S2E3? when Rachel and Eugene rescued Miles from that guy. What if Charlie had rescued him, instead? Read to find out what happens.
A/N: I made this, because someone on Fanfiction.net requested for me to write a Revolution story, in which Miles/Charlie fall in love, despite being related. I hope you enjoy. I wrote this at about midnight.
It was a dark night, as Miles tried to get out of the restraints. He needed to get out and get the tube out of his arm, before it was too late. They were slowly draining him of his blood, because there was no cure, as far as that woman's husband knew, from the poison. So, because he wanted to keep her alive as long as he could, he was using the prisoners' blood to restore her poisoned blood stream. The guy was blinded so much that he had and would, kill people to keep her alive as long as he could. Miles, on the other hand, knew that someone with poison in his or her bloodstream wouldn't live. It was useless to try.
The woman's husband left the room, leaving only one guy there to watch over his wife and Miles.
Despite his efforts to get out of the restraints, he couldn't. One hand was hurt and he was starting to feel light-headed and weak.
Once Charlie found the place and found a way in, which was to silently remove the floor vent, she saw the scene. And once she was in the room, she silently snuck up behind the guy and killed him with her sword by slashing his throat open.
Once by the table, she started working on undoing the restraints as quickly as she could.
Miles felt a little weak, as she started getting the restraints off him and the tube out of his arm, but he had to get April out one way or another.
"April's here. We have to get her out of here," he informed her.
Charlie knew he was right, as she helped him slowly to his feet, an arm around him, his arm around her shoulders.
"What about her?" Charlie asked, referring to the sick woman lying in bed.
"She won't make it. She's poisoned. We can't do anything for her," he informed her.
Knowing he knew best, even at his worse, she didn't argue with him.
Once they were out of the room with the men all killed, they were able to get April out of the cage and went back towards the room, before disappearing the same way Charlie had appeared.
Soon, they were on the road, them in the cart attached to the horse, April riding the horse on the way back to where they were all staying at.
"Thanks. You saved my life," Miles said to her.
She gave him a smile, looking at him.
"You know I'd do anything for you, Miles," she replied to him.
He gave her a small smile.
"I know."
They leaned towards each other, seated next to each other.
A moment later, they were kissing.