Summary: Set in 1x20 "The Dark Tower" finale scene where Bass, Miles, and Nora got shot in the tunnel, but revised. Bass, Miles, and Nora get hurt. Will they live?
It was a beautiful day, as the three former friends, two of which were ex generals of the Militia, stood by the water in the dark tunnel. There was only one way inside the building that held the tower; the door.
Miles and Bass looked at one another.
"You're the general. How many are in there?" Miles asked his best friend.
"I don't know. Between ten and twenty men I guess. I'm not in charge of them. Apparently, Tom Neville is."
"And that makes things much more worse. I guess we'll need a plan then," Miles replied. "Any bright ideas, genius?"
Suddenly, the door opened to reveal people dressed in black, each with a coil gun in hand.
A moment later, gun shots pierced the air, as Nora and the former generals ran towards the water for cover, each at different times and speed.
Before any of them could get in the water, they were hit by bullets.
Nora Clayton was the first to get shot and fell to the ground with a cry of pain from her right leg.
A moment after she fell, she heard Miles yell, "Nora!"
A moment later, Sebastian Monroe was at her side with a worried face, as he knelt beside her, shielding her from any more bullets, one arm wrapped around his waist, which told her he was hurt. He didn't give away any sign of pain to her, though.
Sebastian Monroe made sure Nora didn't get shot more, not really caring that he was getting his own self shot even more in the back. He was in pain, but didn't let Nora see it. She was an old friend of his. He didn't want her to die. He would rather die than for Nora to. She had something to live for and people to look after. Bass had nothing. His family had been dead since before the blackout. Plus, because of everything he had done, he was hated with a dark passion. Death would be a gift in his point of view.
Despite getting shot in his left side, Miles continued to run towards his friend and whatever Nora was to him. She had been a lover in the past, but even though they were in love, they weren't together. And as he made it towards them, the people left and he knew how bad it was for Bass.
"Thank you," she said to Sebastian.
"Anytime, Nora. You're still my friend, even though I didn't show it the last time we were in a room together. I'm sorry for that, by the way."
"I think what you just did makes up for the past and recent events, though I can't speak for others," she told him, before he left her side so Miles could take a look at her.
Miles knelt beside her and surveyed her leg wound.
"We should be more careful," Miles told her.
Bass watched them from where he sat, back against the wall, not far from the door, as everything started to go black.
"Miles," Nora said, once his jacket was around his waist to keep himself from losing too much blood, and Nora's jacket was tied around her leg to staunch the bleeding.
"I know. Bass. I had to take care of you first, though. You're one of my best soldiers."
"Go help Monroe. I'll be right behind you," she assured him.
Miles got to his feet and rushed towards and knelt in front of his friend.
"Stay with me, Bass."
Sebastian Monroe kept his eyes closed, not saying anything, as he felt darkness closing in.
Miles gently layed him down on his back on the ground and put a couple fingers to the side of his neck, feeling for a pulse. At the same time, he bent down close, listening for breathing. He heard shallow breathing and felt a pulse. His best friend was still alive.
Nora stood at Miles' side.
He looked up at her.
"He's still alive."
He looked down at Bass and gently took his jacket off to staunch the bleeding of his wounds.
Charlie , Aaron, and Rachel were in a room, when they heard footsteps and the sound of someone stumbling. They knew it couldn't be the Militia or Grace's friends, so they figured it had to be Miles and Nora.
When Charlie opened the door, there they were. It wasn't just Miles and Nora, though. Monroe was there and both of them were trying to hold him up while walking.
"Miles," she said, as she kept the door open, seeing that all of them needed the infirmary. She could care less about Monroe, though.
As Nora helped Miles lay Monroe down on the floor on his back, Charlie closed the door and then walked over to her uncle, as he got to his feet.
"What the hell, Miles?" she questioned.
"Grace's friends shot us. We owe Monroe Nora's life though, since he saved her from getting shot worse. We need the infirmary," he summarized.
"I'll go. I know what to get and where it is," Rachel announced.
He looked at Rachel.
"Go then. And take Nora with you."
He watched as they silently left the room, closing the door behind themselves.
"Miles," Charlie said, gentle hands on his face.
He felt blood where his jacket was and looked down at his jacket, and then back at his niece.
"Charlie," he said, feeling light-headed and knowing what was wrong. He knew he would die from blood loss in an hour or so, if Nora and Rachel didn't get back in time. His jacket was soaked in his own blood.
She took her hands away from his face and put an arm around him, knowing she couldn't help him by just standing around. She had to get him to the floor and take a look at the damage, though she had a guess that it was a deep gun shot wound. She wanted to cry, but didn't. She knew that wouldn't help her uncle. And as she got ready to help him to the floor, he started to collapse. And as he started to, she slowly and gently got him on his back on the floor. She then knelt at his side and took his jacket off to see the wound.
Miles layed there weakly, as he watched her take the jacket off to see the deep wound. And then he saw her take her jacket off and use it to apply pressure to his wound. He knew if he wasn't so weak, it would hurt like hell. But he was glad he wasn't in pain.
Aaron stood in a corner silently, not knowing what to do. He wasn't a doctor and didn't know any first aid. He was just a technology nerd. In times like these, he was useless to the group. All he could do was stand there and watch.
Charlie looked down at her uncle, as she applied pressure to his wound. He looked weak, exhausted, and out of fight. She knew he was dying, but she'd do anything to keep her uncle alive. She didn't know what she'd do without him. She knew for a fact though, that she and her mom would kill each other without him to keep them calm.
When Nora and Rachel returned and Miles was seeing spots in his vision, he spoke.
"Help Bass."
Rachel obeyed him, while Nora knelt by Charlie at Miles' side.
When Bass came to, he was in a room with Rachel at his side, and he felt better. She was upset though, and he knew very few things could upset Rachel.
"Rachel?" he said with question in his eyes.
"Miles," she stated, before getting to her feet.
At his name, Bass knew something was wrong. Miles must've been shot, too. But he had to see for himself, so he turned his head to look. And the truth there was that Miles was dying.
He knelt by Miles whom was about to black out any second.
Miles looked at Bass.
"Miles," Bass said.
Rachel and Nora finished taking care of his wound, as Miles and Bass talked.
Bass knew it was best to keep Miles talking so they wouldn't lose him.
A few hours later, Miles was okay and feeling like himself again.