Summary: Set in S1E after Miles saved those people from dying in that building that was on fire. What if Bass had been shot worse than he had in the show, when that rebel guy took that shot? Will Miles care enough to help his best friend, or will he let him possibly die? Will Bass be okay? Read to find out what happens.
It was a dark night in a small town, as General Sebastian Monroe stood with a gun to Emma's head.
"Come on, Miles!" he urged.
Miles, Charlie, and one of the rebels were knelt behind a short, brick wall.
"I swear I'll shoot anyone who takes that shot," Miles warned them, when they insisted that they had to shoot, or they might not get another chance like this one again.
Charlie obeyed her Uncle Miles, knowing he wasn't joking.
Emma told Bass so only he could hear, "You're a father. You have a son."
Suddenly, the rebel guy aimed his gun and took the shot, just as Bass let her go and Emma had left.
Miles looked back at the rebel.
"I told you to hold your fire."
Miles cocked his gun, aiming it at the rebel, and shot the rebel dead. He then put his gun away and looked at his best friend, before getting to his feet. His best friend, he saw, was on his back on the ground in obvious pain. Miles knew what it felt like to get shot.
As Bass layed there in pain from being shot, he knew it wasn't from Miles. He knew Miles hadn't shot him, because something told him it hadn't been him. He trusted what his instincts told him, because it was the only guide he had left. He didn't know whom had shot him, but he didn't care, because he knew he would see his family again if he died. It brought him inner peace, as the pain from his gunshot wound continued, and he felt more of his own blood on his hand and the ground. And as his vision started to grow blurry, he saw Miles at his side.
"Charlie, go find a first-aid kit," Miles' voice said.
"What are you doing? I thought you were killing Monroe; not saving him."
"You don't understand, kid."
"You're right; I don't understand. First you want to kill him; then you want to save him."
"I promise I'll tell you later. Right now, I need you to do what I ask of you. Please, Charlie."
"Fine," he heard her say grudgingly.
Charlie left to obey her uncle, not understanding what the hell he was doing.
Miles looked down at him and used his hand to apply pressure to Bass' gut wound.
"Stay with me, pal. You'll be okay. You'll make it. You always do."
"Miles," Bass greeted in susurration.
"I'm here, Bass."
Charlie came back with what she could find of a first-aid kit and knelt by her uncle.
An hour later, Bass was in bed at the rebel camp, wound all taken care of, and feeling like himself again, when he woke up.