Kat watched Mark step out, then Billy. Billy's face was pale. She rushed to Billy's side. She led them to an open area on the living room sofa. She handed Billy back his bottle of beer. They took a seat at the end of the couch.
Kat studied Billy's face, as they sank back into the cushions. He was pale, with a light sheen of sweat across his forehead.
"Are you okay?" Kat asked.
Billy's eyes darted over to her in surprise.
"Yeah," he said quickly. "Are you?"
"I'm fine," Kat said. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure. What is it?"
"Are you sure that you're up for this?" Kat asked.
Billy tensed.
"Up for what?" he asked slowly.
Kat could tell that he knew exactly what she meant.
"Us," Kat said pointedly. "Are you up for us being together? Do you want to keep dating me?"
"W-what? Why are even asking that?" Billy questioned. His eyes were crinkled at the edges, his lips pulled tightly together.
"It's just that I couldn't blame you if you didn't want to stick around," Kat explained. "I know that the guys can be rough. They like to fight. You could get caught up in the middle of it. She was genuinely concerned for his safety, but also she was a tinge bit embarrassed what these boys were putting Billy through.
She ran her fingers over her necklace, praying he would accept the circumstances that came with dating her. But that was a big request to ask of him, or anyone.
Something softened in Billy's expression. He reached over and laid his hand on Kat's leg.
"I don't care about any of that," he said gently. "All I care about is being with you. I like you."
Kat blinked.
Billy sounded so sincere. Was it really possible that he would accept these circumstances? Did he like her that much?
"I want you to take some time to think about that," Kat said. "You don't have to answer me right now. You can call me tomorrow and let me know what you decide. I'll understand if you want to break up with me. I promise."
"Okay," Billy said. "I'll call you tomorrow and let you know, but I can already tell you what my answer will be. I'm not going to break up with you."
Kat grit her teeth together and nodded. She wished she could believe what Billy was saying, but the way that Billy's eyes roved anxiously around the room caused an unsettled feeling to rise in her gut.
Billy was staring over at the opposite side of the room. Kat looked over to see what had caught his attention. It was Steve and Colleen. They'd made their way out from the kitchen. Colleen was leaning with her back against the wall. Steve was standing facing her with a beer in one hand. The two of them appeared to be in deep conversation.
"You know," Billy said. "Almost everybody here is making out. Then there Steve is talking to a pretty girl, and he's one of the only guys not making out."
"Yeah," Kat said. "And you won't see him doing that either. He never makes out at parties."
"How come?" Billy asked in puzzlement.
"The leader of the group never makes out," Kat explained. "It makes you vulnerable. Steve isn't just talking to Colleen. Look at the way he keeps changing position to check out the room or look into the kitchen. He's keeping an eye out for his gang. I mean, it's safe here. We all know each other, but those are the rules, and you can't break the rules in front of the other guys.
"Rules?" Billy asked.
Kat nodded.
"Garden City Rules," Kat clarified. "It's just how they do things around here."
Billy shook his head.
"All of that sounds so organized and planned. It sounds like a tough way to live, always looking out for each other."
"Maybe," Kat said. "Steve doesn't mind it though. He actually likes it. It's like a live action football game, and he's in control of it."
"So who decides who gets to be the leader?" Billy asked.
"I don't know. I guess, it just falls into place. Like Steve, he's perfect for the job. He's a natural-born leader. He's smart, strong, controlling, and the oldest. What about you? You seem to be the leader of your group. How did you get to be the leader of your group?"
"Same way, I guess. I fell into it. The guys just follow me. I didn't mean to become the leader. It just worked out that way."
"So, do you want to be a leader here?"
Billy raised one eyebrow at her and smiled.
"No, too many rules," he said. "Besides, I'd rather be making out than watching."
And with that, he leaned in for a kiss, one that Kat gladly accepted.
Within seconds Steve tapped Billy on the shoulder with his icy beer bottle.
"Hey, you two, knock it off. Sean and I are going home. Are you guys coming or are you staying?"Steve said. He sounded annoyed seeing his little sister making out with a boy. As if it was going to lead somewhere. That was highly unlikely with him and Sean always around.
"We're going to stay for a while." She looked at Billy for his approval. Hoping he wanted to stay too. She wanted to spend more time with him. Billy gave a nod.
"Alright. Where's Scott?" Steve was fine with it. He felt better leaving her there than leaving her at any other party. The gang was all there and they would make sure she would get home safely.
"Over there." Kat pointed to the wall where Scott and Kelly were talking. Scott holding Kelly's waist.
Steve caught Scott's eye. He pointed to the four of them and said, "You four go home together. If Dave and Miles are still here walk home with them or anyone else okay? You don't know who's out tonight." He looked at Kat making it clear to her that he didn't forget. "And you and I will have a talk later."