Summary: Set in S1 and 2, but mostly in S2. Here’s a look at how Bass learns to like Charlie and how Charlie learns to trust and respect Bass. Is there something more than friendship going on between them, though?
A/N: My very first Barlie fanfic, leading up to romance.
Ch.1: Children of Men
Bas couldn’t figure out what Miles saw in his niece until today. If things weren’t so out of control, or almost out of control, he would’ve enlisted her to become a member of the militia. She was strong, brave, selfless, a fighter, and was ready to die if need be. She didn’t even look afraid; not when he had introduced himself to her and not with a gun in her face. He admired her for all of that. She had a lot of Miles and Rachel combined in her. She was amazing and probably very talented. She was willing to fight for what was important and wasn’t afraid to stand up against even the militia, to do that. She was fearless.
Ch. 2: The Dark Tower
Bass left the room with Rachel to go save Charlie’s life, as promised. He never went back on his word. And as he headed towards the scene, Rachel behind him, he knew that if he hadn’t come; if he was a few minutes later, Charlie would’ve been killed.
He stopped walking and pulled the trigger on the coil gun, just as the guy was about to kill Charlie who was stuck with a metal shelf on top of her.
After the guy was dead, he walked through the white smoke to look at her.
“Hello, Charlotte. A thank you would be nice,” he greeted her.
She just looked up at him in silence and, as Rachel helped Aaron get the shelf off Charlie, he walked away to leave them be.
Ch.3: Love Story
“Morning, sunshine,” Bass greeted, once she was awake.
Last night, he had seen them tie her up like they had him. He figured she was running away from her mom and, if he knew her well enough, he figured she was probably trying to kill him until the bounty hunters had captured her.
Soon, one of the bounty hunters came in to tend to her wound and, after she had warned him that Monroe would escape and then they’d have nothing, the twenty sum year old guy said, “I like it better when you weren’t talking,” before leaving.
Bass and Charlie looked at each other, before she started a banter with him.
“You’re nothing,” she said at one point.
“You don’t know me Charlotte.”
“If you’re not going to put yourself out of your misery, I’d be happy to do it for you.”
“Wow. You know, you might be running away from your mom, but you sure sound a hell of a lot like her.”
He chuckled and gave her a smile.
She smiled back.
That night, he did escape and killed a guy before getting a run in with Charlie. He was able to get away from her, but her and the guy who had freed her, Bas found the next day after finding papers that said he and Rachel were on the wanted list.
After he informed Charlie and showed her the papers, they argued. Bass knew Charlie and her family needed his help, but they both knew they didn’t want it. Charlie didn’t even want his help. She was so stubborn-headed like her mom, Rachel, that she was going to go alone, back home.
“I’m leaving and when I’m gone, you won’t be able to track me, so if you want to stop me, you’ll have to shoot me.”
He didn’t want Charlie hurt, so all he could do was watch her walk away.
Ch.4: Patriot Games
It didn’t take long for him to track Charlie down. And when he did find her, she was at a bar in trouble. So he killed the few men who had poisoned her drink, before putting his swords away and going to her side. He then gently pulled her into his arms and left with her to get her safely to camp, once he found a good spot to make camp at.
As it poured cats and dogs, he sat on a log in front of the fire he had made, Charlie on the other side of the fire, on her back. He hoped that she would wake up soon. He didn’t want to have to force the canteen of water down her throat.
He knew he was in luck, when he saw her wake up and slowly start to sit up.
He tossed the canteen of water so it would land by her.
“Drink up. You have to flush the poison out of your system,” he told her.
Seeing him, she quickly sat up.
“Easy. Easy,” Bass instructed her.
“How long was I out?” she asked him, after drinking some water from the canteen, but not yet trusting him.
“A day. Don’t worry. I was a complete gentleman the whole time.”
“How’d you find me?”
“You’re not that hard to track, Charlie.”
“Why’d you save me?”
“A show of Faith. I need you to take me to Miles.”
“The poor, wounded Monroe thing. It’s pathetic. You say what you need to get what you want. Behind the mask you’re cold, empty, and a killer.”
“You’re right about one thing. I am good at killing. I’m very good. Even better when I’m with your uncle,” he replied.
Ch. 5: War And Peace
On the way to Willoughby, Texas to help stop the Patriots, Charlie and Bas found a new appreciation for each other. Bass even felt like they were friends now; maybe along the lines of something more than friends. Charlie learned a lot about Bass and from Bass on the way, too. After all, it wasn’t like they had anything else to say.
After they had arrived and helped defeat the Patriots, the city was finally at peace. Everyone could live their lives as they pleased.
It was a dark night upstairs in Eugene’s place, as Bas and Charlie went to be in the same room together. They had been keeping it a secret for almost a month, because they could pretty much predict what Miles and Rach would say, thin, and do. It was only a matter of time until they found out.
“How much longer do you think we can keep this up?” she asked him, as they lay in bed together.
“Well, if you want to tell them, be my guest, but you know what will most likely happen,” he replied, looking over at her.
“I know. It’s just the whole sneaking around. It’s like high school all over again.”
She chuckled and smiled at the thought.
He smiled back.
“We’ll tell them whenever you’re ready to. For now, get some sleep,” he replied.
“Okay. Good night. I love you,” she said.
“I love you, too,” he replied with a smile.
A moment later, they were kissing.