Authors pov
at suho's place
Chen : (knocks on the door) suho? its chen.
Suho : c-come in.
Chen : hmm.. (goes in)
Suho : (tears all over) hyung...
Chen : suho!! what happened??!!
Suho : hyung.. i think JB is hiding something from us... (crying)
Chen : what makes you think that?!
Suho : taeyong said that..
Chen : dont believe him! he is a piece of shit!
Suho : what he said was real hyung.. he knew JB goes somewhere every night.. JB said he was going to bambam's place.. but bambam is in thailand..
Chen : what?!! shhh.. now dont cry..
Suho : can we look into this? please..
Chen : of course we will.. dont worry suho..
Suho : hmm.. did they go?
Chen : who?
Suho : chanyeol and baekhyun
Chen : they went already.. it must have started..
Suho : i feel sorry for guys..
Chen : why?
Suho : you guys take care of me so well. whenever i get mad or break things , you guys are calm and when im drunk , you come pick me up.. i caused a mess in your lives..
Chen : who said you did? we are a family suho.. we were together for years.. we will be forever.. dont worry about anything now..
the boys saw them sitting in win metawins area.. prem nodded making it clear they can start. they nod back.
Kai : lets go!
they split into twos just to cover the top floor faster and to keep a watch on them.. chanyeol walked outside and headed down the hall and noticed yuna's hand on baekhyun's thigh , he gritted his teeth and walked away. kao hacked into the computer and downloaded all the files in the hard drive.
Kao : what do you think itzy is doing here? (grabs the hard drive)
Kai : i am not sure , but they were gone for a long time (picks the safe lock)
Kao : hmm
boun and chanyeol walked around the ball to keep a good eye on the boys , win metawin and itzy.
Chanyeol : what if itzy does anything to them?
Boun : who knows if they figure out we have more people on our team , they might feel threatened.
Chanyeol : yeah i agree but, why havent we seen the YG people yet?
Boun : you know they like to come to the party late. (smirks)
Earth saw around while laughing at lia's joke and spotted boun and chanyeol.. he knew the plan was going well.. prem felt a sudden easiness in his stomach as he looked at the window to see a scope pointing at jennie , jennie took a swig of her champagne when she almost fell of her chair so she grabbed win metawin's shoulder to balance herself. prem's eyes widen when he realised it was indeed a gun pointing at jennie so he pushed win metawin knocking jennie into baekhyun..
win metawin was shot between his eyes , jennie and earth scream in shock. baekhyun dropped his glass and turned to prem ''what the-'' before he could complete his sentence prem grabbed him and the others ''lets get out of here!!'' he shouted.
the boys heard the gunshot , they quickly grabbed the files they were here for and rushed downstairs. boun and chanyeol ran towards the direction where prem and the others ran. kao and kai ran downstairs and saw hyunjin and his gang entering.
Hyunjin : looks like the party just started! (holds his gun)
Kai : shit!
Boun : alright guys , we gotta get the hell out , find baekhyun and the others! (earpiece)
the minute they here it , kao and kai take their guns out and shoot every guard on their way..
Jennie took some knives out of her boots and handed one to earth ''here!'' earth grabbed it ''good idea'' earth said and prem and baekhyun took out their guns, ''okay we met up with others and we get out'' baekhyun said while they ran to the ball area because thats where earth saw boun and chanyeol. once they entered the ball , they were greeted by itzy
Earth : fuck..
earth cursed as he saw them holding weapons..
Chaeryoung : hello guys , its nice to finally meet you!
Earth : who the hell are you guys?
earth said coldly while they laughed in response
Lia : sorry for not introducing ourselves , but we are itzy the most feared female mafia group
Jennie : most feared hah (laughs evily) you look like a bunch of powdered princesses, not scary queens.
Yeji : (grits her teeth) we heard your close to redneck , better back off so that we dont give you guys more trouble.
Prem : yeah , who said we give a fuck.
prem spat , which made itzy more angry..
Yuna : this game your playing is very dangerous.
Baekhyun : oh really , well we like danger. (smirks)
Earth : (scoffs) your just a bunch of girls trying to make some money.
Ryunjin : oppsie~
Boun and kai found them and saw them talking with itzy , they ran towards them and stood there.. boun went and kissed prem and pulled him by his waist which made ryunjin angry.. kai went and hugged jennie and holded her by her waist.
Lia : aww come on, we are just talking to them.. (pout)
Boun : baby , did they do anything to you? (softly)
Ryunjin : whos baby?
Boun : who do you think im talking to?!
Prem : they did nothing hia , dont worry (smiles)
Boun : (smiles)
Ryunjin : ugh!
Kai : you exactly have 3 seconds to get out of my face before i shoot you all
kai said it menacingly , the smirks wipe off itzy's face as they back away , knowing not to mess with them.. kao , chanyeol ran to them and hugged them.. they went to the parking lot and saw itzy leave, they go home, not knowing something bad happened.
''JUNGKOOK!!!'' Taehyung screamed his lungs out , he ran and shoved jungkook to the side but the bullet through near jungkook's rib cage which made him stumble and fall on his knees. bright let out another bullet, the lead bullet exposed into the bare chest of taehyung. all this happened in a second , before bright could shoot another bullet , he got shot by sehun and D.O. '' TAEHYUNG , TAE'' everybody screamed , jungkook who was in the ground in pain , saw his tae in his own pool of blood. ''TAE , BABY!!'' Jungkook screamed forgetting his pain and misery , he crawled to taehyung and pulled him to his lap and his head was on his lap. everyone fell on their knees beside them , with wet eyes.
Jungkook : L-love.. b-baby .. can you hear me? .. why..WHY..I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE SHOT.. WHY DID YOU COME IN BETWEEN!!!.. WHY.. WHY TAE.. BABY.. WAKE UP!!!! dont you dare close your eyes! wake up!! PLEASE!
jungkook screamed with pain , he cried with all his heart, he felt his world shattering into pieces , he cant imagine his life without taehyung. he shut his eyes closed and hugged taehyung hard and cried. tears flowing nonstop, the others stood there , frozen.. tears didnt stop. it was unexpected. no one wanted this! they couldnt imagine all this. a broken voice was heard. hope was washed over them..
Taehyung : K-koo-kie..
Jungkook : l-love? tae.. why did you do this? taebear.. please dont leave me..
Taehyung : i-i can-t aff-or-d to l-lose y-you (i cant afford to lose you)
taehyung's breathe hitched causing his eyes to close tight, he was breathing with so much pain. jungkook's crying got worse when taehyung coughed and blood flowed out of his mouth.
Jungkook : b-baby.. CALL THE AMBULANCE!!!!
he shouted averting his eyes to his D.O , who was no better state than him.
D.O : i-i did c-call
Jungkook : l-ove ...hold one.. i wont lose you , i cant survive.. why did you do this...WHY..
Taehyung : b-beca-use.. this..i-is.. better...t-than..d-dy-dying..i-in.. yo-ur.. a-arms..
Sehun : dont say this tae.. please dont.. (crying hard)
Xiumin : the are on their way.. hold on tae..
Taehyung : k-oo-k aghhh (coughs blood)
Jungkook : TAE.. taebear.. please hold.. d-dont t-ta-lk
jungkook blabbered in panic..
Taehyung : P-lease.. L-is-ten.. t-o.. m-e
taehyung lifted his weak and fragile arm , and reached to jungkook's face and slowly caressed his cheeks with a faint smile and tears that kept flowing..
Taehyung : my..ex-istance.. was..mere..un-like..a-nyone..e-else..bu-t.. you ..made..m-me.. fee-l p-re-cious.. (heavy breathing) i..w-was.. th-e.. happ-iest.. when..i-i was..w-ith you.. t-thank you..i love you..k-oo-kie
Jungkook : lov- TAE!!!! TAEHYUNG!!!!!!!
everybody screamed their lungs out which echoed.. taehyung's hand fell down.. his eyes were closed..
its so painful to see your love dying in your arms but all he could do is treasure their last moment together which you are living with the one who will be no longer in your arm , who will no longer be there with you , who you loved so much. there is no pretending , i will love you and i will love you until i die, and if there is life after that then i will love you. my last wish before dying will be to see you in front of me while your hands are on mine.
end pov