3rd person Pov.
Deborah walked down the corridors to the students' cafeteria where he was usually found. She looked all through the cafeteria for that mysterious undercut haired boy with sharp green eyes. Unfortunately she couldn't find him anywhere. Disappointed, she turned around only to get her face hit against a strong wall. She closed her eyes and scrunched up her face from the pain for a moment. Recovering from the shock, she rubbed her forehead and nose to soothe the minor pain she felt and looked at the wall. She realized that it was none other than Vlad that she had bumped into. He threw a big scowl at her and walked past her. Unable to comprehend for a moment due to his nice cologne smell, her eyes went wide in realization that he was the boy she had been looking for.
She turned back to see him walking out to the parking lot, most probably to his car. She ran after him yelling to catch his attention "WAIT! VLAD!" "What do you want?" He asked in an annoyed tone, turning his back on her. Feeling extremely weird Deborah said to him "Um... Mrs Hansen asked me to tutor you?" She asked in a more questionable way. Gritting his teeth he turned back and barked at her, "Why can't you b!tches leave me ALONE?!! I don't really care if I fail or pass! What is it to you?!"
Deborah slightly flinched back in shock at his outburst. "Um..this may sound a bit weird asking you this crazy line from twilight, but don't you have green eyes? How come are they black now? Do you use contacts?" She asked with curiosity in her voice and her eyes wide. He glared her for a second and opened the door of his luxurious Lamborghini Veneno, got in and drove away.
Deborah was just too happy that no one was there, else, she would have been embarrassed to eternity. With a mix of confused emotions that she didn't know of what, she watched him drive away while the clouds teared up and drenched her with their tears.