continue flashback
krist has been a prisoner for a week. singto has been going to some classes and comes home. they do nothing but cry.
Off : singto?
Tay : singto , please open the door
Singto : (small voice) i-its open..
New : singto?
Singto : hm? (turns with teary eyes) what h-happened?
Gun : y-you guys talk , i will feed niki.
Niki : gun uncle?
Gun : yes?
Niki : when will i see mommy again?
Gun : h-ha? uhm.. after some time we will take you to him.. ok?
Niki : i miss mommy... he feeds me all the time.. we are going to meet him?
Gun : (tears) you will see your mommy again..
Niki : promise?
Gun : promise (smiles)
Niki : okayy!!
at singto's room
New : singto..
Tay : what are you going to do?
Off : singto.. what are you gonna do? you dont study , you dont eat , you dont sleep all you do is cry!! try to forget everythin-
Singto : how can i?!
everyone was startled by the sound. gun stood up and went to the room.
Gun : niki?
Niki : yes
Gun : i will be back.. stay here
Niki : okay!
Gun : (opens the door and sits beside singto) singto... try-
Singto : how can i? i love him so much!! i cant live without him.. please.. i will die without him... i cant live without him or niki... i want him... i want to see him... please... (crying hardly)
Off : (hugs singto) its okay...
Singto : (hugs off tightly) he is everything.. atleast once... please... i want him.. please.. i cant.. i love him so much..(crying hardly)
Tay : (tears) singto..
Singto : please..(crying)
Gun : tay.. you stay here.. new and papii.. lets go
New : lets go
Off : (nods)
Krist was again sitting in the floor and looked at the sky and tears were storming out of his eyes.
Krist : why? why is this happening to us singto?.. i loved you , thats it.. is it wrong for being gay?.. i just love you... please take me away from here... i hate it.. its paining singto... please... i want to see you... i cant take it anymore... i want see my baby... niki.. mommy will come for you... i love you so much guys... take me from this hell.. i didnt know my dad will react like that... he never hurts me... but why now?.. why does he hate gay people?.. we are humans too.. should i fight them and run? should i? (crying)
Mom : (comes inside) kristy...
Krist : (looks at the sky as if he heard nothing)
Mom : kristy... its been a week.. please eat...
Krist : (silent)
Mom : KRISTY!!
Krist : (silent)
Mom : (leaves)
mom came down and was about to go to her room when someone rang the bell.. she opened the door and saw gun , new and off standing there.
Mom : why are you guys here?
Gun : can we see him?
Mom : no..
Off : please..
New : can we come in?
Mom : (opens the door widely for them to come in)
Gun : where is he?
Mom : room. your not going there!! his marriage is in a week.
New : WHAT?!!
Mom : what do you mean? you want me to marry him to singto? you think his dad will agree? i have no choice , i am sorry.
Gun : can we see him?
Mom : if his dad knows..
Off : we will be quick..
Mom : i am sorry
Gun : uncle? uhm..
Tay : can we talk?
Dad : (throws his office bag) WHAT DO YOU WANT?!!
krist heard the sound , he opened the door and tried to run but the bodyguards didnt let him. he kept trying.
Dad : why are you guys here?!
New : uncle.. you know they love each other.. why are you doing this?
Dad : he cant be gay! he will ruin my reputation too! we have told him that he will marry joy!
Gun : who is joy?
Mom : my sister's daughter
Off : but he doesnt like her.. he loves singto.. why cant you see that?
Gun : calm down
Dad : his marriage is fixed.
New : you shouldnt do this to your own son!!
Dad : shut up!!
Off : he is your son auntie.. how can you do this to him?
Mom : i am sorry , i dont have a choice..
Gun : but-
running was heard from the balcony.. krist ran with teary eyes.
Gun : krist!!
Mom : how did he come down?!
Off : krist!!
krist ran to the others and holded off's shoulder for support..
Krist : w-where... i-is S-INGTO??!!!
Dad : KRISTY!!!!
New : crying all day.. he misses you..
Krist : (starts to cry harder) i- need... h-him.. ple-ase...
Dad : where are the bodyguards? (looks around)
dad went up to the bodyguards and saw them lying on the floor. krist beated them hardly and ran downstairs. dad was shocked , he ran downstairs and shouted
Dad : KRIST!!!
Krist : shut up! (turns to off)
Off : (shocked) krist..
Krist : i cant take this anymore!! i cant be a prisoner!! i cant bear the pain! where is singto?!!
krist was filled with anger , he couldnt take the pain anymore. he knew that his family no more supports him , all they want is their reputation.
Off : h-house.. his house..
Gun : krist.. calm down.. we can-
Krist : no gun! i cant take it! i really wanna ask this to you dad (turns to his dad) WHAT IS WRONG IN BEING GAY?!!! what's gonna happen if i am gay? i am human , why cant i love a human? how is it wrong?
Dad : KRIST-
Krist : it makes me so angry dad , so angry that you react that way. i truly believe that there is nothing such as lesbian , gay and bisexual. humans love humans. i refuse to label it dad. why cant i love singto? like... why cant i? you cant control me! love doesnt see color or gender.
Mom : Krist..
New : take it easy krist..
Krist : i- and singto suffered too much.. i want to see him (tears)
Gun : krist.. please..lets speak-
Krist : i dont want to stay here anymore!!
Mom : your marriage is in a week krist!
Krist : mom! cant you see i dont like her!! i love singto!!
Dad : shut up!
dad was about to slap krist when krist defended it.
Dad : you think you can fight back?!!
Krist : i can!
Dad : SHUT UP!!!
dad kept hitting krist , but krist defended all.
Gun : please krist..
Mom : SINGTO!!
Singto : k-krist?
Krist : (shocked) Singto?
krist runs and jumps into singto , they both cry hardly , krist got down and started kissing him. singto hugged krist hardly. they both pulled away and saw dad and mom standing there filled with anger. dad called their bodyguards to take singto away. the bodyguards tried separating them but failed. one of the bodyguards tried carrying singto away but krist kicked and punched him. singto , krist , gun , off and new fighted them too , after a few minuted , the bodyguards were on the ground groaning.
Dad : you know how to fight?
Krist : (smirks) now tell me dad ,why cant i love singto?
Dad : krist , go to your room now!
Krist : answer me
Dad : KRIST!!
Krist : take me from here singto.. please.. i cant take it.. please..
Singto : baby..
Krist : can we go? lets go somewhere else.. please.. take me...
Singto : krist..
Dean : HANDS UP!!!
end pov
flashback continues in the next chapter
Jungkook's pov
i thought i heard something wrong when i pulled out from the hug and looked at tae. he was awake. i held his hands and rested my forehead against his. ''i missed you i-i..'' i wanted to say something but words were stuck. i didnt know what to do. happiness was on peak. after weeks i am looking into his sparkling eyes.
Taehyung : you never changed.
Jungkook : (crying) i love you
Taehyung : love you so much kookie
Baekhyun : tae? (tears)
Taehyung : hyung? (hugs baekhyun)
Baekhyun : i will call
baekhyun left and came back with the : hey boy!
Taehyung : hi : your doing good. good job!
Chen : tae?
Taehyung : hyung? (hugs chen tightly)
Chen : i missed you tae
Taehyung : where are the others? : taehyung , after we check you , you can see the others , now come.
Taehyung : oh ok. i will be back.
after a few minutes , he came. he was put in bed. i sat beside him. everyone came inside.
Taehyung : how are you guys?
All : we missed you!
Taehyung : (chuckles)
Fluke : i missed your salad too (tears)
Taehyung : aww, how are the babies doing?
Prem : good. (wipes his tears)
Taehyung : okay~ dont cry prem!! i am fine!
Prem : okay (chuckles)
Earth : we are so happy now tae
Kao : (chuckles)
Ohm : shall we leave them alone for a bit?
they all left , it was only me and tae in the room.
Taehyung : i love you kookie.
i softly carresed his cheeks , tears were rolling from his eyes. i chuckled and closed my eyes , all i felt was him now. how much did i miss that feel. i leaned and whispered ''i love you too love'' he chuckled. i kissed his palm as he leaned in and kissed me softly. he pulled out. i was carresing his back of hand with my thumb , our eyes were locked with each other. ''i am sorry'' i whispered moving my gaze to the floor. ''look at me kookie'' he lifted my chin weakly. ''this all happened because of me , i am sorry love'' i said while a big drop of tear rolled down my cheek. he softly squished my hand ''please stop kookie'' he mumbled but i could hear it. ''but-'' i was about to speak when ''kookie , i-am f-fine so p-please stop say-ing sorry and b-blaming you-rself'' in his broken voice i could feel how honest he sounded. and those eyes which speak louder.
Jungkook : why did you take the bullet for me? you dont deserve this love. you know how scared i was? the guilt and fear ate me up. please dont do that.. ever again.. please.. i love you so much cupcake.. i cant live without you.. i cant imagine it.. i will die without-
Taehyung : dont say that.. please.. all i wanted was you guys.. i thought i will di-
Jungkook : please... dont..
Taehyung : i love you
Jungkook : i love you too : did i break your moment?
Taehyung : (embarrased) uh no
Jungkook : what is it? anything important? : jungkook , can i speak with you?
Jungkook : love , i will be back (pecks)
end pov