Symbol: 🥩
Amaziña resident. Its home is a cave on the bottom of a cliff in the rainforest. The cave is strewn about with animal bones. There are cave paintings of various rainforest animals.
Typically appears as a mixture of a horse, a wolf, and a raptor. Has thick and strong hind legs that can support its weight on four legs or its two hind legs. Its front legs are strong talons that can be used for grabbing or running. It’s mostly scaled in blacks, browns, and dull greens, but it also has a horse-like mane and hair at the end of its stiff tail. It has huge jaws full of sharp carnivorous teeth and wolf-like ears. Its eyes are yellow with slits.
Raptorse’s role is to keep the body fed, especially with protein. It doesn’t have much depth of emotion, feeling only hunger, anger, and apathy. Raptorse acts like a feral animal in front, often crouched or slouching, and is only still when coiling up for action. It enjoys rough sex as an act of entertainment, and can feel love as protective desire, but doesn’t actively pursue either of these things. Raptorse feels roughly the same about alters inside the system as it does about people outside the system. It doesn’t care about relationships. All it wants is to eat and consume. It wants the system to be well-fed. Raptorse’s goal is to eat living things.
Animals: horse, wolf, velociraptor