Summary: This is Mile's story from beginning to the end. Hope you enjoy.
My name is Miles Matheson and I am the former general of the Militia. Bass and I made the Militia in the beginning days of the blackout. Things were very different for everyone before the blackout, though.
When we were kids, Bass and I shared a love for Rachel. Back then, Ben and Rachel weren't married. They were just dating. And then there was the night Ben passed out on the couch after drinking too much.
Rachel and I were in the kitchen talking when we suddenly started to kiss. But after that, nothing happened.
A few years later, they got married.
When Sebastian Monroe and I were younger, he lost his family. He didn't have his wife and kids anymore. And then I found him by their graves one night, a gun in hand, crying. I knew what he was attempting to do.
"I have nothing left," I remember him telling me.
"You have me. After all, what would I be without you?" I remember replying to him.
That night, I saved him from himself.
A year later, we went to war together. We fought like hell and watched out for one another. But then I was shot.
I remember looking at him and saying, "You gotta go, Bass."
I remember him looking at me and saying, "If you're dying, I'm dying with you." And then I survived and we both went back home to Georgia.
A year later, Charlie and Danny were born. I used to visit sometimes, but only when I could.
When Charlie, Ben and Rachel's daughter, was four years old, I gave her a ride in my car and sang along with the music I had playing. I was such a terrible singer that she just kept laughing at me. How sweet that memory is to me.
The night of the blackout, Ben, my brother, called me to warn me about it.
"Benjamin, hey," I remember greeting him.
"Where have you been?" I remember him asking. And then he told me, "Listen to me. Everything will turn off and it will never turn back on."
"What are you talking about? What's going to turn off?" I remember asking, before he started breaking up. "Ben? Did I lose you, Ben?"
A few minutes later, my phone turned off. Then all the cars turned off. And then I remember Bass and I getting out of my car and looking at the line of cars. Then I remember looking at Bass and asking, "What the hell just happened?"
After the blackout, people fled to the country. I never saw my family again for a very long time, so Bass and I were on our own. We worked together to survive.
One day, we ran into a guy getting beaten up by another guy. The other guy's pal, I guess that's what he was, was looking through the guy's stuff. I remember shooting both of them to help the guy. And then Bass asked me, "What did you do?" I then remember telling him, "How many bodies have we passed, Bass? No one is coming to help. If someone doesn't do anything, then there's gonna be nothing left." I then remember us helping the guy, we found to be Jeremy.
A few months later, we worked together and made the Militia. I'm the one that made the rules and trained them. Both Bass and I were general of the Militia. It started as a sort of government—like an organization to keep people in line, but then Bass ruined it. He changed everything after a rebel guy bombed the diner we had been eating dinner at. I got hurt and Bass thought he had to go out on revenge. He did it by killing the rebel guy and the rebel guy's wife and kids. He screwed up, but I still had his back.
When I was still general, Rachel came to me to help me find out how to turn the power back on. Ben, Charlie, and Danny were far away. Not even Rachel knew where they were at. She never said how to bring the power back on, though. And you know why? Because she's stubborn and didn't want the Militia to have it, because she knew what the Militia could do with that kind of power.
I remember the day I went to get her family. We couldn't find them anywhere, so I asked her, "Where's your family, Rachel?"
"With luck, long gone. Do you think we don't hear the stories? General Matheson; child and parent killer. We are ashamed to call you a part of our family."
I remember getting her up against a car, hand around her throat, saying, "That's not what you used to say about me."
After that, I took her to the headquarters and we tried to get her to tell us how to get the power back on, but she never told us.
One night, I stood in front of the foot of Bass' bed. I knew Bass wouldn't change what he was becoming. I was silent, as I tried to get the guts to do what I felt I had to do; kill him to stop him. But then he woke up to see me standing there. And that's when I pulled the gun on him. I couldn't pull the trigger though, so I left the Militia. I left all that I had created and cared about, including Rachel and Nora and Bass, to go into hiding and hope to never see my best friend again.
When I reached Chicago, I sent a telegram to Ben to tell him what was going on, where I was, and that I was safe.
Ten years later, Charlie and the others came to Chicago to find me. Charlie told me that Ben told her to find me, because I was the only hope they had to get Danny back from the Militia. I didn't want to go, but Charlie made up my mind.
I remember asking her, "And why would I do that?"
I remember her telling me, as she tried not to cry, "Because we're family."
I couldn't argue with that so Charlie, Maggie, Aaron, and I left Chicago to find Danny. And during that time, Nora became a part of our group. Then Maggie died after some dogs attacked, and Jason helped look after Charlie, even though he's part of the Militia.
Later on, Charlie and Jason fell in love and we got Danny back. We even got Rachel back.
Recently, I, along with the others, have lost Nora. She was my true love and best friend and I lost her. She was killed, helping us fight Militia and turn the power back on. The only thing I have left is family and friends. Even Bass is my friend and family. I rescued him after the Militia imprisoned him in their camp outside the tower.
Now we have worse problems to solve. Tom Neville is the new Militia general and he wants Bass and the rest of us dead. And Jason is with Tom, his father. I can only imagine what's going on inside Charlie's head. She loves him, but he's with the Militia. Rachel and I are the only family she has left. Ben and Danny were both killed by the Militia. I can't help her now, though. All I can think about is Nora. How am I supposed to do the things I have to do to help her and the others without Nora? I need time to heal, but I can't. We have to keep moving, no matter what any of us feel. I can't help but to recall what Nora said a few days before we got to the tower.
"One of us will end up watching the other die," I remember her telling me when we were in a room on a boat. And she was right. Before we got to the infirmary in the tower, she died in my arms. I've seen death; hell, I killed fathers and sons and daughters and so on; but Nora's death is a devastation to me. I know it shouldn't be, though. So this is my story.