Summary: Set in S1. What if Charlie was captured and tortured by the Militia without Bass' knowledge? Will he find out and stop it in time?
General Sebastian Monroe was in his room at the Monroe headquarters. He was seated at his desk writing in a brown book, hand gun on his desk on the right.
Sebastian looked up when one of his men walked in with an envelope.
"A letter for you, sir."
Monroe took it.
"Thank you."
He watched the guy leave and close the doors, before he opened the letter. As soon as he saw the first few words, he knew it was from Miles. And this is what it read:
You know I wouldn't be writing to you if it wasn't urgent. I know after everything, we both will do anything for family. Bass, Charlie is missing. We've been looking for her for days. I can only guess that she was taken by Militia. If our friendship means anything, help me find Charlie. When you find her, bring her safely back home to me.
Bass set it down on his desk in thought. He knew Miles was right. Miles was always right. And Miles would always be family to Bass, whether they were related or not. They had saved one another several times in the past. Bass had saved Miles when Miles had been hurt twice, and Miles had saved Bass from himself. Miles was all Bass had now. Sure, he was general of the Militia, but that didn't count. Not when Miles wasn't there to share it all with him. He and Miles would do anything for one another, so Bass knew he had to do this for Miles.
Bass headed out of his room to see if she was there without his knowledge.
Monroe would never admit it out loud, but he did care about Charlie. She was a part of Miles and Rachel's family and he cared about both Rachel and Miles; even if he hadn't shown it to Rachel since the blackout.
As he walked down halls, he looked through the little window in each door in each prison room that held a few people. Some were rebels that were being held there, but others were Militia soldiers that had to be dealt with as soon as possible, or they would get out of his hands. It was his responsibility to keep everyone in line now, because Miles was no longer a part of the Militia. He hadn't been a part of the Militia for five years now. It was hard for Bass though, because everything was on his shoulders. He missed the carefree life he once had, but he felt that he couldn't leave the Militia or everything would collapse. That's why he stayed. Not only that; He stayed because Miles had made the Militia. If it wasn't for him, the Militia wouldn't exist in the first place. Besides, everything Bass did, he did for Miles.
He stopped at the torture room where he had once had Nora tortured for information about the whereabouts of where Miles was located at. But now Nora wasn't there, because Nora was with Miles and as happy and healthy as she could be with him. Now he saw that Charlie had taken Nora's place in that room and she wasn't looking too good at all.
General Monroe opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind himself. And as he closed it, the three Militia soldiers, one that included Tom Neville, looked at him, knowing they were in deep trouble about now. But the soldiers didn't even know how the General knew that she was here in the first place.
"Gentlemen," he said.
"Let me explain," Tom requested of him.
"Tom, you may go and I will deal with you another time."
Tom left the room, closing the door behind himself without another word.
"As for you two, there's only one thing I can do. You're being denounced. Go home and join what you have left of family. I don't want to see or hear of you ever again. Now go."
Bass watched them leave, closing the door behind themselves, before going to Charlie Matheson's side where she sat, head down, tied to a wooden chair, scratches and wounds in a few places.
He untied her hands and feet, before gently picking her up in his arms and leaving the room with her, heading back to his room.
Once in his room, he layed her gently down in his bed and started to carefully tend to her wounds and scratches with what he had of a first-aid kit. He didn't have much, but it was better than nothing at all. And once he had finished, he sent for some food and something to drink for her, guessing how badly she had been treated by his own men.
When the food had arrived, he thanked the soldier and sent him out of his room, before going to care for her again. He knew if she were to get better, it would be with some food, drinks, and a lot of rest. After that, he would take her back to Miles. And in the meantime, he would give Tom a firm talking to, if that.
He sat down on her bedside with a bowl of Chicken Noodle soup and a cup of milk on the end table by the bed.
A moment afterwards, she slowly came to.
"Welcome back to the present," he greeted.
"Monroe?" she weakly questioned.
"I know. You're surprised to see me after everything I've done and after what my soldiers did to you. Those were not my orders. I didn't even know you were here until I got a letter from Miles. He said he thought you might've been taken, so I looked into it. As long as you're a part of Miles and Rachel's family, you're my family too. If anyone tries anything like that again, I swear I'll kill them. Now please eat," he said to her.
She saw the food and immediately felt hungry. She had to eat or she would stay as weak and helpless as she was. But she wanted to know if Monroe was telling the truth. And when she looked at him, she saw that he was. She saw sympathy, worry, and love on his face.
She sighed.
"Fine," she replied, starting to sit up in bed.
The general helped her sit up and then handed her the bowl of soup.
As she ate, he watched her.
I promise you, I will take you home to Miles as soon as you feel better, and I will never let you get hurt or anyone lay a hand on you again, he thought to himself. He then added to him, I sound like a protective father. I'm not her father. I'm not even a friend to her or blood related family. I know she hates me, but I have to do what I can for her. She's like family to me just as much as Miles. I won't let her be hurt or killed as long as I'm in power. She will not come to any sort of harm if I can help it.
When she finished, he took the bowl from her and gave her the glass of milk, before setting the empty bowl back on the end table. He then watched her again.
He knew it was strange to her for him to care so much about her, but he didn't rightfully care.
When she was finished with the glass, he set it back down on the end table and helped her lay back down.
"Feel better soon, Charlie. Regain your strength and I'll take you back to Miles," he told her, before getting to his feet and adding, "I'll be back as soon as I can. I have some unfinished business to deal with."
She silently watched him leave the room and close the doors behind himself, before sleep over took her.
Sebastian found Tom Neville outside and spoke to him in a corner by a wall away from the other soldiers.
"What am I going to do with you, Tom? I could kill you and do whatever I want with your family, or I can send you home. I could even do worse things to you than you've done to Charlie. I will not let anything happen to Charlie or any of the other Mathesons, nor that rebel Nora. Understood?"
"I can explain," he insisted.
"You can't, Tom. Whatever you have against Miles has made you go overboard. You will return to your family and leave this town. I will not see you nor hear of you ever again unless it's for a good reason. Now go."
"Yes, sir," he replied, before leaving to go get his wife and his only son, Jason Neville.
When he returned, the general saw her asleep in his bed, so he silently closed the doors and went to sit in his desk. He kept alert for when she awoke again, though. He would not leave his room unless there was a cause to.
He took his pent and started writing in the brown book again.
When Charlie was herself again a few weeks later, Monroe kept his promise to her to take her home to Miles. And when he did, Miles thanked him for returning his niece. They then watched Monroe go back to the Militia headquarters in Philly.