Hi my name is Quinn and i have the best daddy in the world. He spoils me so much. I have my own room and my own credit card to shop whenever I want. i was currently laying on my bed playing on my laptop when I heard the front door shut. I ran downstairs to see daddy home early.
"Hi daddy" I squeal
He ignores me and goes to office slamming the door shut. I flinched and went to sit outside his office. I heard him yelling on his phone and then it got quiet. I must have feel asleep outside the door cause I heard the door open. I sat up and looked at daddy.
"Daddy" I say
"Go to your cage" He says
I gasped and frowned. My cage was in the basement cause I haven't used it since daddy bought me.
"But daddy" I whine
"Go now" HE shouts
"No" i snap
He glares at me and yanks me up by my hair. I scream and thrash around and he drags me to the playroom. He shoves me in and cuts all my pretty clothes from my body. He chains me up and walks away.
Jacob's POV (daddy)
After what Trent had told me I was pissed cause he showed me proof. We were aloud to reat out hybrids the way we wanted but we weren't aloud to let them have access to our money. We weren't aloud to treat them with respect. I was so pissed that I let that little shit worm his way in my heart. So when I go home I ignored the pest and went to my office. When I left he was outside my office. I tried to be nice but trent was right he is spoiled. I drug him to the playroom and chained him there and walked out. I walked to his room and looked around. I picked up my phone and called my sister to come pick up everything to give to my niece. When she arrived I told her what happened and she gave me some advice. I took it and helped her load everything.
"I'm serious get another hybrid. it will teach him" She tells me
I nod and kiss her cheek and she leaves. I go down and bring his cage up and place it in his isolation room. I walk back to the playroom and unchain him. I drag him and show him his room.
"You are at slave status again. You will follow the sub rules or be punished everything you mess up. Now your cage is in your isolation room go to it and lock yourself in. I have a date to go on" I tell him
He sniffles but doesn't move. I back hand him and he falls to the ground.
"Go now' I shout
He still doesn't move so I grab his tail and drag him kicking and screaming to his cage. I throw him in and lock it. I turn and walk out closing the door leaving him in the dark. I walk out and get ready and head to the date Trent set me up on. He was a submissive and his name is kellin. I arrive at the restaurant and take a seat. I wait for twenty minutes and a little sub runs in.
"Sorry i'm late." he says bowing his head
"it's quiet alright. I haven't been waiting long. take a seat" I tell him
He nods and takes a seat and smiles.
"So tell me about yourself." I tell him
"Well My name is Kellin. I'm 22, I'm a sub, i've one Dom." He says
"And why did it end?" I ask
"He didn't want me anymore. Said he found someone better" He says lowly
"Speak up when I speak to you. I need to know these things. I know it may be hard but you have to talk about it" I tell him
"Yes Sir. Now why don't you have a submissive?" he asks
"I haven't had one in two years. I have hybrid at home that took care of that but I realized recently i've spoiled him so that changed today. i want a submissive again." I tell him
"Would I live with you?" he asks
"Yes. If you sign the contract you will move in right away. Of course I will pay for your apartment so if we end the contract you will have your home to go back to. Of course you won't work so if the contract ends i'll give you a certain amount of money to hold you over til you find a job." i tell him
"can I see the contract?" He asks
I nod and pull it out and pass it to him along with a pen. We sit there for thirty minutes while he reads it. He crosses some things out and writes in some things. He passes it to me and I read it over and write a few things of my own and slide it back to him.
"before you sign. I wish to get my hybrid pregnant. I can give him the medicine that will make the baby human. Are you ok taking care of a baby while your my submissive?" i ask
"Of course. I love children. My brother is gay and marries. He was one of the lucky ones that could get pregnant" He mumbles
"You mean the men in your family can get pregnant?" I ask shocked
"Yes. My brother and my father could get pregnant" He says sadly
"And you want kids?" I say
"Of course. wish they would actually be mine but I'm not the lucky one" He says forcing a smile
I nod and he signs the contract and pushes it to me. I stand and pay the bill and motion for him to follow me. He follows me to my car and I open his door. I get in and look at him.
"tell me where you live and you can grab some things. We will go shopping tomorrow for the rest." I tell him
"Um just go down and stay on the main road for about 5 miles and then take a left at the second light and I live in those apartments." he tells me
"Alright. why don't you read over my rules so that's one less conversation for tonight. If you see one and have a question just ask" i say
He nods and starts reading over the rules. I drive to his apartment and I give him five more minutes to finish.
"I'm really not into wearing girls clothes but I like panties better than boxers. The other stuff I don't like. Well I like the sweats but that's it. I prefer daddy over master. Of course I can use Sir if we go to the club. Master is a tough word for me right now. So it will be on the red list til i'm more comfortable" He says
"I'm alright with that." I tell him
"Are you opposed to animals?" He asks
"Why?" I ask
"Well I have fish and I'm set up for a home visit for a husky. I didn't plan on getting another Dom so soon and I wanted the company" he tells me honestly
"I have no problems with a dog but it's your responsibility to take care of it. Of course I will buy the things it needs but you are to clean up after it" He tells me
"Of course. Would you like to come in or wait?" He asks
I open my door and step out and follow him up. He unlocks his door and walks in. It takes him about twenty minutes to get his things and then I notice his huge tank.
"I will have someone come move it so it arrives safely and we don't lose anyone" I say cracking a joke
He giggles and suddenly is full blown laughing. I chuckle and take his bag and lock his door. When we finally made it back to the house the maids and butlers were running around like crazy.
"What's going on Rose?" I ask
"We can't find Quinn" She says nervously
"he is locked away in his cage. I put new rules in the kitchen. Go by the new rules. Rose this is Kellin and my new Sub. He will be here from now on. Kellin this is Rose my main maid. If you have questions or need anything just ask her. She lives here in another wing. Rose could you whip up a snack while I get him settled?" I ask
"Of course sweetheart. And call your mother as soon as your done. If you don't she gave me permission to beat you til you call her" She says smiling
"I'll call her when i'm done I promise" I say
she nods and pats Kellin's cheek and walks away. Kellin smile falls a little and I pull him along. I push open Quinn's old room and let Kellin inside.
"We can paint it if you would like" I tell him
"No it's ok. I like the purple. It's actually my favorite color" He says smiling
"I have a new bed and stuff coming tomorrow. Tonight you can sleep with me or on the couch if your not comfortable yet" I explain
"I can sleep with you." he says
I nod and he places his bag down and walks over to the balcony doors and opens them. He steps out and smiles.
"You like?" I ask
"Oh yes. This is the favorite part of my apartment. I like having my morning tea on the balcony." he says
"Well let Rose know and what time you would like it and she will make sure you get it. Also if you allergic to anything let her know and she will let the chef know." I say
"I'm not allergic to anything that I know of." He tells me
I nod and grab his hand and lead him through the house showing him things.
"Now how is my position over the hybrid going to work since I will be here with him all day?" Kellin asks
"You will be his Dom when i'm gone. When I'm here we are equal to him but your my Sub" I explain
He nods and Rose walks in with a slice of cake for us and some drinks.
"Thank you" Kellin says
"Your welcome sweetie" She says and leaves
We sat there chatting and eating cake when I decided to introduce Quinn to Kellin.
"Come with me" I tell him
"Ok" he says nervously
"Now before Introduce you two I want you to act like my boyfriend not just my submissive in front of him. I need to get him to understand i will never be with him like that" I say
He nods nervously and I walk away and come back dragging Quinn.
"Quinn this is my boyfriend Kellin. He will also be your master when i'm not here. If you disobey him he will punish you how he sees fit." I explain to him
"But daddy" Quinn whines
I pop him in the mouth hard and he sucks in a breath.
"It's master you slave." I say harshly
"But your my daddy" Quinn whines
I pop him in the mouth again and this time I see blood.
"I am your Master. You will have my baby and Kellin will raise it. You won't be aloud around it. Once you have my child I will dispose of you once and for all" I tell him
Now he starts crying. I wink at Kellin and smirk at his shocked face.
"Go back to your cage" I tell Quinn
He runs off crying and Kellin just sits there shocked.
"your not really going to dispose of him are you?" He asks nervously
"Of course not. I just wanted to scare him. Baby i'm not that harsh if anything i'll sell him to a breeding farm so he isn't killed and will live a long life" I tell him
He nods still nervous and I grab his hand.
"I promise we will look together to rehome him" I say
He nods and gives my hand a gentle squeeze.
"Come on you. Let's get you in bed. We have a big day tomorrow" I say picking him up