Summary: Set in S2E4 "Patriot Games," when those guys poisoned Charlie's drink. This may be a little different and more in depth, though, since it is in Bass' POV. What events will take place? Read to find out what happens.
It's a dark night as I walk amongst trees and bushes, making my way silently towards the road, as I go in search of Charlie Matheson, Miles' one and only niece. She was with me, but snuck off while I was asleep. I silently vowed to myself that I would protect her, so I must find her. IF anything happens to her, Miles and Rachel will kill me.
An hour later, I spot a bar up ahead. Thinking I can find some information as to where she went next, I head towards the bar.
Once inside, I see that a few guys have been playing rough with her. They watch her with smug faces as she hits the floor. This makes me think that she had something to drink and they put something in it when she wasn't looking.
I pull out my two swords and kill two of them easily, before pinning the last guy down on the bar with my swords.
"What did you do to her?" I demand angrily.
"Poisoned her drink," he says with a fearful face. He's either afraid of me because of who I am, or afraid of what I'm going to do to him. I don't care. All I care about right now is saving Charlie's life. I then kill the guy and put my swords away, before rushing to her aid and kneeling beside her.
"Charlie?" I call to her, one hand gently on the side of her face.
When I don't get an answer, I take my hand away and gently pull her into my arms. I then carry her out of the bar and towards some trees and bushes where we can make camp without being spotted. We need to make camp where we won't be spotted so I can save her life. Depending on how much poison is in her system, it can kill her. I'm not going to let her die. She has a whole life ahead of her, unlike the rest of us. Plus, I'd rather die than let her die. No matter what, she's worth it. Decides, she's all Miles has left of blood related family if anything happens to Rachel.
Once I arrive, I gently lay her down on the ground on her back, before leaving with my flask in hand to find a stream to get some water. That poison needs flushed out of her system as soon as possible.
When I return, I gently pull her into my arms and unscrew my flask with my free hand. I then put it to her lips, making it go down her throat, hoping she'll recover. She's a fighter like Miles and Rachel, but sometimes, even the strongest fall.
Once the flask is empty, I set it down on the ground, before gently laying her back down on the ground.
I look down at her and rest a gentle hand on the side of her face.
"Stay with me, Charlie. Keep fighting," I encourage her, not knowing if she can hear me.
I get to my feet and set to work with making a fire for us.
Afterward, I sit down on the ground not far from her, my back up against a tree, as I keep alert of any danger. I'm exhausted, but I must keep her safe for Miles, Rachel, and myself. They are her family and I care about her, even though I never have shown it.
The next day that afternoon, she finally comes to after I've gotten a nap in.
I watch her from where I'm seated on a campfire log, as she sits up and looks at me, seeing me.
"Feeling better?" I ask her.
"Since when do you care?" she counters.
"You're Miles' family. I need to keep you alive for him, which I just did last night, and I will continue to do. I'm going to get you as safely as humanly possible, back home to Miles. To do that, you need to follow my lead, kid."
"I'm not a kid."
"Just don't do anything stupid and stay close by."
"Fine," she says, not agreeing, but not disagreeing.
I didn't tell her that I care about her, since I know that she would never believe me after everything she has been through, which she blames me for. Rachel does too, but Charlie and Rachel are different. Charlie would not shoot me on the spot like her mother, Rachel, would do as soon as she saw me. And unlike Rachel, Charlie would work with me to get what she knows she needs. But they are also the same. I see a lot of Miles and Rachel in Charlie, because of how tough and strong-willed she is. But the only thing I see Charlie as right now, is my family. She's Miles' family, which means she's my family too. Considering, a long time ago, before the blackout happened, I chose to make Miles my family. Thus, Charlie and Rachel are my family.
After a while, she learns to finally trust me and we head for where Miles is staying at. I have no clue where he is staying at, so I let Charlie be in the lead unless something happens on our way there. The only thing I know is that Miles and Rachel are somewhere in Willoughby, Texas.