My name is Tate and I was kidnapped about two months ago. I didn't know why I was here. Today a man come in and drug me to the bathroom and shaved all the hair from my body except my head. He washed me and then dressed me in girls panties and nothing else. He clipped a collar on me and drug me somewhere. He pulled me up so steps and looked down at me.
"I'm taking you out there. Keep your head down and eyes on your feet. Do not look up or you will be punished" He snaps at me
I flinched and nodded and he drug me out onto a stage. I tensed up cause I was almost naked.
"Here we have number 23. He is a virgin. Very innocent. Mommy sheltered him. Knows little about sex. You could mold him into the perfect slave" A big man shouts
I tense cause I knew what a slave was.
"1 million" Someone shouts
"Sold" The big man shouts
I was drug off stage and was leaned on a wall. A man in a suit walked up to us and I kept my head down.
"Come pet" He says
I follow him outside and he shoves me in the backseat of a SUV. He gets in and closes the door.
"Home Devin" He says
"Yes sir" The man Devin says
"Now pet what is your name?" He asks me
"T-tate" I stutter out
"Alright. We will go over why I bought you when we get home. Now you may look up at me" He tells me
I peek up at him and he smirks and i fully lift my head. His jaw tenses and he reaches up to touch my face. I flinch thinking he was going to hit me and he sighs.
"I'm not going to hit you. What happened to your face?" He asks
"The guard hit me. I was crying last night."I whisper
"Why were you crying?" He asks
"The guard told me my mom sold me to the auction house" I say bowing my head
"And why would she do that?" He asks
"I don't know. I thought she loved me" I say looking out the window
He doesn't say anything after that so I stay quiet.
He was so scared and I liked him that way. We arrived at the house and I stepped out and he followed shyly. I grabbed him wrist and pulled inside and we went straight to my office. I push him into a chair and I take a seat behind my desk.
"So we will go over everything now. First off I bought you because my father thinks I need a girlfriend. What he doesn't know is that i'm gay. Secondly you will have rules and if you break them I will punish you how I see fit. you are never allowed in the basement for any means what so ever. Third you will sleep with me. I will give you your own room so you can have some privacy. As long as you behave you will like your stay here. Now I'm going to give you my laptop and let you order your clothes and shoes. Also order a laptop and phone you like. Don't worry about the price if you like it get it." I say
He nods shyly and I smirk.
"Can I go back to school?" He asks
"What grade did you finish?" I ask
"10th. I was kidnapped or so they say right before my Junior year" He says bowing his head
"I will enroll you in online classes. You can't go to public school cause someone could recognize you." I tell him
As he goes to speak my office door slams open and in strolls Vincent. Tate jumps in his seat and looks at me scared.
"Ooh look at the new little pet" Vincent says touching Tate's shoulder
Tate tenses and I nod for him to come to me. He stands up and Vincent snatches him back into his chest and I smirk. He runs his hands all over Tate who starts crying.
"Xan I see you got a new little slut. Wanna let me barrow him?" Vin asks
"No Vin. He's mine. Now release him" I say sternly
Vincent pouts and let's go and Tate runs over to me. I pull him in my lap and he curls into a ball. He was so tiny he looked like a child.
"Here babyboy do your shopping while we talk" I tell him
He peeks up at me and I nod at him and he nods back. He sits up in my lap and starts to look through things. I notice that he buys panties and girl clothes. I had no problem if he wanted to dress like that but I would have to watch him around the gang.
"Vin call a meeting. everyone needs to meet Tate and know the new rules" I tell him
"Of course. And Tate I was only joking with you. I'm Xander's best friend. I wouldn't do that to him or you" Vincent says
Tate looks at me and I nod and he smiles at Vin.
"Aw he's so adorable" Vincent says fangirling
"Stop squealing and go call the meeting" I tell him chuckling
He nods and walks out and comes back ten minutes later saying they were ready. I picked up Tate and carried him on my hip. he clung to me and I kissed his temple. He let out a cute yawn and laid his head in the crook of my neck. I walked into the living room to see the whole gang there.
"Boys this is Tate. Tate is mine. If I catch anyone doing anything they aren't suppose to with him it's your head. Understood?" I shout
Tate jumped and I rubbed his back calming him down.
"Yes boss." they say
"Now bring that baby into the kitchen and let me feed him" Greta our cook says
"Yes ma'am. Tate is there anything you want?" I ask him
"Cheeseburger" He whispers
Greta giggles at him and walks in the kitchen. I follow her and sit tate down on a stool. I go to back away and he clings to me.
"Tate your fine. Greta won't let them near you. She will beat them with her frying pans. I just need to go grab something and I'll be right back" I tell him
He nods slowly and let's go. I walk away and come back twenty minutes later to here Vincent snapping at Oscar.
"What the hell is going on?" my Voice booms
"Oscar here wasn't here for he meeting and decided to touch Tate. Now Tate is glued to Greta crying his eyes out" Vincent snaps
"Oscar do you know what happens when you touch my property?" I ask
HIs eyes widen and he gulps.
"I didn't know. I was only playing with him. and I only touched his shoulder asking his name and who he belonged to. I didn't mean to scare him. I just wanted to know since I had never seen him before." He rambles on
"Tate come here" i say
He shakes his head and I growl.
"Come here now" My voice booms again
He jumps and Greta walks him to me glaring at me. My eyes soften a tad and I pull him to me.
"I'm sorry" he sobs
I sigh and lift him in my arms and he clings to me.
"Oscar we will talk later in my office" I tell him
he nods and i walk away with Tate. I sit down on my bed with him in my lap and try to calm his shaking.
"Now what has you so upset?" I ask
"don't like people touching me" He whispers
"aw that's ok. But you have to be punished for not listening to me" I tell him
He starts shaking again and trying to pull away from me. I tighten my grip on him and frown.
"stop moving" I say sternly
He freezes and I pull him over my lap.
"You are getting five spanks. You will count them or I will start over" I tell him
He whimpers as I drag his panties down. I place one arm across his back and I bring the other down on his plump ass. he hisses and counts. after the five was done he was crying and clinging to me.
"I'm sorry daddy" He cries into my shoulder
I smirk knowing he has a daddy kink. I have on to but I didn't wanna bring it up til he was more comfortable with me. I rub his back and pull his panties up and he hisses. I pat his bum and then sit him on the bed. I walk in my closet and bring back a hoodie for him. I slip it on him and it was huge. It swallowed him whole and i grinned. I lifted him up and carried him back down stairs.
"Greta is it ready?" I ask her
She nods and brings it over and I sit Tate down on the stool and push his plate in front of him.
"Thank you" Tate say shyly
"Your welcome sunshine. Now eat up and then we will go over the foods you like and don't like and your snacks so I will have a list" She says
He nods slowly and inhales his food. He walks over and places his plate in the sink and comes to sit back down. He and Greta make a list of his favorite foods and then there is a knock on my door. I walk over and open it up to see my mother and father standing there with a girl. they come in and we go in the living room.
"Son we found your wife" My father says
I burst out laughing and my father glares at me.
"No I won't be marrying her" I tell him
"Yes you will" he snaps
"No the fuck I won't. And i'm GAY" I shout
He gasps and glares at me and I smirk.
"Daddy" I hear
"Come here baby" I tell him
He walks over and crawls in my lap.
"Mom this is Tate my boyfriend" i tell her
"Aw he is so cute. Hello sweetheart i'm Kate." She says
"Hello." Tate says smiling slightly
"Oh I can't wait to get to know you better. Oh can I take him shopping" Mom asks
"Let me get him settled first mom. He just moved in today" I tell her
"Fine. Next week maybe?" she asks
"Of course mom. Tate if you would like to decorate your room talk to my mom. She is a inhome designer." I tell him
"Oh I would love to help" She says
"Which room is mine?" Tate whispers
"Go to the third floor and pick one. Mom can you go with Tate. he is going to pick his room. Maybe you could help him" I suggest
She grins and stands up and Tate stands and walks out with my mom following him.
"How can you be with that?" My father snaps
"He is beautiful and I will be with who I want. don't like it get the fuck out and don't come back. this is my gang. I built it from the bottom up. Show some respect or I will have you thrown out on your lying cheating ass" i roar
I hear a gasp and I look over to see my mom standing there. Tears flood her eyes and my dad looks away guilty.
"Is it true?" My mom asks
My father doesn't say anything and my mom snaps.
"Is it fucking true?" She screams
My father jumps cause my mom never raises her voice or curses.
"Yes" He says not looking at her
"Xander sweetie care to give your mom a place to stay?" She asks
"Of course mom. Second floor pick towards the end of the hall. I will send someone to pack all your things and bring your car over." I tell her
"Kate" My dad says
"Don't not speak to me. My lawyer will be in contact tomorrow about the divorce. You will give me what I want and not complain or I will bring up you cheating and I will take everything" She roars
Tate squeaks and jumps behind her and she whirls around.
"It's ok baby. Your fine" i tell him
"Sorry don't like yelling" he says shyly
"It's ok. My father was just leaving" I say sternly
He walks out dragging the girl and i look at my mom. I walk over and hug her and she starts crying.
"I gave up everything for him." She cries
"Then get it back mom" I tell her
"I wanted to be a nurse" She says
"It's not to late. Your still young. Go back to school" tate says speaking up
My mom looks at him and smiles and pulls him into our hug. He hugs her back sighing and I smile.
"I think I will. Now Vincent get out here" My mom says
"Yes ma'am" he says
"Can you and someone go to my home and pack all my things and bring my car?" She asks
"Of course momma."He says
He walks away and mom gives me a sad smile and walks away.
"Alright you. We have a event to go to. I sent someone out to get the things you will need tonight. You will be on your best behavior and not talk unless I tell you that you can. If you disobey me you will not like what happens to you" I tell Tate
"Yes daddy" He whispers
I smirk and lead him to my room. i make him shower and then I lay out the clothes he needs to wear. He comes out wrapped in a towel and I yank it from him. He gasps and I smirk. He looks at the bed and picks up the butt plug and looks at it and then looks at me.
"It goes in your bum baby" I tell him
He blushes and puts it down and shakes his head.
"I'm going to put it in you. Bend over the bed. It is small and we will work up to a bigger size later on." I tell him
He whimpers but bends up and I lube up some fingers and push one in. He hisses and I smirk. I open his up enough and then lube up the plug and slide it in him. He screams out and I pull back. I stand him up and make him put on the panties and skirt followed by a crop top.
"Make up is over there. You have ten minutes and then meet me downstairs i'll have your shoes" I tell him
I walked out and downstairs and grabbed his shoes and a collar and leash. he came down a few minutes later and stood in front of me. I clipped on the collar and then the leash and handed him his shoes. he slipped them on and we headed to the car. We slid in the back and i could tell he was nervous.
"Now you know i'm a gangleader. We are going to a event tonight that sells slaves like yourself. You will not speak unless i say you can. If you break my rules I will punish you right there in front of everyone. Be on your best behavior" I tell him sternly
"yes daddy" he whispers
I nod and we arrive ten minutes later. I get out and Tate follows me. i walk in and everyone bows their head in respect and I walk over taking my seat. Once seated I made Tate kneel at my feet.
"Master Xander may I get you or slave a drink?" a young girl asks
"what is your name?" I ask her
"Laylah Sir" She says
"Please get me my usual and a water for the slave. And are there any good slaves here tonight" I ask
"Yes sir. Here is the list. I'll be right back with your drinks" She says and walks away
I look through the list and see a young boy that was 17 about to be 18 on the list. Laylah comes back and sits our drinks down and waits for me to speak.
"I want you to go get this boy ready and bring him to me. Now who is your owner?" I ask her
"My owner died sir. Master Leon took me in til someone wants me again" She says sadly
"come be my maid. I'll pay you and you will have freedom. I'll even put you in school" I tell her
Her eyes tear up and she nods smiling.
"Go put on jeans a a shirt and get yourself a drink and come back with the boy" i tell her
"Yes Master" she says
"Laylah" I say
"Yes Master" she says
"Just call me xander. You work for me now." I tell her
She nods and walks away and comes back ten minutes later with the boy I wanted.
"Xander this is Cody." she says
"Look up slave" I tell him
He looks up and i'm struck by his bright blue eyes.
"How well are you trained pet?" I ask
"Trained Master?" He asks tilting his head
"Laylah get him in a training room for the next month. I want him as a rank 1 by a months time." I tell her
She nods and walks away and comes back and Big Mike throws the slave over his shoulder and walks away.
"Now who is this little one?" Laylah asks
"This is Tate. I just bought him. He is trained very well.
"Can I test that?" she asks smirking
"Sure. I have a meeting to attend so your in charge of him til I get back in twenty" I tel her
She nods and looks at Tate.
"Come on slave let's play" She tells him
He whimpers and walks behind her. She leads him into a playroom and I walk into the office. I pulled up the cams in the playroom and smirk when I seen Laylah have him eat her out. He was crying and begging her not to. I didn't really have a meeting I just wanted to see what she would make him do. After twenty minutes I walked in and she was dressed and Tate was crying.
I got cody back from the trainers and let me tell you he was the best slave. Today I would be fucking him for the first time. Tate had gotten to attached to me and i expected this to push him away.
"Laylah" I call
"yes?" She asks
"Do you remember what I talked to you about yesterday?" I ask her
"yes I do" She tells me
"Well I want you to bring him to my room in ten minutes." I tell her
"Xander I know what your doing and though I don't agree with it your going to crush that boy. He is sensitive and depends on you. Christ he calls you daddy" She says
"And your point is?" I ask her
"I think he may be a little. He is slipping and slurring his words. Hell when you let him shop on your tablet the other day i got a glimpse of him looking at dummies, stuffies, and onesies" She tells me
"I don't care. I can have him depending on me like that" I tell her
"Alright fine. But you need to find him a daddy that will take care of him" she says
"no" I tell her and wave my hand dismissing her
I go to my room calling Cody in and I knew he was prepped and had a buttplug in from the way he was waddling. I grabbed the lube and a condom and told him to get on all fours. I stripped and crawled up behind him. I slipped on the condom and pulled out the plug. I lubed up my dick and slid it into him hard and fast. He screamed out and I paused and the pick up pace.
"master" Cody screamed
I hear a gasp from the door and I smirk. I turn to see Tate standing there crying.
"Daddy stop." he screams and runs over
"NO" I say grunting fucking into Cody faster
"Cody stop that's my daddy" Tate screams
I stop and jump up and yank Tate over to me and get in his face.
"Shut up" I shout in his face
"Your my daddy" He screams
i back hand him and he falls to the ground. I yank him up and take him to his little isolation room and toss him in closing and locking the door.