Summary: Set in the S1 finale "The Dark Tower." Bass gets hurt saving Charlie from that unnamed person. Will he be okay? Will Charlie be okay?
As Sebastian Monroe walked into what looked to be a storage room because of the metal shelf and other shelves that lined the wall, he saw Charlie Matheson sitting on the cement floor with the metal shelf half on her. A guy dressed in black stood by her with a hand gun, finger on the trigger, gun raised, ready to kill her.
Bass stood by the doorway by a wall, as he saw the scene.
"Get away from her," he warned the guy.
The guy faced him and trained the gun on Bass.
"Don't shoot," Bass said.
The guy was unfamiliar and wasn't Militia, though. So he didn't listen and fired.
Bass staggered back with a gun shot in his left leg.
Through the searing pain in his leg, knowing he couldn't let anything happen to Miles' niece, he glared at the guy he didn't know.
"Leave her alone," he repeated.
"Who are you to tell me what to do? You're not even the General Monroe of the Militia anymore. I don't have to follow your rules. I follow my own," he replied to Monroe.
So he knows me. I must be famous in even this part of the country. I'll have to teach him some manners, Monroe thought to himself.
Monroe stepped towards him, facing him just inches away.
"Now listen to me. I may not be the General anymore, but I play by the rules. When it comes to Miles' family, you leave them the hell alone."
They did a stare down with one another.
"Well, I don't," the guy replied. The guy pointed his gun at Bass again. "So, you'd do anything for Miles, even after everything you've done to everyone around you?"
"Hell, yeah."
The guy looked at Charlie and trained his gun on her again.
Sebastian Monroe grabbed his arm, twisting it away from her. And then they were fighting over the gun, Bass determined to save Charlie from a certain death, the guy determined to get rid of Bass and kill Charlie.
Suddenly, Bass felt another jolt of pain, as the gun went off, but kept on until he finally got the gun away and knocked the guy out. He then stumbled back and leaned against the wall by the door, hand to his gut wound. He had done it. He had saved Charlie; But with a price. He was hurt. Now he knew what Miles felt when he had been shot in the gut back in the war before the blackout happened.
This is it. I'm done for, he thought to himself.
Once she had the shelf off her, she made up her mind to help the guy that had just saved her life. She didn't' know why he had done it, but she had been paying attention to what had been going on and knew what he had said. He was doing it for Miles' sake, but she had seen that Monroe cared about her. She guessed she had to stop calling him Monroe though, because he wasn't a part of the Militia anymore as that guy had announced.
She ran towards him, as he sat with his back up against the wall.
She knelt in front of him.
He looked at her.
"I guess I'm dying then," he commented.
"You're not," she assured him, and then looked around at the shelves to see if there was anything to help staunch the bleeding or take care of the wound.
"You're just saying that," he told her.
She went to a nearby shelf and grabbed part of a white sheet. She figured it would work for now, so she headed back over to him.
She knelt down again.
He knew what she was attempting, so he took his hand away from his wound and she wrapped it around his waist, over the wound, and tied it there to hold it in place.
"Let's go," she said.
She helped him to his feet, an arm around him, his arm around her shoulders, and they both walked that way as they headed down the halls to go find out where Rachel and the others were hiding out at. They both knew it had to be in one of the rooms. And while they did that, they also went in search of the infirmary.
As they headed down yet another hall, they finally found the infirmary.
Once they entered, Charlie closed the door and Bass sat on a bed, while Charlie got the supplies she needed to help both of his wounds.
When his wounds were bandaged up, they left the infirmary and looked for Rachel and the others. That didn't take long, because they found Nora, Miles, Rachel, Aaron, and Aaron's wife in a room that had only one door.
Once they were inside the room, Aaron closed the door behind them. And then the questions started.
"What's he doing here?" Nora asked.
"Why are you here?" Rachel directly asked Bass.
"Why did you bring him here?" Aaron asked Charlie.
"Bass," Miles greeted, seeing the shape he was in. No matter what, he and Bass were still best friends. They would always and forever be brothers.
"He saved my life," Charlie answered Nora and Aaron.
"I saved your daughter," Bass answered Rachel.
Miles and Bass looked at one another knowingly.
Bass and Rachel looked at one another.
Everyone was silent, finally accepting the fact that Bass was a part of them now; especially, after Bass told them what had happened with him and the Militia, and what Charlie told them went on between them and the unknown guy.
Soon, everyone headed towards level twelve to turn the lights back on.