Some girl posting a memoir online for strangers to read. Yes, it's a dodgy step but just keeping a life story that's raw to yourself was not an option for me. I'm certainly not going to publish this book on Amazon for real. Penana is a good place to vent quietly and move on with my day, either reading or watching YouTube. In truth, I don't know anyone who has written and published a memoir about autism or mental health as an adult.
That's why I wanted to share my story, fill in that gap that I thought existed. I wanted to reach out somewhere that I felt safe, and using all of the emotional grief and trauma, bring The Depression Diaries together. I wanted to let everyone know that my life isn't perfect, that mental health can be a dangerous and scary battle to try and overcome, to open up about why I use writing as the fuel to a fire. I never ever want to be silenced for my stories or poetry ever again. Writing means a great deal to me and I'm happy that websites like Penana do exist. It gives users the chance to write and create almost anything that they want to.
I do like writing about myself, but not physically opening up and talking lots about my growing up face to face with someone. I liked to spend lots of time alone and now being older, I still prefer to do my own things. Writing The Depression Diaries has slowly helped me to fill a void of not being un-honest with myself, about how I feel with life generally. There's no way I could write and submit these chapters for any class submissions. Here though, it's a different story.
I'm pleased that there is a Memoir category. Otherwise, I wouldn't know where to shelve my book under. The nightmares I have sometimes at night about the stigmas, the bullying, all of that drama has come to this book. I want to write and share, not fall asleep and worry about a ton of issues that have remained stuck onto my back. This is why my book was born.