2019 is the last year in the 'tens' decade and to sum up everything that I've been through in this decade, it's been such a roller-coaster of a ride. I started high school in 2009 and left in 2014 aged fifteen. I turned sixteen, seventeen and then, the massive eighteen. I was diagnosed with Anxiety and Depression. I fell in and out of love on a number of guys across a few years. I lost friends and I gained some. Started writing and blogging online and my Goodreads took off. I joined Wattpad aged fourteen and won competitions and awards. I started Uni last year for the first time. My family adopted two cats from an animal shelter and will turn ten later this year. I learnt about social media, discovered Spotify and started collecting records.
This year of 2019, we are into the third month (March) as I'm typing this. I'm currently on an extended break from my studies. I have managed to write and complete projects on my Penana page. I started therapy sessions again for the first time in two years. I'm being tested for Autism soon. My family are having a rough time, as am I with my mental health struggles.
This year, I really want to read more, write more and travel more. I'm already budgeting my money, as most I want to save for the future. I'm turning twenty-one in July and will hopefully have a nice time for my birthday. I want to look into doing something big with my book reviewing, maybe start my own business. I want to try and be my own boss. Own is a word I use so much, because I own means alone. I want to help my loved ones and keep them happy during the bad days. I want to try and work harder, use my laptop most of the time not for being lazy, but for actually getting ideas down on paper.
If the weather gets better, I want to try and make use of the outdoors a bit more. The heatwave from last year did make me sit outside in the sun, boosting my Vitamin D a lot more than the previous year. My Trich is heavily active, I hope to find a way to try and stop myself causing more damage to my hair and skin. I want to feel like a proper human being again, not forced into a persona that I'm not.
Furthermore, I just want to be accepted.