Ohm : what are you guys saying? whatever , lets eat!
Kao : so guys, we have a party to crash in 2 weeks
Jungkook : whos going?
Boun : me , kao , ohm , earth , fluke and prem..
Taehyung : ok..
Jungkook : take care of them
Jennie : i will call the stylists now
Kai : ok..whos the main target?
Ohm : win metawin..blood kings right hand man
Kai : cool!
Taehyung : are you sure , they will be trained well in 2 weeks? they are beginners..
Kao : prem knows how to box and taekwondo and fluke knows kickboxing and earth knows taekwondo and a little bit of kickboxing..prem is a pro in guns and fluke is still a beginner in guns and earth is a good at knives and yeah..
Taehyung : whoaa...i am sure they will be good! (proudly)
Jungkook : prem , how did you manage boxing and taekwondo at the same time?
Prem : (chuckles) its simple..
Kai : wait prem is not a beginner in guns?
Boun : he is..but he is a pro at it ..his first time was like..better than ohm and kao..
Kai : whoaa...
Jennie : i wanna see earth throwing though..
after dinner
Kao's room
Earth : when are you gonna sleep?
Kao : i dont know , why? are you sleepy?
Earth : not at all
kao walked to earth and pinned him to the wall..
Earth : let me go!
Kao : then..tell me one valid reason why should i let you go?
Earth : kao..
Kao : can i kiss you?
earth's heart skipped a beat and he was blushing hard..it was like he waited long..for the kiss..
Earth : hmm... okay!
Kao : are you sure? i wont if u dont want..
Earth : yes! i have waited long!
Kao : Ooo..i guess , u waited long..
Earth : i mean-
before he could finish his sentence , kao connected their lips together..their kiss was so soft filled with love and passion , the sadness they both hold.. kao slowly slides his hands across earth's body and then rests one hand on his cheek giving him butterflies. ..earth was blushing hard ,His whole body tingled, the feel of his frame leaning on his as his arms wrapped around his felt nearly forbidden. kao stopped and ended this kiss , it wasnt short nor long ...it was the first kiss they shared..
Kao : u wanna sleep now?
Earth : yes , i-i wanna s-sleep now!
Kao : did u like it?
Earth : like what?
Kao : the kiss..
Earth : i fucking did ok?
kao chuckled and slept next to him and earth hugged him from behind as usual and put his leg on his when kao blushed..
Boun's room
boun was sitting beside prem in the bed scrolling his phone while..
Prem : hia..
Boun : hm? (still looking at the phone)
Prem : hia..(whining)
Boun : yeah (stares at him) what happened?
Prem : i wanna talk to you..
Boun : ok , lets talk..
Prem : alex is my childhood friend hia..i didn't know who he was because when we were young , he left me and when to US and came back when i was in highschool but i didn't know him , i didn't even recognize him..a day after my birthday , there was this party we attended hia...(sigh) i drank a lot and i got drunk badly and somehow i found myself in ...hotel luna with alex..(crying , hugged boun and cried in his neck) after that day , we had this weird feeling and we knew we were pregnant..i was panicking inside but i went and told this to alex but he doesn't b-believe me h-hia...(sobbing) i was useless hia..i wanted to end my life and my child's ...my parents said that i-i am a d-disgrace..(sobbing hard) i am disgusting and i am lying...i know that u-u might t-think i am l-lying but-
Boun : i believe you prem..People might think you are a ...digrace but to me ...you are different , i think you are so strong prem..so strong..(hugs him) u are not disgusting..u will never be to me..never..Don't give up when dark times come..Your love is more valuable than gold, more precious than the rarest ruby. You are the greatest treasure...
they hugged each other and boun wanted prem to let out all the pain that had him...prem cried a lot , he cried in the embrace of his hia..after some minutes of crying ...
Prem : i am sorry hia..i lost it and cried a lot
Boun : its ok , come talk to me whenever you want ok?
Prem : (smiles) ok!
Boun : tomorrow we are going for a check up ok?
Prem : what check up?
Boun : you are pregnant so we will have a check up and then we will see if you guys can attend the party or not
Prem : ok!
Boun : do you wanna sleep now?
Prem : ok!
boun layed on the bed and waited for prem to sleep but prem just sat there pouting..boun sat up and looked at him and raised his brow and prem pointed to his forehead ..boun pecked his forehead and layed down ...and they cuddle...
end pov
rak na!!