Thanks to everyone who has been reading our story so far. Here is the beginning of the journey of Nova and Michael. We’ll be posting more issues later. I hope you all enjoy the story that MoorGirl11 and I have spent a lot of time and dedication on. Without further ado, here is Beneath Our Feet
It was homeroom class. Everyone sat at their normal seats. “Class we have a new student.” Mr. Brown, the homeroom teacher, said. The door opened, and a girl walked through.
It was already partway through the year! Why is there a new student? She walked in, and surveyed the room. She had tan skin, and black hair with red streaks in it. The streaks weren’t from hair dye though. It looked like some kind of red mud! Her eyes were unnaturally bright green. Her clothes were so strange. The top was black. The neck was V shaped, and the sleeves didn’t even go over her shoulders! (I would call them straps, but they aren’t that thin.) You couldn't even tell if it was a shirt, because a red band that looked part of it connected it to her pants. They were plain black, and reached just below her knees. They were loose, till it constricted around her leg at the end. Her shoes looked like some kind of fabric. They had no designs. No logo. Just plain black that went just above her ankle. She had a black backpack, but also some weird long bag that was super thin. She carried it on a strap on her right shoulder.
“Everyone this is- I’m sorry I don’t know how to pronounce this.” Mr Brown said. “Novala Vantiv Lo Shovan.” (No vala van tiv lo show van) She said. Weird name to! She went and sat at the nearest seat. She took off her backpack, but propped the long thing against her desk.
It was about two feet long. Some kind of pole? A boy sat in the back of the classroom with a thought forming in his mind. He was attractive but he spent his time reading and writing. His name was Michael.
The other boys thought he was strange; the girls didn’t like him too much either. He had pale blue eyes, messy black hair, and he would have been the most popular boy in school if he didn’t read and like school. He wore t-shirts and jeans and carried a green messenger bag which always held a book, pencil and paper at all times.
He looked not at the new girl wondering why she had mud in her hair. There was something strange about her, but on the bright side the bullies might have a new target now. He kept thinking about how strange the new girl was for the rest of class. It wasn’t his top focus but it rested in the back of his mind ready to be thought of once more.
Class ended, and the day seemed to zoom by. At lunch, Novala sat at an empty table. The one where Michael usually sat. Michael walked into the cafeteria and noticed his table was taken by the new girl so he found an empty table in the far corner where he turned his back on the crowd and pulled out a book.
While he ate, he read his book not paying anyone else any attention. That is until he saw one of the bullies, Jacob, walking over to his (Now Novala’s) table.
Michael marked his page and watched this much more entertaining turn of events. He watched inconspicuously as Jacob approached Novala.
She glanced up at him, and just went back to eating. Nobody does that! “Hey!” Jacob said. She looked up at him. “Afternoon.” She said calmly. “Why don’t you tell me what’s in there?” He asked, pointing at the weird long thing in the black bag. She sighed and set down her fork. “Because it’s none of your business.” She said. Well she’s dead.
Jacob grabbed it, and held it out of her reach. She stood up. “Give that back.” She demanded. “What If I open it instead?” He asked. “You won't.” Novala responded. What? You don’t just say that to Jacob! “Wanna bet?” He asked, grabbing the zipper.
Novala dropped down, and kicked his feet out from under him. Jacob fell to the ground, and the whole room went silent. Novala grabbed the thing back before Jacob could stand. She abandoned her lunch, and left the cafeteria.
Michael packed up his lunch and followed Novala out of the cafeteria. He saw a flash of her hair and walked briskly after her. He found her standing alone in the gym. She set the thing on the tile in front of her. Michael couldn't see what it was, but he caught a glint of silver.
She ran her hand carefully along whatever it was. She reached in, and wrapped her hand around whatever it was. She stood up, holding a sword! The hilt was black with a red pommel made from some kind of gem.
She got into a fighting stance, closed her eyes, and began battling with some imaginary enemy. She did some crazy moves that definitely seemed like something out of a fantasy book. After a few minutes, she stopped and put it back in the bag, zipping it up. She sat on her knees with her hidden sword in front of her.
Michael took a step forward and tripped falling back into the lockers. He got up so quickly it almost seemed impossible. He didn’t have time to run. Novala was on him in seconds. “Were you there The whole time?” She asked.
Even though she was shorter than him, she looked terrifying, her bright green eyes blazing. “What do you mean by the whole time, because was the sword the whole time?” Michael said coolly. She took a step back. She was obviously worried.
“Y-you saw?” She asked, panic in her voice. “Well if I didn’t see it why would I have said the word sword?” Michael said with the same coolness in his voice. “You can’t tell.” Novala said, her voice filled with panic. Now he had gotten to her. “What will you do for me if I don’t tell anyone?” Michael said seizing the opportunity.
Novala glanced at her sword. “What do you want?” She asked in a small voice. Michael was silent for a moment. “Teach me how to use the sword like you did.” Michael said. “I can’t. Not here. I could show you after school.” She said. She was obviously still nervous. Michael looked at her. “If you give me lessons then I won’t tell anyone.” He said.
“Where do you want to meet?” Novala asked, defeated. “There is an unused classroom in the basement.” Michael said. Novala glanced at her sword. “If you don’t tell…” She said. “I promise I won't.” Michael said sincerely. Novala muttered something under her breath, and moved to leave.
Michael stepped in front of her. “Do you promise to teach me?” Michael questioned, looking into Novala’s eyes. She growled. “Yes now get out of my way.” “Why are you in such a hurry.” Michael asked. “I have things to do.” She muttered.
“Like what? What do you have to do in the middle of lunch?” Michael asked suspiciously. “I don’t have to tell you.” Novala said. Her voice rising. “I’ll tell Jacob…” Michael said. “I have a better idea. You get out of my way, and stay out of my business.” She said. “Well based on the fact that I am here, it’s my business too.” Michael said defiantly.
Novala glared up at him. “Get out of my way. I don’t have time for this.” Novala said. “If you just tell me then you could get there faster.” Michael told her, curiosity growing. “Get out of my way.” Novala said through gritted teeth. Her fists balled up.
“Then tell me where you are going?” Michael said. Novala’s right hand came up, and she punched him in the gut. Michael gasped but stayed standing.
He got immune to this kind of after being punched repeatedly on a daily basis. He stood his ground and straightened up again. Novala sighed. “Don’t make me.” She said. “Tell me where you are going.” Michael said, getting slightly more irritated. “It would have no meaning to you. Now move before-“ She was cut off by someone calling her name down the hall.
“Who is that? Tell me where you are going and I will move.” Michael said not letting Novala get past him. “I’m on my way!” She called over Michael’s shoulder. “You're late.” The voice called again. It was closer this time, and sounded like a woman. “Tell me who that is and where you are going and I will move.” Michael repeated. Someone rounded the corner.
“Novala what-“ She stopped. She had long black hair, and wore similar clothes to Novala, only the strip was blue. Her skin blue as well, and her eyes were too.
“Who are you?” Michael asked a shocked expression on his face as he took in the woman’s appearance. “Novala what is going on?” She asked. She had a similar bag to Novala’s and likely had a sword in it. “I’m sorry. He won’t let me pass.” Novala said. “I said I would let her if she told me where she was going.” Michael said irritably.
The woman looked from him to Novala. “You know you can just-“ The woman began. “He only saw the sword. I don’t want more of them aware of us.” Novala said “What do you mean us!” Michael said, getting confused. “Novala!” The woman exclaimed. Novala looked down. “Sorry. I slipped.” Nova said.
“I know we can’t bring in another one after what happened with-“ The woman shushed her. “Will one of you just tell me what the heck is going on!” Michael exclaimed. The woman sighed. “I’ll get Lunal.” She said. “Who is Lunal? You know if she just told me where she was going, wouldn’t be here right now?” Michael said, irritation growing.
The bell rang. Michael wasn’t going back to class until he figured out what was going on. “I think we're going to have to.” Novala said. “It’s too late.” The woman sighed. “You’re right.” The woman said. She closed her eyes, and spread her hands. “What are you doing?” Michael asked, getting worried.
Suddenly, they weren't at the school. They stood inside some kind of cavern. “What happened? Where are we? Why aren’t we at school? How did we get here?” Michael asked, getting very concerned. The woman opened her eyes, and let her hands fall.
“Why are we here? Shouldn’t we just bring him straight to the Shrine?” Novala asked. “We might as well make use of our time.” The woman said. Novala nodded. Michael was freaking out in his mind. He couldn’t believe what was happening. Is it a dream? Please be a dream. No matter how much he wished it to be he was still in the cave.
“What is happening? I am not stupid so will you just tell me what is going on?” Michael said, calmly glancing at them both. “I’m super sorry. You saw, and Lunal wouldn't have gotten here in time anyway. You said you wanted to learn how to swordfight.” Novala said, pulling her sword out.
“I thought we would be in a normal place! I didn’t know asking to know how to sword fight would lead to vanishing from school into some weird cave!” Michael shouted. “You saw Cammine.” Novala said. “What are you talking about?” Michael said, trying to regain his calm. “I’m Cammine.” The woman said. “As you can see, I obviously don’t look human. You’ve seen Novala’s sword.”
“Um ok so where are we.” Michael said. “The cave is where I practice.” Novala said. “Cammine teaches me here away from distraction. If you want to learn, now’s your chance.” Novala said. “I want to learn.” Michael said. Novala looked at Cammine. “Oh right.” She said.
She disappeared, and reappeared a few moments later with a basic sword. She handed it to Michael, and Novala pulled out her own. She made a simple stance. “Copy this. Stance wide, body low.” She said. Michael copied the stance holding his sword just like Novala did. Several hours later, Michel had learned the basics. Nothing near what he had seen Novala do, and it was a lot more complicated than he thought. Novala and Cammine packed their swords away.
“We should get back.” Novala said looking at Cammine. “That was awesome Novala!” Michael said happily. “Thanks.” She said, standing up. Michael stood up too. “Are we going to go back to school?” Michael asked. “Well… as long as you don’t tell anyone anything about this.” Novala said glancing at Cammine. “Why? It is so cool!” Michael said. “Uh… Bad things happen when humans find out about us.” Cammine said. “Ok well I’m a human and nothing bad happened.” Michael said flatly. “You haven’t told anyone yet. Once you do, the information will spread to everyone else. That’s when bad things happen to us.” Novala said. “Ok I won’t tell anyone I promise.” Michael said looking at both of them.
“At school do we ignore each other or something? In movies usually when two people don’t want something to be found out one bullies the other or they ignore each other.” Michael said. Nova gave him a confused look, but it quickly passed. “Yeah, that won’t make a difference. It might look like we’re trying too hard, but don’t make it obvious.” Novala said. “Ok but here is the thing.. If you get in with the popular kids I am their target so you have to do what they want which is most likely messing with me all day.” Michael said. “Yeah I doubt I’ll end up with them.” Novala said. “Well just preparing you now. How are we going to keep up with classes if we’re here for half of the school day?” Michael asked. “We can move it to an hour or so after. I’ll probably be longer.” Novala said. “Ok well are we going to appear back at school now?” Michael asked. “Right.” Cammine said. She closed her eyes, and spread her arms. Suddenly they were in front of the school.
Nobody was around. Novala and Cammine disappeared. The door opened, and kids rushed out eager to get home. Michael began to walk home. Then he heard yelling. He ran and ran until the voices disappeared. Thankfully, he had a head start this time.