Chapter sixteen : The party
(Day 3)
Kristen's POV:
"This is unbelievable. I cannot believe this is happening to me right now. Why god? Why?
How is it my fault that I have been dragged into this mess?! Huh? It's all my parents fault.
First they force me to get married to a guy I don't even like, and let me mention it wasn't just that I didn't like him or love him, he's a damn nightmare!! I'm married to the guy I hate the most in the entire universe… I despise Richard so much!"
I sigh and rub my forehead, feeling sad and angry. I am finally turning into an actual psycho, thanks to my mom. I am talking to myself. Today is the third day of our trip, and I'm trying to keep myself busy by sleeping and reading The Host all day. It's 7 am now and the party Richard's parents are throwing him is about to start. The guests are invited for dinner and I am not really sure what else this evening will entail, since I was hyperventilating when Richard told me about the party. I sigh and remember my rant to God. Where was I… Oh!
"Then I got married, I am dating Damon secretly, which is driving me crazy. This is all so fake. My life is all fake. A fake husband , a fake wedding, and right now I should fake my emotions just like Richard told me yesterday. We are supposed to give them a show." I chuckled sarcastically at my life.
"I can't believe my life depends on acting now. I can't just go there and pretend that I am in love with RICHARD!" I didn't realize I was shouting until I saw my mirror image staring back at me.
My eyes wide from anger, and my lips red.
My palms sweaty and I could feel my heart pounding very fast against my chest.
I sigh and closed my eyes, trying to calm down. I breath in and out and to my surprise it actually works.
I am wearing the dress my so called 'mother-in-law' has given me to wear to this special occasion. Honestly it's very nice.
Okay, nice is an underestimate, it looks very sexy!
And I was very uncomfortable with it. It was strapless and felt very soft to the touch, it felt good on my skin actually, but I was still uncomfortable because it showed too much skin. Also, it hugged my curves, which I didn't even know I had.
It was just the symbol of perfection.
But unfortunately it was short- no, too short. It was about ten centimeters above my knees.
I curl my hair and put some light make up on. I didn't want to go in there and look like a slut, and most importantly I didn't want Richard to get embarrassed because of me.
Since all his childhood friends and relatives are going to be there actually, to cut it short, every single person attending this party are invited because they know Richard.
And for a second just the thought of that made me feel anxious and nauseous, because I felt like an outsider.
But I have Richard by my side right?!
And he is a good friend of mine, I'm glad we are friends again. And I really hope our friendship lasts forever, because I don't know what would do and have done without him.
I smile to myself, he is doing everything for me and I can feel it.
I am so very grateful that I have friends that I can rely on.
And Damon, god I miss him.
We have been texting these last three days, but I can't stop thinking of him. I am madly in love with him and last night Richard had woken me up with a frown on his face.
When I asked him what was wrong he said I had been screaming Damon's name in my sleep. And he thought maybe I had had a nightmare.
Yep! This proved how much I missed him.
I miss his face, his smile, his warm embrace, his kiss-
"Mrs. Anderson, Everyone's downstairs waiting for you."
Scott's voice snaps me back to reality and I take one last look at myself in the mirror.
"I will come in a minute Scott" I replied confidently, which made me surprised.
I suddenly get a good feeling about tonight. All I have to do is stick to our plan: me and Richard's plan.
"I can tell my parents that you're not comfortable with the party if you want me to Kristen" Richard said. Concern was obvious in his voice.
He was staring at me so intensely that I felt like I was about to melt, I loved the way he looked at me, and I had no idea why.
It just calmed me.
"It's okay Richard , we can do this.. I can do this"
Richard sighed and raised an eyebrow, he was clearly not convinced.
"I mean it, just leave it be, besides we better appreciate everything they do for us, because they don't know about our secret. And they think this is the best for us."
Richard sighed again and nodded his head in agreement. He was so unlike himself, I knew just by the way he acted that there was so many thoughts running through his mind. Too many.
He bit his bottom lip and stared up at me, then he smiled.
"Are you sure?" When I didn't respond Richard held my hand in his and came closer so that his eyes were staring directly at mine.
I tensed up, and he felt it, so he let go of my hands and sighed for the third time today.
"I can tell them that they're ruining our honeymoon, or I might tell them that- "
"Richard, I am sure" I interrupted whatever he wanted to say, and smiled at his surprised expression. He cleared his throat and smiled back at me. Which sliced my heart into pieces, no wonder why girls were attracted to him and were drooling over him all the time.
Then I remembered, being the good actors we were we had to kiss, which made my smile go away and instead a frown took it's place.
"You can hold my hands and kiss me"
I will never ever forget how Richard reacted when I said that.
I sigh and shake my head. This was not the right time to daydream, I made up my mind about us kissing and I don't regret it.
We have to do it.
I slip my high heels on and grab my purse in my right hand before leaving the room.
Just as I close the door, I hear the soft music playing and people talking. I was suddenly get nervous again but I calm myself down soon enough.
I take my time to get down on the stairs, because I don't want to trip and embarrass myself or Richard.
With my slow steps, I manage to get down the stairs without falling. I had been looking at my feet the entire time but when I know I have a few more steps to take, I look up and see the people my mother-in-law has invited.
Their face and clothes scream "I am rich". I mentally roll my eyes, of course they are rich.
My eyes scan the large room for Richard, but I can't find him. Suddenly I feel uneasy, very uneasy.
And self-conscious, not because I can't find Richard. Well okay fine, I badly want to find Richard.
It was actually because every single person in the room was staring at me.
Richard's POV:
I pout for the hundredth time tonight, I feel very bored, about to explode from anger.
My parents have introduced everyone they've invited to me. As if I don't already know them, I was dying from boredom.
Where was Kristen when I needed her?!
I sigh from frustration and run a hand through my hair.
What a great night!
Note the sarcasm.
"Scott! … SCOTT" I yelled for Scoot to hear, he soon ran towards me and asked me what I wanted.
"Go to Kristen's fucking room and get her out, I am losing my patience here. Tell her Richard is very bored-"
I exclaim angrily. Scott smiles to himself, but soon recomposes himself.
"-it's 7 am for fuck's sake, what is she doing? Putting make up on is not rocket science!"
"I will go sir" Scoot retreats away from me and to Kristen's room .
Ugh!! What is she doing? I am dying here. This is supposed to be a vacation for us, not a damn party for a bunch of idiots.
Hellooooo people! I need some time with my wife, can't they understand the true meaning of honeymoon? It's for a couple, I repeat for a couple, and not the entire population of Paris.
"You're so funny when you're angry Richard" That voice, where have I heard that voice? I turn to the owner of it and smile when I saw Rèmi grinning like the idiot he is.
I grin back immediately and relax a little, thank god at least one of my close friends is here.
"What's up man?" He says happily, we shake hands and smile at each other.
"Rèmi ! What are you doing here?" I ask excitedly. He chuckles and shakes his head.
"You are a weirdo as always. Your are parents invited me bro"
"Oh, well. I'm glad you are here"
"Yeah.. yeah .." Rèmi mumbles "So where is your other half?"
My what?! My eyebrows pull together in confusion and Rèmi just smiles at my expression.
"My what?!" I ask him with a frown present on my forehead. Rèmi rolls his eyes and mutters something I can't quite hear.
"Your other half? Your wife? The love of your life? Your heart? Your –"
"Okay okay I get it"
Rèmi chuckles and grins from ear to ear. Still the same goofball
"She is probably upstairs" I mumble, not used to talking about Kristen with others, especially when they think we have a perfect marriage and we are happily living ever after.
"Oh, so that's why you were shouting at that poor man. That's what love does to you man. You can't get away from her for just a minute ?" He says amusedly, I just shrug , I was very uncomfortable talking about Kristen.
"So who was that girl you were talking to at the restaurant? " I change the subject. Rèmi's expression immediately changes from sadness to beaming.
Guess I am not the only lover in this house.
"She is just a friend" Rèmi says. The way he said friend made me sure that he is madly in love with that girl, and the way he said that word , it held so much meaning, it was as if he thought that word was a sin , and I didn't blame him, considering the situation I am already: I think of that word the same as him.
"Too afraid to ask her out?" I blurt out. His eyes widen at what I just said, he soon smiles. I guess he realized I have figured him out.
"I am afraid of losing her, even as a friend" He says sadly. Me tooRèmi, me too.
I am afraid of losing her!
I don't wanna lose our friendship, or whatever it is it's called that we have now.
"Anyways, want some drinks?" I suggest playfully. His facial expression changes back to normal and we were laughing our asses out whe Rèmi held a glass with some ice cube, and I brought a bottle of vodka. I was pouring vodka, when I suddenly heard a gasp.
I look up and frown and notice people staring at the stairs, I blink twice, before finally recognizing the person coming down the stairs.
It was Kristen!
And she was fucking pretty tonight.
I can't think of words to describe her beauty, she looks like a princess. She is wearing an elegant black dress and she looks up from her feet and frowns, her eyes scanning the crowd.
"Earth to Richard! You poured the vodka on me, be careful man!" Rèmi exclaims.
I stare at the glass he's holding in his hand and sure enough, it was full to brim with the excess vodka on Rèmi's suit.
"You are really wasted Richard" I ignore him and apologize for what I have done. He just chuckles and excuses himself. Guess he's going to clean his suit, which I have ruined.
I stare at Rèmi 's retreating figure just to distract myself, I'm not ready to stare at her again.
But I know I have to, one way or another, this is our party.
And god I am screwed.
I want to vanish, I want to run away in this instant. Call me weak but this is too much to take, I might think I am strong but in the end I am just a human being, and I am in love!
I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. This is not the right time to chicken out. I should man up and walk towards her, And that's what I'm going to do. I walk to where she is standing. She is talking to my mom, I try my best not to check her out.
I don't want her to feel uncomfortable, and I am successful. She smiles widely when she sees me walking towards them, and at that moment, I think… for a few seconds she checks me out too.
But who am I kidding, it must be my own imagination, because that's my heart wants.
I want her to want me.
But it's not that easy, it has never been easy.
I think it's better to be heartbroken than to see Kristen's heart break.
It's better this way, I can't endure seeing her in pain.
"Hi" I say, my voice doesn't sound like my voice, so I clear my throat and try again.
"Hi" My mom chuckles and kisses my cheek.
"I will leave you two lovebirds, have fun!" Mom says and walks away.
I just smile at her, then my eyes betray me and I find myself staring at Kristen, she was smiling at me.
"Hi " She says.
"You look breathtaking!" I blurt out, but I didn't regret saying that, my heart felt like it was about to rip, she said thank you and smiled at me.
She was smiling a lot today, which I think means she is having fun.
"You don't look bad yourself" She answers after a few seconds, with her hand finger pointing towards me and my tuxedo. She blushes when she realizes what she has just said.
I just chuckle and smile at her.
Scott soon invites all of us to the dining room, with me sitting between Rèmi and Kristen.
We are the only ones who here who are under thirty years old and are laughing and cracking joke.,Rèmi are a very fun person to be around. He makes funny jokes all the time and Kristen was laughing so hard. This was the best night of my entire life.
"Alright ladies and gentlemen" My father stands up from where he was sitting and was tapping the side of his wine glass with a fork to get everyone's attention.
The guests soon quieted down and listened to my father.
"Today.. we are here to celebrate this young couple's marriage.. Kristen and Richard..I am very happy that my son has finally gotten married to the best girl on the entire planet."
"And I am glad that...well just by the look on their faces you can see how much they love each other…I wish them a happy life, and I wish someday I can see little Richards calling me grandpa …"
Oh my god, please don't tell me this means they want us to have a baby, Kristen stiffens beside me, this is unforgivable. But remind myself that they don't know what happens between us. I stare at Kristen and I gulp, she is looking down at the table, her hands are on her lap. I reach for her hand and squeeze it, she stares at our interlinked hands with wide eyes .
But she soon relaxes, and smiles sadly at me. I take a deep breath and smile at her. I don't know what else my dad says, because I didn't listen and never let go of Kristen's hand. Even though I promise myself her not to touch her again.
This is the second time I break my promise.
"…Cheers!" I hear my dad say, the guests all raise their glass of wines, including us and Rèmi .
We were soon in the living room, where soft music was playing and some of the guests were dancing while others were laughing and talking.
They were clearly enjoying themselves. I could tell.
Kristen was talking to some old men, they were managers of the biggest companies in France.
She seems to really like what they were talking about. I smile to myself, She has always been smart.
"She is cute"Rèmi comments beside me.
"Yeah " I mumble, wait- "Why the hell are you spying on me Rèmi Albert!"
"I am not spying on you Richard Anderson!" He mimics me .
I roll my eyes and shake my head, he is a weirdo yet he doesn't admit it, and he tells me I am the weirdo one.
"Yes, Rèmi"
"Do you mind if I have a dance with your wife?"
I stare at Rèmi, He seems to be thinking deeply, and he is dead serious. I am not sure what he is thinking of, I know Rèmi is not like other guys, but by other guys I mean Kyle!
But ever since the event I trust no one with her, except for Damon of course.
I sigh and shrug " Why not? "
Rèmi grins and walks toward Kristen.
"Hey Rèmi ?" I call after him before he is too far away.
"I got my eyes on you!"
He laughs and walks away.
That asshole!
Kristen seems to be surprised that Rèmi asks to dance, she hesitates and I feel her swallow, I don't blame her.
She then lays her eyes on me and frowns, as if asking me for permission. I smile and nod at her. Guess she trusts me. She smiles back and grasp Rèmi 's hand.
A slow song is on and Rèmi and Kristen are dancing to the music.
I watch every step they take.
Kristen is magnificent , I love every single thing about her.
Rèmi and Kristen talk and laugh as they dance, I smile when I see them laugh.
They dance for about five minutes when I suddenly feel like dancing and decide to get my wife back from my friend.
"May I have this dance with my wife please?"I ask Rèmi, he smiles and nods then holds Kristen's hand for me. I take it and put it on my shoulder.
Kristen looks self-conscious but I know it's because people are staring at us. I ignore their glares and concentrate on the beauty in front of me.
Her hands are around my neck and we dance to the music. I stare at her gorgeous brown eyes, and she stares right back at me.
It's like her eyes are fire, and I am a candle. She lights every part of me on fire.
I don't know what happened, and how it happened.
But I was smiling when I felt Kristen's head rest on my shoulder.
She soon pulls away and stares back at me.
"Kiss me" She whispers.
I am shocked when she says that, taken aback. I promised myself not to kiss her. And I am not gonna break that promise.
"K-Kristen, we can't" Oh god I am stuttering.
"Richard, you do realize that people are staring, and you said you would kiss me"
I bite my lips and stare at her, she was frowning, and I am the reason why she is frowning.
I shake that feeling of guilt away and try to think clearly.
What should I do?
Kiss her?
Or not ?
If I kiss her, I don't know if I am ever gonna be able to stop.
And If I don't, people are watching, so I need to give proof that we are happily married.
"Kiss me" Kristen whispers again, her words send a shiver down my spine.
I make up my mind and pull her closer to me. Our noses were touching, and there were millions of emotions in Kristen's eyes.
But I didn't understand any of them.
I touch her lips gently with my right hand, she stiffens. And her breathing pace increases.
I lick my lips and gently press my lips on hers, My knees get weak as we kiss and I feel …well what's the word?
My body was on fire, My palms were sweating , was it hot here?
OH MY GOD! I feel fucking amazing.
There were waves of electricity travelling through my body from my lips which were pressed on her lips to my toes, I am afraid I won't be able to stop.
And I don't, I kiss her and kiss her.
And surprisingly Kristen kisses me back.
This kiss was very different from my other kisses.
It was very gentle.
I show all my love in that kiss, if she notices then I am done.
I put all my feelings and my emotions in that kiss.
Love and anger.
Kristen's POV:
Love and anger, that's what I feel in the kiss.
But I ignore it.
It's just a kiss right?!
No harm done.
Yes it's weird, I feel confused yet happy. Ughh I feel something else when Richard kisses me.
I just don't know what is it.
I know this was wrong, I had a boyfriend and I was cheating on him.
But it felt so right, I didn't regret and I didn't feel guilty.
I kiss Richard back.
It feels like no one is watching us, it was just the two of us, kissing.
I feel thousands of butterflies in my stomach.
"What a romantic kiss!" That voice was so familiar, I wasn't the one who broke the kiss though.
Richard pulls away gasping for air.
Or I thought he was gasping for air, but boy I was wrong.
I turn around to look at the owner of the voice.